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The Book of Nestor the Priest

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Sefer Nestor Ha-Komer or The Book of Nestor the Priest (c.900 CE)[1] is the earliest surviving anti-Christian Jewish polemic.[2][3] The book is in Hebrew, but also exists in an Arabic translation. It cites extensively and critically from New Testament and Church sources. The title komer (כומר) describes a Christian (ex-)priest (in modern Hebrew the word is used both for Catholic or Orthodox priests and for Protestant ministers), rather than a kohen or Jewish priest.

The text uses the spelling Yeshu (ישו) for Jesus. [4]

A modern edition פולמוס נסתור הכומר The Polemic of Nestor the Priest by Daniel J. Lasker and Sarah Stroumsa was published by the Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East, 1996.

See also


  1. ^ Daniel J. Lasker, « Qissat Mujadalat al-Usquf and Nestor Ha-Komer : The Earliest Arabic and Hebrew Jewish Anti-Christian Polemics. », in Joshua Blau and Stefan C. Reif (eds.), Geni a Research After Ninety Years: The Case of Judaeo-Arabic, University of Cambridge Oriental Publications, ed. University of Cambridge Press, 1992, pp. 112-118, quoted by Theo L. Hettema (ed.), Religious Polemics in Context: Papers Presented to the Second International Conference of the Leiden Institute for the Study of Religions (Lisor) Held at Leiden, 27-28 April, 2000, ed. Uitgeverij Van Gorcum, 2004, p.546
  2. ^ Joel E. Rembaum, The Influence of "Sefer Nestor Hakomer" on Medieval Jewish Polemics, in: Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, Vol. 45, (1978)
  3. ^ Daniel J. Lasker, Jewish-Christian Polemics at the Turning Point: Jewish Evidence from the Twelfth Century, in: The Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 89, No. 2 (Apr., 1996)
  4. ^ Daniel J. Lasker, Sarah Stroumsa, Nestor (proselyte.) - 1996 ( 138 ) והלא תדע כי ישו בא בגליל ובא אליו איש אחד ואמ׳ לו טבלני. אמ׳ לו ישו איני יכול לטבול אותך אלא לך לכהן והקרב קרבן ... תמיה נא לי למי היה מתפלל אם ישו אלוה? ואם תאמר שאינו אלוה כזבת בתפלתך שאתה מתפלל בכל יום האב והבן ורוח הקודש