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Turn Coat

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Turn Coat
AuthorJim Butcher
Cover artistChristian McGrath
SeriesThe Dresden Files
GenreFantasy/Mystery novel
PublisherRoc Hardcover
Publication date
April 2009
Publication placeUnited States
Media typePrint (Hardcover) & AudioBook (Audio CD)
Pages432 pp
813/.6 22
LC ClassPS3602.U85 T87 2009
Preceded bySmall Favor 
Followed byChanges 

Turn Coat is the 11th book in The Dresden Files, Jim Butcher's continuing series about wizard detective Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden.

Plot summary

Nearly a year and a half after the events in Small Favor, Dresden's nemesis, Warden Morgan, shows up on his doorstep and asks for protection from the other Wardens just before passing out. Dresden calls in Dr. Waldo Butters, who does his best to patch up the patient though his stitches are delicate and stress could cause fatal arterial bleeding. By helping Morgan, Dresden has become an accomplice after the fact, and will share Morgan’s death sentence unless he can prove that Morgan is innocent.

Dresden reasons Morgan is a jerk, but that he would sooner fall on his own sword than be a murderer. Morgan regains consciousness, and gives his story. The Wardens are hunting him for the murder of Senior Council Member Aleron LaFortier. Morgan remembers going to sleep two days ago, waking up in Edinburgh today, and standing over LaFortier’s corpse - with knife in hand and a bank account balance of several million dollars.

Dresden and Morgan agree that someone may be eliminating wizards who have hindered their schemes. Morgan suggests that Dresden could be the next one to be framed. Dresden agrees, especially given his defusing of Darkhallow fiasco (Dead Beat). They also consider it possibly the work of the Black Council. When asked about pursuit, Morgan reveals he was given a favor by the Summer Queen which he exchanged to muddle the tracking spells of the Council. The faerie spell masking Morgan from the Wardens will expire in about 48 hours.

While on his way home from obtaining medical supplies from Thomas, Dresden becomes instinctively aware that he is being followed. Using his Sight, he catches a glimpse of a naagloshii — a nearly immortal, shape-shifting being also known as a 'skinwalker' — on top of a building. The psychic trauma of seeing such an enormous evil nearly incapacitates Dresden, who loses control of his car and leaves it parked on the sidewalk. Dresden stumbles to the apartment of Billy and Georgia and uses meditation to desensitize his mind to the horror he just witnessed through his Sight. After Dresden recovers, he and the Alphas investigate the naagloshii who ambushes them, killing one of the Alphas and putting another in ICU. The remaining Alphas are shocked, and demand to be given more information in the future if they are to help. Harry agrees.

Subtle calls to members of Paranet reveal that pairs of Wardens are appearing in out of the way U. S. cities, though Dresden, as a Warden Commander, should have been notified of this. At the Zero nightclub, Justine shows him a wanted poster from Craigslist which offers a reward for Morgan's death, proving that someone outside the Council is attempting to exacerbate the problem as the Council would not use Craigslist. As they talk they are accosted by Madeline Raith, Thomas cousin. She proves herself to be a less than subtle member of the Raith House. She tries to seduce Harry (who rejects her and insults her on multiple levels while doing so) and Justine, and threatens Justine's life. Thomas at that breaks a metal chair over her head, pins her spread-eagle (through the wrists) to a flat table with a pair of chopsticks, and holds her down for Justine. Justine lets Madeline know she didn't like being played with by brushing her hair against her skin, and planting a long, lingering kiss on Madeline's forehead causing the vampire major burns, including a charred-black parody of a lipstick kiss. They leave with Madeline in a beaten, burned, and humiliated heap.

Outside the club, captain of the Wardens Anastasia Luccio appears and interrogates Dresden about consorting with the vampires. She tells him about LaFortier’s murder. She was worried that Morgan escaped specifically to kill Dresden - that Morgan might think that Dresden was LaFortier's murderer. She knows Morgan didn't do it, because she has known him for over a hundred years. He was her apprentice.

While Dresden is at the night club, Molly arrives at the apartment for her potions lesson. She becomes an accomplice to LaFortier’s murder by association. Although, because of the Doom of Damocles, if Harry was guilty, she would be beheaded with him anyway. After Dresden explains the consequences of her involvement - execution - Molly freely agrees to help care for the bed-ridden Morgan. They move Morgan to Dresden’s secret hideout: a magically-warded storage unit in an upscale neighborhood with frequent police patrols.

