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e-Choupal is an initiative of ITC Limited, a large multi business conglomerate in India, to link directly with rural farmers via the Internet for procurement of agricultural and aquaculture products like soybeans, wheat, coffee, and prawns. e-Choupal was conceived to tackle the challenges posed by the unique features of Indian agriculture, characterized by fragmented farms, weak infrastructure and the involvement of numerous intermediaries. The programme involves the installation of computers with Internet access in rural areas of India to offer farmers up-to-date marketing and agricultural information.

Problems addressed

Traditionally, commodities were procured in mandis (major agricultural marketing centres in rural areas of India), where the middleman used to make most of the profit. These middlemen used unscientific and sometimes outright unfair means to judge the quality of the product to set the price. The difference in price between good quality and inferior quality was little, and therefore there was no incentive for the farmers to invest and produce good quality output. With e-Choupal, the farmers have a choice and the exploitative power of the middleman is neutralised.

Statement of a farmer who is a member of E-choupal: "Before ITC introduced us to e-Choupal, we were restricted to selling our produce in the local mandi. We had to go through middlemen and prices were low. ITC trained me to manage the Internet kiosk and I became the e-Choupal Sanchalak in my village. Today we are a community of e-farmers with access to daily prices of a variety of crops in India and abroad – this helps us to get the best price. We can also find out about many other important things – weather forecasts, the latest farming techniques, crop insurance, etc. e-Choupal has not only changed the quality of our lives, but our entire outlook. [citation needed]

Effects of e-Choupal

ITC Limited has now provided computers and Internet access in rural areas across several agricultural regions of the country, where the farmers can directly negotiate the sale of their produce with ITC Limited. This online access enables farmers to obtain information on mandi prices, and good farming practices, and to place orders for agricultural inputs like seeds and fertilizers. This helps farmers improve the quality of their products, and helps in obtaining a better price. Each ITC Limited kiosk having Internet access is run by a sanchalak — a trained farmer. The computer is housed in the sanchalak's house and is linked to the Internet via phone lines or by a VSAT connection. Each installation serves an average of 600 farmers in the surrounding ten villages within about a 5 km radius. The sanchalak bears some operating cost but in return earns a service fee for the e-transactions done through his e-Choupal. The warehouse hub is managed by the same traditional middle-men, now called samyojaks, but with no exploitative power due to the reorganisation. Indeed these middlemen make up for the lack of infrastructure and fulfill critical jobs like cash disbursement, quantity aggregation and transportantion.

Since the introduction of e-Choupal services, farmers have seen a rise in their income levels because of a rise in yields, improvement in quality of output, and a fall in transaction costs. Even small farmers have gained from the initiative. Customized and relevant knowledge is offered to the farmers despite heterogeneous cultures, climates and scales of production. Farmers can get real-time information despite their physical distance from the mandis. The system saves procurement costs for ITC Limited. The farmers do not pay for the information and knowledge they get from e-Choupals; the principle is to inform, empower and compete. At the same time ITC Limited has obtained benefits from the programme:

  1. elimination of non value added activities
  2. differentiated product through identity preserved supply chains
  3. value added products traceable to farm practices
  4. e-market place for spot transactions and support services to futures exchange

There are presently 6,500 e-Choupals in operation. ITC Limited plans to scale up to 20,000 e-Choupals by 2012 covering 100,000 villages in 15 states, servicing 15 million farmers. FROM THE FARMERS HUT!!! Few farmers like ABHISHEK JAIN[1] who is a farmer of soya crop in Madhya Pradesh has got to say that e choupal happens to be the best thing that has happened to him so far.Like any other farmer even he was constantly caught in the vicious web of the middlemen. With the help of ITC's initiative not only him but other farmers as well have been able to get a better price for their produce both in India as well as abroad.

SUCCESS!!! THAT FOLLOWED Today this initiative of ITC has empowered the lives of people living in 10 states where 40000 villages have 6500 e choupals and around 4 million[2] farmers have been empowered. The initiative taken up by ITC to help the degrading reputation of a farmer has surely made a huge to difference to not only large but also medium and small scale farmers.

See, Bhatia, Tej K. 2007. Advertising and marketing in rural India. Delhi: Macmillan India Chapter 11 of this book deals with the economic and developmental impact of e-Choupal.

Other Links and References

  1. ^ e choupal, itc. http://www.itcportal.com/sustainability/lets-put-india-first/echoupal.aspx. Retrieved 28 September 2011. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  2. ^ http://www.itcportal.com/sustainability/lets-put-india-first/echoupal.aspx. Retrieved 28 September 2011. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)