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List of Misfits characters

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The main characters of Misfits, left to right: Curtis (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett), Nathan (Robert Sheehan), Kelly (Lauren Socha), Alisha (Antonia Thomas) and Simon (Iwan Rheon).

This article is a list of fictional characters on the TV series Misfits.

Main cast

In the pilot episode, the five main characters are brought together when they are all sent to community service for various crimes. The storm the show is based around occurs, and when they are struck by it without any damage, it becomes clear that it is significant. One by one they discover they each have a superpower, with the exception of Nathan, who does not find out his power until the first series' finale. Their probation worker Tony is also affected by the storm and flies into a murderous rage. They kill Tony in self defence. After this, the group go on to becoming more of a unit when further developments of how many other people who were affected by the storm comes to light. It is revealed during the third episode of the second series that at some point in the future, people discover who the Misfits are, and they become known as the "ASBO Five" (Although Curtis has pointed out that this phrase is misleading as he does not have an ASBO). They were briefly known by this title after those with powers went public, but this timeline was undone when Curtis rewound history as their going public resulted in everyone but him being killed. Future Simon somehow possessed a video of the news report regarding the "ASBO Five", which was identical to the one shown in the undone timeline.

Nathan Young

Nathan is played by Robert Sheehan. He was sent to community service for stealing some pick 'n' mix, then aggravating the situation by insulting and then assaulting the store manager. He was born on the 15th of March, 1989[1] and is from Ireland. Nathan's defining personality trait is his outspoken, mischievous nature and propensity for insulting those around him, regardless of whether he actually cares for them or not. Early in the series, this results in him being kicked out of his home by his mother and abandoned by the majority of his friends. With nowhere else to go, he breaks into the community centre and takes up residence there, sleeping on the floor and stealing food and drinks from the concession areas.

While the rest of the Misfits discover their powers on the day after the storm, Nathan's doesn't surface until much later. Nathan spends a great deal of time early on trying to figure out what his power is, but claims to have given up on it by the first series' finale . His power was hinted at in one of the alternate timelines created in the fourth episode of the first series, which presents him as the only survivor of Tony's rampage, found "half-dead" by the police. In the first series' finale, his power is revealed to be that of immortality after he falls from a building and is impaled on a metal fence. He regains consciousness days after his funeral, only to find that he is trapped inside his coffin underground, left with his iPod which Kelly placed in his hand prior to burial.

Like the rest of the Misfits, Nathan's power reflects aspects of his personality: most prominently, his apparent immunity from hurtful comments pointed out by both his mother and Kelly. In addition, it also reflects his recklessness, and the way he will do anything for fun and never gets embarrassed or regrets it. It is unclear if this power includes immunity from aging or if he simply cannot be killed, although it would appear that—in contrast to portrayals of immortals who are still vulnerable to head wounds—Nathan can even come back from being shot in the head without permanent damage. Nathan cannot heal himself unless he is actually dead, as shown when he is reduced to a state of vegetation in the second series' finale (though the timeline in which this occurred was later undone by Curtis).

At the start of the second series, the others are led to Nathan's grave by Superhoodie, where they discover his power of immortality. His return only further complicates his relationship with his family, who believed him to be dead; Nathan reveals that upon returning home, his mother fainted and badly injured herself, and claims to have enraged his father by explaining his apparent death as an "elaborate life insurance scam". He thereafter returns to his prior life, living in the community centre and taking part in his community service as if nothing had happened, unaware that he had been removed from the system upon his death and would have been free of this obligation had he not mentioned it to the probation worker.

Nathan's relationship with his family is strained, partially as a result of his difficult personality. He appears to be highly possessive of his mother, and has driven off any men who have taken an interest in her after his father abandoned them. His inability to coexist with his mother's new boyfriend, Jeremy, results in him being kicked out of the house in the first episode of the first series; while Nathan eventually comes to terms with his mother's needs, he continues to live on his own in order to give the two a chance to build their relationship without his interference. Nathan's relationship with his father, by contrast, is extremely confrontational and filled with long-held resentment; Nathan specifically cites an incident in which his father left him unattended at an IKEA store for several hours on his eighth birthday as an example of his complete lack of interest in parenting.

In the second episode of the second series, it is revealed that Nathan has a younger half brother, Jamie, who was born to his father and another woman. Nathan endeavours to help Jamie come to terms with their father, though his efforts meet with little success. Eventually, after attending a nightclub together (and taking ecstasy along with the rest of the Misfits), Jamie perishes when his car catches fire in a freak accident. Nathan's power allows him to see Jamie's ghost after his demise. Jamie leads Nathan to his father's house, and encourages him to use their mutual grief over his death to reconcile before disappearing. Though Nathan acknowledges that the process will be a slow one, he manages to swallow his pride and ask his father to go out for breakfast together.

During the same episode, Nathan consumes a power-inverting pill of some sort that causes him to become mortal, though no harm comes to him during this brief period of power inversion.

Nathan's ability to see the recently deceased is demonstrated again when he sees Ollie's ghost, and a third time when he sees Kelly's spirit after she was murdered in a timeline that was later erased by Curtis (suggesting that he can only see the deceased when he had some kind of connection to them in life).

Nathan's relationships with the other Misfits are far better than those with his family or, apparently, past friends. Over the course of the show, Nathan is shown to develop romantic feelings for Kelly. He repeatedly thinks about having sex with her, and has admitted verbally that he fancies her. Their relationship has not yet become physical, which Kelly admits (in a drugged state) is because she fears that his insensitivity will lead him to hurt her. Although the two come close to physically consummating their relationship in the third episode of the second series, Kelly stops it before they can go all the way because she comments that it feels like having sex with a cousin rather than a potential partner. He still chases the police when they are pursuing Kelly after she has been 'abducted' by her latest love interest, Bruno- revealed to be a gorilla who was turned into a human by the storm-, later offering Kelly simple comfort about Bruno's death despite the obvious joke potential. Also, after Kelly was killed by Brian, her spirit appears to Nathan, driving him to angrily attempt to attack her killer. Curtis and Alisha, meanwhile, are alternately amused and repulsed by Nathan's sense of humour, but nonetheless tolerate him as a member of the group.

