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Identity may refer to:

Philosophical topics

Identity is a band of five girl members Emily-rose Barton (Band Leader, singer, guitarist (if needed) and Pianist), Emily Mason (manager), Sophie penwell (drummer), Georgina Sunter (singer and uklele), and Jasmine Puttock (singer)

Emily-Rose Barton: Emily-Rose Barton is the band leader, singer, guitarist and pianist. When she found out that excisting band member Melissa smith was talking about her behind her back she grew very selfconsious, when this all happend was after Emily kicked her out of Identity for betrayal. When she soon found out what she was saying by manager Emily Mason she was very hurt and didnt really want to speak to melissa. Melissa caused a lot of heart breaking for Emily (barton) by saying things like "Emily cant sing im the main role in the band". When Emily-Rose Barton was walking to school with georgina sunter and sophie penwell they were talking about the process they have made and the process they would make without Hannah Arman, Bethany Lane and Davina Raby (excisting band members) Emily said "with Hannah we have a lot of song restrictions and she just wants to do rock songs, songs that we cant do" sophie put on "well we can break the news that we are not doing the song at school" when they got to school they brock the news Hannah arman was not the least bit impressed and still thought we could do it because Emily was always the one that did not like causing trouble. When Emily (barton) came over to explain Hannah was ok, but they pushed Emily away to have a private discussion, Emily of course not knowing what they were talking about. Hannah, bethany, and davina all left the band at breaktime, leaving Emily glad that she did not have to cause any trouble and saying "well at least i dont have to cause any trouble, i hope we are all still friends though, because when i met hannah we were best friends and i wouldnt want that to change over somethng like this"

Emily Mason: Emily-Rose Barton says "Emily is my best friend and the first one i ever asked to join the band at that point we were called "Function" but me and Emily chose "identity" together, as we have known each other for years we can trust each other really well and i hope i know her for the rest of my life". Emily was also shocked of the fact hannah, bethany, and davina left the band but said "hannah cant really manage another band, she should make her mine which one she is in" Emily Mason is the Band manager, which hannah arman shortly after found out and asked if she could do it instead. Emily-Rose of course said no, because Emily is more trust worthy and she was the first one in the band other than me. Emily mason added "i think Emily-Rose barton will be more affected by all this with hannah beth and davina because she made the band"

Sophie Penwell: Sophie is the drummer of the band and the onlt excisting one that did taverham high battle of the bands 2012. she did not place. Emily-rose Barton says "she was excelent in the battle of the bands and if i was to make a band she would be in it" Sophie and georgina sunter are best of friends and both agreed on the song choice with Emily, not knowing they were going to leave. hannah says "i have been planning to leave since beth got in and we started talking about MCR" hannah and beth shared a connection.

Georgina Sunter: georgina sunter is a singer and uklele player. georgina was previously in Nightingale First school Quire and is quite comfotable performing iin fron of the battle of the bands 2013 (if they get through) georgina and sophie joined by pure luck when P.E was over and they were all walking home together talking about if emily was talking about making a band but she was going to need a singer and a drummer forgetting that sophie was a drummer. They soon said with complete agree that they were going to do it. Emily was pleased that this was all coming together.

Emily-Rose Barton Emily Mason Georgina sunter Sophie penwell Jasmine puttock

Group expression and affiliation

  • Christian Identity, a Christian religious movement
  • Cultural identity, person's self-affiliation (or categorization by others) as a member of a cultural group
  • Identity politics, political arguments that focus upon the self-interest and perspectives of self-identified social interest groups or minorities
  • National identity, belief in membership of a nation



  • Accounting identity, calculation or measurement that must be true regardless of the value of its variables
  • Corporate identity, "persona" of a corporation by way of branding or use of trademarks

Computer science

  • Digital identity, representation of a set of claims made by one digital subject about itself or another digital subject
  • Federated identity, assembled identity of a person's user information, stored across multiple distinct identity management systems
  • Identity column, database field that uniquely identifies every row in the table and is made up of values generated by the database
  • Identity management, administrative area that deals with identifying individuals in a system and controlling access to resources by placing restrictions on them
  • Identity (object-oriented programming), the property of objects that distinguishes them from other objects
  • Online identity, social identity that an internet user establishes in online communities and websites

Culture and the arts

See also