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Jacquy Haddouche

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Jacquy Haddouche
Born(1964-02-19)February 19, 1964
DiedOctober 23, 2010(2010-10-23) (aged 46)
Cause of deathIntracranial hemorrhage
Criminal penaltyLife imprisonment
Span of crimes
Date apprehended
October 2, 2002

Jacquy Haddouche (born February 19, 1964, in Beauvais – October 23, 2010 at Fresnes prison) was a French serial killer. He was convicted of three murders committed between 1992 and 2002, and was sentenced to life imprisonment with a 22-year lock-in period.[1][2]


Haddouche was born to Algerian parents. His mother was Djouber Azzouz, and his father was Ahmed Haddouche. Ahmed was a soldier in the French army during the Algerian war, and in 1962, like many harkis, Ahmed was evacuated with his family to France. In Beauvais, Oise, he found a job as a specialized worker at the Lockheed factory, where, after becoming alcoholic and very violent, was dismissed from his job. Jacquy was born on February 19, 1964, in a family where he was the third of twelve children. He was educated at George Sand College, and was considered intelligent and sensitive, but also unstable, aggressive, impulsive, intolerant, manipulative and unable to take frustration.[3]

In 1979, the juvenile judge placed him in a guarded education center in Méru, where he escaped regularly to join the family housing. It is there that at sixteen, he lived through a traumatic scene. Unable to support his wife's divorce proceedings, Ahmed Haddouche committed suicide by shooting himself in the head in front of Jacquy.[4] He was splashed by his father's blood and his father's body fell on him. Traumatized, he then left school, sunk into delinquency and became a substance abuser.

Condemned and incarcerated several times, Jacquy Haddouche married in 1988, in Liancourt, at the instigation of his mother, which allowed him to obtain a reduction of his sentence. His ex-wife regretted the eight months that their marriage lasted.

Early crimes

In 1981, he committed a gang rape with a legionnaire older than him. He was sentenced to five years in prison by the cour d'assises for minors.

In 1986, he was sentenced to eight years in prison for a violent robbery.

In 1993, he was sentenced to six months in prison for burglary.

In 1996, he was sentenced to three months, four months and six months in prison for theft, aggravated theft and counterfeiting.

In 1997, he was sentenced to two years in prison for fraud and aggravated theft.

In 1998, he was sentenced to six years in prison for robbery, his victim surviving poisoning with drugs.

Facts and investigation

On November 30, 1992, in the early evening, in Beauvais, Haddouche met in an elevator 45-year-old Gilles Canette, a divorced and depressed French teacher. They talked for a bit, and Canette invited Haddouche in his apartment. Around 19:00, two boys, pupils of Gilles, came to talk to him. The teenagers noticed that Haddouche behaved oddly, seemingly inspecting the rooms of the apartment. They left around 20:00. Haddouche spent the evening with Gilles, eventually poisoning him with an antidepressant, cyamemazine, and then asphyxiating him. At midnight, the credit card of Gilles Canette was used at a vending machine, which was odd, considering that when Gilles wanted money from his account, he would always withdraw it at the bank counter, and he never used his card to the distributor. Early in the morning of December 1, 1992, Haddouche went to see the two teenagers at their home and threatened them to deny seeing him at Gilles' the night before. On December 1, 1992, Gilles was discovered naked on his bed by his cleaning lady. Police found a fingerprint of Haddouche on a bottle of strawberry syrup, and he was suspected of murder. He admitted to having gone to Canette's house, but not on the date of the murder. On December 13, 1993, Haddouche was taken into custody, but denied the accusations and declared that he was in the Paris region with his companion: Cloé. Cloé arrived conveniently at the police station and confirmed the alibi. When the police asked her for clarification, she refused to answer questions and left the police station. In his cell in custody, Haddouche made a suicide attempt by hurting his veins with his lighter and was hospitalized. The period of custody being over and the police not having enough evidence to convict Haddouche, the court abandoned the prosecution against him and closed the case.