Having quickly recognised Simon as an outcast and easy target for his taunts, Nathan frequently mistreats him throughout the first series. His attitude eventually leads Simon to abandon him when they are both surrounded by a group of 'Virtue' followers, though he later reappears in a failed attempt to rescue Nathan. The two grow closer in the second series, as Nathan reveals a somewhat merciful side to his personality; after Simon finally stands up for himself, recounting all of the hurtful remarks which Nathan has aimed at him and concluding that in spite of it all he "just wants to be [his] friend", Nathan seems to acquire a measure of respect for him. After this encounter Nathan begins looking out for Simon in his own way (such as suggesting hiring him a prostitute to "get [his] confidence up") and Simon in return begins laughing more freely at his jokes and even attempting (though often failing) to replicate them at times. Nathan also seems to have developed an odd friendship with him, as he admits to Alisha that he likes him, attempts to protect him from Jessica, and enthusiastically congratulates him for losing his virginity.

Simon Bellamy

Simon, played by Iwan Rheon, is a shy social outcast who is sentenced to community service for attempted arson. His special power was a type of invisibility that prevents anyone from seeing or even hearing his presence, reflective of his personality in that he often feels ignored. Initially, the others fail to notice his disappearance and do not believe he possesses such a power, but he is vindicated once the effect the storm had on the others comes to light. His invisibility is depicted as uncontrollable at first, possibly occurring as the result of feeling neglected or generally depressed, but over the course of the series, he comes to demonstrate the ability to turn invisible at will and move objects while in this state. When his power was inverted by drugs, he attracted an increased amount of attention to himself.

Simon is depicted as the smartest individual of the group; he devises a plan to permanently 'hide' the corpses of the Misfits' dead probation worker and their former colleague Gary. He initially has no real friends within or outside the ASBO group, but soon grows closer with the other Misfits, despite his shy personality, and professes it to be only place where he feels like he belongs. He is constantly attached to his camera phone, using it to film the storm and occasionally, his fellow ASBO holders. In the second episode of the first series, he is contacted online by 'Shygirl18', who expresses an interest in his videos. 'Shygirl18' is revealed to be Sally, the fiancée of dead probation worker Tony. Sally, also a probation worker, suspects that the Misfits are involved in Tony's disappearance. He eventually realizes that she is using him to learn what has happened to Tony. Simon accidentally kills Sally in a struggle as he attempts to prevent her telling police what he and the ASBO group have done. Simon hides her body in an industrial freezer in the community centre, which he visits often. He does not tell the others about her death, as revealed in the first series' finale.

At the start of the second series it is revealed that Simon spent time in a psychiatric unit, where he made friends with a fellow patient named Lucy, who became obsessed with him. It is also revealed to the group that he killed Sally, and the rest of the Misfits aid him in disposing of her body.

It has been mentioned that Simon has a twelve-year-old sister, although nothing else is known about her.

The mysterious 'Superhoodie' who has been appearing to help the group at crucial moments is revealed to be a future version of Simon that came back in time to ensure that certain events happened when they should, although this Simon has provided no explanation about how he came back in time beyond "things are different in the future". Simon also managed to manifest the same superhuman aim that his future self has, as he was able to throw a peanut into a superpowered tattoo artist's mouth while being strangled on the floor. Under unspecified circumstances, this future Simon has also become immune to Alisha's power. He has revealed that Alisha falls in love with Simon. Future Simon became romantically involved with Alisha, but dies while saving her, saying it is meant to be. Present Simon is becoming more confident and is starting to take more control in difficult situations such as defeating the aforementioned tattooist and facing off to Kelly's kidnapper in the same episode as his future self's death. Alisha is behaving more kindly towards Simon but told future Simon that she did not yet love this version of him. Alisha revealed Superhoodie's true identity to Simon after the Misfits went public, as well as her relationship with him, but this timeline was erased by Curtis when everyone but him was murdered. In the three months between the second series' finale and the Christmas special, the whole gang come to learn of Superhoodie's identity and Alisha and Simon are an official couple (Despite Simon's worry that Alisha will always love his future self more). In addition, Simon has begun to live in his future self's flat and is actively training (with little success) to replicate the abilities of Superhoodie.

Simon also appears to be the most moral of the group, as he was the most reluctant to steal £100,000 from an armoured car, and wished to return it, despite Curtis' and particularly Nathan's wish to keep it. Simon also hopes to use his power to help people at some point in the future, and believes the gang all received their powers for a reason, comparing giving up their powers to Superman's decision in Superman II.

Kelly Bailey

Kelly, acted by Lauren Socha, is initially portrayed simply as a stereotypical chav, given community service for getting into a fight at an Argos store. The first to discover a power, she has telepathy and can hear the thoughts of others, including infants and animals.

She is aggressive but worries about what others think of her; it was she who killed the rampaging Tony—albeit in self-defence—and instigated the Argos fight after a girl named Jodi called her a slag. With her telepathic ability and a habit of speaking before thinking, Kelly often exposes her fellow Misfits' secrets unintentionally. She is also shown to have a sensitive side, showing concern for the other members of the group and being genuinely hurt by her fiancé leaving her.

A tentative relationship develops after Kelly reaches out to Nathan, and the pair may be falling in love. Of the group, she is the most affected by Nathan's apparent death.

In the first episode of the second series Kelly and Nathan are still not a couple, despite the fact they like each other, because of Kelly's dislike of some of Nathan's personality traits, coupled with her fear of being used and hurt once again. When Kelly takes the pills that reverse the user's powers, instead of learning everyone's thoughts, she broadcasts the thoughts on her mind uncontrollably, telling Nathan she might love him and how many sexual partners she had. The two attempt to become physical in the third episode of the second series, but Kelly stops it before they can go all the way and suggests they just stay friends. Despite this, the two still appear close; when Kelly was 'abducted' by her latest possible partner, Bruno, whose storm-related power resulted in him turning from a gorilla into a human, Nathan appeared genuinely concerned for Kelly during the subsequent police pursuit, later sympathising with her evident grief over Bruno's death. In the second series' finale, Kelly was killed by another character who was affected by the storm and had gained the ability to manipulate dairy products, her death prompting Nathan to go after her killer in a rage after he saw her spirit. This is however reversed when Curtis rewinds time to cancel out all events which have taken place during this episode.

