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Developer(s)Carbine Studios
Producer(s)Jeremy Gaffney
Eric DeMilt
Composer(s)Jeff Kurtenacker
EngineGame-specific engine[2]
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
Genre(s)Online role-playing game
Mode(s)Online multiplayer

WildStar is an upcoming science fiction massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Carbine Studios and published by NCsoft for Microsoft Windows.

WildStar takes place on the fictional planet Nexus, where a mysterious and powerful race known as the Eldan have disappeared leaving behind a wealth of technology and secrets for players to explore.[3][4]

NCsoft announced WildStar on August 17, 2011 at Gamescom.[5] The game is set to be released at the second half of 2013.[1]


In the game, players create a character that they can control through their playing session. These characters can move in an open, persistent world environment.[6] Each character have an level ranging from 1 to 50.[7] Gameplay mainly consists of quests, dungeons, and player versus player combat.


Unlike most MMORPG, WildStar allows the player many liberties in movement, such as double jumping, sprinting, and dashing. This ties into the game in ways such as speed races and jumping puzzles.[8][9]

Moreover, there will be zones with altered gravity in the game, allowing the player to jump higher.[10]


WildStar uses a system of telegraphs for combat, where zones are displayed on the ground, allowing a player to predict attacks of enemies and heals of allies. A player can dodge them by walking out of them, dashing, or jumping above them.[11][12]

Player attacks are also telegraphs, this means that the player have to cast them in the right direction if he wants to damage enemies. Players also have the option of auto-targeting enemies, which puts the telegraph for the move they use centered on their current target. This makes it easier to get a particular enemy into his telegraph, but often won't catch as many enemies as a well-placed free-targeting attack would.[13]


In WildStar, players can own a sky plot. This plot is a part of land consisting of a house and severals "sockets", each socket can receive different "plugs". Plugs can consist of many different things, such as a crafting bench, a mine, an exploration shaft, etc.[14][15]

This plot can be accessed by anyone who is allowed by the owner. Every plug can be used by all the players who have access to this plot.

While housing is not a required part of the game, it offers many advantages to the players, from personal workbenches, gathering nodes, personal dungeons, and quicker access to raids.

Character Creation

WildStar allows players to choose from six classes and eight races. Classes are limited to certain pre-determined races [16] while there are no restrictions on paths. The six classes consist of the Warrior, the Esper, the Spellslinger, the Stalker, and two unannounced classes. Playable races that belong to the Dominion faction are the Cassian, Draken, Mechari, while the Humans, Granok, and the Aurin belong to the Exiles. Two races have yet to be announced, with one belonging to the dominion, and the other to the Exiles. Each class can mainly be used for two roles, the possible roles being DPS, tank, and healer.[17]

WildStar also uses a system of paths, where each player choose a path when creating a character, in addition to his class. The paths are loosely based on the Bartle player types.[18] The path the player chooses upon character creation determines what kind of extra content the player enjoys.[19] The four available paths are the Solider, Explorer, Settler, and Scientist.



For more than a thousand years, the humans of planet Cassus had ruled the greatest empire the galaxy had ever known. But as the Dominion's power grew, a number of unpopular policies were enacted that led to civil unrest. What started out as protests in the streets of Cassian cities soon became brutal crackdowns on all who opposed the new order.

When the Dominion military turned weapons on its own citizens, Serrick Brightland, a highly decorated admiral of the Cassian fleet, rebelled against his commanders. Commandeering his own warship, the Star of Dominus, Brightland led Cassian rebels on a series of unexpected, devastating attacks - leaving the Dominion fleet in shambles.

But the rebel admiral's early successes proved costly in lives and materiel. When the full strength of the Dominion military finally caught up to him, Brightland grimly surveyed the battlefield - then bravely set a course for the heart of the enemy fleet. Surprised by the suicide maneuver, the Dominion warships broke formation, and the other rebel starships were able to escape.

Against all odds, the Star of Dominus survived – but at a grave cost. Admiral Brightland sustained terrible injuries in the battle, and was placed into cryo-freeze in order to save his life. Rechristened the Gambler's Ruin, Brightland's vessel was converted to an arkship, and the rebels fled for their lives across the stars.

The discovery of planet Nexus by the famed explorer Dorian Walker represented a new beginning for the humans – a chance to lay down roots before the critical life support systems of the centuries-old Gambler's Ruin completely failed. Serving as the heart and soul of the Exiles, they are now ready to make their final stand against the Dominion that once again threatens their home.

