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Kuai Kuai culture

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A bag of Kuai Kuai is next to a desktop PC. Some people believes that if the snack is placed around the server, it will bless the machine to run smoothly.

The Kuai Kuai cultureis a phenomenon in Taiwan to put the brand snack "Kuai Kuai" next to machines.The people who do this believe that as the name of the snack "Kuai Kuai" stands for "obedient" or "well-behaved", so it will make the device functions properly. The Kuai Kuai should not be expired, and the bags should only be the green ones, if other flavors such as yellow or red bags may even leads to counter effects. And no matter how hungry you are, you shall not open the snack to consume, or the device may go wrong. Influenced by the culture, Kuai Kuai is the only food that one may bring into a server room, and is widely placed on the top or inside of factory production lines, computer mainframes, computer rooms, intensive care centers, data centers, ATMs, police stations, ticket booths, and satellite models.

Culture influence

Kuai Kuai Company Limited is established in 1968. The company produces mainly cookies and puff corn snacks. Kuai Kuai is also the snack with the same name as the company.[1] It is a puff corn product. It was as documented as early as 2008, the idea of "put Kuai Kuai next to a device to bless the equipment works properly".[2] The idea is not only the informal convention of the information industry in Taiwan, but it also expands to other fields of industries.[3] Kuai Kuai is now placed next to the devices of server rooms, ATMs[4][5][6][7], ticket booths[8], control systems[9], toll booth[10]. Also it was seen in places such as a computer center[11], a social affairs bureau[12], an architecture of sustainability[13], a police station[14], a hospital[15], a office of nursing, Center of domestic violence and sexual assault prevention, a cutting room, a theater[8], household registration offices [16]and examination hall for national tests[17]. It is also the rare cases of food that one can bring to a computer room.[11][18][3]

The culture is seen by some people as superstition, but some others believe it whole-heartedly.[19][20] "I write my name (on the bag) and I am not fooling around.", the movie director Chi Po-lin once even stated.[8] However, the vice professor of Taipei City University of Science and Technology Jiang Tsan-Teng(江燦騰) points out the stable system from Kuai Kuai may be a coincidence, the snack is only a placebo for the staff.[10]


Three different flavors of Kuai Kuai, from the left to the right are five spiced (yellow), coconut milk (green), and chocolate (red). It is said that only the green one that is "effective".

擺放乖乖零食有一定的講究,乖乖的外包裝一定得是綠色(奶油椰子口味),不能是黃色或紅色,因為機器順利運轉時的燈號通常是綠色,而當機械亮黃燈和紅燈時則代表故障或有異常,例如在2017年5月開始申報綜合所得稅時,Ministry of Finance試圖透過擺放乖乖來挽救因為流量過大而運作緩慢的作業系統,但卻因為買了黃色包裝的乖乖而遭到網友批評,國民黨立委盧秀燕也在審查草案時呼籲財政部要注意民間習俗,不要搞錯了包裝的顏色。而乖乖公司則另有一套理論:綠色包裝能祈求電子設備和機房運行無礙,黃色包裝象徵錢財,受金融業和銀行業歡迎,紅色包裝則表示愛情,因此會在情人節或母親節時推出限量商品。




由於擺放乖乖的位置多與機械設備有關,讓乖乖被視為科技業供應鏈的一環。2016年時,高雄美濃地震導致台積電南部科學工業園區的生產線受損,台積電在調度工程師修復生產線後訂製了聯名乖乖分送給員工,該款特製的乖乖印有「FAB14A 222K限定」字樣和南科14A廠的吉祥物黑面琵鷺,還曾在網路上出現每包新臺幣500元的拍賣價,而這也使得其他的科技公司前來與乖乖公司合作,要求客製聯名款產品,例如與台灣微軟合作推出聯名零食「孔雀香酥脆」餅乾;2017年3月,桃園國際機場捷運通車時,機捷特製了六萬包印有「乖乖搭捷運,省時又快捷」的綠色包裝乖乖送給民眾;彰化銀行則與乖乖公司合作推出金色包裝的五香乖乖。



  1. ^ 李至和 (2017-06-05). "乖乖總座專訪/乖乖放膽玩 變話題製造機" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 經濟日報. Retrieved 2017-09-15.
  2. ^ "網路系統業 拜「綠乖乖」求順暢". 民視. 2008-08-12. {{cite news}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  3. ^ a b 鄒秀明 (2011-10-28). "乖乖的神力 資訊界到機場都信". 聯合報. p. A16版. Archived from the original on 2011-10-29. Retrieved 2014-07-08. {{cite news}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  4. ^ 邱瑞杰 (2011-10-28). "提款機別當機! 內藏乖乖鎮壓". 聯合報. p. A16版. Archived from the original on 2011-10-29. Retrieved 2014-07-08.
  5. ^ 邱瑞杰 (2011-10-28). "提款機常故障 維修者祭出乖乖牌". Upaper. p. 2版. {{cite news}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  6. ^ 邱瑞杰 (2011-10-28). "提款機內放乖乖 要它乖乖別當機". 北美世界日報. Retrieved 2014-07-08.
  7. ^ 劉欣逵 (2011-10-27). "乖!別當機 提款機、機房放「乖乖」". TVBS新聞. Retrieved 2014-07-08.
  8. ^ a b c 游振昇、陳秋雲、張弘昌 (2017-06-17). "齊柏林也信的「乖乖」大神 連警察也跟著拜" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 聯合報. Retrieved 2017-09-15.
  9. ^ 蕭文康 (2017-06-02). "歐洲最大飛行劇院開幕 台灣「乖乖」意外吸睛" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 蘋果日報. Retrieved 2017-09-15.
  10. ^ a b 李姿慧 (2011-08-11). "求ETC順暢 遠通拜乖乖" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 蘋果日報. Retrieved 2017-09-17.
  11. ^ a b 蕭文康 (2011-01-20). "明新機房 供奉「乖乖」防故障" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 聯合報. Archived from the original on 2017-09-15. Retrieved 2017-09-15. {{cite news}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  12. ^ 陳雨鑫 (2014-04-23). "盼個案乖乖 社工桌上供「乖乖」". 聯合報. Retrieved 2014-07-08.
  13. ^ 曾依璇 (2014-07-05). "交大蘭花屋 決戰巴黎綠建築賽". 中央社. Retrieved 2014-07-08.
  14. ^ 朱顯名 (2014-07-08). "「綠乖乖」成守護神? 交通小隊指定擺放". 中時電子報. Retrieved 2014-07-08.
  15. ^ 陳清芳 (2014-08-09). "醫界普渡供品 綠色乖乖保平安". 中央社. Retrieved 2014-08-11.
  16. ^ 蔡淑媛 (2017-09-06). "七月祭拜好兄弟 戶政所、動物醫院拜「這個」" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 自由時報. Retrieved 2017-09-15.
  17. ^ 曹以會 (2013-07-19). "最大電腦化國考 保佑「乖乖」別當機". 聯合報. Archived from the original on 2014-07-08. Retrieved 2014-07-08.
  18. ^ 王宏仁 (2017-09-08). "與其擺乖乖,不如考慮資安險". iThome Weekly電腦報: 4.
  19. ^ 王秉慎 (2011-03-15). "不用乖乖,IT也能當好朋友" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 網管人. Retrieved 2017-09-15.
  20. ^ Twelve (2016-12-01). "吃飯的工具只餵乖乖不夠,要誠心供奉謝恩" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 癮科技. Retrieved 2017-09-15.

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