Kelly has an elder sister kind of relationship with Simon, sticking up for him when the others pick on him. She has repeatedly warned Nathan not to do so, and violently threatened Curtis when she discovered he had hit Simon.

Kelly sells her power in the Christmas special to a 'power dealer' for £20,000, but the group later realise that they have made a mistake, taking money from a psychotic preacher to get their powers back. However, the group speculate that they do not have to get the same powers they possessed originally, suggesting that Kelly may acquire an ability other than her telepathy.

Curtis Donovan

Curtis, portrayed by Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, was once a rising running star, who aimed to compete in the 2012 Olympics. However, his career was left in tatters after being caught in possession of cocaine. Due to his high profile he was publicly shamed, being made an example under the eyes of the law. After the storm, Curtis gained the power of time manipulation; whenever he regrets something, he is able to rewind and replay past events to affect their outcome — an ability over which he had little control. Curtis is shown to be able to replay events multiple times, but he can only activate this ability when dealing with something that he genuinely wants to change, requiring him to have some emotional investment in whatever he is trying to rewind. As a result, he was able to undo the death of the group's third probation worker because he wanted to save his friends from further trouble from killing someone by accident, but he couldn't save the recently murdered sixth member of their community service group after he was shot in the head in front of them because he had no emotional connection to the other boy.

He is the first Misfit to use his power for the benefit of someone else, being inspired by a meeting with his just released from prison, more-or-less former girlfriend Sam to undo the drug charges that led to their arrest. However, after he learns that the other Misfits—with the exception of the unknowingly immortal Nathan—were killed in Tony's rampage without him present to undo their deaths and provide advance warning, he once again resets time. In this iteration he willingly sacrifices his career by allowing himself to be caught with the drugs while ensuring that Sam stays clear. But no matter how he alters events, Sam still believes that they are in a relationship, whereas he now considers himself to be with Alisha. He eventually breaks up with her after using the line "the ones I love will always be the ones who pay" from the film Spider-Man.

At the start of the second series he and Alisha are still in a relationship and Curtis acts very affectionately towards her, even to the point of violently threatening Simon when he believes he had assaulted her. Superhoodie later saves Curtis' life when he is nearly suffocated to death by Lucy. When his power acted in reverse during a drug trip, Curtis 'flash-forwarded' to the future where he was standing on a rooftop dressed in a black costume and green cape while being approached by an unfamiliar woman named Nikki. Although he attempted to reject her apparent desire for sex, Curtis was subsequently surprised to encounter her past self while the Misfits were tracking Superhoodie. At the end of the fourth episode of the second series, Curtis and Nikki meet up after being held hostage with the rest of the Misfits and they kiss, resulting in a relationship, the two later experiencing the events of Curtis' 'flash-forward' again while attending a fancy dress party.

It was revealed that Curtis is lactose intolerant, which resulted in him being the only member of the group left after they were attacked by Brian, a former 'tea boy' who could control all dairy products; Brian was able to suffocate others by manipulating the dairy products that they had eaten earlier- 'strangling' Nathan's brain with mozzarella cheese to give him brain damage as his immortality made it impossible to kill him directly-, but Curtis, having never consumed anything for Brian to use against him, was able to drive Brian off- albeit after Simon sacrificed himself to stop Curtis being stabbed- before travelling back in time to save his friends by preventing Brian from going public or learning about his power.

Curtis has lost his power after selling it to a 'power dealer', who states that he has already passed his power on to an old Jewish man who wanted go back in time to kill Hitler.

Alisha Bailey

Alisha, portrayed by Antonia Thomas, is the party girl of the Misfits, gaining an ASBO for constant drink-driving and her behaviour towards the policeman who arrested her. Her ability made those who make bare contact with her skin go into a sexual frenzy towards her, causing them to describe their desires aloud and in graphic detail; however, those affected have no recollection of their behavior while under the influence of her power or connection to her afterwards. She realises the nature of this after-effect when she first uses her power on Curtis. In the third episode of the first series she walks through a nightclub and touches everyone, having an effect on both genders. She continues to abuse the capability until she confirms her feelings with Curtis in the same episode. The two then decide to try for a relationship, including "phone sex without the phone", that both acknowledge can never become physical, owing to her power.

In the second episode of the second series, her power is reversed during a drug trip and when she touches Curtis, he becomes aggressive and displays feelings of hatred and repulsion towards her. She touches others in desperation to leave, having the same effect on them. It is revealed that Superhoodie is immune to her power and he appears to be slightly affectionate to her; giving way to a possible relationship as Curtis saw himself in the future in a serious relationship with another woman named Nikki.

Alisha subsequently becomes the only member of the group to know that 'Superhoodie' is a future version of Simon, who has come back in time to ensure that certain events work out as they should, although he asks her not to tell the others about his identity. The pair also begin a relationship but future Simon tells her not to engage with current Simon as he is not ready for a relationship, though he gives Alisha a key to his base. In the fourth episode of the second series future Simon is shot when he moves in front of a bullet to save Alisha. With future Simon dying in her arms, Alisha says that she loves him, and reluctantly follows his last wish to immolate his body to protect his identity. Alisha revealed Superhoodie's true identity to Simon after the Misfits went public, as well as her relationship with him, but she was captured b another person who got powers, bound and aggrd with plastic clingfilm, and killed, but this timeline was erased by Curtis when everyone but him was murdered. After her community service was over, she took a job as a bartender. During the three months between the second series' finale and the Christmas special, Alisha and Simon became a couple. She sold her power to a 'power dealer' to get her life back, but is later subjected to its effects when she is attacked by Elliot, a priest who purchased her power and others from the dealer, although Elliot's subsequent death negates any possibility that she can get her old power back.

It is revealed that, at some point in the future, Simon and Alisha will go to Las Vegas together, as she always wanted.

Others affected by the storm

Tony Morecombe

Introduced in the first episode of the first series, Tony (Danny Sapani and Louis Decosta Johnson) is the original probation officer to the Misfits, who after the storm seems to enter a zombie-like state and gain superhuman strength, as well as enhanced durability. He is killed by Kelly and buried under concrete after he murders the sixth member of their community service group and tries to attack the rest. The police believe that he is residing out of the country after Simon steals his credit card to fake activity and leave the impression he is still alive.

