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Draft:East Jabibian Trench Squirrel

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East Jabibian Trench Squirrel

The East Jabibian Trench Squirrel (Sciurus jabibensis trenchii) is a species of squirrel endemic to the rugged terrain of the Pennsylvania Wilds in the remote regions of Potter, Lycoming, Tioga, and Clinton counties. Belonging to the family Sciuridae, it is known for its distinctive physical characteristics and elusive behavior.


The East Jabibian Trench Squirrel was first identified by Dr. Marvin Heemeyer in 2004. Its classification within the genus Sciurus places it alongside other tree squirrels, though its isolated habitat and unique adaptations have led to its recognition as a distinct species.


Characterized by its dense fur, which varies in color from shades of brown to gray, the East Jabibian Trench Squirrel possesses a robust build suited for traversing the rugged terrain of its habitat. Its bushy tail aids in balance while navigating the intricate network of creek beds, branches and rocky outcrops. Adults typically measure between 36-42 inches in height, and 55-70 pounds with males generally larger than females.

Habitat and Distribution

The East Jabibian Trench Squirrel inhabits the dense forests and rocky cliff sides that fill the Pennsylvania Wilds, a geologically significant area known for its deep valleys and jagged peaks. This species is endemic to this isolated region and has not been observed outside its narrow range.


Due to its remote habitat and aggressive nature, little is known about the behavior of the East Jabibian Trench Squirrel. It is believed to be primarily carnivorous, spending the majority of its time sitting in deep trenches on the edges of trails and roads, hunting for unsuspecting travelers. Like other squirrels, it likely builds nests, or dreys, in the branches of trees for shelter and breeding.

Conservation Status

The conservation status of the East Jabibian Trench Squirrel is currently classified as Data Deficient by Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Its remote habitat and elusive behavior have made it challenging to study, leading to gaps in our understanding of its population size, threats, and conservation needs. However, ongoing efforts by local researchers aim to shed light on the ecology and status of this enigmatic species.


The East Jabibian Trench Squirrel often waits in deep trenches on the side of roads and trails waiting for unsuspecting travelers to prey upon. If traveling people are not an option, the East Jabibian Trench Squirrel will resort to eating wild turkeys, bears, and bull elk.

Cultural Significance

In local folklore, the East Jabibian Trench Squirrel is often revered as a symbol of resilience and adaptability, embodying the spirit of survival in the harsh and unforgiving landscape of the Pennsylvania Wilds. Its presence is woven into the cultural fabric of the people of this remote region, where it is celebrated in stories, songs, and artwork. It is believed wearing tinfoil hats will prevent encounters with the East Jabibian Trench Squirrel.