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Mayors Against Illegal Guns
FormationApril 25, 2006[1]
Congressman Jim Moran speaking at an event for Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) is a coalition that claims to have more than 900 mayors[2] who support a number of gun control initiatives that the group calls "commonsense reforms" on firearms ownership in the United States. Most recently the group has focused on efforts to outlaw semi-automatic rifles and standard capacity magazines.

The group was formed on April 25, 2006, during a summit held at Gracie Mansion in New York City that was hosted by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who serve as co-chairs of the coalition.

The initial group consisted of 15 mayors who signed a statement of principles[3] and set a goal to expand their membership to 50 mayors by the end of 2006. As of November 2009, there were 522 mayors listed on the membership roster at the MAIG website.

The coalition is composed of mostly Democratic mayors,[4] but also has some members of the Republican Party, the Green Party,[5] and political independents. Its statement of principles has received the endorsement of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the National Conference of Black Mayors.[1]

Origin and funding

Mayors Against Illegal Guns was founded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino.[6] Bloomberg is the largest funder of the group, having contributed $3 million.[7] Eli Broad contributed $750,000 and the Joyce Foundation contributed $1.1 million.[8]

Participating mayors

Mayors Against Illegal Guns lists over 900 mayors as active members.[9]

Legislative initiatives

Mayors Against Illegal Guns is lobbying the U.S. Congress to:[10]

1) Repeal the Tiahrt Amendment

A priority goal of Mayors Against Illegal Guns is to repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, named after its sponsor, Congressman Todd Tiahrt (R-KS). Since its passage in 2003 as an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, the Tiahrt Amendment has forbidden the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) from releasing information from its firearm trace database to anyone other than a law enforcement agency or prosecutor in connection with a specific criminal investigation, and any data so released is deemed inadmissible in a civil lawsuit.[11] Rep. Tiahrt has stated that his amendment is intended to protect the privacy of gun owners and to prevent abuse of the data by anyone outside of law enforcement.[12]

Mayors Against Illegal Guns seeks the repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment for these reasons:

  • The Tiahrt Amendment restricts access of state and local law enforcement authority to gun trace data, hindering municipal police departments' ability to track down sellers of illegal guns, to investigate gun trafficking patterns, and to make connections between individual gun-related crimes.[13] Mayor Bloomberg has called the Amendment "an insult to the thousands of police officers that face the threat of illegal guns."[14][15]
  • The Tiahrt Amendment requires that NICS background check records be destroyed within 24 hours. According to MAIG, this makes it harder for law enforcement authorities to catch law-breaking gun dealers who falsify their records and makes it more difficult to identify and track down straw purchasers who buy guns on behalf of criminals who wouldn't be able to pass a background check or prohibited purchasers who buy firearms themselves due to errors in the background check process.[15]
  • The Tiahrt Amendment denies the ATF the authority to require dealer inventory checks to detect lost and stolen guns. Under current rules, the ATF can conduct a warrantless search of any licensed gun dealer once per year.[16]

Joining Mayors Against Illegal Guns in supporting the repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment are 10 national law enforcement organizations, including the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the Police Executive Research Forum; state law enforcement associations representing 22 states; and individual police chiefs representing 39 states.[17] The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence has pointed out that the ATF under the Bush administration (2001–2008) was unable to produce any evidence that law enforcement officers were harmed by the agency's release of crime gun trace data prior to 2003.[18]

In July 2007, after the House Appropriations Committee rebuffed attempts to repeal the amendment, the Senate Appropriations Committee went further, approving a bill that, according to the New York Times, "threaten[ed] law enforcement officials with prison time for using gun tracing data beyond a specific investigation, say, for identifying and targeting trafficking patterns."[19]

Congressman Tiahrt responded to MAIG's position on his amendment in a congressional statement in 2007:[20]

At issue is a campaign urging repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment, which prohibits the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) from releasing gun trace data to the public. The ATF gun trace database contains investigation-specific information and is made available to law enforcement agencies and prosecutors for criminal investigations. The ATF and the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the nation’s largest law enforcement organization, support the Tiahrt Amendment and have requested its reauthorization every year since 2003. Both organizations claim repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment would jeopardize ongoing criminal investigations and risk the lives of undercover law enforcement officers ... The organization Mayors Against Illegal Guns is behind the Tiahrt repeal campaign. The group claims to have the support of numerous police chiefs across the country, which is also misleading according to National FOP President Chuck Canterbury:

