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List of Marvel Family enemies

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Through his adventures, Fawcett Comics/DC Comics superhero Captain Marvel and his Marvel Family gained a host of enemies, including the following:


One of a trio of monsters summoned from the Netherworld in Marvel Family #21 whih also inludes a Satyr and Hydra. Has multiple eyes allowing it to see and dodge Captain Marvel Jr.'s blows, but he defeats them by using a pot of paint to blind him, and the monsters are then sent back to the Netherworld.

Arson Fiend

George Tweedle was a fire insurance salesman who ingested a potion which transformed him into a demon-esque larger being known as the Arson Fiend. The Fiend had the power to set anything he touched on fire and set fire to buildings that did not buy fire insurance. He also appeers to posses superhuman strength and durability. He is able to capture and gag Billy, leaving him to die in a burning building, but Billy escapes, and after a battle on top of an oil tank an explosion is caused and the burnt body of George Tweedle is later found. Originally a one-shot villain created for Captain Marvel Adventures #2 in 1941, in which he is killed apparently by his own fire, the Arson Feind was reintroduced in the 1990s Power of Shazam! series, where he gained the ability to shoot fireballs as well. Here he survives the explosion, and is given his powers back by Blaze.

Aunt Minerva

A criminal mastermind who looks like a sweet old lady, but has deadly accuracy with a gun and a desire to find a new husband after her first five died. She tries to make Captain Marvel marry her, then Uncle Marvel.

Black Adam

An older Egyptian renegade protégé of the wizard Shazam, who was the first to be granted superpowers by the wizard. Adam eventually grew to abuse his power, and became a tyrant. Shazam returned to punish Adam with either exile to a distant Star (in the Fawcett comics) or death (in the modern DC Comics). He returns to Earth (or life) after Shazam appoints Captain Marvel his new successor, and was soon established as Captain Marvel's most powerful foe in physical abilities. Black Adam only appeared once in the Fawcett Comics era (in The Marvel Family #1, 1945) where he died after accidentally changing back, but was later reintroduced as a recurring villain in DC's Shazam! series of the 1970s. In later early-2000s DC Universe continuity, a reformed Adam joined the Justice Society of America, later quiting to stage a hostile takeover of his home country of Kahndaq. Adam was a featured character in DC's 2006-2007 52 comic book series, which followed his attempts to establish himself as a hero and create a "Marvel Family" of his own, which includes his superpowered wife Isis and her younger brother, Osiris. Isis and Osiris were murdered by a grand international conspiracy, sending Adam on a homicidal rampage which pitted him against the entire DC Universe and killed millions, chronicled in a 2007 miniseries entitled World War III. He later gives his powers to Mary Marvel (Mary Batson) after she loses hers, in an attempt to resurrect Isis, but it corrupts her during (Countdown to Final Crisis). Isis is evantually brought back to life by Felix Faust, but she has become violent, and attempts to wipe out all life on Earth, meaning Black Adam gives up his power to bring Shazam back to life. He and Isis are then turned to stone by the wizard.

Black Alice

Black Alice isn't a true Marvel Family villain, but she can manifest their abilities by siphoning the power of Shazam. Her true identity is high-school teenager Lori Zechlin who has the ability to draw on the magical powers of other mystical beings such as Doctor Fate, Zatanna and the magic-based powers of the Marvel Family.

Black Beauty

The nefarious Black Beauty single-handedly wrestled the underworld throne from gangster Bull Norton by murdering him in front of his men. Out to prove her worth in a man's world, Beauty also took on Captain Marvel and caused him undue embarressment by playing on his chivelry. Captain Marvel defeated Black Beauty by convincing her that he had fallen in love with the femme fatale. Captain Marvel sprayed her with tear gas and then rounded up Black Beauty's gang and turned her over to the authorities.

Black Magician

Only appearing in Marvel Family #2. After a poacher escapes from Mary Marvel, he meets a magician, to who he gives an idea that will make them a lot of money. They go to the Kid's picnic Mary is at, and give all the people there animal heads, causing them to lose their memories. Mary is given an owl head, and with all the others imprisoned in a hut. However, the spirits of the goddesses that give her power appear and shwo their names to her, causing her to accidently transform, which makes her memory and normallity return. She confrants the poacher and Black Magician, who are planning to exhibit the children in a freak show but have notied her absence. The Magician tries to turn her into a swan and thinks he has succeeded, but Mary then appears and revealed she dived out of the way, and that it is a fake swan. She then forces the Magician to restore the children, breaks his wand meaning he will never regain his black magic powers, then gives the two crooks to the police, before thanking the six goddesses.

Black Wizard

A wizard who used a magic dust, allowing him to cast spells like breaking open a security van, or creating chains around Mary Marvel she couldn't break. Only appeered in Marvel Family #51.

Blaze and Satanus

Present only in modern-day Marvel Family stories, the demoness Blaze and her brother Lord Satanus originally appeared in the Superman books in the early 1990s. They were later revealed in the Power of Shazam! series to be the illegitimate children of the Wizard Shazam, who was bewitched by their mother during his early superhero days in Biblical Canaan. Blaze has attempted to spread her evil influence throughout Fawcett City since the 1940s, requiring Shazam and his allies to work together to stop her. They are each rulers of parts of Hell. They each oppose the other and recently Blaze took control of Hell.

