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Draft:41st and Bridestreet

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Krazy Ass Mexicans
Founding locationEast Jamestown, Los Santos
ActivitiesExtortion, Drug trafficking, robbery, assault, murder, burglary, prostitution, money laundering, and theft.

41st Street, also known as Barrio 41st, and 41 Lokotes in Los Santos, is a multi-ethnic (largely African Americans and Mexican) street gang in Los Santos. It is one of the largest criminal gangs in Los Santos, with around 50 members, another US-based street gang. The Los Santos Police Department report featured the following statement regarding 41st Street, "41st Street have turned Los Santos into an area with the highest homicide rate in the world."



Barrio 41st is a Hispanic/African American gang based in the [Mirror Park Housing District and flooded in different spots in Los Santos, but mostly around the Mirror Park Area as well as the Westside of Los Santos.] Barrio 41st was created in 1984 by Jerico "Wacky" Calvo and was a subset at first but later broke off from the Azteca's and became a stand all set. Barrio 41st was created by Jerico "Wacky" Calvo and Salomon Vidales who were originally Azteca members that built up a clique who would later become 41st Street. Jerico "Wacky" Calvo was born in Rancho where he would be enrolled into Davis High School around the area. Jerico "Wacky" Calvo would run into Salomon Vidales in school and the males would become friends and walk to and from school together. Salomon was involved in gang activities around the Azteca's, Salomon started hanging around more gang members without Jerico. Jerico, wanting to hang with Salomon, started to hang around their group of friends, in this group of friends was Andreo Gardon known as Baby A. Andreo is a known gang member that is with the Azteca's, but his mother moved because of his gang affiliation. This didn’t stop Andreo as he continued banging Azteca and hanging with them. One day on February 12, 1989, Jerico, Salomon and Andreo were walking to school when a silver van drove up to the trio. A masked male in the car asks the group “Aye cuh yall bang or what?” Andreo forms a letter four with his fingers before saying “Barrio 41st Gang what's up Homie? We got a problem foo?”. The male says “this Seville Boulevard Punk'' a male in the back seat yells “aye fire up on this mark” the male in the van rolls down his window, withdrawing a Glock 17 shooting Andreo point blank in his face. He then jumps out of the vehicle shooting his barely conscious body five more times as he's on the ground. Carter and Brandon take off running from the gunshots, as the bullets stop the tire screeches as the van drives away. That day left Andreo dead at the scene, this murder left a mark and is why Azteca's and Seville Boulevard Families have such deep Feuds. Barrio 41st Street would break off from the Azteca's in 2002 becoming a new set under themselves and relocating into the Mirror Park district along with certain parts of West of Los Santos. When breaking off from the Azteca's everyone took it lightly but a small clique from Azteca's that resided didn’t. This clique attempted to break off but failed numerous times. This clique was no other than A Gang Azteca's, a set of the Azteca's that is named after Baby A or Andreo. This gang wasn’t a very known clique that numbered up to 12 to 20 members and are located in the Vinewood Area. This specific set of the Azteca's dislikes the Azteca Nation even though lots of members from the Azteca's sets claim Azteca. Mirror Park and different parts of Los Santos specifically West Los Santos would become “Azteca central” meaning most sets of Azteca's would be here and would treat it as a hangout spot. This would make the surrounding area very dangerous for the public as the Families would drive around looking for Azteca's and mistaking average civilians for Azteca's. Most civilians try not to wear purple, green, yellow or light blue because these colors were associated with gangs and color banging was a popular way to tell a gang member from a civilian but due to the number of gangs rising in the city most weren’t able to refrain from wearing these clothing. This left the Surrounding area of Mirror Park with other spots that the 41st streeter's loitered at in a tragic state were crime and shooting could be around any street corner. This on top of the Seville Boulevard Families looking for petty beef to start with the Azteca caused them to not trust anyone making them a very shut in gang where it was hard to find a Azteca member but even Harder to join.

The Formation & The Break Off


Jerico "Wacky" Calvo, he was described by members and residents as a tough man who fled over from East Los Santos, in the late 1980’s. Settling down Jerico would get his wife pregnant and ended up having 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl. With a new baby on his side hip every year or two Jerico turned to selling drugs in his home in the East Los Santos neighborhood, in a bleak house stocked with guns, and explosives. His house was regarded as an armory for the Los Azteca's before the whole split between them and what is now to be Barrio 41st Street. This house which was ran byJerico and his children became the headquarters for gang activity and drug trade operations, at first the Los Azteca's gang would sell drugs in a tight knit alleyway behind the gas station near their turf but that soon came to an end when store owners in the area would call the authorities on the gang. By the 2000’s several of Jerico's children became his power base, 3 of her sons becoming shot callers of the gang. But on July 13th, 2000,Jerico was murdered in a drug trafficking operation gone sour. Jerico and other members of the Los Azteca's would set up a drug deal between the Lost M.C. regardless of members being skeptical of dealing outside of their race they followed through with the deal. Jerico and two members of the Azteca's gang opened the door, greeting the trio of Lost M.C. members carrying an abundance of Heroin being sold for an abundance of cash from the Los Azteca's. As the members of the two respective gangs began to exchange the duffle bags of cash and narcotics, members of Los Azteca's would check the bag, counting the narcotics the members of Azteca's would say “Aye fool you pinche gringos know your way out the door, gracias for the business”. Taking it as disrespect, the Lost M.C. members would snatch the bag and count and count the money while leaving the house. Later in the evening Jerico would load up an all black van full of heroin, cocaine, and illegal pharmaceuticals. Around 11 p.m. Jerico would leave the East Los Santos neighborhood in the van with the drugs present. Driving down West Vinewood, Jerico would be pulled over for not properly using his turn signal, nervous Jerico would begin to show signs that she was hiding something. The Officer noticed his apparent body language, he proceeded to ask him to turn the engine off and step out of the vehicle. Jerico then decided to exit the car armed with a Glock 17 handgun and take the officer's life. He exited the car with the gun aimed at the officer. Once pulling the trigger he heard a “click” signifying that the gun was jammed. The Officer quickly withdrew his handgun shooting Jerico in the torso seven times. Jerico’s death shattered the East Los Santos community as he was a well loved resident of the neighborhood, this eventually led up to other things such as leading to the break off of the Azteca's.