"The mayors would have you believe that law enforcement supports giving them the information on gun traces because many of their employees--namely police chiefs, who often serve at the pleasure of the mayor--have publicly backed their coalition,” explained Canterbury. “But the officers in the field who are actually working illegal gun cases know that releasing sensitive information about pending cases can jeopardize the integrity of an investigation or even place the lives of undercover officers in danger. That is why the Fraternal Order of Police has always supported language protecting firearms trace data, now known as the 'Tiahrt amendment.' For the men and women in uniform who are fighting illegal guns, it is a matter of officer safety and good police work."

NY Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the FOP have all requested this language to protect investigations and law enforcement officers. Hopefully it is true that not one law enforcement officer ever died prior to the enactment of the Tiahrt protection—Rep. Tiahrt joins the FOP, ATF and others in supporting a policy that will keep it that way."[20]

Commissioner Kelly, however, has participated in events calling for the repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment.[21] The ATF under the Obama administration has issued no formal position on the amendment. While a Senator, President Barack Obama stated, "At a time when bloodshed on our streets is on the rise, making sure that our law enforcement officers have all the tools they need to fight crime should be our top priority. But instead of providing those tools, the Tiahrt Amendment ties the hands of police in their effort to halt illegal gun trafficking and sales. I am proud to join the Mayors Against Illegal Guns in their fight against this dangerous legislation. Our communities and the brave men and women who risk their lives everyday to protect us deserve more from Congress."[21] His administration, however, sought only minor modifications to the amendment during the most recent appropriations cycle.[22]

2) Close the "Gun Show Loophole"

Mayors Against Illegal Guns has called for the criminalization of transfers between private citizens.[23] Currently, private individuals are not required by federal law to conduct background checks on purchasers or maintain records of sale when they sell their personally owned firearms. Mayors Against Illegal Guns supports the enactment of S. 843 and H.R. 2324 to, as they put it, close the "Gun Show Loophole."[23]

3) Close the "Fire Sale Loophole"

Under current law, federally licensed firearm dealers who quit their business or have their licenses revoked by the ATF are allowed to transfer their remaining inventory to their "personal collections" and subsequently sell these firearms without conducting background checks on purchasers or keeping records of sale. MAIG supports the enactment of H.R. 6664, which would require these dealers to conduct background checks when disposing of their personal collections.[24]

4) Close the "Terrorist Watch List Loophole"

Mayors Against Illegal Guns supports prohibiting those on the FBI's Terrorist Watch List from purchasing firearms. MAIG supports S. 1317 and H.R. 2159, which would give the Department of Justice (DOJ) the discretion to block sales to 'terror suspects' and permit judicial review of these decisions.[25] The National Rifle Association has opposed this reform and pointed to a May 2009 DOJ report that found that 24,000 of the 400,000 people on the FBI's watch list were listed based on outdated or irrelevant information.[26]

5) Require Background Checks for All Employees of Licensed Gun Dealers

Under current federal law, if an individual is prohibited from buying guns, that person is also prohibited from selling guns. The law does not require federally licensed firearm dealers to conduct background checks on their employees, however, despite the fact that these individuals use the background check system at work every day. Mayors Against Illegal Guns supports the enactment of H.R. 6676, which would require background checks for all gun store employees.[27]

6) Oppose the "Thune Amendment"

Mayors Against Illegal Guns has opposed the enactment of the "Thune Amendment," which would allow interstate concealed carry of firearms by individuals who hold valid concealed carry permits (either issued by their home state or another state).[28] In July 2009, the Thune Amendment was narrowly defeated by filibuster in U.S. Senate.[29] Following that vote, MAIG issued a press statement that stated, "The defeat of the Thune Amendment is a major victory for the right of states to set their own public safety laws and for the bi-partisan coalition of Mayor's Against Illegal Guns. The vast majority of states have set minimum requirements for obtaining a permit to carry a concealed gun, and Congress should respect those laws instead of trying to usurp them."[30]

MAIG has worked at the state/local level to:

