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List of Homestar Runner characters

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This article is a list of fictional characters in the Flash web cartoon series Homestar Runner and episodic video game Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People.

Homestar Runner

Homestar Runner as seen in his character video.

Homestar Runner is the namesake character of the series, and "is a terrific athlete" that "everybody loves".[1] He serves as the star athlete of an unspecified sports team led by Coach Z[2], and has partaken in rather rigorous exercise routines.[3] Homestar however, has suffered from psychological issues that Strong Bad had described as an "unbelievably loose grasp on the world around [him]",[4] often forgetting things or interacting with himself as if he were a different person. Homestar is not completely stupid, as he has shown intelligence at rather irrelevant times, such as correctly stating Coulomb's law (although in response to being asked what 2+2 equals).[5] His best friend is Pom Pom,[6] although Homestar has also had an on and off relationship with lone female character Marzipan.

Strong Bad

Strong Sad

Strong Sad is the youngest brother of Strong Bad and Strong Mad. He stands somewhere between Strong Bad and Strong Mad in height, and has large, elephant-like feet he calls "soolnds," which has led Strong Bad to believe he is in some way descended from elephants (see the cartoon "DNA Evidence"). His body is round and two shades of grey — a lighter grey from the waist up, a darker grey from the waist down. His head is white and has an odd lump on the top and resembles the Manicouagan Reservoir. Strong Bad refers to the lump as a "disturbing soft serve flip"(see email keep cool). He is usually very calm and soft-spoken, although is hyperactive when given caffeine (see the cartoon Caffeine).

He is constantly tortured by Strong Bad. Strong Bad usually threatens to beat up Strong Sad (something that he often does). Strong Bad also calls Strong Sad names such as "The Ghost of Christmas Suck", "Trundle Bed", "Diaper Stripe", and "Theloneus Dump".

In early cartoons, Strong Sad's main defining characteristic is his chronic depression, but has since been known to have high levels of intelligence and creativity . His many interests include listening, books, listening to books, calligraphy, safety, being alone, arts, crafts, and arts b/w crafts. Strong Sad also enjoys playing board games, and he seems to enjoy going to science-fiction and fantasy conventions, as seen in different town and TrogdorCon '97.

Strong Mad

Strong Mad is, as his name implies, strong and usually mad. He is the eldest brother of the brothers Strong; his siblings are Strong Bad and Strong Sad. He often hangs out with The Cheat and helps Strong Bad commit mischief, harass (and occasionally beat up) the other characters. His body shape is a perfect 6 foot tall, 3D rectangle, with perfectly square shoulders and no distinct head or neck. He has two dots for eyes, giant, bushy eyebrows that are usually angry. His mouth is always partially open revealing 3 teeth. He wears a blue wrestlers leotard with a white circle in the front containing a large red M and has red shoes. He generally speaks in short, simple sentences, often in an unrestrained roar. His best friend is The Cheat, whom he protects with fervor. He also has a horrible painting in his closet that gives everyone The Jibblies, called the Rocoulm.[7]

The Cheat

The Cheat is Strong Bad's sidekick and Strong Mad's best friend. He stands at knee-height to most other characters and is covered with yellow fur with prominent black spots down his back. His arms resemble flippers and he doesn't have any visible legs. The Cheat lives in the The King of Town's grill which, according to Strong Sad, is a nice place. He can play the flute, as seen in The 200th Strong Bad e-mail (E-mail Thunder), and often makes unusual animations, such as "The Cheat Theme Song". In the original book, he helped Strong Bad cheat in the Strongest Man in the World contest, which gave him his name. He is always referred to as The Cheat, not just Cheat, even when being spoken to. An example would be characters greeting him by saying "Hey, The Cheat, how's it goin'?" The practice even extends to his species.

He speaks in a language consisting entirely of the word "meh", which the other characters seem to be perfectly able to understand. However, it is implied that he provides the voices for his "Powered by The Cheat" cartoons, which are spoken in English.

Strong Bad, while appreciative of his little henchman's assistance, seems to enjoy kicking The Cheat and otherwise abusing him.

In the video for The Cheat Theme Song, midway through the song it was shown that he resembles Pikachu, who flies past the screen.


Marzipan is the only female main character in Homestar Runner. She has a broom-shaped body with her face on the surface of the "handle". Her eyes consist of two black circles of two different sizes. Her mouth is usually seen in a slight curve. She wears her hair in a bright yellow ponytail, and is almost always seen wearing a purple dress embellished with white trim and gold buttons, along with a matching hair band. Like Homestar Runner, she does not appear to have visible arms. Nevertheless, she is still able to pick up and handle objects without any hint of difficulty; for example, she can play the guitar fairly well. She is voiced by Missy Palmer and is one of the few characters not voiced by Matt Chapman. The reason she is the only female character is because Missy Palmer cannot do any other voices.

