Hugh Whistler
Hugh Whistler (1889 - July 7, 1943), F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. was an English ornithologist.
Whistler was born in Mablethorpe and educated at Aldenham School. He served with the Indian police in the Punjab province from 1909 to 1926. Whistler studied and collected birds and on retiring to England he continued his researches into Indian ornithology. He also make collecting trips to Spain and Albania, often in the company of Claud Buchanan Ticehurst. Whistler's publications include the Popular Handbook of Indian Birds (1928).
Whistler lived at Battle, East Sussex during his retirement, where he was a Justice of the Peace. The Whistler Prize of Sussex University, awarded to the best essay on natural history or archaeology, is named after him. His collection of bird skins is now at the Natural History Museum.