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Darko Trifunović

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Darko Trifunović (Serbian: Дарко Трифуновић) is a lawyer and professor at the Faculty of Security Studies of the University of Belgrade.He formerly worked as Legal Expert for War Crimes of Republic of Srska Government and in 2005 he become Adviser to the Minister of Interior of the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dr. Trifunovic is Chief Editor of the prestigious international bulletin, “Security in Serbia” and later on as a diplomat for the Foreign Ministry of Bosnia and Herzegovinaref [1].In 2002.dr Darko Trifunovic was illegally fired from his diplomatic job, since he discovered Al Qaeda connection between high ranking Bosnian politicians and Mission of Bosnia to the UN ref [2]. By Court of Bosnia decision 2008, dr Darko Trifunovic win the case over Bosnia ref [3] and Stare of Bosnia is obligate to compensate dr Trifunovic with 400 000 KM. It is believed also that partly dr Trifunovic was ilegaly fired since he always underlined that Bosnian Jihadist's are misusing the Bosnian kids for terrorism ref [4].


Professional Experience & Positions - Lecturer at the Faculty of Security Studies-University of Belgrade

- Specialist in Terrorism and Security Studies

- Chief Editor of the prestigious university international bulletin "Security in Serbia."

- Analyst with the Terror Finance Blog

- Representative for Serbia and Montenegro of International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA), Defense & Foreign Affairs publications, the Global Information System (GIS)

- Senior Adviser of the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS)

Diplomatic and Governmental Positions

- First Secretary in the Foreign Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina at UN - 2001 - Advisor to the State Secretary for War Crimes of Republic of Srpska for Terrorism and Violence - 2003 - Advisor to the Minister of Police of the Republic of Srpska, BIH - 2005 - Associate Expert on Counter Terrorism and International Security of Republic of Srpska Police - 2008

Areas of Expertise

- Terrorism - International Security - Global Terror Finance

Dr.Darko Trifunovic is the author among other books&studies in 2002 of the study: Islamic Fundamentalists, Global Network and Modus Operandi: Model Bosnia Part I, and in 2004 Islamic Fundamentalists, Global Network and Modus Operandi: Model Bosnia, Part II published by the Documentation Center of the Government of Republica Srpska's [Bureau for Relations with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia]ref [5].

Srebrenica massacre report

In September 2002, the Bosnian Serb Government's Bureau for Relations with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia issued a Report I on Srebrenica massacre of August 1995. The governmental report, prepared by Trifunović, asserted that the in massacre 1,800 Bosnian Muslims had died at Srebrenica by on that time know information's. The report was condemned by the international community and human rights institutions due to the lack of understanding that Report was under the title I which was first in line of final recognition of Srebrenica Tragedy by Republic of Srspka Goverment.[1] The ICTY had ruled a year earlier that nearly 8,000 Muslims had been murdered in an act of genocide and convicted General Radislav Krstić for his involvement in the crime.[2] Two years after Trifunović's report was issued, the Bosnian Serb government finally admitted the scale of the killings.[3]

Media Coverage

Dr.Darko Trifunovic stated:" Bosnian Serb Police is "Only Institution" Entity's Citizens Trust" In Bosnia-Hercegovina everything to do with war crimes committed by the Serbs has been revealed, but there is an empty space where war crimes committed by Muslims and Croats against Serbs are concerned. The Serb Republic MUP is supposed to prepare the indictments, as it recently expanded the indictment for war crimes committed by Rasim Delic. If we were to abolish the Serb Republic MUP, there would be no one in Bosnia- Hercegovina to prepare and effect indictments for crimes committed against Serbs. Some joint bodies have been formed on the Bosnia- Hercegovina level, such as the State Border Service [DGS], the intelligence service SIPA ... [ellipses as published] but those are dead bodies. Recently there was a case of a Muslim, a member of the DGS, killing his Serb colleague. That service cannot function the way it was envisaged. And the OSA [Intelligence Security Agency], a kind of FBI, has only Croats and Muslims in top-ranking positions, but not Serbs. The Serb Republic police is the only institution that the citizens of that entity trust. Imagine if suddenly France and Germany had been forced to improve their relations immediately after World War II. There would have been plenty of bloodshed ref [6].

