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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Paul Moss (talk | contribs) at 09:18, 27 August 2010 (QandA). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics!

Paul Moss is a con artist and the people he has stolen from remember this. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:37, 15 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

sigh. if that had any truth in it at all the editor would front up with a name and contact details. I am beginning to get used to the hate mail and hating behaviour. it says a lot about the society we live in. I also know of some other people with the same name as me, and I get their hate mail too!! mistaken identities are more common these days. wisdom says that people often speak about stuff that they do themselves, that's why they think of the subjects, and this form of hate is conning the naive and stealing of respect of good people... I say put your money where your mouth is, and front up with honesty and 'believability', ie show some credibilty with identification and track record..
and just for interest, when i study the log, this 'person' (moron) is wierd, here is a comment from below;
QUESTION: "Hi Paul, Why do you call your little club sidewalk astronomers ? I am from New Zealand and this is the first time that I have seen the term Sidewalk used as in New Zealand we tend to say Footpath ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidewalk#Other_Countries .
Answer. Sidewalk Astronomers is a Global Organisation based in USA and started by John Dobson decades ago. I am the Regional (Oceania) and National (NZ) Organiser for this international organisation, an affiliation of clubs, societies, organisations, groups. In fact, here in NZ, its not my club, its not even a club, it's a loose association of like minded individuals that place giving their time and resource (telescopes) to the community above selfishly spending it alone. It is fully global, check this link for all National Organisers.ref: Global N.O. list and this link for all the Regional Organisers: Global list of all R.O.
My astro group that is closest to a 'club' is called 'Sharing Space' .. Sharing Space and its fully global, with thousands of members, all voluntary. The facebook group has 578 members currently, about the same number as the top two astro societies in NZ, at 600 approx each. ref http://www.facebook.com/mozasaur?ref=profile#!/group.php?gid=7594579183&ref=ts
Question. why do some morons want to hate so much in the face of achievement? lack of regular lithium? failed relationships? lack of media attention? most would say jealousy, and I have to admit incredible success with media and awards, achievements, living my dreams, doing what i love to do. Perhaps the 9 to 5 grind is too much and some people don't know how to get out of the rat race?

Back to more serious stuff

-talk prior to July 2007 archived here [1]

-talk July 2007 to April 2009 archived here: [2]

Respect for Achievement and Contribution to Society

Where is it? funny how even after I make New Zealand History once again i get preached at.. where is the good intent here? I went out and got the verification and brought it back to make it easy and still the slamming goes on. There are so many pages with tags out there needing fixing, verification and citations needed all over the place, where is the negative energy flowing from? I delivered material for many articles, and the mainstream media saw fit to write about me and my contributions to society, so you judge who has the good or ill intent, I'm not fighting anymore, too much good work to do out in the society that i live in. It's called New Zealand, and Planet Earth. Paul Moss (talk) 13:26, 26 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]

A new era

where respect and truth are valued and seen clearly for what they are, as opposed to endlessly perverting the information in myriads of ways, confusing the discussions to prevent positive outcomes, for personal motives and skews on reality. Lets lift our collective game, we are all a bit tired of the old way.

A bit hopeful I suppose

I suppose that was a bit hopeful, with at least one kiwi editor running around rv 'ing anything that moves.. look, all I ask is that you operate under the same rules that you preach; if you preach compliance then it's fair that you deliver compliance. If i remove something that isnt verified or referenced, then you shouldnt put it back, and if you really must, then you should at least add the verification!!, but really, what does rv'ing my stuff actually say about your behaviour?? that's much more important in the scheme of things, because it sucks.

"Paul collaborates with his son Ray Ching (Grandson of artist Raymond Harris-Ching and son of internationally acclaimed wildlife artist Colette Cheyne)" [3] . It seems to me you are removing material you know is true for your own reasons ("not relevant to bio") and then trying to find another excuse ("verification unavailable") when this is challenged. Now for all I know there is some family feud between Ching and his daughter which is why you are removing it but that sort of thing shouldn't be a factor in a wikipedia article and if it is you should be up front or if it has to be done on the quiet go through proper channels. Actually I'm totally confiused now, What exactly is your relationship to all these people? - SimonLyall (talk) 12:16, 9 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
my relationship (or not) is of course only what can be verified out there.. lets focus on our own areas as a better path to a better wikipedia, or an approach that values and enhances each others contributions here, and to society generally. Lets not create any more possible stuff such as 'feud', its not true and diverting us both from our really important missions here.Paul Moss (talk) 12:41, 11 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

verification and references accelerating away

I had hoped that a wikipedian somewhere would note that my work as an artist and astronomer has been reported in significant publications for some years now, and act accordingly. It is worthy to note that mainstream media have picked up even more in recent weeks as we approach the next and biggest show so far in the STARS series, set for Galatos in Auckland June 4th and 5th.

