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Draft:International GreenTech Association

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General information

International GreenTech Association is a non-profit association governed by Art.60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code. The Association is politically neutral and has no religious orientation. The Association is not for profit and any resources is earmarked for the achievement of the institutional purposes. The Association's resources are derived from: Membership fees, Sponsorships, Public subsidies, Donations and legacies and any other resources authorized by law. The Organization is headquartered in Lugano (CH), Via Vicari n.8.

International GreenTech Association's purpose

The purpose of the Association is to create, nurture and foster an open, inclusive and collaborative global ecosystem for GreenTech, creating a measurable impact for incumbents, startups, investors, innovation hubs, universities and public bodies.

International GreenTech Association's credo

International GreenTech Association's credo is that "progress is a goal that can be reached in a sustainable way and technology is the mean to make progress and sustainability walk together"

International GreenTech Association's activities

International GreenTech Association's activities can be summarized as follows:

• promote the GreenTech Culture around the world

• foster internazionalization of single projects

• encouraging networking and partnerships between startups and investors

• networking events, workshops, seminars, conferences and pitch events for startups to spotlight the innovation they are bringing in the GreenTech Industry

International GreenTech Association's field of activity

• Renewable energy & energy conservation

• CO2 absorption

• Recycling, reconditioning & demanufacturing

• Green materials & green building

• Water preservation

• Fauna preservation

• Subsoil exploitation & deforestation

• Best practice education

External links

International GreenTech Association's website is iga.earth
