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Rodina-class motorship

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Cruise ship Dmitriy Pozharskiy
Class overview
NameRodina class
General characteristics
TypePassenger ship
Displacement1.460 t (I), 1.492 t (II-without refrigerator) and 1.506 t (II) [1]
Length95.8 m (314 ft)[2]
Beam14.3 m (47 ft)
Draught2.4 m (7.9 ft)

The Rodina class is a class of Russian river passenger ships.[3] "Rodina" means "motherland" in Russian.

They were three-deck cargo-passenger ships manufactured in Germany from 1954–1961.[4]

River cruise ships of the project 588

Rodina-class motorships
No. Original name English transliteration
First series of Project 588
1 В. Чкалов V. Chkalov
2 А. Матросов A. Matrosov
3 Н. Гастелло N. Gastello
4 Л. Доватор (Арабелла) L. Dovator (Arabella)
5 Родина (Святая Русь) Rodina (Svyataya Rus)
6 Эрнст Тельман (Цезарь) Ernst Telman (Tsezar)
7 А. Вышинский (Т. Шевченко, Сергей Кучкин, Тарас Шевченко, Очарованный Странник) A. Vyshinskiy (T. Shevchenko, Sergey Kuchkin, Taras Shevchenko, Ocharovannyy Strannik)
8 Ф. Энгельс F. Engels
9 И. А. Крылов I. A. Krylov
10 Карл Либкнехт (Ю. Никулин, Солнечный Город) Karl Libknekht (Y. Nikulin, Solnechnyy Gorod)
11 Ильич Ilyich
Second series of Project 588
12 Александр Невский Aleksandr Nevskiy
13 Карл Маркс Karl Marks
14 Дмитрий Донской (Кабаргинъ, Кабаргин, Князь Донской) Dmitriy Donskoy (Kabargin, Knyaz Donskoy)
15 Михаил Кутузов Mikhail Kutuzov
16 Дмитрий Пожарский Dmitriy Pozharskiy
17 Рылеев Ryleev
18 Алеша Попович Alesha Popovich
19 Добрыня Никитич (Прикамье) Dobrynya Nikitich (Prikamye)
20 'Илья Муромец Ilya Muromets
21 Багратион Bagration
22 Кавказ (Космонавт Гагарин) Kavkaz (Kosmonavt Gagarin)
23 Казбек (Михаил Лермонтов) Kazbek (Mikhail Lermontov)
24 Эльбрус (Валентина Терешкова) Elbrus (Valentina Tereshkova)
25 Алтай Altay
26 Урал (Инженер Пташников, Тарас Бульба, Урал) Ural (Inzhener Ptashnikov, Taras Bulba, Ural)
27 Н. В. Гоголь N. V. Gogol
28 А. И. Герцен A. I. Gertsen
29 Т. Г. Шевченко (Святой Петр, Anichka) T. G. Shevchenko (Svyatoy Petr, Anichka)
30 И. С. Тургенев I. S. Turgenev
31 Г. В. Плеханов G. V. Plekhanov
32 К. А. Тимирязев K. A. Timiryazev
33 Денис Давыдов Denis Davydov
34 Иван Сусанин (Петр Первый) Ivan Susanin (Petr Pervyy)
35 Серго Орджоникидзе Sergo Ordzhonikidze
36 Козьма Минин Kozyma Minin
37 Степан Разин (Аврора) Stepan Razin (Avrora)
38 Юрий Долгорукий Yuriy Dolgorukiy
39 Генерал И. Д. Черняховский General I. D. Chernyakhovskiy
40 Генерал Н. Ф. Ватутин (Русь Великая) General N. F. Vatutin (Rus Velikaya)
41 Вильгельм Пик (Павел Бажов) Vilgelm Pik (Pavel Bazhov)
42 А. С. Попов A. S. Popov
43 Н. К. Крупская (Петрокрепость) N. K. Krupskaya (Petrokrepost)
44 К. Э. Циолковский (Анатолий Папанов, Две Столицы) K. E. Tsiolkovskiy (Anatoliy Papanov, Dve Stolitsy)
45 Ф. Жолио-Кюри F. Zholio-Kyuri
46 Ф. И. Панфёров[5] F. I. Panfyorov
47 Федор Гладков Fedor Gladkov
48 Александр Фадеев Aleksandr Fadeyev
49 Хирург Разумовский Khirurg Razumovskiy


