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Draft:NORESUS project

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This is a mod for the game Calls to Arms: Gates of Hell.

The mod is developed and maintain by Vecchiounno.

The scope of the mod is to create a replayable dynamic campaign where the player fights to either conquer europe of liberate it from the forces of the Axis during ww2.

The mod mixes a combination of mechanics from the base game (including the 2 dlcs) and Hearts of Iron.

As the mod is still in development the information on this page might be outdated or not comprehensive.

This page is update as of patch 5.3 released on the 10/03/2024.



The mod add a 4x strategic layer to the game through a separate client contained in the files downloaded when subscribing to the mod via the steam workshop.


  • Extract the Noresus-Project folder somewhere else in your PC.
  • Install VisualBasicPowerPacks3Setup contained in the folder.
  • Install vjredist.

Setting up a campaing:


If this is your first time launching the client, you will automatically prompted to select options to start your first campaing.

If you instead have already an ongoing campaign and want to start a new one pressing the reset button in the menu will wipe your current progress and let you start a new campaign with your chosen parameters.

Only one campaign can be active at one given time.


  • German (playable)
  • USSR (playable)
  • Finland
  • USA (playable)

Available Campaigns:

  • Germany 1939, this campaign starts from the invasion of Poland the player plays as the Axis forces.
  • Germany 1941, this campaign starts after France has surrendered, the Axis forces are preparing operation Sea Lion on the west and Barbarossa on the East the player plays as the Axis forces.
  • USSR 1942, this campaign starts during the siege of stalingrad, the player plays as the USSR forces.
  • USA 1942, this campaign starts before operation Husky, the player plays as both USSR and USA forces.

