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Historical United States Census totals for Waldo County, Maine

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This article shows U.S. Census totals for Waldo County, Maine, broken down by municipality, from 1900 to 2000.

Like most areas of New England, Waldo County is (and has been at all times since well before the 20th century) entirely divided into incorporated municipalities. There is no unincorporated territory. For any census, adding up the totals for each municipality should yield the county total.

There are two types of incorporated municipalities in Maine, towns and cities. The tables below differentiate between towns and cities.

For more information on the New England municipal system, see New England town.

Corporate changes since 1900

There have been no changes in Waldo County’s municipality roster since 1900.


County Total: 24,185

  • Belfast (city) 4,615
  • Winterport 1,623
  • Searsport 1,349
  • Lincolnville 1,223
  • Frankfort 1,211
  • Montville 982
  • Monroe 958
  • Searsmont 949
  • Islesboro 923
  • Unity 877
  • Stockton Springs 872
  • Burnham 766
  • Troy 766
  • Palermo 757
  • Liberty 737
  • Brooks 669
  • Pospect 648
  • Knox 558
  • Northport 545
  • Swanville 502
  • Thorndike 497
  • Freedom 479
  • Waldo 468
  • Jackson 439
  • Morrill 420
  • Belmont 352


County Total: 23,383

  • Belfast (city) 4,618
  • Winterport 1,582
  • Searsport 1,444
  • Frankfort 1,157
  • Stockton Springs 1,103
  • Lincolnville 1,020
  • Unity 899
  • Islesboro 877
  • Monroe 872
  • Montville 850
  • Searsmont 828
  • Troy 768
  • Burnham 733
  • Brooks 704
  • Palermo 690
  • Liberty 650
  • Prospect 597
  • Thorndike 525
  • Northport 518
  • Knox 511
  • Freedom 480
  • Swanville 467
  • Jackson 416
  • Waldo 386
  • Morrill 353
  • Belmont 335


County Total: 21,328

  • Belfast (city) 5,083
  • Winterport 1,433
  • Searsport 1,373
  • Stockton Springs 1,175
  • Unity 916
  • Lincolnville 811
  • Montville 743
  • Monroe 734
  • Brooks 691
  • Searsmont 669
  • Burnham 643
  • Troy 638
  • Islesboro 637
  • Frankfort 624
  • Liberty 571
  • Palermo 567
  • Knox 532
  • Northport 466
  • Freedom 460
  • Prospect 431
  • Thorndike 429
  • Swanville 396
  • Waldo 396
  • Jackson 353
  • Morrill 307
  • Belmont 250


County Total: 20,286

  • Belfast (city) 4,993
  • Winterport 1,437
  • Searsport 1,414
  • Unity 892
  • Stockton Springs 877
  • Lincolnville 818
  • Brooks 729
  • Islesboro 697
  • Monroe 671
  • Burnham 664
  • Montville 664
  • Troy 651
  • Searsmont 613
  • Liberty 516
  • Palermo 513
  • Knox 509
  • Frankfort 468
  • Thorndike 454
  • Freedom 422
  • Northport 413
  • Prospect 388
  • Swanville 365
  • Waldo 362
  • Morrill 288
  • Jackson 241
  • Belmont 227


County Total: 21,159

  • Belfast (city) 5,540
  • Winterport 1,572
  • Searsport 1,319
  • Unity 935
  • Stockton Springs 905
  • Lincolnville 892
  • Brooks 744
  • Islesboro 718
  • Monroe 665
  • Burnham 643
  • Montville 605
  • Troy 582
  • Frankfort 562
  • Searsmont 542
  • Palermo 527
  • Liberty 499
  • Freedom 492
  • Northport 485
  • Thorndike 478
  • Knox 471
  • Prospect 430
  • Swanville 373
  • Waldo 340
  • Morrill 328
  • Jackson 299
  • Belmont 213