At the end of May 1995, at the Charlie Brown bar on Guy Patin street in Beauvais, Francine C., a pedagogical director in a medical-educational institute, was with a group of friends. Haddouche joined the group and befriended them. At the beginning of June 1995, Haddouche went to Francine on Nicolas Pastour Street, but she refused to let him in. He knocked on the front door so hard that she finally decided to open it and let him in. He told her that he was exhausted because he had just finished a guard at Méru's hospital. Compassionate, she offered him some coffee which he asked for. When he finished, she told him to leave, but Haddouche refused, and told him that Cloé, his now former companion, was with Frederick, a former friend. He took her to the room, raped her and left. She threw the sheets and washed with bleach the places where Haddouche was at her place. During the following weeks, Haddouche harassed her on the phone and kept watch in front of her door. She did not dare to complain and sunk into depression.[5]

In June 2002 in Beauvais, Haddouche reconnected with Isabelle, whom he had originally met in 1991 and pretended he was a doctor, and they began a brief relationship. One evening, an alcoholic Haddouche struck Isabelle in the face in the presence of her daughter. He called her the next day and asked her to bring him some heart medicine, claiming that he was dying. When Isabelle arrived, he raped her.[6]

On June 20, 2002, around 7pm, Haddouche entered the SONACOTRA home on d'Anjou Street in the Argentinian district of Beauvais. Around 8 pm, he forced open the door to the studio of Léo Capon, a 73-year-old retiree. Haddouche attacked and slaughtered Leo Capon, searching the apartment and stealing objects of little value. Nervous, Léo's daughter, Daniele, went to her mother's house. She was surprised that the front door was unlocked. When she entered, everything had been searched and all the objects were upside down. There were many traces of blood on the floor, and garbage bags filled with various objects near the front door. Capon was lying on her back, in the bathroom, her face covered with pieces of cardboard. On the video surveillance strips of the building, a balding man carrying full bags in each hand and a cap hiding his face was visible. Because of the poor quality images, he could not be identified. Male DNA was discovered on various objects at Léo's house, but it was not listed in FNAEG. Capon was disfigured by the blows she had received, and forensic scientists established that she had died by choking on her own blood.

On July 4, 2002, in Boulogne-sur-Mer, Haddouche entered the apartment of Liliane D, the owner of a bar. He hit and tried to rape her, but was unsuccessful.

On July 15, 2002, at the bar L'endroit in Saint-Étienne, Sylvain Rome, a 32-year-old cameraman, sympathized with Haddouche at the counter. Around 16h, they left the bar together, Sylvain later buying drinks at the superette next to his home. Around 17h, David Sabido, a friend of Sylvain, rang at his apartment, but Sylvain made him understand that he's bothering him and refused to let Sabido in. Haddouche later poisoned Sylvain with Bromazepam and stabbed him. He cleaned the apartment, stole a checkbook, the mobile phone, Sylvain's identity papers and the keys to the apartment. On July 27, 2002, Sylvain Rome's father discovered him lying on his stomach on his bed.

The investigators established that Sylvain had a high blood alcohol level, was not depressed and did not consume antidepressants. A facial composite was made thanks to the descriptions of the bartender and Lucien Florent, a customer of the bar, with whom Haddouche discussed a little before meeting Sylvain.

At the end of August 2002, Haddouche seduced Nathalie, a young beneficiary of the RMI, to whom he introduced himself as a doctor at the hospital center of Beauvais where hosted. After a week, while they were drinking, Haddouche drugged, without Nathalie's knowledge, her second glass of kir. She became uncomfortable and was hospitalized. He stole her bank card and the amount of Nathalie's RMI.

In September 2002, Haddouche tried to make contact with Francine, whom had decided to file a complaint against him for the 1995 rape.

On September 13, 2002, in the Argentinean district of Beauvais, Liliane Michaud, 82, was returning from the supermarket Intermarché with her walker. Arriving at her pavilion, Haddouche attacked her, savagely beating her and stealing her wallet. When the investigators described the abuser to the supermarket security agents, they positively identified Jacquy Haddouche.

On September 30, 2002, the police filed a convocation against Haddouche, who did not attend.


On October 2, 2002, a little after 11pm, in Gard, Haddouche tried to break into the station by breaking a window. A security guard noticed him and alerted police officers on patrol. They later spotted the drunk Haddouche, who resisted their arrest. He claimed to be a kinesiotherapist and that his name was Saïd Haddouche. By passing his fingerprints to the automated fingerprint file, the police discovered that his first name is Jacquy, not Saïd. By passing his name to the wanted persons file, the police learned that he was wanted for murder in Beauvais.

Later, Liliane Michaud formally recognized Jacquy Haddouche.

On December 3, 2002, Haddouche was indicted for the murder of Léo Capon, but he denied it. Objects stolen from her home were found by the police when they searched his home. Haddouche then accused his roommate of being the murderer.