Summary of Media. A full page article in the Sydney Morning Herald (1,000,000+) about my lecture 'Dont Shock Your Hi-Fi System' (1984 December 3rd page 43) should have been enough, a half page in the Dominion Post (200,000+) directly about me 'Rennaisance Man' should have been enough. Add the D-Scene 'Star Men' article, The Wellingtonian, Kapi-Mana News, The Press, and countless mainstream (New Zealand Film Archive, Wellington City Council, Dunedin City Council, ++) websites , and ask if thats enough yet? And thats only the available media.
The thing is that today I've noted a plethora of web sites carrying news notices about the new STARS event at Galatos in Auckland: NZ Music Magazine [4], Amplifier.co.nz [5] and thats on top of AA things to do etc etc.
The purpose of this note is to alert all the interested wikipedians ahead of time, so you dont waste too much energy fighting when someone adds some of this material to wikipdedia, clearly i wont waste my time, as you will just shout COI and kill it despite the reality. Please note this is possibly the biggest ever video art production seen in this country.Paul Moss (talk) 12:41, 11 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
and does the UNESCO and IAU IYA2009 website count for anything? [6] What does it mean when they talk about me and my awesome photograph?
and in Discover Magazine (700,000 printed copies) "April 2009, On page 18 in our "Hot Science" section." [7] yes thats nearly 3/4 of a million prints, and 6 million readers... trivial compared to rv'ing as many articles as you can each night for years.. yeah right.Paul Moss (talk) 02:17, 15 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Radio New Zealand 101 Radio frequencies nationally - yes significantly thats ALL of NEW ZEALAND

Radio New Zealand National's programming is distributed via several means.

[edit] AM Frequencies [edit] North Island Kaitaia - AM 837 Kaikohe - AM 981 Whangarei - AM 837 Auckland - AM 756 Hamilton - AM 1143 Tauranga - AM 819 Tokoroa - AM 729 Rotorua - AM 1188 Gisborne - AM 1314 Napier - AM 630 New Plymouth - AM 918 Wanganui - AM 567 Palmerston North - AM 1449 Masterton - AM 1071 Kapiti - AM 567 Wellington - AM 567 [edit] South Island Blenheim - AM 567 Nelson - AM 1116 Westport - AM 1458 Christchurch - AM 675 Timaru - AM 918 Queenstown - AM 1134 Alexandra - AM 639 Dunedin - AM 810 Invercargill - AM 720 [edit] FM Frequencies

Radio New Zealand National is the first station in New Zealand to incorporate the Radio Data System in its FM signal. Some FM stations are 101FM state-owned public service frequencies and some are owned by non-profit community organisations.

[edit] North Island Kaitaia - FM 101.2 Kaikohe - FM 101.6 Whangarei - FM 101.1 and 104.3 Auckland - FM 101.4 Hamilton - FM 101.0 Tauranga - FM 101.0 Whakatane - FM 101.7 Tokoroa - FM 101.0 Rotorua - FM 101.5 Te Kuiti - FM 94.0 (Community owned) Taupo - FM 101.5 Taupo - FM 104.7 Gisborne - FM 101.3 Napier - 101.5 FM New Plymouth - 101.2 FM Wanganui - FM 101.6 Palmerston North - FM 101.0 Masterton - FM 101.5 Kapiti - 101.5 FM Wellington - FM 101.3, 104.5 [edit] South Island Blenheim - FM 101.7 Takaka - FM 98.2 (Community owned) Nelson - 101.0 FM Greymouth - FM 101.5 Christchurch - FM 101.7 Ashburton - FM 101.4 Lake Tekapo - FM 89.0 (Community owned) Twizel - FM 92.6(Community owned) Omarama - FM 97.3 (Community owned) Otematata - FM 106.7(Community owned) Timaru - 101.1 FM Wanaka - FM 101.0 Milford Sound - FM 92.0 (Community owned) Queenstown - FM 101.6 Alexandra - FM 101.5 Te Anau - FM 101.6 (Community owned) Dunedin - FM 101.4 Invercargill - FM 101.2 [edit] Other islands Chatham Islands - FM 89.7 (Community)

Vanilla look

almost a year later, Ive had a wander around other TV programme sites, documentaries etc, and quite surprised at the lack of images, but that fits with the overall direction of this site and the attitude of the wikipedians here i suppose. as close to vanilla as possible seems to be the current trend on these articles, such paranoia about flavour. the new age of conformity or nothing. wikipedia isnt paper but it sure looks like wikipedians think it is. Now on the upside, you know what National Television have called me, an Astronomer and Artist, and you know that National Radio also called me the National Organiser of Sidewalk Astronomers in New Zealand, and the references are available and independent of me, so you cant say again that you didnt know or cant find them.. wikipedia adolescent phase is over, its time to grow up now.