When attacking the Misfits Tony appears to be in an animalistic, rage-filled mode, evidencing extreme physical effects, including violent twitching and eerily pale eyes. While it is not yet implicitly suggested that his post-storm state is linked to his personality, it is later revealed in the fourth episode of the first series that he does in fact have violent tendencies, as he repeatedly kicks the wall in a multi-storey car park after realising that his car, containing an engagement ring for Sally, has been stolen. These violent manifestations, as well as a strong dislike for anti-social youths are exaggerated by the storm, both in his transformed state and his role as probation worker. He seemed to have some initial resistance after the storm, but it was clear from his spasms he struggled to maintain his sanity even for the short time he had it.

Tony is played by Danny Sapani, except when he is in his psychotic state, when he is played by Louis Decosta Johnson.


Introduced in the second episode of the first series, Jeremy (Jo Stone-Fewings) is the current boyfriend of Nathan's mother, who is the reason Nathan was kicked out of his home. He is found one morning by the Misfits while they are doing community service; it is revealed that come nightfall, the storm has reinvigorated his relapsed memories of a childhood pet, and he believes that he is a dog. In this condition he walks, or rather lopes, the streets naked. Owing to his unclothed state, the Misfits observe his large penis size, which Nathan later uses to prove to his mother that he has, indeed, seen the man out and about in a very natural way. It is unclear if Jeremy's state of mind is a power or a mental condition.


Appearing in the second episode of the first series, Ruth (Amy Beth Hayes and Clare Welch) appears to be a volunteer at the community centre. Nathan begins a brief relationship with her only to discover that, while mounting him, she spontaneously reverts to her true age of 82. She was returned to youth by the storm, but is nonetheless rejected by Nathan. Sadly, her condition seems to be waning. Although he later attempts to apologise at her home, he finds that she has died in her sleep, in her 82-year-old state; reading through assorted photo albums. It is possible, though not implied, that the effect the storm had on Ruth, while rejuvenating her physically, did not have any impact on her lifespan, and that the reason why she reverted to her true age is that it was time for her to die.

Ruth is played by two actors. Amy Beth Hayes plays her as a young woman, and Clare Welch as an old woman.


Jodi (Bunmi Mojekwu) is the reason Kelly was given community service after an incident whereby she called Kelly a "slag" and Kelly hit her. It turns out that Jodi has the storm-based power to turn people bald; or more appropriately 'make people feel how she feels' - a form of emotional projection, as she demonstrates on Kelly in the third episode of the first series, however she has affected other people such as her ex-boyfriend. She regrets not having real control over this power, turning her ex-boyfriend bald whenever she sees him due to him dumping her. She reveals she suffers from alopecia to Kelly and the two girls call a truce.


Finn is a nine-month-old baby of a single mother. He apparently possesses a storm-based power of mental manipulation, and causes Nathan to act as his father after Nathan encounters him on his own, wandering the halls of the community centre. Although the other Misfits initially panic witnessing Nathan with Finn, Kelly reads Finn's thoughts and realises it is his own doing. Finn soon rejects Nathan when it becomes clear he would be a bad father. After covering for Nathan, Kelly tells Finn's mother to take him to see his real dad, hoping the toddler's ability will convince him to give fatherhood another chance.


Appearing in the first series' finale, Rachel (Jessica Brown-Findlay), the head of the recently established 'Virtue' organisation at the community centre, possesses the storm-based power of suggestion, specifically able to influence others to essentially become 'perfect' youths — dressing in conservative clothing and disdaining sex, drugs and alcohol. Her power requires the subject to clearly hear what she is saying, causing their instant transformation when she speaks the words, "You don't need to behave like this; you can be so much better,". It is unclear whether this specific personality change is all that she can do with her power or if she simply uses the phrase based on her desire to make others conform to her rigid moral standards. Nathan uses a water pistol that looks like a real gun to take her hostage and lead her to the roof of the community centre. He demands that she undo her influence, but she doesn't know if she can, or if she can, how to do so. There he makes a passionate speech about the benefits of individuality and the freedom of youth. She realises that he is only armed with a water pistol, but falls from the roof in the subsequent scuffle, her death ending her influence over the other youths.


Lucy (Evelyn Hoskins) is a former friend of Simon's, whom he met during his treatment in a psychiatric unit after his attempted arson. She is shown to harbour a strong, one-sided infatuation towards him. She has the ability to shape-shift into other individuals and animals (including a mouse); which causes herself great pain, her eyes to turn black and lights to flicker. Lucy's clothes and voice also change through shape-shifting, however, if she imitates a person who also possesses a superpower, she does not gain theirs. She becomes reacquainted with Simon while participating in an art therapy class with other patients from the unit at the community centre, and is extremely eager to continue their friendship. Her obsession with Simon causes him to reject her for his new friends, and, feeling hurt, she uses her power to wreak havoc on him and the rest of the Misfits, discovering Sally's death in the process. She then intends to confess Simon's crime to the police in his form, in the hope that he will be sent back to the unit with her again, however, he follows her to the station, apologises for ignoring her, and eventually convinces her to abandon her plan. She then comes to realise that he is a different person to the Simon she met in the unit and lets him go.


Appearing in the second episode of the second series, Lily (played by Catrin Stewart) was a bartender who acquired the ability of cryokinesis on account of her 'frigid' nature with intimacy issues. When Nathan witnessed her power in action while she was at work (she froze a stream of water on the counter of the bar after coldly rebuffing his flirting, which travelled to, and shattered, some nearby pints of beer), he told her about his own power, subsequently defending her to her boss. In return, Lily gave him her number, consequently meeting the group at a nightclub along with Nathan's brother Jamie. Unfortunately, the pills Jamie gave the group made the powers of those who had been affected by the storm start working in reverse, resulting in Lily generating fire rather than ice. This eventually caused her to unintentionally burn herself and Jamie to death while she had sex with him, and the car they were in exploded. Her spirit appeared to Nathan when he was reconciling with his father, accompanying Jamie as the two went on to whatever awaited them.


