Trademark symbol
The trademark symbol, designated by ™ (the letters TM written in superscript style), is a symbol used to provide notice that the preceding mark is a trademark. Use of this symbol does not mean that the trademark has been registered as registered trademarks are indicated using the registered trademark symbol (®).
The character is mapped in Unicode under position U+2122,[1] which is also designated by the HTML entity ™.[2] On Windows systems, a superscript trademark symbol may be entered by means of Alt codes, by holding the Alt key while typing the numbers 0153 on the numeric keypad. In the X Window System, it may be entered with <Multi_key> <T> <M>. On Macintosh systems, it may be entered with ⌥2. In LaTeX, \texttrademark is used.
The similar service mark symbol,℠, features the letters SM instead of TM.