7) Require the Reporting of Lost and Stolen Guns

Mayors Against Illegal Guns supports legislation to require reporting of lost and stolen guns by individuals and federally licensed firearm dealers. In MAIG's words, "In most states, gun owners are not required to tell police when a gun is lost or stolen. That puts law enforcement at a disadvantage in tracking down those guns and the criminals who use them."[31] Currently, seven states (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Rhode Island) and the District of Columbia have laws that require individuals to report lost and stolen guns to law enforcement. Several other states and local governments are working to pass similar laws.[32]

Some critics, like former prosecuting attorney C.D. Michel, have questioned the efficacy of such laws (Michel questions the laws' deterrent effect on straw purchasers and writes, "Effectively, these ordinances place the legitimate gun owner in jeopardy of prosecution for becoming a victim of a crime").[33] MAIG has countered this by claiming that the average "crime gun export rate" among states that do not require reporting lost and stolen guns is three times higher than the rate for states which have such requirements.[34]

Partnership with Wal-Mart

In April 2008, Wal-Mart—the largest retailer of firearms in the U.S.—voluntarily adopted a number of new sales practices at the behest of Mayors Against Illegal Guns to "help ensure that guns do not fall into the wrong hands." [35] Senior Vice President J.P. Suarez stated that Wal-Mart signed the 10-point code of the "Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership" to help the corporation "fine tune the things we're already doing and further strengthen our standards." He added, "We hope other retailers will join us in adopting the code."[36]

The "Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership" has since become a model for Heeding God's Call, a coalition of faith organizations in Philadelphia that has encouraged local gun dealers to adopt the 10-point code.[37]

Opposition from the NRA

The NRA opposes MAIG, on the ground that MAIG is not really against "illegal guns" but is in fact "anti-gun." They further argue that MAIG holds this position deceptively.[38]

In early September 2009, the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) distributed a mass mailing to its members encouraging them to pressure their mayors to resign from Mayors Against Illegal Guns.[39][40][41][42][43][44] The mailer read, in part, "[NYC Mayor Michael] Bloomberg created MAIG as a front group to lobby Congress to oppose important pro-gun reforms and support new federal gun control restrictions. And [your mayor] has joined this anti-gun Bloomberg crusade. It is critical that your mayor dissociate himself from this anti-gun group and you can do your part by contacting his office and urging him to withdraw his MAIG membership."[45] The NRA has also issued web alerts to its members encouraging them to take this action.[46]

The NRA lists 73 mayors on their website who have resigned from MAIG as of September 23, 2009.[47] Newspapers have covered several of these resignations in more detail.[48][49][50][51][52] In some cases, mayors have claimed MAIG used their name without permission.[53][54][55]

In October 2009, NRA spokeswoman Rachel Parsons stated that "the coalition’s participating mayors from both large and small cities dropped from 463 to less than 400" as a result of the NRA's letter-writing campaign.[56] Mayor Bloomberg, however, has said that while 60 mayors have left the organization since the NRA's campaign was launched, another 110 mayors have joined.[57]

Some of the NRA's criticism has included attacks on Bloomberg, MAIG's co-founder. The NRA has described Mayor Bloomberg as “a billionaire, Boston-grown evangelist for the nanny state."[58] NRA Contributing Editor James O. E. Norell has further stated, “Beholden to nothing except his own ambitions, the mayor has established himself as a kind of national gun-control vigilante.”[58]

Murder suspects on No More Names list

When a "No More Names" bus tour event held in Concord, New Hampshire, had the name of Tamerlan Tsarnaev read aloud, several in the crowd shouted, "He's a terrorist!" MAIG apologized for the incident after the New Hampshire Union Leader reported Tsarnaev's name being read.[59] Further inspection found that the list also contained the names of at least 10 murder suspects including Christopher Dorner.[60][61] In response, the group issued a statement explaining how they were using a list complied from Slate.com, who in turn used the Twitter account @GunDeaths "as the source of its data".