Available Classes: Warrior, Spellslinger, Stalker, Esper

Several hundred years ago, Granok civilization on planet Gnox was extremely primitive - but the Dominion saw great potential in these hulking giants of living stone, and sent Mechari ambassadors to facilitate their assimilation into the empire. The ambassadors offered the Granok gifts of knowledge and technology, asking only that they kneel and swear eternal loyalty to the empire in return. The Granok answered by smashing the Mechari into smoking piles of scrap.

The reigning emperor was infuriated by the news of his ambassadors' demise. He declared war on the Granok, and the mighty Dominion Legions were deployed from planet Cassus. They arrived on Gnox in overwhelming force, assuming they would quickly eradicate the natives. Armed with primitive weaponry, the fearless Granok warriors fought bravely - but were no match for the Dominion's superior technology.

Refusing to accept defeat, a young warlord named Durek led daring raids into Dominion camps, stealing weapons, armor, and other powerful military hardware. Within a few weeks, the growing ranks of Granok insurgents began to turn the tide. Battered and bloody, the Legions were driven back to planet Cassus.

Triumphant, Durek and his followers returned to their tribes. But instead of being greeted as heroes, they were branded pariahs for betraying ancient Granok traditions during their hard-won victory. Exiled by their own people, Durek Stonebreaker and his followers took to the stars, plying their trade as battle-hardened galactic mercenaries.

Having now thrown in their lot with the Exiles, Granok mercenaries lead the volunteer militias known as the Free Companies of Nexus. They still retain a deep-seated hatred for the Dominion, and are looking forward to settling the score in blood.

Available Classes: Warrior

For thousands of years, the Aurin lived in isolation on the forest world of Arboria, but the chance arrival of the wandering human rebel fleet changed their lives forever. Appreciating their good-natured independence, the Aurin welcomed the humans into their forest homes, and friendship soon blossomed between the two races. Fearful of unleashing the wrath of the Dominion on the Aurin, the humans took on much needed supplies and then quickly moved on.

Despite careful precautions by the humans, the Dominion managed to trace the path of the fleet and eventually discovered the location of Arboria. As punishment for aiding the rebels, the Dominion declared unconditional sovereignty over the Aurin's forest kingdom and sent an army of devastating Planet Reapers to collect the empire's rightful due.

The Aurin fought back courageously, but the Planet Reapers were monstrous mechanical resource harvesters designed to withstand all but the heaviest firepower. Suffering heavy losses, the Aurin were forced to fall back, helplessly watching the destruction of their beautiful, verdant homeworld.

Desperate, the Aurin's newly crowned queen, Myala Everstar, sent out a distress signal to her human friends, who soon formulated a daring rescue plan. Aided by fearless Granok mercenaries, the humans faced off against the Dominion and landed rescue ships on Arboria – but it soon became clear not all the Aurin could be saved. Brokenhearted, Myala escaped from Arboria's surface, but promised those left behind that one day she would return.

Despite the tragedy they had suffered, the Aurin were determined to survive. The day would come when they would return to Arboria, drive out the Dominion, and reclaim their beloved homeworld.

Available Classes: Spellslinger, Stalker, Esper


Gifted with ambition and intelligence, the humans of planet Cassus experienced a period of rapid technological advancement more than two thousand years ago, leading to the development of space flight and interstellar exploration. Such achievements caught the attention of the Eldan's mechanical servants the Mechari, who brought news of these remarkable beings back to planet Nexus.

At the behest of their masters, the Mechari journeyed to Cassus in a fleet of hyper-advanced starships. Standing before an awestruck assembly of planetary leaders, they demanded that the legendary Cassian Sword-maiden Tresayne Toria journey with them to Nexus - and in return the Eldan would provide the Cassians a gift of immeasurable value. Refuse, they said, and the consequences would be dire. The valiant Tresayne agreed for the sake of her people, and she and her attendants were never seen again.

In time, the Cassians received their precious gift - an extraordinary human-Eldan hybrid known as Dominus the Half-Blood. Bearing gifts of powerful Eldan technology to the people of his mother’s homeworld, the message of Dominus was a simple one: swear loyalty to him, and together they would rule the greatest empire the galaxy had ever seen. The Cassians unanimously agreed, hailing Dominus as the emperor of the newly established Dominion.

Despite the Eldan's disappearance a thousand years ago, the Cassian-led Dominion has steadily taken control of the galaxy through intimidation, political intrigue and a score of impressive military conquests. For the Cassians, the discovery of planet Nexus represents the fulfillment of an ancient destiny - and they will stop at nothing to ensure that the Dominion reigns supreme over the legendary Eldan planet.