Captain Death

The Captain of the ship 'Skull,' who with fake spiritualist Professor Skull plans to swindle families out of their money in 'one of the cruelest rackets ever devised.' Using a suction pump he drags people through the water while they are bathing, then imprisons them on the ship. Professor Skull uses his crystal ball, really a Television set turned to the yacht, to bring images of the 'drowned' people to their relatives, who pay him well. They plan to evantually kill their captives, as everybody thinks they are dead anyway the racket will get away with it. Captain Marvel captures the crew and Professor Skull and frees the captives (Whiz Comics #7). In Whiz Comics #21 another Captain Death appeers, who while having the same name does not ressemble the original Captain Death. With Doctor Sivana, Nazi agent Herr-Geyer, and bandit "Biggy" Brix they try and kidnap Billy Batson, but instead capture his namesakes, Tall Billy, Fat Billy, and Hill Billy. Captain Death captures Tall Billy. This leads to the formation of the Lieutenant Marvels, who crash the plane in which the villains try to escape. Although Sivana returns again, his accomplices are not seen again, preseumbly meaning they perished.

Captain Nazi

Adolf Hitler's champion, created through science as the "perfect specimen" of a soldier, giving him superhuman strength and stamina. Obviously inspired by the events of World War II, Nazi continued to appear in classic-era Marvel Family stories until the 1980s. In the Power of Shazam! series of the 1990s, Nazi was brought back into action after having been in suspended animation for fifty years, and quickly became an enemy of the Marvel Family. Captain Nazi was responsible for crippling young Freddy Freeman in both Pre-crisis and Post-crisis continuity, leading to the character's eventual emergence as Captain Marvel Jr.

Captain Nippon

1942, Captain Marvel Jr. #2: Brutish Japanese equivalent of Captain Nazi. He was created by the Jamambux, sorcerers of the dark arts of medieval times, compounded of brute power, murder, hate, terror, lust and greed. Mind of a cunning spy, and strong enough to fight Captain Marvel Jr. toe to toe. Usually goes about wearing a loose fitting soldier's uniform and a spiked club. Once teamed up with Captain Nazi. Possibly a member of Mr. Mind's Monster Society of Evil.

Chain Lightning

First appearing as a one-shot villain in World's Finest Comics #272 (1981), Chain Lightning is a metahuman who has the power to absorb and dispel electricity in the form of lightning bolts. As such, she can cause the Marvels to revert to their non-powered forms if she attacks them with enough of a charge. When re-introduced in the Power of Shazam! series in the 1990s, Chain Lightning was depicted as a teenage girl with multiple personality disorder , whose four personalities (her "actual" persona of Amy, the embittered Amber, her inner child, and her id) fuel her powers. Chain's Amy personality has an unrequited crush on Captain Marvel Jr., after he saved her (and "the others") from committing suicide.

The Colour King

Only appeered in Mary Marvel #3. A criminal who after studying in Tibet can project different coloured rays which effected emotions, for example green calmed people. He starts testing them around town. Mary Marvel investigates but as Mary Batson she is captured, bound, and gagged by his henchmen while in the oriental section of town. He decides to kill her by projecting all his colours at once, thus tearing her mind apart, but she closes her eyes, thus meaning she is not effected. The Colour King orders his men to untie and ungag her and dispose of the body, but she then turns into Mary Marvel. The Colour King tries calming her, but she is resistant to his colours, knocks him out, and captures him.

Crazy Captain

Only appeering in Marvel Family #87. Runs a racket which steals ships, then paints them and resells them. Uses a giant robot octopus. The Marvels investigate on a ship, but in their civilian forms they are knocked out by the robot's tentacle. They are bound and gagged, and taken to the Crazy Captain's cave base, where they realise his racket. The Captain has them thrown into a tank, which they realise has piranha fish inside, which start trying to eat them. However, Billy siezes two of the fish, and uses them to chew through Mary's gag, allowing her to transform and free the other Marvels. They then defeat the Crazy Captain.


A race of humanoid crocodiles from the planetoid Punkus who were members of the Monster Society of Evil.

  • Herkimer - A Crocodile-Man who is Mr. Mind's second-in-command. He appeers in Shazam #2, but has reformed and is working at a carnival. He tells Captain Marvel the city where Mr Mind is preparing his plan, allowing Captain Marvel to defeat and capture the worm.
  • Jorrk - The greatest scientist of the Crocodile-Men and one of Mr. Mind's three lieutenants alongside Dr. Smashi and Herr Phoul.
  • Sylvester - A Crocodile-Man and one of Mr. Mind's preferred gunners.

Dr. Allirog

An intelligent gorilla that fought Captain Marvel in "Special Edition Comics" #1.

Dr. Aloysius Lake

First Captain Marvel non-Sivana foe and only appeering in Whiz comics #5. After five years of work Dr Aloysius Lake creates a machine with which he plans to take over the country. Billy Batson's investigation in Washington of $250000000 worth of jewels being stolen across the country leads him to a modern Fagin robbery ring when he follows a hypnotized looking boy, where he is briefly hypnotized by a strange machine before two thieves break him out of his trance when they attempt to rob the same jewellry store Billy has been ordered to rob. Captain Marvel then hypnotizes the rings leader after his magic lightining gets the boys out of their trances, and finds out Doctor Aloysius Lake is the leader and has rings in San Francisco, New York, and Chicago. He breaks up the New York, then Chicago ring, before finding out Lake is the leader of the San Francisco Ring. Under the pretence of joining the gang, Billy confronts the Doctor, summons Captain Marvel, then arrests the Doctor.