Publicly announced resignations, misidentification, roster removals, disavowals

Largely in response to a recent NRA organized letter writing campaign, dozens of mayors have resigned from or distanced themselves from the MAIG while still in office.[62][63][64] The NRA 's web site lists 73 mayors that have quit the MAIG, including 15 in Pennsylvania, alone.[65][66][67][68] Responses have been varied, including, announced resignations, requests to be removed from the MAIG's roster, or disavowals of ever joining the coalition. In one case, Mayor Orlando Ortega Jr. of Portales, New Mexico complained that the NRA listing of member mayors had incorrectly identified the mayor as being a member. Ortega was indeed listed as a MAIG member in a July 2009 MAIG-produced letter to congress.[21] One mayor mentioned that her reason for resigning was "...because she thought [MAIG] was attempting to erode all gun ownership, not just illegal guns."[69] In some other cases, mayors have claimed that MAIG has used their name without permission.[70][71][72][73][74]

  • Mayor Mark Begich (now Alaska Senator) - Anchorage, Alaska [69]
  • Mayor James Brainard - Carmel, Indiana[75]
  • Mayor Gary Bruhn - Windermere, Florida [76]
  • Mayor John F. Bush - Winter Springs, Florida [76]
  • Mayor Dale Deiter - Tower City, Pennsylvania [77]
  • Mayor Jared Fuhriman - Idaho Falls, Idaho [69]
  • Mayor Bill Haslam (now Tennessee Governor) - Knoxville, Tennessee [78]
  • Mayor Keith Hoffman - East Berlin, Ohio [73]
  • Mayor Kevin Jackson - Rio Rancho, New Mexico [69]
  • Mayor John D. Link - Edgewood, Kentucky [79]
  • Mayor Paul McArdle - Summit Hill, Pennsylvania [77]
  • Mayor John McBeth - Akron, Pennsylvania [80][81]
  • Mayor Larry Morrissey- Rockford, Illinois [82]
  • Mayor Dave Munson - Sioux Falls, South Dakota [83]
  • Mayor Orlando Ortega Jr. - Portales, New Mexico [21][84][85]
  • Mayor Walter Niedermeyer - Slatington, Pennsylvania [68]
  • Mayor Jim Ridenour - Modesto, California [67]
  • Mayor Robert Shiner - Mentor, Ohio [73]
  • Mayor Dale Strasser - Brunswick, Ohio [70] (It was actually City Manager Robert Zienkowski that signed up, not Mayor Strasser.)[73]
  • Mayor Michael A. Tautznik - Easthampton, Massachusetts[86]
  • Mayor Bill White - Houston, Texas [87]
  • Mayor Randall Wise - Niceville, Florida [65]
  • Mayor Ernest B. Wiggins - Warsaw, Indiana [88]
  • Mayor Mary Wolf - Williamsport, Pennsylvania [69]
  • Mayor Bob Scott - Sioux City, Iowa[89]

Publicly announced reaffirmations

At least four mayors have issued public statements in reaffirmation of their membership and praise of the coalition, in response to the NRA's letter-writing campaign. One mayor reaffirmed her membership while stating "Nothing that this organization has lobbied for has been to get rid of guns altogether or to take away people’s Second Amendment rights".[76]

  • Former Mayor Patricia Christensen - Port St. Lucie, Florida [74] (She later resigned after being charged with theft of campaign funds.)[90]
  • Mayor Rick Gray - Lancaster, Pennsylvania [80]
  • Mayor Dave Elder - Yakima, Washington. He subsequently resigned as mayor.[91][92]
  • Mayor Michael J. Sullivan - Holyoke, Massachusetts (He subsequently left office.)[93][86]

Members receiving awards

  • Antonio Villaraigosa, Los Angeles, California (World Mayor Award finalist, 2008) [94]
  • Manuel Diaz, Miami, Florida (World Mayor Award finalist, 2008)[94]
  • Raymond Rybak, Minneapolis, Minnesota (World Mayor Award finalist, 2008) [94]
  • Cory Booker, Newark, New Jersey (World Mayor Award finalist, 2010) [95]
  • Thomas Menino (MAIG co-founder) (New England Environmental - Energy Award for Government Service, 2013)[96]

Members convicted of illegal activity

  Some members of MAIG have been convicted of crimes. They include:  

See also

  • Wicker Amendment – legislation to allow rail travelers to put legally owned guns in AMTRAK baggage (MAIG opposed this)