Vince (Nathan Constance) is a tattoo artist who owns 'Vince's Tattoos' and has the ability to tattoo people, which affect how they think and feel. He is introduced in the third episode of the second series when Kelly, Nathan and Simon visit his parlour in order for Kelly to have an old tattoo re-inked. He explains to Nathan that each tattoo he has reflects a time in his life and makes him feel pain. After being antagonised by Nathan about several of his tattoos, Vince tattoos Nathan using his ability, making him fall in love with Simon in the form of a heart tattoo with Simon's name. Some time later, Kelly returns to question him and in doing so falls under Vince's power when she gets his name tattooed as well, falling in love with him.

When all the Misfits (sans Alisha) return to the parlour to have the tattoos removed, he uses his ability once again to 'stab' Curtis with a tattoo of a knife piercing his stomach and place barbed wire around Simon's neck. His weakness is a nut allergy which Simon uses with thanks to Superhoodie, Simon grabs Vince's epinephrine pen and offers a trade to remove the tattoos for his life - he complies and is given his medication. Vince uses his ability by holding a tattoo gun to his subject.


Superhoodie, revealed to be a future version of Simon, first appears in one of Simon's videos, helping a member of the public, and features on posters both on the E4 website game and in the show. His first physical appearance is in the first series' finale, storming in on a bike to help Nathan escape a group of 'Virtue' followers. His face is concealed by a hood and a black mask. He is later seen in another of Simon's videos, demonstrating extreme free running skills before talking to Simon. He reveals he has been watching the Misfits and is aware of their abilities, and that they should all think about why they have their powers and what they're going to do with them, "...and then we'll talk."

An image of a figure in an orange hoodie, on a bike also appears in the fifth episode of the first series, when the gang are scrapping posters off a wall. Aside from two red glowing eyes, the figure's face is concealed. In the first series, Superhoodie is portrayed by free runner Neil Hutson. It's unknown if the orange hoodie was actually Simon, or someone Simon knows in the future who is helping him.

Superhoodie returns in the first episode of the second series, dressed in black (if it is the same person), initially studying a room full of photos of the Misfits along with five large digital clocks counting down to an unspecified 'target', first throwing a paper aeroplane from a building across a river to Kelly, informing her to go to Nathan's grave where she discovered his immortality. He returns at the conclusion of the episode, saving Curtis from suffocation at the hands of a shape-shifter. Superhoodie uses various equipment, such as night-vision goggles and light body armour, and during a scene where he dons this, shots of his abdomen and chest confirm he is male and also reveal that he is a very pallid white. In the second episode of the second series, he shields a temporarily mortal Nathan from his brother Jamie's exploding car, causing him to be apparently hurt quite badly by shrapnel, though he manages to escape. Later Superhoodie leads the main characters to the flat of the woman Curtis met when he travelled forward in time. This could be a coincidence, but considering Superhoodie's extensive knowledge of the Misfits, their powers and events that would happen around them, it is easy to assume he purposefully lured them to Nikki's flat so that Curtis would meet her.

Having repeatedly saved Alisha from danger, Superhoodie reveals himself to be a future version of Simon to her, and makes her swear that she will not tell the others. They later enter into a secret relationship.

As yet, Superhoodie lives at an undisclosed location with several digital clocks that are revealed to count down to particular events that must happen at the exact moment as well as documentation revealing events in the future, such as the "ASBO Five" being revealed to have abilities.

Simon while as Superhoodie has gained more confidence than in the present timeline, and has a much more serious and mature personality. While he exhibits free running skills that could be the result of training, the fact he threw a paper aeroplane into Kelly's eye from considerable distance away when outside suggests he has superhuman aim (Present Simon possibly exhibits superhuman aim when he throws a peanut into Vince's mouth from a highly improbable position). It is also revealed that he is immune to Alisha's power. When Alisha antagonises a local that leads to her falling down a flight of stairs only for future Simon to rescue her, he explains that he has returned to the past to make sure particular events happen at the right time (e.g. Misfits defeating Vince). How Superhoodie travelled through time and space is as yet unexplained (but may relate to Curtis and his power of time manipulation).

In the fourth episode of the second series, future Simon and Alisha continue to see each other. Meanwhile, a boy named Ollie joins the group in their community service and reveals he has the power to teleport. Ollie is later shot and killed by a deranged man who thinks he is in a violent video game, and his heart is transplanted to Nikki, who in turn gains Ollie's power. Alisha confronts future Simon when she discovers that he knew it would happen but didn't stop it, but Simon tells her that if he saved Ollie, another person (Nikki) would have died. Later, when the deranged man kidnaps Kelly, the other misfits decide to comply with the deranged man in order for him to finish the game. They steal £100,000 from a bank, but when they deliver it to him, the man progresses onto the next level in the game and takes the other Misfits hostage. Nikki is also taken hostage when she accidentally teleports to their location. Alisha escapes her binds but the man catches up with her. He is about to shoot her but future Simon, who has been timing the events, drops down from a skylight and takes the bullet, and the man leaves to complete his next level. Alisha cradles a dying Simon and admits she is in love with him. Future Simon tells Alisha that everything will come together soon, and then dies. Alisha obeys his last request and burns his body, having received the key to his base. Alisha revealed Superhoodie's true identity to Simon after the Misfits went public, as well as her relationship with him, but this timeline was erased by Curtis when everyone but him was murdered. Nonetheless, in the three month gap between the second series' finale and the Christmas special, Alisha tells the gang about Superhoodie's identity; Simon even takes up residence in his flat.


Appearing in fourth episode of the second series, Ollie (Joshua McGuire) is an environmental protester who becomes involved in the community payback scheme after vandalising a coal-fired power station over carbon emissions. He openly questions the Misfits about their powers, and in doing so reveals that he too has a power: teleportation. The rest of the group are largely unimpressed by his demonstration of this, as he only manages it through great effort and only gets a few feet behind them, though he claims to be capable of teleporting greater distances. When he teleported he also left behind one of his flip-flops, suggesting that as yet he hadn't properly mastered his power. Later, when the group are out picking up litter, a deranged man named Tim, who believes he is in a violent video game, shoots and kills Ollie. Nathan sees Ollie's ghost, and they each insult each other. Ollie's heart is later donated to Nikki, the woman whom Curtis met in his 'flash-forward', and the owner of the flat the Misfits broke into. Due to the transplant, Nikki inherits Ollie's power.


Introduced in fourth episode of the second series, Tim (Matt Cross) is a highly disturbed individual who believes himself to be the main character in his favourite, excessively violent, video game. It is not outright implied that this is the result of his exposure to the storm, but considering the vividness of his hallucinations, it is highly likely.

