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Binge drinking

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File:Glass of beer Australia Day 2005.jpg
Drinking too much beer can qualify as binge-drinking.

Binge drinking is a period of continuing intoxication lasting for at least two days, during which time the drinker neglects usual responsibilities. It is an activity that is sometimes associated with crime, particularly street fights after the closing time of clubs and bars. It can also be associated with alcohol-related traffic accidents, employment problems, legal difficulties, financial loss, family disputes and other interpersonal problems.Steve Woods is a major alcoholic. He both beats and rapes little kids and forces them to do unhumane things. How can this problem be solved? it cant be, Steve Woods when sober does the same things, he does it because he loves t..that sick mother fucker


The accepted clinical definition of binge drinking is a period of continuing intoxication lasting for at least two days during which time the drinker neglects usual responsibilities.

There are also non-medical, non-clinical definitions of what constitutes "binge drinking". It is is sometimes defined as drinking alcohol solely for the purpose of intoxication. Popular press accounts prefer to define it as a man consuming five or more drinks on one "occasion" and a woman consuming four or more drinks on one occasion. However, the so-called "occasion" can extend over an entire 24-hour period.

Research has found that almost half of persons labeled "bingers" on the basis of the five/four definition do not achieve a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher[1]. Therefore, by this definition, a drinker doesn't even need to be intoxicated to be labeled a "binger". For this reason the five/four definition has been criticized in scientific journals and by professional organizations[2]. Most notably, the 5/4 definition is not accepted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. It is also not accepted by the leading journal in alcohol use research, Journal of Studies on Alcohol.

However, the 5/4 definition is extremely simple, thus making it very easy to use as an enforcement or "crackdown" tool. Likewise, such a simple definition is far easier to use in popular press accounts of binge drinking, especially those that are meant to draw public attention to alleged "epidemics" of the practice in some segment of society, specifically at colleges and universities. In response to the 5/4 definition, the United States Department of Education stated

...using the 5/4-plus "binge" definition creates the errant belief that nearly half of college students use alcohol in a reckless and dangerous way. This puts pressure on campus and community officials to crack down, but at the price of alienating many students and faculty, who will then ignore prevention messages....
As a field, we have never defined alcoholism in terms of how much people drink, but in terms of the drinking's impact on their lives. Similarly, we need to define the campus alcohol problem in terms of consequences. The benefits to doing this are considerable. First, our work will be better grounded in good science. Second, we will avoid sensational headlines that create the grossly inaccurate impression that nearly half of college students are routinely drinking themselves into oblivion. Third, prevention specialists will be able to gather the political support required to push through the kinds of policy and enforcement changes that are necessary to address the problem.[3]

Other people consider such factors as social setting, how quickly the drinks were consumed, the type of drinks and perhaps even the drinker's age and body type when defining binge drinking. A problem with considering type of drink consumed is that standard drinks of beer, wine and liquor (distilled spirits) contain equivalent amounts of alcohol.

Binge drinkers are usually not alcoholics, although many alcoholics are bingers.

Prevalence of binge drinking

United States

College students are sometimes seen as having a propensity to binge-drink (under the disputable 5/4 definition), especially in the United States, despite the fact that the U.S. drinking age is 21. Common stereotypical participants include athletes and fraternity/sorority members, particularly after final examinations, sporting events, and during spring break.

One common explanation of this alleged propensity for binge drinking (5/4 definition) is that many college students are living on their own for the first time, free of parental supervision, among peers, especially those of the opposite sex.

Some people argue that binge drinking happens in the U.S. not in spite of the strict underage drinking laws, but rather because of it. Proponents of a lower drinking age argue that strict drinking laws drive underage drinkers underground, instead of in a licensed establishment where they will be better supervised and under less pressure to binge. Proponents of the drinking age at 21 dismiss such arguments and argue that underage binge drinking should be curtailed through strict enforcement of the laws against it.

The U.S. state where binge-drinking is most prevalent is North Dakota, where the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health estimated that 31 percent of residents ages 12 and older had engaged in binge drinking, using the questionable 5/4 definition instead of the clinically-recognized definition, at least once in the last 30 days. This was attributed in the media to the fact that they lived in North Dakota that there was nothing else to do. The survey found that the lowest binge-drinking rate in the U.S. was in Utah; this is attributed in part to the large Mormon population there and some restrictive state laws.

Over 40% of college and university students are often reported to be "bingers", based on the five/four definition. However, when the recognized medical/clinical definition is applied, it appears that fewer than one-half of one percent of college students have binged in the previous year.


In Canada, binge drinking, especially among youth and university students, is a common phenomenon. Often, binge drinking is accompanied by hostile behaviour and violence, as can be seen in the many Canadian bars and alcohol licensed establishments where fights abruptly break out. During Canadian university frosh weeks, such as at the University of Ottawa, student binge drinking is a notorious activity, drawing large numbers of students, mostly undergraduate, to downtown Ottawa (including districts such as The Market) where alcohol abuse is rampant. Ottawa, among other university towns and cities in Canada, contain student drinking sub-cultures, perhaps reflective of the larger society's tolerance for inordinate drinking.


In most of Europe, children and adolescents routinely experience alcohol much earlier than in the U.S., and often with parental approval and supervision. The drinking age in most countries is 18, and in many jurisdictions younger people can purchase certain types of alcohol in certain settings, such as in a restaurant with a parent. Parents may also choose to provide beverages such as diluted wine with a meal to encourage responsible consumption of alcohol.

United Kingdom

In most European nations, binge drinking is usually seen to be less of a problem than it is in the United States. However, in the UK, some areas of the media are spending a great deal of time reporting on what they see as a social ill that is becoming more prevalent as time passes. In response, the government has introduced measures to deter disorderly behavior and sales of alcohol to people under 18, with special provisions in place during the holiday season. In January 2005, it was reported that 1 million admissions to UK accident and emergency units each year are alcohol-related; in many cities, Friday and Saturday nights are by far the busiest periods for ambulance services.

In 2005, the Licensing Act 2003 came into effect in the UK, partly intended to tackle binge drinking. Some observers, however, believe it will exacerbate the problem, especially with the advent of 24 hour licensing.


Since the mid 90's there has been growing in popularity the so called botellon between the youth. This can be considered a case of binge drinking since most people that attend it consume 3 to 5 drinks in less than 5 hours.

New Zealand

Concerns over binge drinking by teenagers has led to a review of liquor advertising being announced by the New Zealand government in January 2006. The review will consider regulation of sport sponsorship by liquor companies, which at present is commonplace. (Stuff)

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