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In traditional philosophy, noëtics (from the Greek νοητικός, noētikos, "mental" from noein "to perceive with the mind" and nous "mind, understanding, intellect") is a branch of metaphysical philosophy concerned with the study of mind and intellect. Noetic doctrines include the doctrine of the agent/patient intellect (Aristotle, Averroes)[1] and the doctrine of the Divine Intellect (Plotinus).[2]

More recently the term "noetics" has been employed by several authors who write about consciousness, spirituality and cosmology.

Noetic Field Theory

Unified Field Noeon Dynamics

A theory of noetics called Noetic Field Theory: The Quantization of Mind (NFT) which centers on the idea that there exists an additional causal principle of purposefulness not found in ordinary matter but in fundamental cosmological principles of consciousness has been proposed by Richard L. Amoroso, director of the Noetic Advanced Studies Institute. This is in contrast to the currently dominant Cognitive science approach which considers mind as equal to brain; the so-called Mind-Brain Identity Hypothesis. NFT thus requires a new cosmological paradigm associated with the Unified Field[3]as the current Big Bang model is Darwinian or naturalistic with no room for an additional life principle. He has suggested that thought qualia and spirit are not, in fact, intangible, but are physically real "Bose or photon-like" aspects of the Unified Field,[4][5] meaning essentially that the mind can be quantified by formulae which describe quantum materials such as light. Amoroso claims that his noetic model is the first theory of any kind to explain qualia in physical terms;[6][7] and is also empirically testable. In 2010, NASI partnered with Steriwave Quantum Computers, a limited liability British company, to develop a quantum computer prototype[8] based on "conscious quantum computing."[9]

Unified Field Mechanics

Noetic Field Theory is not merely a relation of classical/quantum mechanics as considered by physical theory until now. The required key advance is to introduce Unified Field, UF Mechanics. In summary delineating the principles for introduction of UF mechanics into physical cosmology and self-organized living systems (SOLS) is compounded by the fact that the parameters are avant-garde to current thinking relative to the limits in both physics biophysics. Key elements are a new cosmological paradigm with a unique string or M-Theoretic vacuum, and higher dimensional (HD) extensions of quantum theory; not the standard Copenhagen Interpretation but ignored parameters of the de Broglie Bohm and Cramer Transactional Interpretation.

Most cognitive scientists agree that a better understanding of quantum principles is required to bridge the gap between mind and body. But is anything left under the auspices of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory? Amoroso suggests that the Copenhagen Interpretation fails all attempts to describe psychophysical-bridging as it is not the physical regime of interaction. The required avenue, interactive-dualism has been summarily rejected as archaic and intractable because an immaterial mind, as Descartes proposed, would violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics or the conservation of energy.

We should not fault cognitive theorists for not accepting the existence of an underlying anthropic principle because until now its discovery has remained elusive, undefined, beyond the reach of contemporary experimental science and relegated to historical disparagement going back to myopic bias of the Inquisition at the time of Galileo. In the same manner that quantum principles are unavailable to methods of classical science; consciousness qualia has likewise not been measureable from within the framework of current empirical techniques of quantum cosmology.

Currently the Planck scale is considered the most fundamental or basement level of the universe from which to explore a model for the psycho-physical bridge or spacetime geometry is fundamental. Butse these conditions can no longer be considered a sufficient basis for defining parameters of awareness. In the same way we discovered a distinction between Classical and Quantum with each domain being a physical regime with its own laws and methods of investigation; mind is also comprised of physically real matter that exists and operates in a different arena. Recall that UF Mechanics is just being formalized providing the long anticipated third regime. Thus our understanding of the physical world now evolves from Classical to Quantum to Unified (CQU). Description of our universe, called the Standard Model, is presently governed by the rules of the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum theory, electromagnetism and Special/General Relativity cast in a Big Bang cosmology. A top down description that reduces to an impenetrable barrier, a so-called stochastic quantum foam at the Planck scale representing the lower limit of a reality where we (mind, awareness) as ‘observer’ are embedded in and made out of its emergent material properties. This Planck scale is not the ‘basement of reality’, only a temporarily closed door imposed by the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory that we can now open and pass through with parameters of Noetic Field Theory (NFT): The Quantization of Mind. This CQU progression is neither top-down nor bottom-up but entails what we call continuous-state cycling.

