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Feather panache (tollforgó) on a helmet

A bokreta (from Hungarian bokréta) is a bundle of flowers, used as a panache. It was a common headdress for medieval woman, who often gave it to a knight who wore them on their helmet.

Young Hungarian girls in traditional clotching in Sâncraiu (Kalotaszentkirály) Transylvania, having a pántlika on their head.
Woman in a traditional Hungarian wedding dress. Note that this costume is county (vármegye) specific.

In the 18th century Szekler Transylvania commoners also started using silver-coloured silk panaches (pántlika). Their headware usually consisted of a Hungarian pántlika, large feathers and flower bokretas. These flower crowns were usually 8 inches tall but the ones used for the weddings were much bigger. For the rich, this was accomponied by a beaded centerpeace and ostrich feathers.