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The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is a non-governmental, not for profit organization, with is headquarters in Berlin. Its mission is the promotion of peace and understanding between peoples, through the development of intercultural relations in all areas. It undertakes its mission through the organization of international conferences and symposiums, and academic programs and cultural exchanges. [1] [2][3]. The institute was founded in New York Cityin 1999 and in 2003 in Berlin by Mark C. Donfried[4].

On July 28th, 2015, the former Prime Minister of Spain, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero announced his suspension of his membership in the Council of State, in order to become the president of the advisory board of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, starting in September 2015[5].

The institute runs the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, which offers postgraduate degrees in Cultural Diplomacy, in partnership with European universities including Furtwangen University [6], Babeș-Bolyai University[7] and Siena University[8].

The conferences of 2013 featured keynote addresses by US Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Tara Sonenshine[9], Enrico Letta, Prime Minister of Italy[10] and Emma Bonino, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy.

En el marco de cooperación internacional, el instituto envía regularmente a sus jóvenes profesionales como voluntarios a tareas de ayuda en el hall de la asociación benéfica Berliner Tafel[11].

In the framework of international cooperation, the institute sends regularly its young professionals to volunteer and help out in the sorting hall, at the Berliner Tafel[12].
