Deletion log

Below is a list of recent deletions and restorations.

If a page you created or a file you uploaded has been deleted, and you wish to know why, see Wikipedia:Why was the page I created deleted?

Administrators can search for partial titles at Special:Undelete. Others can request help with {{Admin help}}.

User logs
  • 23:00, 24 January 2024 Liz talk contribs deleted page Żołynia gas field (Expired PROD, concern was: This gas field has very few mentions in google, mostly company financial reports. No sources say this an important place. No news articles or books seem to be found. It is a gas field so it needs to clearly have some importance to have its own article. I'm not redirecting these because the information is out of date anyway, having been drawn from old sources.) Tag: Twinkle