Dr. Roy Durgan

A scientist who after 20 years work perfects a three-dimensional camera. Only appeering in Whiz comics #9. It transforms a man's body into a three-dimensional negative in a gelatine-like substance, which when washed in a developing solution dissolves, leaving a minutarised human. It can make a six-foot man six inches tall. After the Elban Crown Jewels, worth $50,000,000 disapeer, Billy investigates and sees lines in the dust. Finding Dr. Durgan has bought a minature airplane, Billy visits him, but is told to stay out by Durgan. Seeing a toy autogyro, he turns into Captain Marvel, who siezes it. Turning back into Billy Batson, he sees a tiny man inside who has stolen a gold watch. However, he is then captured by Dr. Durgan, who demonstrates the process on his chauffeur Pete, then tells him to steal $10,000,000 of Elban bonds from the city bank. He then prepares to shrink Billy, then let a snake kill him. However, the first tiny man then frees him, allowing Billy to remove the gag and transform. He then shrinks Durgan down. The first tiny man fights Durgan, who reveals where an enlarger is, which Captain Marvel uses to enlarge the first man, who reveals himself as Elban citizen, Derek Morgan. Capt removes the jewels from a safe, then goes to the bank to find it has been robbed. He gors back, but finds a bound and gagged Derek, who when freed reveals Durgan and Pete enlarged themselves and the autogyro and are heading for the Mexian border. Captain Marvels makes their plane crash and captures them, returning their loot and sending the two to jail.

Doctor Sivana

Captain Marvel's very first and primary foe. Thaddeus Sivana, a bald, diminutive mad scientist, often attempts to take over the world or destroy the Marvels using his inventions. hIn Pre-crisis continuity he was originally dismissed from the Scientific community as his inventions were called a fake so he travelled to Venus. Sivana's teenage children Georgia and Thaddeus Sivana, Jr. often joined their father in his evil schemes; the three of them are collectively known as the Sivana Family. In addition, there are two other children of Sivana, Magnificus and Beautia, who are staunch friends of the Marvel Family. In current DC Universe continuity, Sivana was a mega corporation head who was eventually ruined because of his early battles against Captain Marvel and implications in the deaths of Billy Batson's parents. Currently, he operates underground and heads the Fearsome Five, a team of supervillains, who have fought both the Teen Titans and the Outsiders.

Dr Smashi, Hashi, and Peeyu

Three evil stereotypical Japanese scientists during the war and members of the Monster Society of Evil. They claim to also be members of the Black Dragon Society of Murder, the Tokoyo Torture Temple, and the Jap Jab-in-the-back club.

  • Dr. Smashi - A short Japanese scientist and one of Mr. Mind's three lieutenants alongside Jorrk and Herr Phoul.
  • Dr. Hashi - A spiky-haired Japanese scientist.
  • Dr. Peeyu - A tall Japanese scientist.

As this was wartime, there were a lot of negative portrayals of other nationalities. However these portrayals have now been called racist.

Ebenezer Batson

The real life uncle of Billy Batson, when rich he threw the poor boy out to get his trust fund, as Shazam shows Billy in Whiz comics #2. Eventually, he fell on hard times and he visited Billy at the radio station, hoping to get money from him, erroneously thinking that Billy must be rich being a famous boy broadcaster. Failing that, he gets the idea that as Billy's real uncle, he'd expose Uncle Dudley as a fraud and gain control over all the money that Shazam, Inc brings in. And, failing in that but succeeding in getting a job as a clerk for Shazam, Inc, he contrives a fake emergency at sea (that turns out to be real) to get Captain Marvel and Dudley out of the office while he robs the company safe (attributing it to a gang of thieves) and from there he searches Billy's apartment for his "riches". However, Dudley had stumbled on to his lies and plans and alerts Billy who summons Captain Marvel who retrieves the money and kicks Uncle Ebenezer out to never return, preferring his fraud uncle to his real one.

In Post-Crisis, Ebenezar Batson only steals Billy's trust fund. However, he inurrs the enmity of the Arson Fiend.

Germ People

April-July, 1941, Captain Marvel Adventures #2. Sivana's latest scheme is to shrink Billy Batson/Captain Marvel with a formula while he pretends to be selling sodas and giving a free one for every customer, and throws him in a potted plant before he shrinks down to microscopic size. Beautia happens to come in and protests, so dear old dad shrinks her too. Captain Marvel saves Beautia from an insect-like germs, but is then forced to turn to Billy to escape from a giant carniverous plant Sivana tricks him into diving into. In this world of giant plants and strange creatures, Billy and Beautia meet up with a humanoid race that call themselves the Germ People, who revere Sivana who visits and teaches them, making them the masters of the microscopic world. Beautia is taken as a slave to the chief's wife, while Billy is forced to fight for his life against the chief's champion, a magician with a whistle given by Sivana that summons all sorts of creatures. While he as Captain Marvel defeats the creatures and kills the chief when they attack him, Beautia finds the potion that Sivana uses to grow himself after his visits in the chief's hut. She and Captain Marvel then take it, and return to their normal sizes, Captain Marvel defeats Sivana. Unfortunately for the Germ People, once her normal size, Beautia sprays the potted plant with some old fashioned germ killer.

Ghost of the Bell Tower

1944, Captain Marvel Adventures #40. John Larch was the bellringer of the western town Chimeville, announcing births, deaths, weddings, etc. He accidentally falls and dies from a broken back, and subsequently buried at the base of the bell tower. Later, Chimeville is plagued by mysterious deaths and a "ghost" ringing the bell, announcing each death. Billy Batson is sent by the radio station to investigate and he comes across a strange and agile hunchback claiming to be the ghost and seems to vanish without a trace. Ultimately, Captain Marvel captures and reveals the hunchback as Larch himself who had gone mad when found buried alive and was killing off those who buried him.