Upon meeting the Misfits, he accuses Simon (at Nathan's prompting) of being "Conti", a character from the game, and of stealing money from him. He also believes Kelly to be his ex-fiancée, "Roxy", another game character. When newcomer Ollie attempts to calm him down, Tim shoots him in the head, killing him and causing the rest of the group to flee. After this Tim spends time trying to find "Conti", engaging in several violent acts along the way, such as running over an old woman in his car, believing it is only a game. Eventually he comes across Kelly and Alisha, kidnapping Kelly and holding her hostage, telling Alisha to tell "Conti" that he wants his £100,000. While Simon and the others rob an armoured vehicle in order to give Tim what he wants, Tim forces Kelly to put on a wedding dress and drink wine with him. When the group arrives and gives Tim his money, rather than ceasing in his delusions as they hoped he would, he merely progresses to the 'next level' in his mind, now believing one of them to be an undercover cop. Stringing them all up on meat hooks, including Nikki, who accidentally teleported to the scene, he threatens Alisha with a chain saw, only to be distracted by Nathan and Curtis, allowing Alisha to escape. Cornering her, Tim prepares to shoot her, only for future Simon to appear and take the bullet. When future Simon unmasks and claims to be the undercover cop, Tim loses interest in Alisha and goes in search of his next level objective. Afterwards, the present Simon reads in the paper that Tim has been arrested trying to break into a prison.


Nikki (Ruth Negga) is a young woman with an unspecified heart condition. She is introduced in the second episode of the second series when Curtis' drug trip causes him to 'flash forward' and experience a future event (In this case, a romantic moment with her on a rooftop). The Misfits then encounter her in the present when they break into her flat, mistakenly believing it was the residence of Superhoodie (He had led the group there himself, presumably with the intention of making Nikki and Curtis meet each other). Curious about her (and recognising her as the woman from his 'flash-forward'), Curtis continues to visit her, learning about her heart condition. When Ollie - a new member of the group - is shot and killed, Nikki is given his heart. The transplant cures her heart condition but also leaves her with Ollie's ability to teleport.

Nikki possessed little to no control over this ability, and was shown to teleport without warning whenever she felt a strong desire to be with someone. Her power would take her to them, wherever they were, even if it was at a place she had never been to or seen before. When thinking about the person whose heart she had received she teleported to Ollie's corpse in the hospital morgue, and at other times she was drawn to Curtis or the other Misfits. Her power is also sometimes capable of drawing her away from a place she doesn't want to be (when confronted with Ollie's corpse she almost instantly teleported back to her hospital ward) or activating at sexual climax, much to her annoyance. When Nikki feels she is about to teleport, she experiences a sensation similar to falling, or being drawn backwards, and then she immediately shifts to her new location. The ease in which she triggers the ability is in contrast to Ollie, who needed great concentration to activate it, and could only travel a few feet.

Nikki and Curtis enter into a relationship after he tells her about the Misfits' powers and the effects of the storm. During a fancy dress party, the two of them experience the events from Curtis' 'flash-forward' again. In the Christmas special, Curtis and Nikki (along with the rest of the Misfits), sell their abilities to a 'power dealer', and the couple plan to travel together, but Nikki is shot and killed by a robber under the orders of a priest named Elliot pretending to be Jesus (Who had purchased her power of teleportation after she sold it). Her death inspires the group to try and regain their abilities, as Nikki would never have died if they still had their powers. Unfortunately, Curtis' power to rewind time is no longer available and Nikki remains dead.


Appearing in the fifth episode of the second series, Bruno (played by Richard Riddell) was a gorilla who dreamed of being human, whose wish came true during the storm. Attracted to him because of his honest thoughts, Kelly shared a beer with him in the park before having sex in his flat, but rejected him when their second encounter became too rough. At a fancy dress party, while dressed in a gorilla costume, Bruno attempted to explain what had happened, his honest thoughts showing Kelly that he really didn't mean to hurt her, but a subsequent pursuit by the police led him to run away, scale a block of flats with Kelly on his back and almost beat a policeman to death before being shot. Kelly removed his mask, and his true form was revealed to her. He died soon after in Kelly's arms, his last thoughts being to assure her that it was worth it, as he got to be with her, if only for a little while.


Introduced in the fifth episode of the second series, Jessica's father Dave (Adrian Rawlins) is a man who is very protective of his daughter and this feeling becomes greatly intensified by the storm, to the point where, when a man gets close to his daughter, he is overwhelmed with rage and kills them. He murdered Nathan after he accidentally saw Jessica in the changing rooms- Nathan only being saved thanks to his power-, a young man named Chris who tried to come on to Jessica, and another who he accidentally mistook for Simon as they were wearing the same costume at a fancy dress party (Having previously seen Simon talking with Jessica). He also expressed some physical symptoms, such as his eyes turning blood-red around the pupils and his face quivering when he feels murderous rage, suggesting that the storm caused a similar mutation in him to the one triggered in Tony, the group's original probation worker. He almost killed Simon when he discovered that Simon took his daughter's virginity, but Alisha found him and knocked him out with a fire extinguisher. He was then arrested by the police.


Appearing in the second series' finale, Brian, also known as "Monsieur Grand Fromage" (played by Jordan Metcalfe) was originally a 'tea boy' who was affected by the storm when he opened his door to collect milk. Discovering that he had the ability to manipulate dairy products like milk, yoghurt and cheese, which he dubbed "lactokinesis", he gained local notoriety as the first person to go public with his power. Although he initially enjoyed the attention he received and getting the girl of his dreams, when others with powers started to come forward, such as a girl named Daisy who could heal others, or the "ASBO Five", he became increasingly resentful of the fact that they received more attention than him simply because of their more interesting powers. Angered at being ignored- particularly after his girlfriend left him, who noted that the ability to manipulate dairy products wasn't that impressive when compared to powers such as Curtis'-, he concluded that since the only time people like him got noticed was when they killed others, he would go on a murder spree. With this goal in mind, he killed his girlfriend, their management, and began to attack the "ASBO Five", using his control over the dairy products that they had just eaten to suffocate Kelly, Alisha, and Nikki, later wrapping Nathan's cortex in mozzarella cheese to leave him permanently brain damaged (Thus getting around Nathan's immortality). Fortunately, Curtis was immune to his power due to him being lactose intolerant, although Brian still tried to stab Curtis only for Simon to intercept the blade in his invisible state. With the rest of the group dead, Curtis gained the necessary incentive to turn back time and prevent Brian from going fully public with his power, the group travelling to Brian's house and Curtis punches him in the face; it is unknown whether he survives.