  1. ^ a b "Coalition History". Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition. 2006. Retrieved 2007-06-06.
  2. ^ "Mayors Against Illegal Guns: Coalition Members". Retrieved on April 9, 2013
  3. ^ "Mayors Against Illegal Guns: Coalition Principles". Retrieved on June 12, 2007
  4. ^ http://blogs.denverpost.com/thespot/2013/01/14/lobbying-firm-headwaters-strategies-hired-york-mayor-michael-bloombergs-guncontrol-group/88648/
  5. ^ Hall, Carl T. (November 22, 2006). "RICHMOND / Mayor concedes race – city largest in nation with Green leadership". The San Francisco Chronicle.
  6. ^ Bloomberg, Michael R. (2008-06-30). "Some Gun Rules We Can All Agree On". Opinion Journal. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 2009-09-11. {{cite news}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  7. ^ http://www.villagevoice.com/content/printVersion/1420615
  8. ^ "A Battle of Goliaths: Michael Bloomberg and His Gun Control Group Take on the NRA" August 5, 2009, The Washington Post By Manuel Roig-Franzia http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/08/04/AR2009080403132_pf.html
  9. ^ http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/members/members.shtml
  10. ^ http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/federal/federal.shtml
  11. ^ Full text of current Tiahrt Amendment From ProtectPolice.org, a project of Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
  12. ^ http://www.nraila.org/Issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?id=208
  13. ^ Knight, Healther (June 19, 2007) "Mayors Fight Gun Measure." San Francisco Chronicle.
  14. ^ "msnbc.msn.com". Retrieved on July 10, 2007
  15. ^ a b "Mayors Against Illegal Guns - Tiahrt Amendment Facts: History and Effect". Retrieved 2009-09-13.
  16. ^ http://www.atf.gov/press/factsheets/0608-factsheet-ffl-inspections.pdf
  17. ^ [1] "Law Enforcement Opposition to Appropriations Rider Limiting Disclosure of Crime Gun Trace Data," June 12, 2007.
  18. ^ [2] The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, "Without a Trace: How the Gun Lobby and the Government Suppress the Truth About Guns and Crime," April 2006.
  19. ^ "The New York Times". July 17, 2007. Retrieved May 12, 2010. Retrieved on July 17, 2007
  20. ^ a b http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/ks04_tiahrt/2007/MAIGResponse.html
  21. ^ a b c d [3] Mayors Against Illegal Guns press release, "Members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns Stand with Police Chiefs and Members of Congress to Urge Repeal of Tiahrt Amendment," July 10, 2007. Cite error: The named reference "mayorsagainstillegalguns.org" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  22. ^ [4] Mayors Against Illegal Guns press release, "Statement by Mayors Against Illegal Guns Co-Chairs on Obama Administration's Reform of the Tiahrt Amendments," May 7, 2009.
  23. ^ a b http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/federal/gun_show.shtml
  24. ^ http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/federal/dealer_firesales.shtml
  25. ^ http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/federal/closing_gun_gap.shtml
  26. ^ http://www.aspendailynews.com/section/columnist/135319
  27. ^ http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/federal/employee_background_checks.shtml
  28. ^ http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/federal/thune.shtml
  29. ^ http://www.opencongress.org/articles/view/1116-Senate-Democrats-Defeat-the-Thune-Gun-Rights-Amendment
  30. ^ http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/media-center/pr009-09.shtml
  31. ^ http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/local/lost-stolen.shtml
  32. ^ http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2009/03/gun_control_proposal_on_tonigh_1.html
  33. ^ http://www.venturacountystar.com/news/2007/aug/10/why-pass-an-ineffective-law-on-guns/
  34. ^ http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/downloads/pdf/trace_report_final.pdf
  35. ^ http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/partnership/partnership.shtml
  36. ^ http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/media-center/pr007-08.shtml
  37. ^ http://peacegathering2009.org/
  38. ^ [5]
