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Elements of art

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The elements of art are a set of techniques that describe ways of presenting artwork. They are combined with the principles of art in the production of art.[1]

The elements of art can include some or all of the following: point, color, value, line, shape, form, texture, and space.


The use of space and room in a piece of art. Positive space is the space taken up by objects (surface). Negative space is the distance between objects (whitespace).

Nothing exists without it. Space can be thought of as the distance or area around, between, above, below or within places. In art, space can be described as either two dimensional or three dimensional.

The space in two dimensional artworks such as paintings, drawings, prints and photographs (flat space) is essentially limited to height and width. While there is no actual depth or distance in such works, artists have created techniques to create the illusion of depth or distance on these flat surfaces. The following represents some of those techniques:

  • The most prominent of these techniques is the application of linear perspective. Through this application distant objects are rendered proportionately smaller than closer ones. The determining factors of this space depends upon the horizon line and vanishing points.
  • Another of the more prominent techniques is known as atmospheric perspective. This application renders distant objects and spaces with less detail and intensity than closer objects. For example, the use of bluer colors for distant shapes can suggest space between the viewer and the shapes.
  • The placement of objects can give the illusion of space. Distant shapes are higher and closer shapes are lower in the picture plane.
  • Overlapping of objects on the picture plane can suggest space.

Through the rendering of these techniques, the artist appears to destroy the flatness of the picture plane, transporting the viewer into what appears to be a world of actual space.

Three dimensional space is recognized as having height, width, depth, and is referred to as actual space. This would include sculpture, furniture, architecture, ceramics and jewelry. In the setting of a three dimensional work of art the viewer can freely move around and (in the case of architecture) through it. Three dimensional art may use both positive and negative space as a means of revealing content and meaning. For example, in sculpture the spaces in and around the form can be described as negative space. Whereas the form itself may be described as occupying a positive space. Another way to consider distinctions of positive and negative space can be equated as the presence of physical material = positive; or in the absence of it = negative. The consideration of how the artist uses both positive and negative space in the articulation of their expression is an important factor.


Sometimes combined with color, value describes the lightness (tint) or darkness (shade) of a color.

Value is often the single most important element in paintings and drawings and allows the perception of forms. In other words, it is value and the changing values in pictures that cause the perception of not just shapes, but implied three-dimensional forms.


The two-dimensional representation of an object or idea as a collection of dots and lines. Shapes can be geometric, organic, or free-form.


It is said lines do not exist in nature; what appears to be a line is only a difference in color. In art there are many types of lines:

  1. Actual line: The form of line drawn by pen, pencil, or other implement. It may be straight or curved.
  2. Contour line: an outline that defines the shape of an object as well as the internal lines that define the form of an object
  3. Implied line: Not a proper line, but an aid that pushes the eye along the artwork, a suggested line.
  4. Psychic line: This form of line has no physical value; it is a psychologically created line (e.g., when pointing to something, the eye travels from the hand to that object as if on a line.


Form is the three-dimensional counterpart to shape. There are two types of form: Illusionary form is created through the use of concepts such as perspective in order to show form on a two-dimensional work, whereas real form is the form seen in sculpture and other three-dimensional art.


Texture can be either real or perceived. Tactile texture is how an artwork actually feels, while implied texture is how an artwork appears to feel. Sometimes tone can create texture.


Colors in art are used in several ways. [2]

Primary colors

The primary colors are red, yellow and blue, and are used to create secondary and intermediate colors.

Secondary colors

Secondary colors are made by mixing two primary colors together. The secondary colors are:

  1. Orange - made by mixing red and yellow
  2. Green - made by mixing blue and yellow
  3. Violet - made by mixing blue and red
Intermediate or Tertiary colors

Tertiary colors are made by mixing a secondary and a primary color together. Some examples are blue-green and red-violet.

Warm, Cool and Neutral colors

Warm colors are the different shades of red, yellow and orange, and are called so because they convey the feeling of warmth.

Cool colors are shades of blue, green and violet, conveying a feeling of coolness and quiet.

Neutral colors are also called the earth tones, and are the colors of black, white and gray. At times brown, beige and tan are also considered as neutral colors. These colors can be made by either mixing the complimentary colors, all of the primaries, or mixing black and white.

Complementary colours

Complementary colors are colors that are on the opposite sides on the color wheel. They contrast each other and make each other appear brighter, adding energy to an artwork. The complementary colors are:

  1. Red and Green
  2. Yellow and Violet
  3. Blue and Orange

See also