Thomas, Molly, and Mouse guard Morgan, while Dresden follows some leads. Dresden goes to council headquarters in Edinburgh. There, he quietly informs Ebenezar about Morgan. Also, Dresden sees Listens-to-Wind and the Merlin. Listens-to-Wind is ready to kill Morgan even though he knows he is innocent to keep the status quo. Harry informs the Merlin that he wants to find the killer, who in obvious desperation, quietly accepts his help. Once Dresden is back in Chicago, the hideout is attacked. With Murphy as backup, Dresden rushes to the storage unit. Binder, a mercenary named for his use of bound demons, is still there. While occupying Binder, Molly and Morgan, veiled, draw out a circle around Binder and Dresden and defeat Binder's demons. In the confusion, Thomas disappears. Dresden takes them through a Nevernever shortcut and they head back to the safety of his apartment.

Dresden invites Luccio to accompany him on a visit to Lara Raith. She is outraged that Wardens would walk into her home and insinuate that House Raith is involved in framing Morgan for LaFortier’s murder. Before Lara can retaliate, the mansion is attacked by the Naagloshii who trashes the mansion and exterminates Raith's entire security team. Facing Dresden and Lara, it demands Morgan in exchange for Thomas' safe return. Then it leaves.

Realizing he needs far more strength to combat the skinwalker, Dresden decides to perform a Sanctum Invocation to the mysterious island of power in Lake Michigan (site of the finale in Small Favor), under which a ley line of power exists. The Sanctum Invocation involves summoning and fighting the spirit, genius loci, of the island. When Harry manages to win the contest by budging the spirit (in a sort of magical King of the Hill), Dresden conducts the ritual and names the spirit "Demonreach". Through the Sanctum ritual Dresden receives an almost telepathic, interactive awareness of everything on the island (Intellectus).

Despite this, Dresden, aware that he can't fight each fight one at a time, calls the Council, House Raith, and the Naagloshii, convincing each that Morgan is on the island or that the island is where they will meet to discuss further strategy. Dresden also arranges for the Alphas and ZaLord's Guard to provide additional backup. On the island, Lara Raith and the representatives of the senior council (Ebenezer McCoy, Listens-to-Wind, and Ancient Mai) are displeased to see each other. Dresden explains that the money in the bogus bank account was traced to a White Court vampire holding company, which is a feint by the real murderer to implicate House Raith and break the truce between the Vampires and the Council. Before Dresden can continue, they are attacked by Madeline Raith, Binder, and Binder’s demons. The murderer is on the island, but is working with someone else on a second front on the island. Dresden uses his connection to Demonreach and the island to direct the Wardens and vampires in combat. Dresden and the Alphas are ambushed by Madeline and Binder. Dresden experiences first hand the ecstasy that comes from being kissed by a White Court Vampire. Lara, after coming across the critically wounded vampire, kills Madeline. Dresden defeats Binder, who gives him Madeline's cell phone. In exchange, Dresden lets Binder go free. While fighting the Naagloshii, Thomas is thrown into the cabin with Molly and Morgan. Tortured by the Skinwalker beyond his energy reserves, Thomas is starving. Molly activates a crystalline force field to prevent Thomas from eating them. Dresden puts up a fight that keeps even the Naagloshii on the defensive but, after fighting long combats with three different, powerful foes, he collapses from exhaustion. Listens-to-Wind and Toot-toot arrive in time to combat the Naagloshii. In an impressive display of spellcraft, shamanistic shapeshifting, Listens-to-Wind drives off the Naagloshii.

Lara collects Thomas, promises to take care of him, and leaves. Since the White Council didn’t actually see the murderer, it is still politically expedient to charge Morgan for the crime. Dispirited and out of options, Morgan surrenders.

Dresden attends Morgan's trial, held in the underground of Scotland. He testifies that the Nevernever gateway into Chicago was staked out by his dog, Mouse, and a private detective who photographed everyone entering and leaving. Since Mouse is a Foo dog, Ancient Mai and others on the Council accept Mouse as a reliable, incorruptible witness. The photo shows a very highly-placed clerk named Peabody coming through the gateway. At this, Peabody pulls out a jar. He releases a Mistfiend spirit, which he mixed with mordite (anti-life). The spirit's tendrils dart through the room, drawn to the light that many wizards summon by reaction, killing anyone it touches. In the panic, Peabody escapes using the safe words, "the end is nigh!" which he implanted in minds of the recently-recruited wardens, which renders them mute and paralyzed. Dresden pursues the murderer as the Merlin calmly instructs the Senior Council how to contain the anti-life and calms the present council members down.

Dresden chases Peabody through the tunnels of Headquarters. Peabody tries several ways to shake Dresden but to no avail. Peabody in his attempt to run, open a Way into the Nevernever. Unknown to the other two, a still gravely injured Morgan followed Harry and Peabody through the Way. Just as Peabody is close to taking out Dresden's eye with a knife, Morgan manages to kill Peabody with a double-tap from Luccio's gun. While Morgan stayed true to his training as a Warden, the actions were more than his damaged body could support. Dresden is by his side as he prepares for death, and he explains that it was Anastasia Luccio who actually caused the death of the wizard of the Senior Council. He states that she was under the influence of Peabody and was unaware of what she had been forced to do. Morgan acted to protect his former teacher from blame and ensured that it was he who was standing over the body with the weapon instead of her. He also tells Harry that he did not tell anyone that Molly again broke one of the Laws of Magic when trying to read the mind of the sleeping Anastasia Luccio. Morgan then passes away very shortly after making those statements.