  39. ^ "Mayor stands up to NRA pressure - The Item - South Carolina". Retrieved 2009-09-15. [dead link]
  40. ^ "Edler notes NRA pressure to quit Mayors Against Illegal Guns | Yakima Herald-Republic Online". Retrieved 2009-09-15.
  41. ^ "Henry resists heat from NRA | The Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Ind". Retrieved 2009-09-15.
  42. ^ "Is Mayor Haslam against illegal guns or not? | KnoxViews". Retrieved 2009-09-15.
  43. ^ "www.nraila.org". Retrieved 2009-09-15.
  44. ^ http://www.postandcourier.com/news/2009/sep/13/nra-targets-riley-affiliation/
  45. ^ Andrew Scott (2009-09-25). "Stroudsburg Mayor Under Fire for Joining Group Opposing Illegal Gun Possession/Use". The Pocono Record.
  46. ^ "National Rifle Association - Current Members of "Mayors Against Illegal Guns"". Retrieved 2009-10-26.
  47. ^ Members of "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" as of September 23, 2009, http://www.nraila.org/Issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?id=254&issue=011
  48. ^ http://www.nysun.com/new-york/fourth-mayor-quits-bloomberg-anti-gun-group/50547 New York Sun: "A Fourth Mayor Quits Bloomberg Anti-Gun Group"
  49. ^ http://www.nysun.com/new-york/lobbyists-scramble-ahead-of-no-1-gun-vote/57492/ quote:"Though dozens of mayors have joined Mayors Against Illegal Guns in the last several months, there has also been a trickle of mayors leaving the coalition."
  50. ^ http://www.nysun.com/new-york/mayor-heads-to-dc-to-talk-traffic-guns/58152/ quote:"Henry Moore, of Oldmans Township, N.J., population 1,800, dropped out of the group."
  51. ^ http://politics.nashvillepost.com/2009/04/09/bill-haslam-joined-the-nra-in-late-february-or-early-march/ quote: "...while some of their proposals may not sit well with gun enthusiasts, who oppose any and all gun regulation, the group certainly isn’t proposing anything as remotely radical as banning guns."
  52. ^ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/08/04/AR2009080403132_4.html?sid=ST2009080502296 Washington Post, 8/4/09: A Battle of Goliaths: Michael Bloomberg and His Gun Control Group Take on the NRA
  53. ^ Mayor: Anti-gun group misused my name, Medina County Gazette
  54. ^ Letter to the Editor, Anchorage Daily News, February 4, 2007, by Mayor Mark Begich http://www.adn.com/opinion/letters/story/8614932p-8507468c.html
  55. ^ An Idaho Mayor Withdraws From Bloomberg's Gun Group, The New York Sun, January 17, 2007, By: Bradley Hope http://www.nysun.com/article/46799
  56. ^ http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2009/oct/12/port-st-lucies-mayor-defends-membership-mayors-aga/
  57. ^ http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=114369908&ft=1&f=1014
  58. ^ a b http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/15/nyregion/15nra.html?_r=1 New York Times April 15, 2007.
  59. ^ Buckland, Tim (June 20, 2013). "Apology issued for naming of Boston bomber as a victim of gun violence at Concord rally". New Hampshire Union Leader. Retrieved June 21, 2013.
  60. ^ "California Cop Killer Dorner Included on List of Gun Victims Used by Bloomberg Group". NY Daily News. 2013-06-20. Retrieved 2013-06-26.
  61. ^ Coppins, McKay (June 20, 2013). "Bloomberg Group Named Christopher Dorner, Other Murder Suspects On List Of Gun Violence 'Victims'". BuzzFeed. Retrieved June 20, 2013.
  62. ^ http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/weakened_arsenal_O4NRYKYmkSxmdBUC8na7yK
  63. ^ http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/07/22/Mayors-Abandoning-Bloomberg-s-Gun-Control-Group
  64. ^ http://www.nationalreview.com/article/355637/mayors-against-bloombergs-bombast-charles-c-w-cooke
  65. ^ a b http://www.weartv.com/newsroom/top_stories/videos/wear_vid_4163.shtml
  66. ^ http://www.wnyc.org/news/articles/144874
  67. ^ a b http://www.modbee.com/local/story/857567.html
  68. ^ a b http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=114369908
  69. ^ a b c d e http://www.nysun.com/new-york/fourth-mayor-quits-bloomberg-anti-gun-group/50547
  70. ^ a b Mayor: Anti-gun group misused my name, Medina County Gazette
  71. ^ Letter to the Editor, Anchorage Daily News, February 4, 2007 by Mayor Mark Begich http://www.adn.com/opinion/letters/story/8614932p-8507468c.html