County Total: 21,687

  • Belfast (city) 5,960
  • Winterport 1,694
  • Searsport 1,457
  • Unity 1,014
  • Stockton Springs 949
  • Lincolnville 881
  • Brooks 747
  • Burnham 706
  • Monroe 593
  • Frankfort 578
  • Northport 574
  • Searsmont 558
  • Troy 553
  • Thorndike 534
  • Islesboro 529
  • Palermo 511
  • Liberty 497
  • Freedom 466
  • Montville 466
  • Knox 445
  • Swanville 437
  • Prospect 392
  • Waldo 324
  • Morrill 306
  • Belmont 258
  • Jackson 258


County Total: 22,632

  • Belfast (city) 6,140
  • Winterport 2,088
  • Searsport 1,838
  • Unity 983
  • Stockton Springs 980
  • Lincolnville 867
  • Brooks 758
  • Burnham 755
  • Frankfort 692
  • Northport 648
  • Searsmont 628
  • Palermo 528
  • Swanville 514
  • Monroe 497
  • Troy 469
  • Liberty 458
  • Thorndike 457
  • Islesboro 444
  • Knox 439
  • Prospect 412
  • Freedom 406
  • Waldo 395
  • Montville 366
  • Morrill 355
  • Belmont 295
  • Jackson 220


County Total: 23,328

  • Belfast (city) 5,957
  • Winterport 1,963
  • Searsport 1,951
  • Unity 1,280
  • Stockton Springs 1,142
  • Lincolnville 955
  • Burnham 802
  • Brooks 751
  • Northport 744
  • Palermo 645
  • Searsmont 624
  • Frankfort 620
  • Troy 543
  • Liberty 515
  • Swanville 487
  • Monroe 478
  • Knox 443
  • Thorndike 439
  • Waldo 431
  • Montville 430
  • Islesboro 421
  • Morrill 410
  • Freedom 373
  • Prospect 358
  • Belmont 349
  • Jackson 217


County Total: 28,414

  • Belfast (city) 6,243
  • Winterport 2,675
  • Searsport 2,309
  • Unity 1,431
  • Lincolnville 1,414
  • Stockton Springs 1,230
  • Northport 958
  • Burnham 951
  • Swanville 873
  • Brooks 804
  • Frankfort 783
  • Searsmont 782
  • Palermo 760
  • Troy 701
  • Liberty 694
  • Monroe 657
  • Montville 631
  • Thorndike 603
  • Knox 558
  • Islesboro 521
  • Belmont 520
  • Prospect 511
  • Morrill 506
  • Waldo 495
  • Freedom 458
  • Jackson 346


County Total: 33,018

  • Belfast (city) 6,355
  • Winterport 3,175
  • Searsport 2,603
  • Unity 1,817
  • Lincolnville 1,809
  • Stockton Springs 1,383
  • Northport 1,201
  • Swanville 1,130
  • Palermo 1,021
  • Frankfort 1,020
  • Burnham 961
  • Searsmont 938
  • Brooks 900
  • Montville 877
  • Monroe 802
  • Troy 802
  • Liberty 790
  • Thorndike 702
  • Knox 681
  • Belmont 652
  • Morrill 644
  • Waldo 626
  • Freedom 593
  • Islesboro 579
  • Prospect 542
  • Jackson 415


County Total: 36,280

  • Belfast (city) 6,381
  • Winterport 3,602
  • Searsport 2,641
  • Lincolnville 2,042
  • Unity 1,889
  • Stockton Springs 1,481
  • Swanville 1,357
  • Northport 1,331
  • Palermo 1,220
  • Searsmont 1,174
  • Burnham 1,142
  • Frankfort 1,041
  • Brooks 1,022
  • Montville 1,002
  • Troy 963
  • Liberty 927
  • Monroe 882
  • Belmont 821
  • Morrill 774
  • Knox 747
  • Waldo 733
  • Thorndike 712
  • Freedom 645
  • Prospect 642
  • Islesboro 603
  • Jackson 506

See also