Ghost of the Deep

1941, America's Greatest Comics #1. Al Spriggins, radio broadcaster for W.T.E.L. kills the inventor of the invulnerable Z-metal and steals the secret. He then builds a suit of armor which he hid under black robes and hood. The Ghost plans to attack Navy ships in his indestructible submarine and broadcasts threats on radio, planning to become a dictator. He seems to have a diving suit concealed in his costume, as he is able to swim underwater without discomfort. The Ghost ruthlessly kills henchmen that fail him, emerging from the water to murder them. He captures Billy at the panama canal, having him bound and gagged, but he escapes the Ghost. After a full-blown knock-down fight, Captain Marvel manages to bust open the submarine and armor and capture then unmask the Ghost, who fires at a General in anger, but the bullet bounces back of Captain Marvel and kills the Ghost.


April, 1946 (?), Captain Marvel, Jr #37. In 1846, a man is sent to prison for a 99 year sentence. While there, he reads and studies every book on crime as well as exercising and keeping his body in tip top shape so that a century later, he is released from prison having served his entire term. Armed with a sword cane and having a long bushy graybeard he takes over a gang and puts his prison education to work. His crime wave brings him to the attention of Captain Marvel Jr, but even Junior has trouble outsmarting the old crime lord. In fact, at the end of #37, the Graybeard was still on the loose.

Great Red Brain

Only appearing in Marvel Family #80, the Great Red Brain was used by Tong to devise strategies to defeat the American forces during the Korean War. It even used it's telepathy to halt the Marvel Family. The Marvel Family managed to defeat the Great Red Brain by breaking it's protective casing. As the Brain fell out of its casing, it seemingly crushed and killed Tong, but Tong survived to battle the Marvel Family another day.


Only appeering in Marvel Family #76. A group of aliens who ressemble gremlins, and plan to steal Atomic weapons. The Marvels first think they want to damage the weapons, then think they are friendly, until they are on a truck transporting what the Gremlins want. They are knocked out, bound and gagged, and left in the desert, where the Gremlins reveal their plan, saying they did not damage the weapons as they wanted to steal them. Despite being caught in a sandstorm, the Marvels are able to escape and defeat the Gremlins.

The Hen

The Hen: 1949, Marvel Family 28: A thin woman who happens to be a ruthless criminal mastermind. So ruthless, she killed off her whole gang just so's not to share the loot. However, this kinda makes other criminals not want to work for her. So she teams up with Georgia Sivana, combining the Sivana daughter's goal with being Princess of Earth with her own goal to be the World's Wealthiest Woman. However, you cannot have two leaders and this team-up was doomed as eventually the two got to fighting over who was the best allowing Mary Marvel to capture them and put them in jail. Besides her thin angled features, she further mimics her name-sake by having a tendency to cackle. She is also a genius with gases. During her first appeerence she hypnotised wealthy lady Mrs Vanrock into forgetting she had been wearing the Royal Ruby of Tashmir when she went into a beauty parlour. Mary Batson had seen the lady's ruby had gone, but while investigating she was knocked out by the Hen's henchman, tied up and gagged next to a bomb that would go off in five minutes. But she was able to free her hands by pushing them over a chair bolt, remove her gag, turn into Mary Marvel, and escape.

Herr Phoul

First appeering in Captain Marvel Adventures #32. Herr Phoul is a German Nazi, one of the three lieutenants of Mr. Mind's Monster Society of Evil. As required of Nazi officers, he was bald and had a monocle. He died when he was caught in the explosion of an ammunition dump.


The Hydra II: 1945, Captain Marvel Adventures, vol 2, #42. In his war against Captain Marvel, Mr. Mind creates a monstrous body with a human head. Only the human head turns out to be an imbecile so Mr. Mind decides to kill his monster. When he chops the head off, it not only grows back but a dog's head does as well. Deciding such a creature could be useful, he takes it to steal some weapon plans. Losing and gaining more heads in battle with Captain Marvel and the police, the beast is finally defeated when Captain Marvel feeds it some raw meat and the various heads attack each other over it.

This is not to be confused with another Fawcett villain, Hydra: All-Hero #1. John Oberon is able to turn into the Greek monster Hydra and is opposed by Ibis.

In Marvel Family #21 a Hydra is one of a trio of monsters summoned from the Netherworld. It resembles a two-headed tough man and possesses superhuman strength, battling Mary Marvel as it's two heads mean it cannot be easily knocked out. She gets past this by hitting the heads together, and the trio of monsters are sent back to the Netherworld.


A frail thug named "Stinky" Printwhistle who was empowered by Lucifer himself after he was saved from a fall caused by Captain Marvel, with the powers of four of the most evil men to walk the face of the earth (Ivan the Terrible, Borgia, Attila the Hun and Caligula). When he says the name "IBAC", he becomes a large, muscular brute with super-strength. Saying his name again transforms him back into Printwhistle (therefore, like Captain Marvel, Jr., Ibac also cannot say his own name).

The Ice King

A criminal who uses freeze rays and is more resistant to cold then a normal human. When the Marvels gets into his hideout in icy caves, a guard knocks them out, and the Ice King uses his freeze ray to make ice on their heads, gagging them, and nearly suffocating them. He throws them down a chute to a pack of wolves, but Billy breaks the ice on a wolf's skull, allowing him to turn into Captain Marvel, free the others, and defeat the Ice King. Only appeering in Marvel Family #82.