Available Classes: Warrior, Spellslinger, Stalker, Esper

Three centuries after the founding of the Dominion, the Mechari determined that the Dominion military required new blood. After examining thousands of known species and analyzing their combat effectiveness, they advised the reigning Luminai emperor, Azrion, to bring the Draken of planet Mikros into the Dominion. Unfortunately, the eternal respect and loyalty of these ferocious hunters could only be won through strength and violence.

The empire landed a formidable military force on Mikros in 344 AE, and the Draken hordes amassed for all-out war on the Dominion invaders. Acting upon counsel from the Mechari, the bold Luminai Emperor Azrion issued a challenge to the reigning High Clanlord Zhur: meet him in single combat, with the victor ruling supreme over planet Mikros. As the Mechari expected, Zhur accepted the challenge immediately.

Hours later, they met on the Field of Kazor, a massive gladiatorial arena in the ancient city of Red River. The duel was fierce and brutal, and the swords of the two combatants were soon stained with blood. In the end, the Luminai emperor's skill and training overcame Zhur's ferocity and strength. Upon the death of their leader, the Draken swore eternal loyalty to Azrion the Conqueror and his descendants – and these savage warriors have faithfully served the Dominion ever since.

For the Draken, the journey to Nexus represents the ultimate test. Not only is the fabled planet rumored to be the home of exotic, savage creatures that will test their skills in the hunt, but it is also the front lines of the intensifying war with the Exiles. The reigning emperor Myrcalus the Vindicator has claimed Nexus for the Dominion by right of the Eldan blood that runs in his veins, and the Draken have vowed to help him conquer the planet, regardless of the cost.

Available Classes: Warrior, Spellslinger, Stalker

Long ago, the Eldan on planet Nexus found themselves in need of a servant race that could communicate with the other races of the galaxy, and watch for developments in culture and technology that might be of interest to them. With this in mind, the Eldan created a race of sentient mechanical beings known as the Mechari.

These Mechari were sent out to observe the various inhabited planets in the galaxy, studying their individual strengths and weaknesses, and reporting the information back to Nexus. The Mechari always kept the intentions of their masters ambiguously vague - and indeed, the Mechari themselves were not aware of the true scope of the Eldan's machinations. As the centuries passed, the legend of the Eldan grew, and wild conjecture became well-worn tales about their origins, their technology, and the location of their secret homeworld.

During this time, the Mechari were instrumental in helping the humans of planet Cassus establish the Dominion, and presided over the coronation of the first Luminai emperor. Through a series of brilliantly executed maneuvers, the Mechari helped the Dominion to quickly expand, assimilating races like the Draken of planet Mikros. They also established the Imperial Corps of Intelligence to protect the empire from spies and traitors, and took it upon themselves to oversee its operations.

The discovery of Nexus was a momentous occasion for the Mechari, and they hoped to finally be reunited with their creators. But the Eldan were no longer there, their fate one of the galaxy's darkest and most enduring mysteries. Despite this disappointment, the Mechari continue their eternal vigil over the empire, ensuring its continued dominance on planet Nexus.

Available Classes: Warrior, Stalker


Warriors are unstoppable juggernauts on the battlefield, using a combination of heavy weaponry, powerful armor and advanced technology to take care of business.

Fearless bruisers that give as good as they get, Warriors are at their best when charging into the fray. Equipped with a heavy battle suit, and armed with a giant tech-sword and a plasma blasting arm cannon, Warriors use hyper-charged kinetic cells which allow the use of powerful attacks and greatly improve their destructive potential.

Drawing upon the power of these kinetic cells give Warriors access to a wide array of strategic technological capabilities designed to damage, disarm, or incapacitate their enemies. In short, the Warrior is a walking death machine, absorbing impressive amounts of damage while dispatching his foes by the dozens.

Role: Melee DPS, Tank
Equipment: Tech Sword
Armor Weight: Medium Armor (Upgrades to Heavy)
Ability Resources: Kinetic Cells
Primary Attribute: Strength (DPS), Technology (Tank)

Available Races: Human, Granok, Cassian, Draken, Mechari

Spellslingers are deadly and dangerous pistoleers, often found beyond the Fringe working as bounty hunters, bodyguards, and guns-for-hire.

Spellslingers fight with a unique style that's a lethal combination of magic, reflexes and instinct - making them some of the most feared combatants in the galaxy. By wielding specially designed mag pistols, Spellslingers manipulate arcane energy to create powerful magic sigils – greatly increasing their accuracy and infusing their projectiles with destructive power.