Introduced in the second series' finale, Daisy (Natalie Klamer) was another girl affected by the storm. Formerly a devout humanitarian, she was described as a "pretty, modern day Mother Teresa with a superpower". Daisy had the ability to heal others by rubbing her hands against their injuries, as shown when she healed a man whose legs had been paralysed. She is reluctant to heal STDs, stating she does not want to "spend [her] life rubbing other people's genitalia". When Nathan came to ask her for help after he believed he had contracted an STD, she refused. While he tried to convince her, she was attacked by Brian, jealous at how others were getting more attention than him due to his relatively 'lame' power, who caused a dairy product she had consumed earlier to leave her digestive system and enter her lungs, resulting in her falling over during her suffocation and being impaled on an award she had received for her charity work. Nathan attempted to encourage her to heal herself, but it was unclear if her power didn't work on herself or if the fact that the object that killed her was still in the wound prevented her from healing. This timeline was undone by Curtis after Brian killed the rest of the group; whether Daisy herself will make further appearances - since she, like the Misfits, was now never killed - is unknown.


Seth (Matthew McNulty) is a former drugs dealer, who, after being affected by the storm, possesses the ability to remove powers from others, store them in his body and then transfer them to another person. Seth uses his power as a business, purchasing powers off people who don't want them, then selling them to willing buyers. When Seth absorbs or gives a power, he clasps the person's hand and a bright white light shines off both their hands. Seth is unable to use the powers he absorbs, but he apparently removes all aspects of a person's power, such as Nathan's ability to see dead people as well as his immortality. Alisha first visits Seth to have him remove her power for free, having seen his adverts around the estate. Nathan later ends up selling his immortality for £2,000, followed by Kelly, Nikki and Curtis, who sell their powers for £20,000 each. Seth proceeds to sell Nikki and Alisha's powers to a priest named Elliot, having already sold him the ability to walk on water and telekinesis, and sells Curtis' power to an old Jewish man who wants to kill Hitler. The Misfits try to buy their powers back, but Seth doubles the price, so they try to steal Elliot's money, accidentally killing him in the process. At the end of the Christmas special the gang are buying powers from Seth, with Kelly going first, able to buy whatever powers he has left.

Seth's bodyguard

Seth employs an unnamed bodyguard with superhuman strength to protect him from unruly customers, as when the Misfits try to threaten Seth into giving them back their powers. Despite his small size and slight posture, the bodyguard could throw Nathan into a wall hard enough that he may have broken his ribs, and easily force the Misfits to leave the building. It is unknown whether he received his power directly from the storm, or was given it by Seth.


Initially appearing as a priest hosting a Nativity scene in the community centre, Elliot (Edward Hogg) is shown to be angered by people's lack of belief when nobody turns up. As a solution, he turns to Seth, the underground 'power trader', and pays to receive the power to walk on water, as well as telekinesis. Using these abilities, he convinces passers-by that he is the resurrected Jesus Christ. He begins to preach about how people must repent for their sins, and quickly gathers a group of followers, taking their money as donations and using them to purchase even more powers which he can then use to strengthen people's beliefs.

While he initially uses his new identity to raise awareness of God, he quickly becomes power-hungry and simply uses his followers to make him rich and powerful. He also gains the powers of Alisha and Nikki, sexual manipulation and teleportation respectively, after they sell them to Seth. A young man who originally attempted to steal one of Elliot's donations feels enlightened by his approaches and attempts to repent, but a now-malicious Elliot tells him that villainous habits such as stealing are permitted if he is doing them in God's name. Still eager to repent, the follower holds up the powerless Misfits at gunpoint in a bar and demands their money so that he can donate to Elliot. In a scuffle, he accidentally shoots and kills Nikki, before leaving in a hurry.

When Alisha is walking through an alleyway alone, he stalks her and uses her own power, which is now in his possession, in an attempt to rape her. She is saved when the follower who killed Nikki runs in on them, and he is forced to push her off. He tells the follower that he is forgiven for Nikki's death as long as he is sorry, simply trying to shrug him off. He then proceeds to follow and presumably rape another woman.

The Misfits decide to try to get their powers back when they realise that Nikki's death would not have happened if any one of them still had their power. Seth demands a particularly large amount of money for each power, which none of them are able to afford. Shortly afterwards, Alisha tells Simon about how Elliot tried to rape her, and how he may have been behind the follower who shot Nikki. Consumed with rage, Simon vows to kill Elliot, and he and the other Misfits all confront him at the community centre. Elliot initially avoids them using his teleportation power, but they then stumble upon his locker, which now contains hundreds of thousands of pounds. Knowing that they can use it to buy their powers back, they attempt to carry the locker out of the centre, but they are halted by Elliot, who tries to take it back using telekinesis. The Misfits attempt to pull it back, but Elliot only uses more power in retaliation; they eventually let go, and the locker hits Elliot in the head, killing him. The Misfits take the locker and the money in it to buy back their powers.



Introduced at the end of the first episode of the first series, Sally (Alex Reid) is the fiancée of the now deceased probation worker, Tony. A social worker herself, she moves into Tony's vacated position. She suspects that the Misfits are involved in Tony's disappearance and it is strongly indicated that she leaves threatening messages in Curtis' and Nathan's lockers. It is also revealed that she has been contacting Simon over the internet under the alias 'Shygirl18'. In the fourth episode of the first series she actively searches their lockers, finding Tony's credit card in Simon's. In the next episode, she fakes an interest in Simon in order to find evidence that the Misfits are involved in Tony's death, but Simon rejects her suggestion that he should turn the other Misfits in, proclaiming they are the only friends he has. Simon accidentally kills her when he throws her against a door as they violently fight each other, but cannot seem to let go of her, as he keeps her corpse in a freezer in the community centre, visiting it often.