King Kull

The king of the beastmen, neanderthal-like humanoids who ruled the earth in ancient times and enslaved the homo sapiens populance. The beastmen were eventually overthrown by their slaves who vastly outnumbered them, although King Kull, hidden in a secret underground chamber, survived and vowed revenge on humanity, putting himself into suspended animation. Kull's people had developed significantly advanced technologies before their demise, and Kull often battles the Marvel Family using such technology. Kull in early appearances seems to have superhuman strength and durability. King Kull made his debut in the Fawcett Comics stories of the early 1950s, and appeared in DC Comics Shazam! stories during the 1970s and early 1980s. In one story, he is able to release the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man, and tried to turn Billy Batson to stone. In Crisis in Eternity he captures nearly all the Elders that empower the Marvels, except for the Swift Mercury, and it takes the efforts of the JLA, JSA, and Squadron of Justice to beat him as he plans to wipe out humanity on all three earths. He joins the final pre-crisis Monster Society to attack the Rock of Eternity.


A criminal who uses his special food to make swordfish attack other fishing boats. His repellent keeps them from attacking his ship. He gets fish, and sells them at high prices, nobody else able to fish. Mary investigates, but is captured, bound and gagged by his henchman. She is thrown overboard for the swordfish, but escapes by jerking her head back as a swordfish slashes at her face, removing her gag, and allowing her to change into Mary. She uses a broken swordfish nose to attack Krager and then arrest him. Only apeering in Wow comics #50.

Macro the Giant

A giant of great strength 18 ft tall, first appeering in Captain Marvel Adventures #8.

Mad Poet

A poet called Edgar Alvin Pfoe who tries to get revenge on Marmaduke Speareshake when he wins first prize, and Mary Batson, who wins second prize, while he only wins third prize. He always speaks in rhyme, like 'If I kill you and Speareshake, then first prize will I take.' He attempts to kill Speareshake with a knife at the concert, but Mary Marvel foils him. He tries to shoot him later at his house, but Mary stops him, but he escapes by blinding her with ink. She is told by Speareshake, who also speaks in rhyme, where to find Pfoe, on Cedar street 10. She turns into Mary so he does not run away as he lives up a lot of stairs. However, he recognises her, gags her, and ties her to a chair, planning to kill her after reading his poetry to her. She shakes her head like she thinks his poetry is terrible, he removes her gag to ask her, but she then transforms and defeats him. Only appeers in Mary Marvel #2.

The Mad Mummy

Only appeering in Marvel family #79. The Mad Mummy, a denizen of the Nether World, wreaked havoc on ancient Egypt by indiscriminately slaying men and women, cackling over his human carnage, and by attempting to overthrow the world of the living. The ancient Shazam imprisoned the Mummy in a pyramid tomb for the Mummy’s crimes. Shazam dropped the tomb to the bottom of the ocean. Thousands of years later… archeologists Professor Joplin and Professor Beatty discovered the Pyramid of Peril after they deciphered ancient parchments leading to its location. When a giant octopus attacked Beatty during a dive to discover the entrance of the tomb, the Mighty Marvels flew in to rescue the terrified diver. Cap, Mary, and Junior also raised the pyramid and delivered it to dry land. In exchange for opening the pyramid, the Marvels struck a deal with Joplin so that their alter egos could join in on the discovery. Inside the pyramid, Joplin and his team ignored repeated warnings not to let loose the Mad Mummy even a warning written by the ancient wizard Shazam! Joplin cavalierly opened the mummy’s sarcophagus and the loosed the still animated mummy on the modern world. The mummy quickly overcame both Joplin and his party and the Marvels in their human guises of Billy, Mary, and Freddy trapping them all in a giant stone Sphinx. The mummy launched the Sphinx and his captives towards Fawcett City in an attempt to kill thousands. Billy was able to remove his gag in time to change to Captain Marvel and save the city. Cap quickly freed Freddy and Mary and the reunited Marvel Family took off to battle the Mad Mummy! The mummy used an ancient device named the Horn of Horror to release a plague of demons to slow the Marvels down but the Marvels quickly overcame the demons. After destroying the mummy’s pyramid, Billy, Mary, and Freddy paid a quick visit to Shazam, who told them of the grisly history of the mummy and charged them with stopping the mummy. In the meantime, the Mad Mummy has used his Horn of Horror to bring forth a horde of other mummies that captured the three kids. The muumy used his Sphinx Ray to silence the kids so that they couldn’t say their magic words. He then tortured and forced the kids to build a new Pyramid of Peril. To escape the clutches of the mummy, Billy suggested that they play dead. Believing that the children had passed away, the Mad Mummy wrapped the children in mummy cloth and deposited them in open sarcophaguses in the new Pyramid of Peril. The kids then snuck out of the tomb and up on the mummy grabbing and destroying the mummy’s Sphinx Ray. Now able to speak, the kids changed to their Marvel forms and quickly defeated the mummy horde. The Marvel’s caused an earthquake, which swallowed up the mummy’s Horn of Horror. After quickly capturing the mummy, the Marvel’s delivered him to Shazam who sealed the mummy back in his sarcophagus. The Marvel’s dropped the new Pyramid of Peril in the deepest part of the ocean and the Mad Mummy has not been heard from since.

Mister Atom

An artificially intelligent nuclear-powered robot created by Dr. Charles Langley, although ending his life. Pre-crisis he was a member of the final Monster Society of Evil. In the Power of Shazam! series, Mister Atom (under the control of Mister Mind) destroys Fairfield (a town near Fawcett City where Mary Bromfield lived with her adoptive parents) with a nuclear explosion which killed thousands. He became a member of the Secret Society of Super Villains and attacked the Rock of Eternity, mentioned by Captain Marvel.