In 2003, Cloé confessed to the investigating judge that she had lied, because in December 1992, she did not know Haddouche yet. She only met him while she was studying in Beauvais.

The telephone records showed that Haddouche's mobile phone was detected by the cell site that covered the area where Sylvain Rome's apartment was on the date of the murder. In custody in St. Etienne, Haddouche recognized that it was mid July 2002 came to visit members of his family. In 2003, during the police lineup behind a beam splitter, Lucien Florent formally identified Haddouche. He finally admitted that he met Sylvain at the bar, but said that he had never been to his house.

Haddouche admitted to having met Francine C. at the bar Charlie Brown, but denied having gone to her home. He declared that the complaint for rape against him was a revenge on the part of the latter, because he did not give her the narcotics which she had ordered from him for an amount of 30 000 francs.

List of known victims

Date Place Identity Age Profession / Activity
Facts Discovery
November 30, 1992 December 1, 1992 Beauvais Gilles Canette 45 French teacher
June 1995 September 2002 Beauvais Francine C. ? Educational Director of an IME
June 20, 2002 June 21, 2002 Beauvais Léo Capon 73 Retired
July 4, 2002 2002 Boulogne-sur-Mer Liliane D. ? Bar owner
July 15, 2002 July 27, 2002 Saint-Étienne Sylvain Rome 32 Cameraman
September 13, 2002 September 13, 2002 Beauvais Liliane Michaud 82 Retired

Trial and conviction

Jacquy Haddouche was sentenced by the tribunal correctionnel to 8 years in prison, for the attack on Liliane Michaud.

The defense of Jacquy Haddouche was provided by lawyers Karim Beylouni and Julien Vernet.

In 2007, the trial of Jacquy Haddouche began at the cour d'assises of the Loire in Saint-Etienne.

André Buffard was the lawyer of the family of Sylvain Rome.

In March 2007, Jacquy Haddouche was sentenced to 30 years in prison, with a 20-year lock-in period for the murder of Sylvain Rome. He tried to appeal this decision, but on the first day of the new trial, Haddouche gave it up.

On April 23, 2008, the trial of Jacquy Haddouche began at the cour d'assises of Oise in Beauvais.

Antoine Vaast was the lawyer of Gilles Canette's family, Philippe Tabart was the lawyer for Léo Capon's family and Virginie Bella-Gamba was the lawyer of Francine C.[7]

On May 7, 2008, Haddouche was sentenced to life imprisonment with a 22-year lock-up period, with 20 years of mandatory care and treatment, for the murders of Gilles Canette and Léo Capon and the 1995 rape.[8] He tried to appeal this decision.

On March 9, 2009, Haddouche's appeal trial began at the cour d'assises of the Somme in Amiens.[9]

Haddouche admitted to the murder of Léo Capon and the attempted rape in Boulogne-sur-Mer, but continued to deny the murder of Gilles Canette and the rape of 1995.

He was again sentenced to life imprisonment with a 22-year lock-in period.

Jacquy Haddouche appealed in cassation, but the appeal was dismissed.


On October 23, 2010, Jacquy Haddouche died from a cerebral hemorrhage in the Fresnes prison in the Val-de-Marne.

TV documentary

  • "Jacquy Haddouche, At the chance of crime" May 2, 2010 in Get the accused presented by Christophe Hondelatte on France 2.

Radio show

See also


  1. ^ "The serial killer dies in prison Article published on October 27, 2010, in Le Parisien
  2. ^ "Beauvais: death of Jacquy Haddouche in prison" Article published on October 27, 2010, in L'Observateur de Beauvais
  3. ^ "The nightmare itinerary of Jacquy Haddouche" Article by David Livois published on April 24, 2008, in Le Parisien
  4. ^ "A river trial for Jacquy Haddouche" Article published on April 23, 2008, in Le Parisien
  5. ^ "Haddouche trial: The rape committed in Beauvais in 1995" Article published on May 9, 2008, in L'Observateur de Beauvais
  6. ^ "Jacquy Haddouche, a seductive man...and violent" Article by David Livois published on April 26, 2008, in Le Parisien
  7. ^ "Haddouche admits to the murder of Leo Capon" Article published on March 12, 2009, in Le Parisien
  8. ^ "Perpetuity for Jacquy Haddouche" Article published on May 8, 2008, in Le Parisien
  9. ^ "Jacquy Haddouche before the court appeal" Article published March 9, 2009 in Le Parisien