Notable Incidents

41st Street affiliate wanted by LSPD.

Considering the ancient problems these two gangs have had for years, the Vagos have been trying to exterminate the Aztecas for a long time, with crime reports, and injunctions barely slowing down the rate of crime between them before the L.S Riots even occurred. They faced pressure and hate from other Hispanic gangs for years now and had a well-founded friendship with the families for a small period when an older respected member fell in love with a girl from the families. The Rifa, along with the Vagos have been warring with them for a long time now, with the present generations of the 2000s inheriting that same bloody conflict. Still receiving deathly threats from the other barrios, these youngsters continued to wave their flags, and buss their cuete's. They have real structure to rely on so they formed up all the other bangers from the A's and designated themselves as the 41st Streeters. The Rifa faded out, but the Vagos still have a tight grasp on the south of Los Santos, having pushed the Aztecas to the North, they've completely infested the area, and inhabited the surrounding homes, and apartments. As most know around LS the Barrio 41st Street gang has been in different violent situations with the Vagos street gang seeming because they fall under the Aztecas the Vagos have beef with them and anybody that falls under them. One of the first shootouts between the two gangs occurred in the 1990's. The shooting occurred in Mirror Park at the local park. A Vagos gang member, Romeo Suarez, was killed by Barrio 41st gang member Ignado Fanta. Another shootout between the two gangs occurred in Davis that led to the deaths of two youths at a Davis High School graduation party in June. After an investigation by the authorities, police claimed that when the Vagos gang members arrived at the party, they noticed that Barrio 41st gang members were there, prompting them to leave and return with weapons. At least seven gang members were arrested, and police seized five weapons from homes searched in conjunction with the arrests. The shootouts between the two gangs were called "Summer Madness" by the Vagos gang and resulted in at least 41 deaths on both sides.

On June 2, 2007, Enzo Sada, a member of Barrio 41st shot at five people in the Mirror Park area, severely injuring one. The shootout was believed to be motivated by the fact that one of the victims changed his My browser page bio to read "F*ck flappers, Wacky got wacked".



In the early days of Barrio 41st, there were no videos of DP's nor barking on social media with rival gang bangers. As of today though, it is way different social media today shows so many aspects of gang-banging. Barrio 41st are always on social media platforms clowning their rivals no matter the circumstances. You will scroll on your phone and see at least one of Mexican and African American members bickering on the internet. Older members of the group find it a little immature or call it being a "crash dummy". These members don't seem to care to much even though the police can build up a case, they begin to do it anyway because they love the thrill of clowning their enemies all over the popular media platforms. Even though the police have shown multiple time's they are not to be played with and will indict you no matter what when it comes to showing what you do on the internet Barrio 41st don't show any interest in stopping the mocking and writing a hateful comment on social media to their rivals and or enemies. You can see members in Barrio 41st associating themselves with Milwaukee Brewers hats and seeing them twisting up a four with their fingers or B's, F's and M's when they are going back forth with the opposition on the internet.

Insignia & Gentrification


Barrio DIA, or better known as Diablos 13 street gang is filled with a younger generation now, that brought tag banging to a whole new level. If you drive through Diablos turf, you won't look a direction where there isn't a ton of wall paint and insignia matching the street gang. People mention that these members might be more harsh then the last generation. There is seen to be hit-ups all through out their turf and neighboring areas, if this is done in another gangs turf it would be shown as a sign of disrespect, and would lead into other things. As the affluent people flocking towards the Mirror Park and West LS area, they came to a realization that the area had a strong gang presence, but not being from the area meant that they weren't afraid of the gang's presence. Therefor they were never ones to not call the police and report crimes to the police. Slowly but surely attempting to make their new neighborhood safe for them and their families. Which eventually would lead more people of the same corresponding backgrounds to move in, forcing the less fortunate renters to be pushed out of their homes. Families began to sell their properties to look for more affordable housing for themselves. But not all were as lucky as the families who had enough money to leave, the remaining families were forced to move into the "abandoned" Star Light hotels. Due to the gentrification you're unable to see as many gang members in the area but even through the gentrification Barrio Diablos 13 was able to stay where they were, considering the gentrification was in neighborhoods nearby and not totally near them.



Diablos 13 is made up of series of cliques, or subsets within the gang.

  • Los Sick Felons (LSF) are a larger clique from Diablos 13 that are usually seen tagging walls or causing mischief. The Clique holds around 12-18 members it is a mediocre sized crew/clique formed under the Diablos 13 gang. Los Sick Felons or Los Felons are about money and making away for their way of living but also representing their "placa" by any means necessary, also proving a statement to their opposites. The LSF are mostly known for robbing, tag banging and making money any way possible. It tends to have a few people who are down for whatever, represent where they're from. This clique within the street gang tends to show out a bunch and has built a name for themselves by clowning rivals as well as making money than flexing with it on social media along with weapons and spray cans.
  • Union Block Lokos (UBLS) are a smaller clique. Made up of some other members of the Diablos gang, the set has seen a rapid increase in membership and activity as more and more youngsters have grown and earned membership, replacing many past members that were targeted in the past investigations led by the FIB. Union Block Lokos are just another clicka inside of the gang as a whole.