Marzipan is Homestar's girlfriend (on her terms), and in the early days of the website was listed as the King of Town's daughter, however, in an interview, The Brothers Chaps remarked that this was an idea they had that they did not go through with. She is essentially a feminist "hippie chick" demonstrated in her traits of being a strict vegetarian who spends much of her time singing and playing her guitar; she is lead singer in a band called Cool Tapes. Most of her songs are about happiness and nature. She often makes protest signs to express her views on issues of varying and personal interest. She often tends to fight for political correctness and being eco-friendly, but at times can be hypocritical. This is demonstrated in one episode where she criticizes others for doing things that harm the environment, but justifies her own indulgent actions by simply renaming them to sound eco-friendly.


Bubs is a businessman who owns Bubs' Concession Stand, which offers a constantly changing variety of goods and services. He has a round blue head, mismatched eyes (his right eye is white with a blue iris while his left is simply a black dot), and a permanent toothy smile that moves when he talks. His upper body is orange, and he has "flipper arms." He has a green stripe around his middle which, according to Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, is a belt, and his lower half is colored dark gray. His voice is reminiscent of Redd Foxx of Sanford and Son fame.

Always ready to make a quick buck, Bubs will sell anything, including letters off of the sign on his stand and Internet service. Besides the Concession Stand, he seems to run a few other businesses on the side, many of which are decidedly shady in nature. This includes performing almost any service that someone wants done, such as being a "questionable doctor", a "paranormal investigator" or a "normal investigator". It is implied that he is often involved in destroying and/or covering up evidence of crimes. He also sells bologna sandwiches from his truck to the other residents of Free Country, USA. His best friend appears to be Coach Z, although the coach often gets on his nerves. He is also the "Thnikkaman", though nobody (with the occasional exception of Homestar) knows that the Thnikkaman is just Bubs in "cool shades" with a piece of paper taped to his chest that says "TH". Whenever he enters, high-pitched singers singing "Here comes the Thnikkamaaannnn" can be heard (conversely, when he leaves, the same voices sing, "There goes the Thnikkamaaannnn"). He then usually gives awful advice, and his catchphrase is "Shut up, kid." People love the Thnikkaman but it is not obvious why.

Coach Z

Coach Z is the "coach" of the residents of Free Country, USA, though it is unclear exactly which sports he coaches. He has a strong Upper Midwestern accent which sometimes gets him into trouble and is thought to be fake. He almost never says anything negative to anyone, and he often offers more encouragement than is needed. He wears a blue and purple baseball cap and a large gold "Z" emblem around his waist, but it is unclear whether his bright green color is his skin or a body suit.

In addition to frequent mispronunciations, Coach Z also seems to have mental and gender confusion problems, as evidenced by the time he spent "talking to his parents" on a disconnected telephone, and claiming to be a mother in the sbemail "Garage Sale". He has even stated on one occasion that he sometimes "forgets what's real, and what's just in [his] head". He also has trouble managing his money, causing his electricity to be shut off each year. He is quite lonely and has an unrequited crush on Marzipan, very often making inappropriate romantic gestures to her, especially on her answering machines.

He is very fond of hip-hop and often refers to it in conversation. He has also recorded several songs, including "These Peoples Try to Fade Me", "Hip-Hop Dance", and also "Rap Song" featuring Peacy P. He also seems to not have much talent in rapping, since his "freestyling" occasionally consists exclusively of him repeatedly counting to two (see sbemail "Nightlife".)

Pom Pom

Pom Pom is a Pom from the Isle of Pom. Pom Pom, like all Poms, appears to be inflated. His body consists of a yellow sphere with an orange stripe. His oval head, and triangular arms and feet are the same color orange. Pom Pom's eyes are black ovals and he has no visible mouth. He talks by making bubbly noises that only the characters can understand and can absorb objects into his body for storage. Pom Pom is Homestar Runner's best friend, but he sometimes hangs out with Strong Bad as well. Pom Pom is often seen talking on his cell phone to his many girlfriends, and he keeps track of their contact information in his Pom Pilot. It has been not-so-subtly hinted that Pom Pom is a superb athlete, martial artist, and rich to boot. His nationality has been vaguely hinted at a variety of times: his parents are known as Herr and Fräulein Pom. His father owns a film production company which allows Pom Pom to direct indie films.