In the aftermath, Gregori Cristos fills LaFortier’s Senior Council seat. The Merlin had rigged the election to appease Cristos and his faction and prevent a Council schism. Since Cristos is probably a member of the Black Council, they managed to place one of their own on the Senior Council despite everyone’s efforts to the contrary. During a respite, Luccio approaches Dresden, and reveals that her romantic feelings for Dresden were most likely manufactured by Peabody’s subtle influences. Despite her enjoyment of the experience, their relationship is over. Dresden also talks with her about the fact that she did kill LaFortier, under Peabody's psychic control, and that Morgan covered it up. Murphy runs the numbers on Madeline’s cell phone. There are repeated calls to restaurants in Algiers and Egypt - probable locations of Black Council activity. These other Black Council members are still unknown.

Dresden and Ebenezar speak after the Council meeting. Ebenezar is slowing drumming up support, quietly, from those who believe in the Black Council. They have to be silent since the Merlin denies the existence of such a group and proposing such a thing could be considered treason. Dresden agrees but points out that such a group would have to operate the same way the Black Council does, and that being caught would mean being labelled as the Black Council and being executed, thereby giving the true Black Council free rein. Ebenezar and Harry accept this burden as a required hardship. Dresden and Ebenezar then decide to call themselves the "Grey Council".

Dresden contacts Lara and asks to see Thomas. Lara sets up a meeting on neutral ground. Thomas is a changed vampire. He explains that the Naagloshii had tortured him, depleted his energy reserves; and then, forced him to fatally feed on several women. After repeated feedings, he now views everyone as food, and comments that his sister is proud of him, and he questions his former hesitation to feed upon humans (Backup). On that note, Thomas leaves.

Plot points introduced

  • The White Council: LaFortier is replaced by Gregori Cristos. The Council's official position is that there is no Black Council.
  • The Black Council: A wizard known as Peabody is discovered to be the traitor within the White Council. He is killed by Morgan during his escape from Edinburgh. Dresden is aware that an unknown second person was working with Peabody. Ebenezar McCoy suspects that newly-instated Senior Council member, Gregori Cristos, is working for The Black Council. Binder gives Harry a cell phone that Madeline Raith used to contact the Black Council. Murphy finds several calls to restaurants in Algiers and Egypt. Since it is unlikely Madeline called for transcontinental food delivery, these are probable Black Council locations.
  • The Grey Council: Ebenezar's name for their counter-Black Council group. If discovered, the Merlin would either accuse them of being the "Black Council" or an illegal rival. Regardless, Ebenezar and Dresden would be executed on charges of sedition. The other Grey Council members are unknown.
  • Soulfire: The angelic counterpart to hellfire, used extensively in this book. Dresden can boost his regular spells with soulfire to supercharge them. Dresden uses it sparingly, because his life force is the fuel. He could kill himself by pouring too much Soulfire into a spell. Introduced in Small Favor, Soulfire changes the nature of a spell by making it persist longer and have some degree of life. However in Turn Coat, this aspect of Soulfire is not mentioned.
  • Sanctum Invocation: A ritual spell that Dresden used to claim the uncharted island in Lake Michigan. The process involved summoning the island's spirit with a soulfired spell. Then, Dresden fought the spirit using the four classical elements. In his own words, "I punched it in the nose. Now we're friends." In the ritual, he named the spirit "Demonreach." The two-way connection allows Dresden to know what happens on the island and influence the insects, animals, trees, etc. The Gatekeeper warns Dresden not to draw upon the island's leyline power, because he does not have the skill to control it yet. This point is also implied by Listens-to-Wind, who tells Dresden, "You don't get in trouble by halves, do you, son?"
  • Captain Luccio: Dresden's relationship with Luccio ended after Peabody's influence over her was lifted. She figured out that Thomas is Dresden's half-brother, but she promised to keep the secret.
  • Alphas: Will Borden, leader of the Alphas, has made it clear to Dresden that, in light of Kirby's death, he will have to tell them everything from now on if he wants their cooperation in supernatural matters. They refuse to work in the dark any longer.
  • Dresden's Mysterious Past: A few tidbits about Dresden's mother's relationship with the White Council.
  • Dresden's Mysterious Future: McCoy calls Dresden a suitable replacement "for that particular mantle" speaking of Demonreach and an unknown occupation, perhaps "The Blackstaff" or to continue writing in McCoy's journals, or maybe even the office of "The Merlin", McCoy's comment is unclear. Rashid, the Gatekeeper, also mentions that Dresden's time to confront the Council has not yet come. At the start of the novel, Dr. Butters asks Dresden if he is still having headaches. Additionally, it is mentioned in a previous novel that Dresden may in fact have power over Outsiders, which while not mentioned for some time, is interesting in light of his experience with Demonreach.
  • The Knights of the Cross: Dresden's continued possession of two of the swords is mentioned.
  • The War: Currently enjoying a lull due to the White Court's cease-fire.