Rodina class
Month and year of build Hull No Image Name Operator Flag RRR MMSI Status
March 1954 13001 Image V. Chkalov YRSCO, Krasnoyarsk Soviet UnionRussia 142501
June 1954 13002 Image A. Matrosov YRSCO, Krasnoyarsk Soviet UnionRussia 142502
September 1954 13003 Aleksey Tolstoy VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142503 273338640 originally, the N. Gastello; rebuilt, built up one deck
April 1955 13004 Arabella VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142504 originally, the L. Dovator (until 2002); rebuilt, picked up 76 people from sunken Bulgariya on July 10, 2011
June 1955 13005 Svyataya Rus VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142505 originally, the Rodina (until 2006)
1955 13006 Tsezar VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142506 273328160 originally, the Ernst Telman
April 1956 11000 Ocharovannyy Strannik VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142507 273371180 originally, the Andrey Vyshinskiy, Taras Shevchenko, Sergey Kuchkin, Taras Shevchenko
June 1956 11001 Image F. Engels VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142508 sank on November 6, 2003, out of service in November 2003
September 1956 11002 I. A. Krylov VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142509 273364210
November 1956 11003 Solnechnyy Gorod VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142510 273326640 originally, the Karl Libknekht, Y. Nikulin (2002–2014)
December 1956 11004 Image Ilyich VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142577 Flotel at Kineshma since 2006
April 1957 112 Aleksandr Nevskiy VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142578 273362080
May 1957 113 Karl Marks VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142579 273379430
June 1957 114 Knyaz Donskoy VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142580 Dmitriy Donskoy, Kabargin', Kabargin
1957 115 Mikhail Kutuzov VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142581 273338050
August 1957 116 Dmitriy Pozharskiy VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 142582 273341660
November 1957 117 Ryleev VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 082244
December 1957 118 Alesha Popovich VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 082169 scrapped in 2014
December 1957 119 Prikamye VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 082167 originally, the Dobrynya Nikitich
March 1958 120 Ilya Muromets VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 082168 273362870
April 1958 121 Bagration VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 082169 out of service in October 1999; scrapped in 2003
May 1958 122 Kosmonavt Gagarin VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 082170 273338860 originally, the Kavkaz (1961–); rebuilt 2005 and 2008
June 1958 123 Image Ural VSCO, Astrakhan Soviet UnionRussia 004875 273321730 originally, the Ural, Inzhener Ptashnikov, Taras Bulba
October 1958 124 Valentina Tereshkova VSCO, Astrakhan Soviet Union *originally, the Elbrus (until 1963); filmed in „Девичья весна“ 1960; burnt, out of service and scrapped 1978 at Astrakhan
November 1958 125 Image Altay NWRSCO, Leningrad Soviet Union filmed in „Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia“ in 1973; sold to Baltic states; scrapped in the 1990s
December 1958 126 Mikhail Lermontov VURSCO, Astrakhan Soviet UnionRussia originally, the Kazbek; out of service in July 1998; scrapped 2003
March 1959 127 N. V. Gogol VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 082649 273367160 RR 4018
April 1959 128 Image A. I. Gertsen VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 082650 273337560
May 1959 129 Anichka NWRSCO, Leningrad Soviet UnionRussiaRepublic of Ireland originally, the T. G. Shevtshenko (until 1994), Svyatoy Petr (1994–1997); sunk at Sligo, Ireland; out of service in 2003
June 1959 130 Image I. S. Turgenev VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 083028
August 1959 131 G. V. Plekhanov VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 082519
September 1959 132 Image K. A. Timiryazev VURSCO, Astrakhan Soviet UnionRussia 091176
December 1959 133 Image Denis Davydov VURSCO, Astrakhan Soviet UnionRussia 027620
February 1960 134 Petr Pervyy MRSCO, Moscow Soviet UnionRussia 129230 originally, the Ivan Susanin (until 1992); 1992—2004 on the Maas River, in the Netherlands
March 1960 135 Image Sergo Ordzhonikidze MRSCO, Moskau Soviet Union 129231 burnt in 1992 on the Lake Onega; filmed in "Titanic" of the band "Nautilus Pompilius" in 1994; out of service in 1995 and scrapped in 1996
April 1960 136 Image Kozma Minin VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 027610 273354550
August 1960 137 Avrora VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 021959 originally, the Stepan Razin (until 2003)
October 1960 138 Y. Dolgorukiy VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 083722 out of service in 2012, scrapped [6]
November 1960 139 Image General I. D. Chernyakhovskiy VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 041021
December 1960 140 Rus Velikaya VURSCO, Gorky Soviet UnionRussia 229434 273356650 originally, the General N. F. Vatutin (until 2011)
January 1961 141 Image Pavel Bazhov KRSCO, Perm Soviet UnionRussia 145001 originally, the Vilgelm Pik (until 1992)
April 1961 142 A. S. Popov NWRSCO, Leningrad Soviet UnionRussia 145002 273322950
July 1961 143 Petrokrepost NWRSCO, Leningrad Soviet UnionRussia 145003 originally, the N. K. Krupskaya (until 1993)
August 1961 144 Dve Stolitsy BORSCO, Petrozavodsk Soviet UnionRussia 145004 273341750 originally, the K. E. Tsiolkovskiy, Anatoliy Papanov; accident in 1996 off Valaam, sank due to fire on board at Quay in Saint Petersburg in 2001; rebuilt
September 1961 145 Image F. Zholio-Kyuri KRSCO, Perm Soviet UnionRussia 145005 burnt in October 2011 in the river’s backwater [7]
October 1961 146 F. I. Panfyorov KRSCO, Perm Soviet UnionRussia 145006 273326520 rebuilt, built up one deck
November 1961 147 Image Fedor Gladkov KRSCO, Perm Soviet UnionRussia 145007
December 1961 148 Aleksandr Fadeyev KRSCO, Perm Soviet UnionRussia 145008 273369310
December 1961 149 Khirurg Razumovskiy KRSCO, Perm Soviet UnionRussia 145009 273360410 rebuilt, built up one deck

RRR — Russian River Register

YRSCO – Yenisseiskoye Rechnoye Parokhodstvo; VURSCO – Volzhskoye Obyedinyonnoye Rechnoye Parokhodstvo (today – Volzhskoye Parokhodstvo, VSCO); MRSCO – Moskovskoye Rechnoye Parokhodstvo; KRSCO – Kamskoye Rechnoye Parokhodstvo; BORSCO – Belomoro-Onezhskoye Rechnoye Parokhodstvo; NWRSCO – Severo-Zapadnoye Rechnoye Parokhodstvo

See also


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