  72. ^ An Idaho Mayor Withdraws From Bloomberg's Gun Group, The New York Sun, January 17, 2007 By: Bradley Hope http://www.nysun.com/article/46799
  73. ^ a b c d http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091011/SPORTS/910110374/-1/rss04
  74. ^ a b http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2009/oct/12/port-st-lucies-mayor-defends-membership-mayors-aga/
  75. ^ http://www.nysun.com/new-york/lobbyists-scramble-ahead-of-no-1-gun-vote/57492/
  76. ^ a b c http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2009-10-01/news/0909300087_1_mayors-against-illegal-illegal-guns-mayors-group/2
  77. ^ a b http://www.republicanherald.com/sgl_tours_provide_diversions_from_sportsmen_s_problems
  78. ^ http://politics.nashvillepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/maig-2.pdf
  79. ^ http://edgewoodky.gov/pdf/2009_MAIG.pdf
  80. ^ a b http://articles.lancasteronline.com/local/4/242506
  81. ^ http://www.whtm.com/news/stories/0909/659843.html
  82. ^ http://www.rrstar.com/blogs/kevinhaas/x1220218269/Larry-Morrissey-will-pack-a-gun-once-concealed-carry-is-law#axzz2X3qVShJn
  83. ^ Roig-Franzia, Manuel (August 5, 2009). "A Battle of Goliaths: Michael Bloomberg and His Gun Control Group Take on the NRA". The Washington Post. Retrieved May 8, 2010.
  84. ^ http://www.abqjournal.com/abqnews/abqnewseeker-mainmenu-39/15810-updated-nra-says-portales-mayor-was-listed-as-member-of-pro-gun-control-group.html
  85. ^ http://www.allbusiness.com/crime-law/crime-prevention-gun-control/12973784-1.html
  86. ^ a b http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2009/09/western_mass_mayors_taking_hea.html
  87. ^ http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/firstreading/entries/2009/07/28/health_care_seems_the_next_fro.html
  88. ^ http://www.timesuniononline.com/main.asp?SectionID=2&SubSectionID=224&ArticleID=42551
  89. ^ http://siouxcityjournal.com/news/local/bob-scott-leaves-mayors-against-illegal-guns/article_7d9c4fe7-f8ea-5215-b18e-2cd07e3a29ea.html
  90. ^ Cite error: The named reference tcpalm1 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  91. ^ http://www.kimatv.com/news/local/80774322.html
  92. ^ http://www.yakima-herald.com/stories/2009/09/14/edler-notes-nra-pressure-to-quit-mayors-against-illegal-guns
  93. ^ http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2013/03/former_holyoke_mayor_michael_s.html
  94. ^ a b c http://www.worldmayor.com/contest_2008/world-mayor-2008-results.html
  95. ^ http://www.worldmayor.com/contest_2010/world-mayor-2010-results.html
  96. ^ http://www.cityofboston.gov/news/default.aspx?id=6174
  97. ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheila_Dixon_trial
  98. ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddie_Perez_(politician)
  99. ^ http://www.fox6now.com/news/witi-100303-becker-sentence,0,3794203.story
  100. ^ http://www.wtnh.com/dpp/news/new_haven_cty/news_wtnh_east_haven_mayor_almon_surrenders_to_police_200909041225
  101. ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwame_Kilpatrick#Controversies.2C_felony_trials.2C_and_incarceration
  102. ^ Miller, Jonathan (February 16, 2007). "F.B.I. Raids on the Mayor Make Him Topic A in a Small Town". The New York Times.
  103. ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Melton
  104. ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Rivera
  105. ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Wynn
  106. ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerramiah_Healy
  107. ^ http://www.newjerseynewsroom.com/state/jersey-citys-beldini-cheatam-indicted-in-corruption-probe
  108. ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Langford
  109. ^ Leonard, Jack; Bloomekatz, Ari B. (January 26, 2010). "Mayor Roosevelt Dorn of Inglewood pleads guilty to corruption". Los Angeles Times.
  110. ^ http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=news/local/northern_suburbs&id=7832895
  111. ^ http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2010/sep/22/port-st-lucie-mayor-arrested-alleged-campaign-viol/?partner=RSS
  112. ^ http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2013/03/13/mercer-county-mayor-sentenced-to-38-months-for-corruption/
  113. ^ http://www.fbi.gov/newark/press-releases/2013/former-hamilton-township-mayor-sentenced-to-38-months-in-prison-for-extortion-bribery-and-money-laundering