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French frigate Surveillante (1802)

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French Navy Ensign French Navy EnsignFrance
Royal Navy EnsignUK
NameHMS Surveillante[1]
Acquired30 November 1803
FateBroken Up 14 August 1814
General characteristics
Class and typeVirginie class frigate
Displacement720 tonnes (1094 tons)
Length47.4 metres (126-11.25 ft-ins)
Beam11.9 metres
Draught5.5 metres
Sail planFull rigged ship
Armament28 18-pounder upper deck cannon, 12 32-pounder quarterdeck carronades, 2 9-pounder bow chasers & 2 32-pounder forecastle carronades[2]

The Surveillante entered service as a 44-gun Virginie class frigate of the French Navy. She was surrendered to the British in 1803, after which she served in the Royal Navy, classed under the British system as a 38 gun vessel, until 1814 when she was decommissioned. HMS Surveillante had a long and active career under two successful and distinguished commanders, from the Baltic to the North-Western coasts of France, Spain and Portugal, and was present at the Battle of Copenhagen (1807) and throughout the Peninsula War. Her record as a taker of prizes is notable for its success, particularly towards the end of her career.

1803 - 1806: Captain Bligh

She was present at San Domingo (Saint Domingue) in December 1803 during the revolt of slaves on the island of Haiti against the French. The French naval commander, Commodore Barre, prevailed upon British Captain John Bligh to accept the capitulation of the Surveillante, in order to put her, as well as her crew and passengers under British protection. The former slaves threatened to fire red hot shot at the ship from the overlooking forts.[3] The British commander, Admiral Sir John Duckworth, accepted the French commander, General Rochambeau, his staff and entourage, as prisoners. Duckworth wrote "From General Rochambeau's extraordinary conduct in the public service, neither Captain Bligh or myself have any thing to say to him further than complying with his wishes in allowing him to remain on board the Surveillante until her arrival at Jamaica." Another French frigate, the Clorinde, suffered the loss of her rudder and was temporarily beached, although she was re-floated and taken as a prize.[4] Consequently both frigates were brought into the Royal Navy under their original names as HMS Surveillante and HMS Clorinde.

On 9 January 1805, Surveillante, Captain John Bligh commanding, in company with HMS Tartar, Edward Hawker commanding, captured the Spanish ship El Batidor. [5] On 9 July 1805, Surveillante in company with HMS Fortunée and HMS Echo captured several merchant vessels laden with sugar.[6] On 7 December 1805 Surveillante, accompanied by HMS Morne Fortunee, Lieutenant John Rorie commanding, captured the merchant ship Cleopatra.[7] On 5 July 1806 Surveillante, accompanied by HMS Fortunée, HMS Echo, HMS Superieure and HMS Hercule, captured Spanish ship La Josepha, laden with quicksilver.[8]

1807 - 1813: Captain Collier

Captain George Collier took command of Surveillante on 22 April 1807. She took part in the Second Battle of Copenhagen during August-September of that year. She was present at the detention of numerous Danish merchant vessels that were taken as prizes, the proceeds of which were shared by the fleet. The Danish merchant ships shared by Surveillante were the Hans and Jacob taken 17 August 1807; Die Twee Gebfoders, taken 21 August 1807; Sally taken 22 August;[9] Aurora, Paulina and Ceres taken 30 August and 31 August; Odifiord and Benedicta, taken 4 and 12 September 1807.[10] Admiral James Gambier sent the Surveillante back to England entrusted with dispatches, explaining the outcome of the battle and the subsequent Danish surrender.[11] Gambier signed his dispatch on 7 September onboard flagship HMS Prince of Wales; Surveillante sailed directly from the Copenhagen Road to London, where Collier delivered the dispatch to the Admiralty Office in person on 16 September, 1807.[12]

Following Russia's declaration of war against Great Britain in 1807 following the Treaty of Tilsit between Napoleon and Alexander I of Russia, the British government issued an embargo against all Russian ships then found in British ports. Surveillante was present at Portsmouth, in company of a fleet of seventy Royal Navy ships,[13], at the detaining of two Russian ships, the 44 gun frigate Speshnoy, and the Wilhelmina.[14]

Lieutenant General Arthur Wellesley, the future Duke of Wellington was appointed commander of the Portuguese expedition in March 1809, and received his letter of service on 2 April. He made his way to Portsmouth where he was received by the frigate assigned for his transportation, which was subsequently delayed from 3 to 14 April, nearly two weeks, waiting for a fair wind.[15] That frigate was Surveillante. She was able to set sail on 14 April 1809 allowing Wellesley to embark upon his second voyage to Lisbon during the Peninsula War; however, Wellesley, troubled by bad weather, was subjected to a storm during his first night at sea; it was remarked that the frigate narrowly escaped shipwreck off the coast of the Isle of Wight.[16] His aid-de-camp was sent by Captain Collier to request that Wellesley put his boots on and join him on deck, to which he replied he could swim better without his boots and would stay where he was.[17]