The King of Town

The King of Town is the self-proclaimed ruler of Free Country, USA. His head is completely white, with black lines for eyes, a mustache and a beard (though it was suggested in the Strong Bad Email "Diorama" that the white is fur or hair, as he has pink flesh underneath). He wears a gold crown and what appears to be a red robe with white trim with no arms. He is a known glutton that will eat almost anything in front of him (including toilet paper) and anything with the word "butter" in its name (including "Butter-da", an automotive fluid). Apparently, the only foods he doesn't like are those which contain peas. He tends to speak with older but jolly tone of voice, usually saying: "doo hoo hoo hoo" to represent his hearty laughter. He apparently got overweight by eating the life time supply of fishsticks that was in the egg that contained The Cheat (As shown in the 100th Strong Bad Email, "Flashback").

The Poopsmith

The Poopsmith is a character whose job is the King of Town's "poopsmith," though it is never explained what this actually entails. His body is peach-colored and egg-shaped, and he has small blue legs and feet, a white head, and an enormous underbite. He always wears a pair of large orange gloves stained with "Whatsit", and he is usually seen carrying a large shovel.

The Poopsmith had taken a vow of silence and, thus, never speaks. However, in "email thunder," the 200th Strong Bad Email, he breaks his vow to sing the opening song. At this time he is voiced by John Linnell of They Might be Giants. He does not seem to ever display any emotions or facial expressions. He does occasionally hold up signs to communicate, however. He is sometimes seen poking his shovel as a half-gesture.


Homsar is an energetic midget with red shoes, blue shirt and a bowler hat. He first appeared in the Strong Bad Email "homsar", where a user named Vinnie C. queried to Strong Bad about why he doesn't just kill "Homsar" (an obvious misspelling of Homestar) because he hates him. Strong Bad in response, went out to The Field, where Homsar was present, and then dropped a "Heavy Lourde" on him. He claims to be the captain of the "Gravy Train", and that his parents are a cup of coffee and a Chipwich (although the former was implied by Strong Bad, and has thus far not been said by Homsar himself). Homsar's speech consists almost entirely of non sequiturs, although it is revealed in Strong Badia the Free that Homsar is actually an intelligent being, with his way of speaking being a language of his own. He seems to have the super power of being incredibly awkward, and often defies the laws of physics. In most of his appearances, his hat will either change shape to something, or move around on its own, often times orbiting his head.

Senor Cardgage

Debuting in the email "kind of cool", Senor Cardgage began as a "creepy version of Strong Bad with a comb over". He has a tendency to come out of nowhere, such as behind the bushes, to address you. He often "says something that sounds like one word, but means another", in a sort of portmanteau. An example is "excardon me". He resembles Strong Bad, but is taller, has a ponch, wears glasses, and has a combover (which was eventually revealed to be a toupee). He speaks in a mumbled voice, and often addresses people (regardless of gender) "as if [they] were a lady". Many of his phrases are odd, such as "won't you help me buy it for you?" (see email "garage sale"). He runs a business which competes with Bubs' every "Senorial Day", an obvious parody of Memorial Day (see cartoon Senorial Day). Strong Bad views him as a "father figure", and even cast him as "Dad-geresque" in Dangeresque 3: the Criminal Projective. Senor Cardgage apparently sleeps in an alley, implying that he is possibly homeless.


  1. ^ Chapman, Mike. The Homestar Runner Enters the Strongest Man in the World Contest. Craig Zobel.
  2. ^ A Jorb Well Done (Flash). Retrieved September 20, 2009. Once I finish my second run, you know, I'll have a smoothie or something, and then I head to the gym, and do, I've been doing about three sets of reps a piece, and then one...
  3. ^ dullard (Flash). Retrieved September 20, 2009. Once I finish my second run, you know, I'll have a smoothie or something, and then I head to the gym, and do, I've been doing about three sets of reps a piece, and then one...
  4. ^ TrogdorCon '97 (Flash). Retrieved September 20, 2009. Hey, you got it! First try! Was it my star or propeller cap that gave it away?
    Strong Bad: It was your unbelievably loose grasp on the world around you.
    {{cite AV media}}: line feed character in |quote= at position 83 (help)
  5. ^ 4 branches (Flash). Retrieved September 20, 2009.
  6. ^ Pom Pom's character video (Flash). Retrieved September 20, 2009.
  7. ^ {{cite video |title = Jibblies 2 |url = http://homestarrunner.com/ween07.html |format = Flash |accessdate = April 6 2009

See also