In the first episode of the second series, Simon notices a policeman talking to his new probation worker. Using his power of invisibility, he eavesdrops in on the conversation and realises that he needs to dispose of Sally's body, since a search is to be conducted. While sneaking her out, under a sheet in a wheelbarrow, he is confronted by the other Misfits, and tells them what happened. By the end of the episode, the Misfits, wrap her in blankets, row out to the middle of the canal, and dump her weighted body into the water.


Introduced in the first episode of the first series, Gary (Josef Altin) was the sixth member of the community service group. It is unknown why he was sentenced to do community service, but it is clear that he is very short tempered and aggressive; he is easily aggravated by Nathan and physically threatens him, and he kicks over a bucket of paint after accidentally smearing some on his hat. He is not caught up in the storm that grants the Misfits superpowers, as he remains indoors to clean his hat. He is the first victim of Tony's rage, hacked to death with an axe in a toilet cubicle, and his body is later found by Curtis, stuffed into a locker. His body is buried by the Misfits, along with Tony's. In the alternate future Curtis creates in the fourth episode of the first series, he is still dead, and his photo is present on the memorial stand.


Ben (Jamie Davis) is a probation worker introduced in the third episode of the first series, who sets the group the task of sorting clothes. Ben falls victim to Alisha's power when she uses him, following an argument with Curtis. Afterwards, Ben feels embarrassed about the experience, explaining that he cannot remember how it happened; Alisha remains silent. Later in the episode, Alisha again goes off with Ben, once again to make Curtis jealous. She accidentally touches both him and Curtis (who has followed them), creating an uncomfortable scene between the three, before she runs away.


Introduced in the fourth episode of the first series, Sam (Anna Koval) is the former girlfriend of Curtis, who took the blame for him and was sent to prison for possessing drugs. Sam is visibly upset by his involvement with Alisha when, newly released from jail, she surprises him during Community Payback. When Curtis alters history to prevent Sam initially being arrested, spurring a series of increasingly disastrous temporal revisions, including a timeline where all the Misfits except Nathan (due to his at the time unknown power of immortality) are killed due to Curtis' absence, she once again returns to the community centre, yet under the assumption they are in a relationship. Despite his own unwillingness to hurt her, Curtis breaks up with her due to his new feelings for Alisha. It is unknown (but unlikely) if Sam was affected by the storm.


Shaun, played by Craig Parkinson, is a probation worker who replaces Sally's position in the second series. He has a very relaxed, somewhat bored attitude towards the group, and although he seems to understand when they are lying to him, he doesn't let it bother him if it happens beyond his working hours, at which point he washes his hands of all responsibility and goes home - very different from Sally's no-nonsense attitude. He is also not worried by the fact that the last two probation workers have disappeared. The Misfits unintentionally kill him when they assume that he is the disguised Lucy, but Curtis is able to undo the event. It is unknown if he has been affected by the storm. In the second series' finale he overhears Nathan, Curtis and Simon talking about their superpowers, and sells them out to the media before leaving the country; this timeline is undone when Curtis rewinds time to stop Brian- the first person to go public- from killing the rest of the group, resulting in the Misfits' contact with Shaun simply ending when their community service stops.


Appearing in the second episode of the second series, Jamie (Sam Keeley) is Nathan's half brother, conceived when Nathan's father had an affair during his marriage to Nathan's mother. Initially jealous of Nathan in the belief that he had a better relationship with their father, Jamie hit his father with a toaster and dumped him in a car boot while he went to 'confront' Nathan, only for the two to end up bonding during the subsequent meeting. Later that night, Jamie joined the group- along with Lily, a bartender at the pub Nathan and Jamie had visited earlier- at a nightclub, but the pills he gave the group resulted in their powers being temporarily inverted; Kelly was unable to stop herself saying what she was thinking, Alisha's power inspired loathing rather than lust in those she touched, Curtis 'flash-forwarded' rather than going back in time, Simon attracted attention rather than turning invisible, and the ice-generating Lily accidentally burnt Jamie and herself to death while the two had sex and the car they were in exploded. As an apparent side-effect of Nathan's power of immortality, he was able to see Jamie's 'spirit' after his death. Jamie encouraged Nathan to spend time repairing his relationship with his father before he vanished with Lily's spirit, the two now apparently in a relationship (He mouthed "I'm fucking her" as he left).


Introduced in the fifth episode of the second series, Jessica, played by Zawe Ashton, is a girl at the community centre who was organising a charity run after her mother's death from cancer. Nathan initially sees her changing after a run in the community centre, but begins to suspect her of more violent behaviour when he is subsequently murdered in the toilet (Although the lights being turned off prevents him seeing the guilty party). When Jessica begins to express an interest in Simon, Nathan grows increasingly concerned about Simon, particularly after he sees Jessica talking with someone else and the boy subsequently falls dead with a slit throat. During Nathan and Alisha's attempt to 'prove' her role in the deaths, the body of the previously murdered victim vanishes while Jessica is having a drink with Simon, causing Simon to conclude that they are lying. When the Misfits are attending a fancy dress party, it is revealed that Jessica's father is the one committing the murders to 'protect' his daughter; he attempts to kill Simon, but ends up killing someone wearing the same costume as Simon by mistake. While Jessica and Simon sneak off to have sex in a toilet- Jessica revealing that she is a virgin, most likely due to her father's overprotective nature- they are caught by her father in the aftermath, who attempts to kill Simon before Alisha stops him by hitting him in the head with a fire extinguisher. Jessica then ends the relationship because of her recently jailed father.


Marnie (Gwyneth Keyworth) is a Welsh girl whom Nathan meets during the Christmas special in the community centre. She is heavily pregnant at the time. They quickly strike up a connection and frequently have sex throughout the episode. It is unknown if she has a power. She does not know the identity of the father of her child, and Nathan is adamant about being there for Marnie and the baby, even giving her the money he receives from selling his power. Towards the end of the episode, she gives birth in the community centre, surrounded by the Misfits, who attempt to help her deliver the baby. Afterwards, in a scene reminiscent of the Nativity of Jesus, Nathan leads the group in singing Little Donkey to the baby before placing him in a manger, although he ruins the moment by stomping on the afterbirth in a panic after Marnie releases it.


  1. ^ YouTube - Nathan tribute (Video from Simon's official in-universe YouTube channel)