Mister Mind and the Monster Society of Evil

The most notorious classic-era Captain Marvel villain, the at-first unseen Mister Mind started and headed a supervillain team known as the Monster Society of Evil in a twenty-two chapter serial running in the Captain Marvel Adventures comic book during the mid-1940s, the longest serial in the Golden Age of Comics. During two years of masterminding tyranny with a team of hundreds of villains and criminals (including several previous Marvel Family adversaries like Captain Nazi, Dr. Sivana, and Ibac), Mister Mind was revealed to be a two-inch, myopic, mind-controlling worm from another planet. The evil worm was placed on trial, convicted of killing 186,744 people, and placed in the electric chair. Mind survived his execution as electric shock only puts his race into suspended animation and escaped; he would go on to battle the Marvel Family many other times, and forming new versions of the Monster Society (including foes like Mr. Atom, Oggar, King Kull, and Black Adam) until the Crisis on Infinite Earths. In the Power of Shazam! series of the mid-1990s, Mind was reimagined as the leader of a race of millions of mind-controlling Venusian worms, who irregularly appear across the DC Universe attempting to control potential human hosts. Mr. Mind becomes a primary opponent late in DC's 52 series, where he metamorphosizes into a giant "hyperfly" able to eat years of history from alternate dimensions, re-establishing DC's Multiverse in the process.

Mr Beest

A criminal who posseses masks that change people's faces. He helps criminal Dangerous Dan to escape from Mary Marvel by making him look like an older man. Her then gives him a mask to impersonate millionaire J. Vanderpool, after which Dan goes to their house and robs their safe. However, the real Vanderpool arrives, alerting Mary, who captures the criminal. The mask-maker disguises himself to escape her, while she atacks a bearded man before realising her mistake. Beest then uses a msk to help a girl win a beauty contest as her mother is ill, but it melts in the sun, although the girl still gets the prize. When Beest tries to take the money, Mary Marvel captures him. Only appearing in Mary Marvel #4.


A young girl who is similar in appearance to Mary and part of a gang of juvenile delinquents. Mary Marvel arrests the gang and sends them to reform school. Only appearing in Wow comics #49.

Mr. Alias

Marvel Family #90 (An unpublished, synopsis in Best of Alter Ego) Plastic Man-like powers and an earthquake gun, goes up against the Marvel Family.

Mr. Banjo

One of Captain Marvel's recurring villains from the early issues of Captain Marvel Adventures in the 1940s, first appeering in Captain Marvel Adventures #8, Kurt Filpots worked as an agent for the Axis powers during World War II. Dressed as a stout man in a shaggy green suit and straw hat who carried around an old banjo with him, Filpots delivered secrets in the form of musical notes. Although evil, Mr. Banjo would go up against Captain Marvel with nothing more than a banjo. He was a member of the Pre-crisis Monster Society of Evil.

Mr. Who

Originally a lesser foe of the first Doctor Fate, Mr. Who was a crippled scientist who developed Solution Z, a chemical that would enable him to change his physical form. Instead of sharing his discovery with the world, he used it to commit crimes as a supervillain. He was a member of the original Monster Society of Evil.

Niatpac Levram

Only appeering in Captain Marvel Adventures #139. Niatpac Levram was the creation of the devilish Wizzo the Wizard! The wizard created Levram as a mirror duplicate of Captain Marvel by casting a spell and animating Cap's image from a mirror. Wizzo used Niatpac Levram to wreak havoc on Captain Marvel's city for the sole purpose of graduating from the School of Black Magicians! Cap was able to defeat Wizzo and send Nia back to the mirror universe!

The Night Owl

1948, Mary Marvel #24. Henry Stibbs is the cunning and ruthless Nightowl. As a man with his face bandaged up from a terrible burn accident, he takes a room under Mrs. Bromfield's roof from which he can plan his crimes. With huge oversized eyes, he can see perfectly in the dark but is almost completely blind during the day. He goes about the city pretending to be a blind begger, hiding his eyes with dark shades. When darkness falls, he commits daring robberies armed with his darkflash, a flashlight that casts blackness instead of light. His hair style, beakish nose and oversized eyes make him look the part of a human owl but no explanation as to where he got the extraordinary eyes or the darkflash. His crime spree is halted by Mary Marvel. He later appeers in Shazam #12. When Mary Marvel uses her lightining to see in the dark she turns back, but is bound and gagged and placed under a spike presser. But she removes her gag on a spike, escapes and captures him.


The self styled "World's Mightiest Immortal", he was a major recurring enemy of the Marvels in the DC Comics stories published before the continuity-resetting Crisis on Infinite Earths miniseries in 1985. Oggar was a pupil of Shazam, and under the wizard's tutelage attained godhood and for a time joined the six gods and heroes who would empower Captain Marvel, but turned against Shazam after teaming up with Circe and giving her immortality, who cast him out and cursed him with cloven hooves and horns instead of feet. He has divine strength and durability equal to Captain Marvel's and magic that enabled him to do nearly anything, like turning Captain Marvel back with lightning, or muting people, although each spell could only be used once. However, Oggar's power cannot be directly cast against a female target, as Circe cursed him. Thus Mary Marvel was usually called upon to deal with him. He creates the Cult of the Curse, and uses his hooves to bind men to it, if they leave his service they are driven mad, however if already mad they are cured. Unfortunately, he only gets 4 men to join him, all lunatics thinking they are: Samson, Nero, Napoleon, and Julius Caesar. He joins the last pre-crisis Monster Society of Evil for an assault on the Rock of Eternity and helps Black Adam raise an evil army in Egypt. There are rumours on the DC comics message board he might soon make a return, and that he may have been the shadowy figure who appeared before Black Adam.

The Queen of Spies

Delura, the Queen of Spies, only appeered in Captain Marvel Adventures #147 when she attempted to steal a fantastic device from Ming of Tibet, who had contacted the U.S about it. Her henchmen Ghunga captured Ming, and using torture she got the device from Ming but Ming contacted Captain Marvel with telepathy. Captain Marvel tracked Delura to her hideout by the scent of her distinctive perfume, and captured her.