There is currently no consensus on what form this evolution should take. Most physicists believe a UF theory (coined by Einstein) should be a quantum theory uniting the four fundamental interactions; but there is no a priori reason this should be the case and many physicists in recent decades transferred the search to an 11D M-Theoretic (4D + a 2D to 6D brane world instead of 1D string) regime. The 11th dimension in M-Theory unites the five forms of string theory; and the 12th dimension of noetic cosmology allows the action of the anthropic principle absent from the usual form of 11D M-Theory.

Classical Mechanics describes an event between two coordinate systems by what is called the Galilean transformation for uniform motion at velocities less than the speed of light in 3D Euclidean space. Events of quantum mechanics and with relativistic velocities are described by the Lorentz-Poincairé group of transformations in a 4D Einstein-Minkowski space. In order to cross the Psycho-Physical Bridge noetic cosmology utilizes an extension of M-Theory requiring a new 12D set of transformations called the Noetic Transform because it includes properties of an inherent teleological anthropic principle described by the evolution of UF dynamics.

To achieve this result a battery of new physical assumptions are utilized: 1)The HD regime of UF dynamics is a ‘sea’ of infinite potentia from which the 4D reality of the observer cyclically emerges as a nilpotent resultant. Nilpotency (technically meaning ‘sums to zero’) is a required basis for the noetic cosmologies infinite potentia simplistically like the entangled alive-dead quantum state(s) of Schrödinger’s cat before a realized local event occurs. 2)Action of the UF mediated by noeon ‘flux’ (the noeon is the exchange unit of the UF) is the life principle both animating SOLS and supplying psychon energy for the physical evolution of qualia. 3)The UF does not operate as a usual phenomenal field (mediated by an energetic exchange quanta like the photon of the electromagnetic field) but as an energyless ontological field by a process called ‘topological switching’ transferring a force of coherence. Note: This property of UF dynamics removes the problem of violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics or the conservation of energy. 4)The key process associated with the topological transformation of noeon exchange is a holophote action (like a lighthouse beacon ) providing a gating mechanism acting as the psychophysical bridge between the infinite potentia of the UF 12D space and the localized 4D spacetime and 3D matter it embeds. 5)The noeon gating mechanism is an array of complex of Least Cosmological Units (LCU) comprising the raster of spacetime as an exciplex (excited complex). This delineation is the primary focus of NFT as it constitutes the new physics of the actual psychophysical bridge.


LCU Spacetime Exciplex

The spacetime exiplex or ‘excited complex’ of least cosmological units (LCU) is key to mediation of the UF of consciousness. In the usual 4D interpretation of quantum theory limited by the uncertainty principle, virtual quanta in the zero point field wink in and out of existence limited to the Planck time 10-43 s. For the spacetime exiplex the situation is different. The duality of its HD structure (i.e. living in both local 4-space and nonlocal 8-space) allows it to remain in an excited state only coupling with the ground state (4-space) momentarily. This holophote interaction emits a noeon into a dendron etc. as a form of superradiance. Rotation of the complex Calabi-Yau Riemann sphere acts like a scoop bringing in the next topologically switched hysteresis loop of psychon-body interaction.

It is said that a virtual particle in the zero point field (ZPF) according to the quantum uncertainty principle may wink in and out of existence for a period of the Planck time, 10-44 sec. This is a scenario imposed by the 4D properties of the Copenhagen Interpretation. In our HD model with addition of the spacetime exciplex a different process occurs. Since we are able to surmount the uncertainty principle time is irrelevant in mediating the unified field, UF.

In 3-space railroad tracks do not remain parallel but recede into a point in the distance. For the unitary evolution of consciousness this would break the requirement of coherence. The exciplex mechanism takes care of this by guiding rotation of the Witten vertex[10] - Riemann spheres to maintain a consistent level of coherence of the Unified Field by noeon dynamics. This is a relativistic process.

The unified field provides an inherent force of coherence just by its presence. This means that it is ontological in its transformation or 'interaction'. The railroad tracks during the moment of interaction remain parallel and do not recede to a point as in the 3-D phenomenological realm where forces are mediated by a quantal energy exchange. Another way of looking at this is that the 3-D quantum observer can only look at one page of a book at a time while the HD unified field observer can see all pages at the same time. So the least cosmological unit spacetime exciplex is a mechanism allowing both worlds to interact without violation of thermodynamics of conservation of energy.