List of characters

Returning characters

  • Harry Dresden: The protagonist and a professional wizard—he's in the book.
  • Sergeant Karrin Murphy: Detective Sgt. and former head of Special Investigations.
  • Mister: Dresden's 30+ pound house cat.
  • Mouse: Dresden's Tibetan Temple dog. We discover a bit more about the dog's character at the trial. Ancient Mai accepts Mouse's testimony as well if not better than that of a human wizard. She obviously considers Mouse's intelligence and integrity to be unquestionable. This is corroborated by several other wizards who have knowledge of Foo dogs.
  • Bob: An intelligent air spirit who resides inside a skull in Dresden's sub-basement laboratory.
  • Warden Donald Morgan: A fugitive; a former warden for the White Council.
  • Molly Carpenter: Michael and Charity's eldest child; Harry's apprentice.
  • Thomas Raith: A White Court vampire, Harry's half-brother, and the disowned child of the White King.
  • Waldo Butters: A Chicago medical examiner and Dresden's physician.
  • Anatasia Luccio: Captain of the Wardens, was Harry's sometime lover, but the relationship ended at the close of the book.
  • Joseph Listens-to-Wind: Injun Joe is seen at his full power able to do amazing feats of magic, while fighting the Skinwalker, whom he calls "old Ghost." He is one of the Council's most skilled healers. He has many regrets about not intervening in the fate of the native tribes, when the Americas were attacked by Europeans.

New characters

  • Skinwalker: Naagloshii, a native American spirit of immense power and ability to change form. Dresden irreverently calls it Shagnasty. This creature has survived a millennia and is semi-divine in nature. It eats magical creatures, including wizards, to increase its own power.
  • Vincent Graver: A private detective and former vice officer from Joliet, who resigned after being assigned to the SIU as punishment for trying to prosecute a Chicago city council member. Dresden is impressed with his integrity, and subcontracts detective work to him. By the end of the book, Graver and Molly have a date.
  • Binder: Ernest Armand Tinwhistle, a Cockney mercenary who specializes in summoning a large number of creatures from the Nevernever. Dresden deems him cunning and perceptive, although not overly smart, though he is shown to be quite competent at his trade.
  • Chandler: A British Warden who guards the Nevernever portal to the White Council's headquarters in Edinburgh. Chandler has an Oxford accent, wears a well-tailored suit and carries a silver-headed cane instead of a staff or rod. Dresden jokingly calls him "Steed", comparing his fashion sense to that of the character in The Avengers
  • Demonreach: The ancient spirit, genius loci, of the uncharted island in Lake Michigan. Dresden bonded with the spirit during the Sanctum Invocation, Whenever Dresden is physically present on the island, he shares the Demonreach's supernatural knowledge of the island. Deamonreach appears as a 12-foot-tall (3.7 m) cloaked and robed figure with no visible features but glowing green eyes. It has a limp from a "the glacier that carved out Lake Michigan" [1] The island holds an unknown grudge against the Gatekeeper resulting in the Gatekeepers inability to come onto the island.
  • Madeline Raith: A White Court vampire and cousin of Thomas and Lara. She betrayed the White Court to the Black Council in much the same way as Vitto Malvora did in White Night. She creates a money trail from Morgan to one of Lara's holding companies, in order to implicate the White Court in LaFortier's death. She hires Binder to find Morgan before anyone else does, so that Morgan can be blamed for her future activities. She is killed by Lara Raith.

Continuity Errors

In Chapter 28 Harry and Anastasia are offered a ride in Lara Raith's 1939 Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith. The Silver Wraith was a post WW2 car made from 1946 to 1959 based on the pre-WW2 Wraith model.

However there was a 1938-1939 Rolls-Royce Wraith that was cut off by the outbreak of World War II, The Silver Wraith, launched in 1946, was an evolution of the pre-war Wraith.

Turn Coat in other media

  • Turn Coat has also been recorded as an audio book, narrated by James Marsters.
  • This book is available as a Kindle book.
  • Turn Coat debuted at number one on the New York Times Best Seller list for hardcover fiction.[2]


  1. ^ http://www.jimbutcheronline.com/bb/index.php/topic,11734.msg538824.html#msg538824
  2. ^ "Best Sellers". The New York Times. April 24, 2009. Retrieved November 26, 2009.