Along with their deadly weapons, Spellslingers also use acrobatic agility to quickly move around the battlefield - positioning themselves to inflict the most damage upon their enemies. These deadly abilities, coupled with steely-eyed resolve, make the Spellslinger a truly frightening foe in battle.

Role: Ranged DPS, Healer
Equipment: Dual Pistols
Armor Weight: Light Armor
Ability Resources: Spell Surges and Mana
Primary Attributes: Dexterity (DPS), Wisdom (Healing)

Available Races: Human, Aurin, Cassian, Draken

Stalkers are feared throughout the galaxy as silent and deadly assassins who always eliminate their targets.

The Stalkers’ training begins with an injected serum of advanced nanotechnology. The nanites within the serum instantly create a cerebral interface that gives the Stalker access to powerful technological abilities—such as advanced stealth capabilities, optical holoprojection, and enhanced defenses. This interface also accelerates and enhances the Stalker’s physiological systems, allowing them to execute impressive physical feats and complex martial arts disciplines. These abilities, used in concert with a pair of well-balanced alloy clawblades, make the Stalker a fearsome opponent on the field of battle.

Stalkers are also masters of tactical combat. Using their neurological enhancements, they strategically control the battlefield, utilizing combat hardware such as proximity mines to maximize their kill potential in each and every encounter. Their cerebral interface also provides real-time analytical data during encounters, allowing Stalkers to energize their clawblades based on their opponents’ greatest vulnerabilities. The result? During combat, Stalkers leave a pile of corpses in their wake before silently disappearing into the shadows.

Role: Melee DPS, Tank
Equipment: Claws
Armor Weight: Light Armor (Upgrades to Medium)
Ability Resources: Suit Power
Primary Attribute: Dexterity (DPS), Technology (Tank)

Available Races: Human, Aurin, Cassian, Draken, Mechari

Espers are masters of the mind who tap into powerful psychic energies to lash out and incapacitate enemies or strengthen and protect their friends.

The connection between the mind and body is a powerful thing, and no one demonstrates this better than an Esper. Rare individuals that display unusual mental fortitude, Espers must undergo rigorous training in order to harness the turbulent, chaotic energies of the mind – eventually learning to focus and transform this energy into telekinetic power. Once they have mastered this ability, Espers learn to use the psyblade – a sharp and deadly projectile weapon propelled through the air by the force of their minds.

But the psyblade is not the only weapon in the Esper's arsenal. They can also manipulate mental energy to create illusions so convincing they are capable of inflicting very real damage on their enemies. This same technique can be used to bolster friends, allowing them to return to the fray after being injured in battle. A fully trained Esper can turn the tide in any conflict, sustaining and healing their allies while dishing out devastating mental blasts against their foes.

Role: Ranged DPS, Healer
Equipment: Psyblade
Armor Weight: Light Armor
Ability Resources: Mana and Focus Points
Primary Attributes: Magic (DPS), Wisdom (Healing)

Available Races: Human, Aurin, Cassian


This game takes place on the fictional planet Nexus, which had just been discovered. This world was once inhabited by the Eldan, a hyper-advanced race that disappeared long ago. Two factions, the Dominion and the Exiles, are fighting to take control of Nexus and all of its concealed technology.[20]

The Dominion is an intergalactic empire which decided that this planet belongs to them and should be explored to discover the lost technology.[21]

The Exiles are a group of refugees and outlaws who had all been driven out from their respective homelands by the Dominion and joined forces to fight them.[22]


System requirements
Microsoft Windows
Operating system Windows XP Service Pack 2 64 Bit or better
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz, OR AMD Phenom X3 2.3 GHz, or better
Memory 4 GB RAM
Graphics hardware NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT, ATI HD Radeon 3850 or better
Input device(s) Keyboard and Mouse

WildStar development started in 2005, after 17 members of Blizzard Entertainment founded Carbine Studios. In 2007, NCSOFT acquired Carbine Studios, saying they are working on a unannounced MMO project.[23]

WildStar was first announced by NCsoft at Gamescom 2011.[5] Two weeks later, more footage of the game was released at PAX Prime 2011.[24]

The first phase of the closed beta test (officially called CBT1) started on April 10, 2013.[25]

The second phase of the closed beta test (CBT2) started on May 15, 2013.[26]

In addition to the beta, stress tests are planned to test the capacity of the servers.[27]

On May 24, Jeremy Gaffney, Executive producer on WildStar, stated in an interview that WildStar would be using a "Hybrid Business Model". [28]


The soundtrack for WildStar was composed and arranged by Jeff Kurtenacker.