Catalogue of Successful Actions

On 30 October 1809 Surveillante captured French corvette Le Milan, in sight of HMS Seine.[18] 3 December 1809 saw Surveillante driven southward from her allotted station off Rochelle, where she fell in with a French cutter privateer, La Comtesse Laure, which she captured. Collier wrote "The privateer is of a class and possesses qualities admirably calculated for the annoyance of the British Trade."[19] On 23 June 1810 Surveillante captured the chasse marees Le Margaretta and L'Eclair, His Majesty's gun-brigs Constant and Piercer in company.[20] On 5 September 1810, the Surveillante and the gun-brig HMS Constant, the latter commanded by Lieutenant John Stokes, were reconnoitring the Loire, when they observed a division of a French convoy running south from the Morbihan. The British ships gave chase and forced a single brig to seek shelter between two nearby batteries. Collier attacked the frigate with boats, whilst receiving fire from French troops ashore and succeeded in cutting out the brig without sustaining any casualties.[21] On 30 April 1811, Surveillante captured the French privateer La Creole.[22] On 28 January 1812 the Surveillante, in company with HMS Sybille, Captain C. Upton, and HMS Spitfire, captured the American ship Zone.[23] On 25 May 1812, HMS Surveillante captured the American schooner Young Connecticut.[24]

In late July 1812, Surveillante was part of a British squadron stationed off the north coast of Spain, commanded by Captain Sir Home Popham of the 74-gun HMS Venerable.[25]The British squadron, assisting Spanish Guerillas against the French, made an attack upon the town of Santander and the Castle of Ano. The castle was taken possession of by the Royal Marines, but the garrison of Santander was reinforced, and the Spanish and British attacking forces were obliged to fall back upon the Castle, sustaining losses as they retreated. Captain Lake of HMS Magnificent and Captain Sir George Collier, who commanded the British detachment, were wounded.[26]

On 7 October 1812 Surveillante captured the American schooner Baltimore accompanied by His Majesty's Ships Venerable, Diadem, Briton, Latona and Constant.[27] On 20 December 1812 Surveillante recaptured the American brig Ocean bound to Lisbon from New York, laden with flour.[28] On 23 March 1813 Surveillante took the fishing schooner Polly as a prize.[29] On 15 April she was present at the capture of the American schooner Price, captured by HMS Iris, Hood Hanway Christian commanding.[30] 27 April 1813 saw Surveillante involved in a notable action against American letter of marque Tom. Collier wrote that she was captured "after a smart chase; she was from Charlestown, bound to Nantz; she is a remarkably fine vessel for her class, and, from her superior sailing, had already escaped eighteen of His Majesty's cruizers." Surveillante was accompanied by HMS Lyra.[31] On 5 May 1813 she recaptured the American ship Mount Hope, in company with HMS Andromeda and HMS Iris. [32] On 1 June 1813, Surveillante captured the American schooner Orders in Council, a letter of marque (privateer), after a five hour chase.[33]The prize money from this action was shared with two British privateers who were in sight of the action but did not take part in it; they were the Rebecca and Earl Wellington.[34]

In late July 1813, Surveillante under Captain Collier was involved in landing operations off St. Sabastian's, in which they attempted to breach a battery. In so doing they established an artillery position whilst under heavy fire from the fortification. Several of her crew, and an artillery officer from the army, were killed.[35] Surveillante remained in action against the French garrison on the island of Santa Clara, at the mouth of Saint Sebastian harbour. Collier announced that a successful attack had been made on 27-28 July, despite being under continual heavy fire.[36]