Views on Terrorism of Islamic Fundamentalis's

Dr. Darko Trifunovic discovered that Bosnin chapter of Al Qaeda Helped Fund ref [7] the 9/11 Attacks on America ref [8] with the evidence that several 9-11 hijackers including mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohamed posses Bosnian citizenship ref [9]. Trifunović's views on Terrorism of Islamic fundametalist's have been the focus of significant public reaction from Sarajevo based Islamist's circle ref [10]; he has repeatedly asserted that Serbia, Kosovo and Bosnia are being infiltrated by Wahhabist extremists. He has published a number of works on this general theme, arguing that Bosnia-Herzegovina is the nexus for an international network of Islamic terrorists who are directly linked to Al Qaeda. Titles include "Islamic Fundamentalists, Global Network and Modus Operandi: Model Bosnia", "The Roots of Terrorism in Bosnia-Herzegovina and its Classic Forms" and "Terrorism and Organized Crime in Southeast Europe: the Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina". He asserts that seven of the nineteen hijackers in the 9/11 attacks had Bosnian connections.[4]

In 2003, he visited the US capital Washington, D.C. where he briefed members of the US Congress that "a group of about 300 young Kosovo Albanians [supporting] the concept of a Greater Muslim state, was trained in northern Albania and then transferred to Kosovo with their trainers, mujahidin fighters from Middle Eastern and North African countries."[5] Following the March unrest in Kosovo, he asserted that the anti-Serb violence was "just the latest in a string of operations undertaken by Al Qaeda in the past few weeks" and that terrorist brigades and weapons were "pouring in" to the Sandžak region of Serbia and Montenegro.[6]

Trifunović has also advocated taking a hard line on Kosovo's declaration of independence. In December 2007, he told the Belgrade daily newspaper Glas javnosti that "the very moment Pristina declares independence, Ruecker does not invalidate that decision, and the first state recognizes Kosovo, Belgrade must order tanks to go to Kosovo, the province to be shelled and returned under the sovereignty of Serbia, where it belongs under Resolution 1244." He asserted that it was an open question as to whether Western countries had also secretly promised independence to the Uyghur people of China, the Kurds of Iran and various other peoples in Central Asia.[7]

A major reaction of Bosnian Islamist's broke out in early January 2008 when it was announced that dr Trifunović had been invited to be a key speaker at the European Police Congress, to be held in Berlin at the end of the month. The news attracted fierce criticism from members of the Bosnjaci.net portal, the Congress of Bosniaks in North America and the Sarajevo-based Centre for Advanced Studies.[4] The invitation was protested by Tarik Sadović, the Bosnia-Herzegovina security minister and deputy chair of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dr Trifunović decide to not attend but his name remain on the list of the key speakers ref [11]. The organizers of the 11th European Police Congress in Berlin did not allow for the speech of the Minister of Security BiH to take place at the Panel on «European Counter terrorism Strategies», despite the fact that he received VIP treatment at the Congress, his participation at the therefore mentioned Panel having been announced beforehand ref [12].

Several other Bosnian Muslim news paper critizied dr Trifunovic "Europe Finds Interesting Trifunovic's Story about Islamic Terrorism". Oslobodjenje, Sarajevo. 16 January 2008. Via BBC Monitoring.</ref> The Society for Threatened Peoples followed up in February 2008 with an open letter to European, US, Serbian and Bosnian ministers, governments and police services, in which they criticised Trifunović as "a self-proclaimed 'expert on Islamist terrorism'" and urged an end to "all contact and co-operation with Dr Trifunović with immediate effect."[8] Trifunović cancelled his planned trip to Germany, asserting that he had received death threats from Muslim extremists.[9]


  1. ^ "Imaginary Massacres?" TIME magazine, 11 September 2002
  2. ^ "General guilty of Bosnia genocide". BBC News Online, 2 August 2001.
  3. ^ "Serbs admit Srebrenica death toll". BBC News Online, 14 October 2004
  4. ^ a b "Bosnian Muslims object to Serb terrorism expert addressing European conference". Report from TV Hayat, Sarajevo, 1800 GMT, 5 January 2008. Via BBC Monitoring.
  5. ^ "Bosnian Al-Qaeda members plan attacks on NATO - terrorism expert". SRNA news agency, 17 October 2003. Via BBC Monitoring.
  6. ^ "Attacks in Kosovo are work of Al Qaeda". Glas javnosti, Belgrade, 19 March 2004. Via BBC Monitoring.
  7. ^ "Time Has Come For Us To Show Our Teeth". Glas javnosti, Belgrade, 11 December 2007. Via BBC Monitoring.
  8. ^ "Dr Darko Trifunovic – Serb Nationalist, Supporter of Greater Serbia and Genocide Denier". Society for Threatened Peoples Bosnian Muslim corespondent Ms.Jasna Causevic, 19 February 2008.
  9. ^ "Serbia: Terrorism expert receives death threat". Adnkronos International, 21 January 2008

See also