WildStar Original Soundtrack tracklist
1."Systematic Domination" (Dominion Faction Theme)2:30
2."The Last Beacon of Hope"2:30
3."The Cold Science of Supremacy" (Eldan Race Theme)2:48
4."Justice Doesn't Always Wear A Badge" (Algoroc Zone Theme)1:47
5."Enemy Territory" (Battle Theme)3:17
6."The Rescue Mission"1:06
7."The Hunt" (Deradune Zone Music)2:34
8."Fight for Survival" (Metal Maw Battle Music)2:29
9."Character Creation Screen"7:11
10."Ready for the Fight"1:21
11."Saving the Universe ... Destroying One Giant Robot At a Time"3:11
12."Defend The Gates"2:24


  1. ^ a b "WildStar Wednesday: Feburary State of the Game". WildStar-Online.com. February 6, 2013. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  2. ^ "WildStar: The Engine Interview :: ZAM". ZAM. April 22, 2013. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  3. ^ Fahey, Mike (August 17, 2011). "I'm Falling in Love With WildStar, and I Don't Care Who Knows It". Kotaku. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  4. ^ Caldwell, Brendan (May 30, 2013). "Viewed Prior To Release: Wildstar". Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  5. ^ a b "NCsoft announces new MMO: WildStar [Updated]". Joystiq. August 17, 2011. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  6. ^ Chadwick, Eric (June 3, 2013). "Interview WildStar, Behind the Scenes". Polycount. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  7. ^ Dumitrescu, Andrei (March 26, 2013). "WildStar's Elder Games System Will Deal with Level Cap Issues". Softpedia. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  8. ^ Murphy, William (May 11, 2013). "WildStar Interviews: Why Movement Matters". MMORPG.com. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  9. ^ "WildStar: More on Movement". ZAM. May 9, 2013. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  10. ^ Lefebvre, Eliot (March 22, 2013). "PAX East 2013: A first look at WildStar's housing and new zones". Joystiq. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  11. ^ Lefebvre, Eliot (September 12, 2012). "WildStar Wednesday shows off the telegraphs of combat". Joystiq. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  12. ^ Prell, Sophie (March 29, 2013). "WildStar Wednesday shows off the telegraphs of combat". Penny Arcade. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  13. ^ Lefebvre, Eliot (September 12, 2012). "WildStar Wednesday shows off the telegraphs of combat". Joystiq. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  14. ^ Ricciardi, Jay (March 27, 2013). "New Info About Wildstar Housing is Way Cooler Than We Had Hoped". Gamebreaker.tv. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  15. ^ Petitte, Omri (March 26, 2013). "WildStar trailer shows player housing, rebellious coffee table placement". PCGamer.com. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  16. ^ "WildStar Official Races Reveal". WildStar-Online.com. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  17. ^ Lefebvre, Eliot (June 25, 2012). "Massively Exclusive: An interview with WildStar's Jeremy Gaffney". Joystiq. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  18. ^ Lefebvre, Eliot (August 27, 2011). "PAX 2011: WildStar panel discusses playing with paths the Bartle way". Joystiq. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  19. ^ Fillari, Alessandro (May 22, 2013). "WildStar's Paths accomodate specific MMO play styles". Destructoid. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  20. ^ Robinson, Joe. "WildStar Preview". StrategyInformer.com. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  21. ^ Harmer, Gareth (Feburary 13, 2013). "WildStar: The Dominion Opinion". ZAM. Retrieved June 18, 2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  22. ^ Royce, Brianna (Feburary 6, 2013). "You can't take the sky from me: WildStar's Exiles". Joystiq. Retrieved June 18, 2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  23. ^ Parfitt, Ben (October 5, 2007). "NCSOFT unveils Carbine Studios". MCV UK. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  24. ^ Bayer, Rubi (August 31, 2011). "PAX 2011: Massively's hands-on with WildStar". Joystiq. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  25. ^ Walker, Summer (April 10, 2013). "WildStar Beta starts today". Gamebreaker.tv. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  26. ^ "Wildstar Wednesday: Welcome to closed beta 2!". WildStar-Online.com. May 15, 2013. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  27. ^ Royce, Brianna (June 6, 2013). "WildStar's devs break all the things in the latest stress test". Joystiq. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  28. ^ Ford, Suzie (May 23, 2013). "WildStar News: Payment Model is a 'Hybrid' Model". MMORPG.com. Retrieved June 18, 2013.