  1. ^ HMS Surveillante, Naval Database
  2. ^ Gardiner, Robert, Frigates of the Napoleonic Wars, Chatham Publishing, London, 2006, p. 31
  3. ^ Sir John Duckworth, letter from the London Gazette published on the 4 February 1804, http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/15672/pages/164, accessed 1 November, 2009
  4. ^ Sir John Duckworth, letter from the London Gazette published on the 4 February 1804, http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/15672/pages/164, accessed 2 November, 2009
  5. ^ Stephen Minot, Prize Agent, Notice of Prize Money published in the London Gazette, 9 May 1809", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16255/pages/665, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  6. ^ Richard Birt and William Collins, Prize Agents, Notice of Prize Money published in the London Gazette, 12 April 1808", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16136/pages/523, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  7. ^ Stephen Minot, Prize Agent, Notice of Prize Money published in the London Gazette, 8 August 1809", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16284/pages/1264, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  8. ^ Richard Birt and William Collins, Prize Agents, Notice of Prize Money published in the London Gazette, 4 August 1807", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16053/pages/1034, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  9. ^ Collier, T, Prize Agent, Notice of prize money published in the London Gazette, 28 April 1812, http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16598/pages/812 accessed 6 November 2009
  10. ^ Gambier, C.S., Trounsell, J, and Collier, T, Prize Agents, Notice of prize money published in the London Gazette, 11 May 1813, http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16728/pages/924 accessed 6 November 2009
  11. ^ Tracy, Nicholas, 2006, "Who's Who In Nelson's Navy: 200 Naval Heroes", Chatham Publishing, 2006
  12. ^ William Pole, Secretary to the Admiralty, Dispatch from Admiral Gambier, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Vessels in the Baltic, published in the London Gazette, 16 September 1807", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16067/pages/1231, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  13. ^ Hunt, Austin, Sykes and Rothery, Prize Agents, Notice of Prize Money published in the London Gazette, 22 October 1808", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16194/pages/1445, accessed 4 November, 2009
  14. ^ Gold, J (publisher), The Naval chronicle 1808: containing a general and biographical history of the royal navy of the United kingdom with a variety of original papers on nautical subjects, available at: Internet Archive accessed on 4 November 2009
  15. ^ Glover, Michael, Wellington as Military Commander,Penguin, 2001, pp. 69-70
  16. ^ Griffiths, Major Arthur, The Wellington Memorial: Wellington, His Comrades and Contemporaries, Ballantyne, Hanson & Co., 1897, chapters IV and 211, available at Internet Archive accessed 4 November 2009
  17. ^ Longford, Elizabeth, Wellington, Abacus, 2002, p. 117
  18. ^ Collier, Thomas, Prize Agent, Notice of prize money published in the London Gazette, 25 September 1810, http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16408/pages/1527 accessed 6 November 2009
  19. ^ Captain Collier, Copy of a Letter sent to Rear-Admiral Stopford, signed onboard Surveillante on 3 December 1809, published in the London Gazette, 12 December 1809", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16324/pages/1988, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  20. ^ Collier, T, Prize Agent, Notice of prize money published in the London Gazette, 13 July 1811, http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16504/pages/1302 accessed 6 November 2009
  21. ^ Naval Database, Boats of SURVEILLANTE & CALEDONIA - Single Ship Actions, September 1810, http://www.pbenyon.plus.com/Naval_History/Vol_V/P_235.html, accessed 1st November 2009
  22. ^ Thomas Collier, Prize Agent, Notice of Prize Money published in the London Gazette, 27 February 1813", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16707/pages/438, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  23. ^ Ommanncy and Druce, Acting Agents, Notice of Prize Money published in the London Gazette, 27 February 1813", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16707/pages/438, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  24. ^ Thomas Collier, Prize Agent, Notice of Prize Money published in the London Gazette, 27 February 1813", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16707/pages/438, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  25. ^ Naval Database, SIR HOME POPHAM ON NORTH COAST OF SPAIN, website: http://www.pbenyon.plus.com/Naval_History/Vol_VI/P_061.html, accessed on 2 November 2009
  26. ^ Sir Home Popham, Letters signed onboard HMS Venerable, sent to Lord Keith, published in the London Gazette, 11 August 1812", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16632/pages/1584, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  27. ^ Collier, T, Prize Agent, Notice of prize money published in the London Gazette, 5 February 1814, http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16852/pages/286 accessed 6 November 2009
  28. ^ Notice published in the London Gazette 27 March 1813, http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16715/pages/628 accessed on November 6 2009
  29. ^ Thomas Collier, Prize Agent, Notice of Prize Money published in the London Gazette, 16 November 1813", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16707/pages/438, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  30. ^ Jackson, John, Prize Agent, Notice of prize money published in the London Gazette, published 22 February 1814, http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16861/pages/413, accessed 6 November 2009
  31. ^ Captain Collier, Copy of a Letter sent to Lord Keith, signed onboard Surveillante on 27 April 1813, published in the London Gazette, 4 May 1813", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16726/pages/874, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  32. ^ Collier, Thomas, Prize Agent, Notice of prize money published in the London Gazette, published 16 November 1813, http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16807/pages/2275, accessed 6 November 2009
  33. ^ Captain Collier, Extract of letter sent to Lord Keith signed onboard Surveillante on 1 June 1813, published in the London Gazette, 26 June 1813", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16745/pages/1245, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  34. ^ Thomas Collier, Prize Agent, 'Notice of Prize Money published in the London Gazette, 2 April 1814", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16876/pages/707, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  35. ^ Captain Collier, Extract of dispatch sent to Lord Keith signed onboard Surveillante on 22nd July 1813, published in the London Gazette, 3rd August 1813", http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16760/pages/1533, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  36. ^ Captain Collier, Extract of dispatch sent to Lord Keith from Surveillante, published in the London Gazette, 31 August 1813, http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/16769/pages/1723, accessed 2nd November, 2009
  • Dictionnaire de la flotte de guerre française, Jean-Michel Roche.
  • Who's Who In Nelson's Navy, Nicholas Tracy, Chatham, 2006, pp. 88-89.