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List of presidents of the United States by net worth

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The wealth of United States Presidents has varied considerably, with the wealth of one (John F. Kennedy) possibly being a billionaire in 2010 dollars, while some others were not even millionaires. Most U.S. Presidents before 1845 were extremely wealthy, including Andrew Jackson, who was born into poverty.[1] Many of these early Presidents were landowners, and some of them owned plantations, including their own slaves.[2][3] With a few exceptions, U.S. Presidents between 1845 and 1929 were generally not so wealthy. Many of these were born into poor or middle class families and did not move up the economic ladder significantly during their lifetimes, even though a number of them served as generals in the United States Army.[4] U.S. Presidents since 1929 have generally been wealthier than before, with John F. Kennedy being almost twice as wealthy as the second wealthiest, George Washington. U.S. Presidents since 1929 have often received income from writing autobiographies and from other writing.[5] Since 1929, George H. W. Bush has been the only President not to write an autobiography. In addition, many Presidents received considerable income from public speaking during their retirements, such as Bill Clinton.[6]

The four richest U.S. Presidents since 1933 were Democrats, despite the fact that the Democratic Party has generally portrayed itself to be the party that best represents ordinary Americans.[7][8] The poorest U.S. President since 1933 (Harry Truman) was also a Democrat. Excluding Harry Truman, the last U.S. President who was not a millionaire was Calvin Coolidge, who left office in 1929. The Presidents of the late 19th century and of the 1920s were generally not very wealthy at all, despite the widespread belief that their economic policies benefited the wealthyy] the most of all.[9][10][11]

George Washington, the wealthiest or second wealthiest U.S. President ever
Harry Truman, the poorest U.S. President since 1929
Despite being considered one of the greatest U.S. Presidents, Abraham Lincoln was also one of the poorest in terms of net worth
Barack Obama, while still a millionaire, is the poorest U.S. President since 1953

The data in the table below is all from Time Magazine, with the exception of the $125 million figure for JFK, which comes from the Christian Science Monitor.

Name[12] Net worth (in millions of 2010 U.S. dollars)[12] Political party[12]
George Washington 525 None
John Adams 19 Federalist
Thomas Jefferson 212 Democratic-Republican
James Madison 101 Democratic-Republican
James Monroe 27 Democratic-Republican
John Quincy Adams 21 Democratic-Republican
Andrew Jackson 119 Democratic
Martin van Buren 26 Democratic
William Henry Harrison 5 Whig
John Tyler 51 Whig
James K. Polk 10 Democratic
Zachary Taylor 6 Whig
Millard Fillmore 4 Whig
Franklin Pierce 2 Democratic
James Buchanan <1 Democratic
Abraham Lincoln <1 Republican
Andrew Johnson <1 National Union/Democratic
Ulysses S. Grant <1 Republican
Rutherford B. Hayes 3 Republican
James Garfield <1 Republican
Chester Arthur <1 Republican
Grover Cleveland 25 Democratic
Benjamin Harrison 5 Republican
William McKinley 1 Republican
Theodore Roosevelt 125 Republican
William H. Taft 3 Republican
Woodrow Wilson <1 Democratic
Warren G. Harding 1 Republican
Calvin Coolidge <1 Republican
Herbert Hoover 75 Republican
Franklin D. Roosevelt 60 Democratic
Harry Truman <1 Democratic
Dwight Eisenhower 8 Republican
John F. Kennedy 125[13]-1,000 Democratic
Lyndon Johnson 98 Democratic
Richard Nixon 15 Republican
Gerald Ford 7 Republican
Jimmy Carter 7 Democratic
Ronald Reagan 13 Republican
George H. W. Bush 23 Republican
Bill Clinton 38 Democratic
George W. Bush 20 Republican
Barack Obama 5 Democratic

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  1. ^ Andrew Jackson — History.com Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts
  2. ^ Historical News: George Washington, Landowner
  3. ^ Which U.S. Presidents Owned Slaves?
  4. ^ Abraham Lincoln: Biography from Answers.com
  5. ^ Giving, by Bill Clinton
  6. ^ McIntyre, Mike (5 April 2008). "Clintons Made $109 Million in Last 8 Years". The New York Times. Retrieved 15 August 2012.
  7. ^ Democrats say Ryan is an enemy of the middle class – USATODAY.com
  8. ^ Democrats Seen As Good For Poor And Middle Class, GOP For Wall Street And Small Businesses
  9. ^ James Garfield (1831-1881)
  10. ^ 30. Calvin Coolidge . . WGBH American Experience | PBS
  11. ^ Calvin Coolidge: Why are Republicans so obsessed with him? - Slate Magazine
  12. ^ a b c Presidential Purses - TIME
  13. ^ [1]