Most are familiar with the 3D Necker cube that when stared at certain vertices reverse. This is called topological switching. There is another paper child's toy called a cootie catcher that fits over the fingers and can switch positions. What the cootie catcher has over the Necker cube is that it has a better defined center or vertex point. So in the LCU exiplex space-time background we have this topological switching. It represents the frame that houses the gate which is the lighthouse with the rotating light on top. Inside the structure there is a baton passing. The baton is like the lens that the light shines through. In the HD unified field regime the light is always on omnidirectionally. But in addition the baton passing is also a form of leap-frogging. The leap-frogging represents wave-particle duality (which is elevated in NFT to a principle of cosmology). The leaping moment is the wave, and the crouched person being leapt over is the particulate moment. The particle moment acts like a domain wall and no noeon 'light' passes when its orientation is aligned towards the 3-D world.

In considering psychon energy it may be easier to calculate the area of the spacetime exiplex than the surface area of a dendron, array of microtubules or other interaction node. Recall that the intestinal villi are purported to provide the area of a football field. In any case we will such a calculation for later. Recall that that the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation has a nonlocal pilot wave or quantum potential that is said to guide the evolution of the wave function ontologically. Imagine that the unified field is a form of super-quantum potential residing at the top of the nonlocal regime, let's call it supra-local. Recalling the Witten vertex of rotating Riemann spheres as our continuous-state locus spacetime continuum we have a model for crossing the psychophysical bridge..

Noetic Science

The Institute of Noetic Sciences proposes noetic sciences as an alternative theory of "how beliefs, thoughts, and intentions affect the physical world."[11]

Noetic science, in the sense of the study of mind power, formed a motif of the bestselling novel The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. According to the fictional Noetic science of the book, thoughts have mass (contrary to the idea that thoughts are weightless). As gravity affects all matter, thoughts do so as well.

See also

Traditional philosophy
Consciousness studies
Alternative philosophy and parapsychology


  1. ^ Daniel D. De Haan (2010). Aristotle's De Anima: A Common Point of Departure for Averroistic and Thomistic Noetics?
  2. ^ Richard T. Wallis. Neoplatonism and gnosticism. SUNY Press, 1992.
  3. ^ Amoroso, Richard L. & Rauscher, E.A.(2009)The Holographic Anthropic Multiverse: Formalizing the Ultimate Geometry of Reality, Singapore: World Scientific.
  4. ^ Amoroso, Richard. An Introduction to Noetic Field Theory: The Quantization of Mind, Noetic Journal V.2 No.1, Jan 1999. p 33.
  5. ^ Amoroso, Richard. The Parameters of Temporal Correspondence in a Continuous State Conscious Universe, Reprint: R. Buccheri & M. Saniga (eds.). Studies on the Structure of Time: from Physics to Psycho(patho)logy, 2000, Kluwer Academic: Dordrect. p. 236.
  6. ^ Amoroso, Richard L. (ed.) Complementarity of Mind and Body: Realizing the Dream of Descartes, Einstein & Eccles (2010), New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  7. ^ Amoroso, Richard. The physical basis of qualia: Overcoming the 1st person–3rd person barrier. Noetic Journal Vol 4 No 3, July, 2003.
  8. ^ US Patent No. 12,928/592 filed 15 December 2010
  9. ^ Universal Quantum Computing Design Funded
  10. ^ Witten, E. (1996) Reflections on the fate of spacetime, Physics Today (April), pp. 24-30.
  11. ^ Institute of Noetic Sciences. <http://www.noetic.org/>
  12. ^ a b "Anti-Gnostic Polemic", Francisco García Bazán, translated from Spanish by Winifred T. Slater: Nous as a "Second God" According to Plotinus In Enneads, p. 55.

Further reading

  • Davidson, H.A., Alfarabi, Avicenna, and Averroes, on Intellect. Their Cosmologies, Theories of the Active Intellect, and Theories of Human Intellect, New York-Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1992.
  • Kenny, Anthony, Aquinas on Mind, Routledge, 1994.
  • Brentano, Franz, Sensory and Noetic Consciousness: Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint III, International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981.
  • de Quincey, C., Radical Knowing: Understanding Consciousness through Relationship, Rochester, VT: Park Street Press, 2005.