Hi Paul,

Why do you call your little club sidewalk astronomers ?

I am from New Zealand and this is the first time that I have seen the term Sidewalk used as in New Zealand we tend to say Footpath ?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidewalk#Other_Countries . —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:47, 15 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

the answer is above. I didnt name the global group and its rather huge in size and life; many decades now. I'm a Regional and a National Organiser, ref [http://www.sidewalkastronomers.us/id216.html

How the School came by its Badge and Motto Mr W. Fraser Principal 1924 - 1949 Old School

It has to be remembered in the first place that the School was located within an important Maori area. Consequently when the House System was inaugurated it was perhaps natural that the various Houses should be endowed with the names of Maori Canoes. For some time too I had been toying with the idea of some Maori emblem that would be suitable for the School Badge.

Then a possible source of help came to mind in the person of Mr W.H. Wills who at the time was Principal of Otaki Maori College which, though now non-existent, was the earliest secondary College in New Zealand, having been established in 1840. Some 20 years before, Mr Wills and I had both played football together for Auckland University and were also housemasters together at St.John’s Collegiate School, now incorporated with King’s College. Mr Wills had early connections with Te Aute College and indeed on the demise of Otaki College was later to return to Te Aute as a member of the Staff.

Old SchoolHis response was prompt and to the point. His story was that in the early days on every bend of the Waikato there was a Maori Chief and hence the area was known as the land of many chiefs - Waikato Taniwharau - Taniwha designating the Chief - rau, a hundred signifying the large number. He also said that the expression Waikato Taniwha-rau was well known and respected throughout Maoridom.

He suggested too that it might be possible to adopt the Taniwha as the School Badge and at the same time make use of the accompanying term as the School Motto.

Older Schools and Colleges in New Zealand being of a classical foundation sported Latin mottoes of an excelsior type. Founded as a Technical High School we had no clams in that direction, but here was something to live up to, and in New Zealand’s own native tongue: Taniwharau - The School of the Many Chiefs - and believe me in its varied and unusual product the School has already gone far in achieving something of the ambition contained in its school motto - Taniwharau - The School of the Many Chiefs.

School BadgeThe next step in the task was not so difficult as on the Staff as Art Master at the time was an Old Boy Mr W.E.W. Lewis (Ted) AR CA. To him was assigned the work of designing the badge. He made a trip to Ngaruawahia and studied the figure, a Taniwha, as depicted on some pedestal or other and finally produced the design of the many headed monster, the Taniwha as it appeared on the original together with the wavy lines to symbolize the Waikato River. I have been informed that from a heraldic point of view the design is sound.

I must admit to being somewhat inclined to favour the smaller copies of the original design. The School Song with its well known refrain of Taniwharau was written by Miss Ethel Madeley, a Senior Mistress, and set to music in a somewhat unusual key by our Music Mistress Miss Margaret Roe. So you have the story of the School Badge and the School Motto Taniwharau The School of the Many Chiefs. ref: http://www.fraser-high.school.nz/schoolbadge.htm

Icon Group International

You state on your userpage that: "I am reported in a book as an Astronomer on PAGE 409 [23] Title Wellington: Webster’s Quotations, Facts and Phrases [etc.]". Unfortunately, these books by Icon Group International are computer-generated, with most of the text copied from Wikipedia (most entries have [WP] by them to indicate this, see e.g. [8]). Despite giving an appearance of reliability, the name "Webster's" has been public domain since the late 19th century. Another publisher to be wary of as they reuse Wikipedia articles is Alphascript Publishing. Fences&Windows 17:36, 3 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

sure is a lot of bs online.. but its only a teeny piece of the reality/unreality pie..
a further thought, why does this piece of nothingness (the false book ref) invoke such energy, when the actual reality of everything else on that page is so much more relevant and important to my public life? Its just a point of view for discussion. I get that it's easier, perhaps just search wikipedia for such uses of those simulated books, and kill them. and I agree with that too. But I also see significantly more value in catching people getting it right; positive support and progression will always generate more work and better outcomes, than the equivalent of the medieval inquisitions, that just breed fear and disenchantment, lowering productivity.

ideas? advice? actions?