Red Crusher

The Red Crusher is one of North Korea's devilish champions who fought Captain Marvel.

Red Vulture

A North Korean who created a space base to rain down missiles on opposing countries.

The Rainbow Squad

Six females with one power each based on Captain Marvel's six powers, composed of Virago, Dauntless, Sibyl, Gibralta, Celeritas, and Dynamoll. Mister Mind in the robot human of Mr Wonderful, with the six-armed alien Handyman gave them their powers with a machine. Captain Marvel is creeped out by their love attempts on him, running away as he feels he cannnot attack girls. Minute Man attempts to help him after getting advice from Achilles. Dynamoll turns him back by projecting lightining, then binds and gags him, bringing him to Mister Mind who places him on a chair and prepares to drop a 5 ton weight onto him. But Minute Man removes his gag allowing him to transform, after which Minute Man is defeated, causing Mr Wonderful to laugh in a recognisable way. Cap realises Mr Mind is inside Mr Wonderful and then defeats the girls. He then reveals the identity of Mr Wonderful, who then escapes, but the squad is preseumbly sent to jail.

Rowdy Sparkle

Rowdy was one of the many funny villains introduced before 1985's Crisis on Infinite Earths that Captain Marvel would fight regularly. Rowdy considers himself "The Toughest Guy in the World" after he read a copy of "How to Do Everything." His cousin, Sunny Sparkle, is a polar opposite of him. Rowdy Sparkle appeared only once, in Shazam! #5 in 1973, and loses his powers when Captain Marvel destroys the handbook.


Like Ibac, Sabbac is another magical being powered by the forces of demons. Sabbac gets his powers from six demons (Satan, Aym, Belial, Beelzebub, Asmodeus and Craeteis), who give him powers proportional to those of the Marvels. The original Sabbac, the alter ego of Freddy Freeman/Captain Marvel Jr.'s foster brother Timothy Karnes, first appeared in 1943 as a humanoid figure.

Sabbac II

In the early 2000s The Outsiders comic book, Karnes was murdered and his Sabbac powers stolen by a Russian mobster named Ishamel Gregor. When Gregor becomes Sabbac, he transforms into a hulking demon with red skin, horns, fire breath, and a scent of brimstone. He later becomes several storys high.


First appearing in Marvel Family #90 (unpublished, synopsis in Best of Alter Ego), Satyr is an evil incarnation of the god Pan that was banished from Earth 2000 years ago by Shazam. He faces the Marvel Family and attempts to replace Captain Marvel. Another Satyr appeers in Marvel Family #21 along with a two-headed Hydra and many eyed Argus, as a Trio of Terror summoned from the Netherworld by three carnival brothers using a stolen spell book, who have to return in 24 hours unless three replacements are sent. The Marvel Family are able to send them back although they are nearly sent themselves. This Satyr has superhuman strength, durability, and can control minds with his pipes, although Captain Marvel is able to break free of the music. The Satyr Archibald was a member of the Monster Society of Evil.

Seven Deadly Enemies of Man

Seven powerful demons, based upon the seven deadly sins enumerated in Christianity, who can take control of both humans and superheroes. The Sins were captured by the wizard Shazam many years ago, and encased in seven mockingly cartoon-like stone statues. The seven statues housing each demon are on display in Shazam's underground lair in the subway in the original comics, and in the Rock of Eternity in the modern comics. The demons have escaped their prisons several times to cause havoc, usually freed by another villain. In one story King Kull releases them, planning to make Sin bombs which cause people to commit sins by affecting their minds and destroy the world along with turning Billy Batson to stone, but he is defeated and the Sins again imprisoned. In the original Fawcett stories and most other versions, the Seven Sins were "censored" to an extent in keeping with 1940s standards, identified as the "Seven Deadly Enemies of Man" and including Pride, Envy, Greed, Hatred, Laziness, Selfishness, and Injustice among their ranks. Most post-2000 appearances of the Seven Deadly Sins identify them by their traditional theological versions (Pride, Envy, Greed, Anger, Sloth, Gluttony, and Lust).When the Spectre destroyed the Rock of Eternity and killed Shazam the Sins were released. When the Rock was rebuilt the Sins were again captured, although they try and torment Marvel, and they are implied to have caused trouble at a full moon. It is claimed that Pride is the most rude and dangerous.

Signore Carnato

An opera singer only appearing in Mary Marvel #3, who hates the swing movement. He disguises himself as a night watchman and places choking gas capsules inside a microphone, which causes crooners to lose their singing voice for 24 hours. While Mary is watching he is able to gas her and tie her up, but she held her breath meaning that her voie comes back quickly, she transforms into Mary Marvel, captures him, then takes him off to a quiet resort.

Slippery Slyke and Hugo

Two crooks who Mary meets during the 24 hrs every 1000 years when Shazam loses his powers, therefore Mary does too. Slyke is a smaller, more intelligent crook, while Hugo is larger and stronger. She fails to stop them robbing a jewelry store, but at home Shazam tells her what has happened. She then makes a Mary Marvel costume to go after Slippery Slyke and Hugo. By bluffing she prevents them robbing another jewelry store. When she doesn't fly after them, Slyke suspects she is a fake. She uses silverware in her house to bait a trap, leaving the back door open, making them come into her house. By throwing bricks in the darkness, she stuns them, but Slyke sees them and realises she is a fake, tying her up and preparing to shoot her. However, the 24 hrs finish then as she calls Shazam, allowing her to transform and capture the two. Only appeering in Mary Marvel #4.

Slug Samson

A former convict who becomes the coach for the Marvel College team. Eustice Doke, of the class of 1900, promises the college $10,000,000 if they win. Billly Batson is told to investigate by enrolling, which he does with help from Captain Marvel. Billy s able to get into the team as a waterboy, but noties Slug is calling the team a pushover, which a good coach never does, according to him. Qhen the star fullback falls ill Captain Marvel tries to enroll, but he is thrown out for doing so well. Billy later hears Slug is getting 100 grand for making the college lose and their are 50:1 odds. He sees Slug drugging the water, but replaes it. However, Slug's henchmen take out the players during the game, but finally Captain Marvel appears and plays for the whole team, winning it 9-6. When last heard off, Slug Samson has resigned.

The Smiling Swordsman

Only appeering in Shazam #19. A criminal who hid a bomb in the Whiz radio building and told Uncle Dudley to help him or he would set the bomb off. Dudley was able to convince him to let him appeer on his show, during which he emphasised different words and syllables to send a message to Mary. As Mary Marvel she flew with such superspeed she became invisible. The villain told Uncle Marvel to rob a painting of 'The Smiling Swordsman,' Mary got it while making Uncle appeer to fly. She then follows the thief underneath the car to his mansion, but turns back so he won't set the bomb off if his servents won't see her. But she is then knocked out by a hammer and when she comes to she is gagged and tied to a chair. The Smiling Swordsman is now dressed as the charactor in the painting and decides to finish her off with his sword. But she moves her head so the sword slashes her off her gag, and then turns into Mary Marvel. She allows him to use up his sword on her invulnerable body, before knocking him out. Next day Uncle retells the story, but edits it to build up his own part.

The Space Ghoul

Only appeering Marvel Family #80. The telepathic Space Ghoul came to Earth with one goal: exhume the bodies of dead humans and feast on the decaying flesh! Due to its humanoid features, the Ghoul was able to trick the Marvel Family into thinking it was benevelent. The Space Ghoul also convinced the Marvel Family that its pursuer a ghastly looking creature named Klarz was in fact the ghoul. The Marvel Family eventually figured out their error captured the Space Ghoul and apologized to Klarz!

The Spider Men of Mars

The Spider Men: April-July, 1941, Captain Marvel Adventures #2.

Invading Earth from Mars, the Spider Men look like large 4 limbed beetles only about 12 feet tall, and are first found out about by an astronomer. They are easily able to defeat Earth forces. As Captain Marvel fights this invading force, he discovers they aren't truly alive but mechanical robots. So, he travels to Mars to fight the human looking ruler there, who first thinks Billy is a fifth columnist and sentances him to execution. But Billy turns into Captain Marvel, exacting a promise never to invade again. He then returns to Earth to wipe out the remaining robots.


A fairground midget who grows tired of working in the Circuis as 'World's Ugliest dwarf. He disuises himself as a doll and his accomplice, pretending to be a delivery man, delivers him to Mary's house, where he steals her mother's jewels, which she sees, but is finally convinced it is a nightmare. Mary suspects the doll and follows the truck to a museum, where it delivers a small mummy. That night, the mummy steals the Siva ruby, worth thousands. Mary suspects it to be a robot and again follows the truck, finding the loot was hidden in a secret compartment. She defeats the delivery-man and discovers the identity of the doll, before jailing them both.

Theo Hagge

Only appeering in Captain Marvel Adventures #82. A witch who planned to marry Captain Marvel, making him get a job and do all her work. Although an old witch she can make herself look like a young woman. But Captain Marvel was able to realise her plot and not marry her.


Tong is the self-proclaimed greatest Asiatic overlord since Genghis Khan. He created the Great Red Brain in Marvel Family #80, and apparently died when it fell from it's casing onto him. But he returned in Marvel Family #82, having devised a way to grow animals to enormous size. He first uses giant rats and pythons, causing the Marvels to go to Korea, where they are knocked out, chained, and gagged by his guards after they hear the yapping of a dog the Marvels used to track him. They are nearly eaten by a giant lizard, but Freddy removes Billy's gag, allowing him to free the others as Captain Marvel. They defeat Tong again.

Twister Jackson

A criminal who hears from jailed criminal 'Smooth' Felt that he has hidden the plans for a Jewellry infirmary in three banana hats, which he attempts to steal with another criminals aid. Mary trys to lure them out by wearing one of the hats. Seeing Mary has one of the hats, they knock her out, steal the hat, bind and gag her, and trap her inside a safe to suffocate. Using a hairpin she opens the safe from inside and is freed by someone else. She then defeats the criminals. Only appeering in Wow comics #32.

Vampire Burglar

Only appearing in "Captain Marvel Adventures" #147. He arrived in Fawcett City in order to find and eat the Goody Goody Bars. In order to obtain the Goody Goody Bars, Vampire Burglar ended up robbing the Goody Goody Bars from children and raiding the warehouse where it was stored. The Vampire Burglar was eventually apprehended by Captain Marvel and revealed that the candy bars contained Malakiza (a substance also found in human blood) which satiated a vampire's hunger. With the blessing of the President of the Goody Goody candy bar company, the Vampire Burglar returned to Translyvania to become the local salesmans of the candy bars but at a price where he gains free candy bars!

The Witch III

1949, Master Comics #99. 300 years ago, Ebenezer Brewster captured a witch and put her to death, but not before she swore that her daughter would gain vengeance on his descendents. Sure enough, a young woman attempts to do so through her poisonous witch's brew. She is stopped by Captain Marvel Jr. but falls into a lake and apparently drowns.

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