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List of Zoboomafoo episodes

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This is a list of episodes of the television series Zoboomafoo.


Season Episodes Originally aired (U.S. dates)
First aired Last aired
1 40 January 25, 1999 (1999-01-25) April 27, 2000 (2000-04-27)
2 25 October 3, 2000 (2000-10-03) November 21, 2001 (2001-11-21)

Season 1 (1999–2000)

Title [1] Overview [1][2][3] Release Date Mystery Animals
1 The Nose Knows (Series premiere) Thanks to his sensitive nose, a baby elephant named Toothbrush sniffs out Chris and Martin after they've been climbing around in a bat cave. After learning more about what an amazing tool his trunk is, they help him get back to his herd. Jackie spots a garter snake while mowing her backyard and decides to leave a patch of grass unmowed so it will have some shade to hide in. January 25, 1999 Elephant
2 Eye Spy After admiring the camouflaged coats and amazing night vision of two visiting black jaguar cubs, Martin and Chris build a pair of "Eye-Spy goggles"—a contraption that lets them see the world as various animals do. Jackie replants the evergreen that was her Christmas tree and decorates it with apples and popcorn for the birds. January 26, 1999 Black Jaguar Cub
3 Dinosaurs While the brothers are building a model of a dinosaur they call the "Martinandchrisaurus," Zoboo tells them he thinks he saw a dinosaur on his way to Animal Junction. The mystery creature turns out to be a monitor lizard. Jackie breaks open a pellet from an owl's stomach to see its prey's bones and fur inside, then runs into the Kratts while visiting the Royal Ontario Museum to see dinosaur bones. January 27, 1999 Monitor Lizard
4 Who's In the Hole A flying squirrel glides into Animal Junction in search of a hole to live in. Chris, Martin and Zoboo are glad to help, but find out a lot of the holes in Animal Junction already have occupants. Who knew that so many creatures lived in holes? But why not? Whether they're in the ground, in rocks or in a tree, holes are perfect homes, safe and warm for foxes, snakes, rabbits, prairie dogs, porcupines, and flying squirrels. Jackie spots a man just about to cut down a dead tree. She stops him and explains that owls, squirrels and raccoons live in tree holes, even if the tree is dead. The man decides it's better to leave the tree standing. January 28, 1999 Flying Squirrel
5 Happy Lemur Day Animal Junction becomes Lemur Central when friends of Zoboo's, two ring tail lemurs, come for a visit. Zoboo is stunned to hear that most people don't know what a lemur is. But Martin and Chris have a great idea to set the record straight when they declare an international creature holiday, Lemur Day, a celebration of all things lemur. There's even a special Lemur Day cake. A black and white ruffed lemur, some ring tail lemurs, and Zoboo's parents join the party. Jackie tells the guys about a creature rescue. She saw a water turtle and a land turtle heading for a busy road but managed to relocate them to a safer place: a pond for the water turtle and the forest for the land turtle. January 29, 1999 Ring-Tailed Lemurs
6 Swimming A couple of river otters arrive at Animal Junction and the gang gets in the swim of things. Everybody's swimming in the Junction: black jaguars, soft-shelled turtles, African penguins, capybaras, Kratts, and even Zoboo! Since otters love to slide almost as much as they like to swim, the gang builds a slide into the big pond, so the otters can do both. Jackie and her dog Goldie both love swimming in MudPuppy pond. Swimming is great exercise and it's an easy way to get Goldie to take a bath. Plus, swimming at MudPuppy Pond means swimming with all kinds of amazing water creatures. February 1, 1999 River Otters
7 Slimy Buddies Chris, Martin and Zoboo can't get enough of slime after four affectionate St. Bernard puppies lick them. All that licking means that the puppies like them. The St. Bernards are the gang's slimy buddies. More slimy buddies arrive in the form of a giant bullfrog, a Pacman frog, and a Budgetts frog. Frogs need slime to keep them from drying out. Salamanders do, too. Earthworms have slime that helps them slide through tunnels in the ground. Slime is great! Chris, Martin and Zoboo build a slime shower, so they can be slimy, too. Jackie and the Animal Helpers are raking up dead leaves and putting them into the pond to make MudPuppy Pond an even slimier home for mudpuppy salamanders. Mudpuppies are Jackie's favorite slimy buddies. February 2, 1999 African Bullfrog
8 Snow Day It's the snowstorm of the century and Martin and Chris race into Animal Junction to find Zoboo waiting for them. The arrival of one cold macaque, a Japanese snow monkey, gets the gang trying to figure out how exactly to warm up their visitor. Jackie and the Animal Helpers are shoveling a path in the deep snow for animals that have a hard time maneuvering through it. February 3, 1999 Japanese Macaque
9 Night Time A camp out in Animal Junction gives the gang a chance to discover all of the nocturnal animals around. There's a lot of creatures who sleep during the day and are awake at night. Amazing creatures like binturongs, raccoons, owls, ringtails, and dormice are all perfectly suited for living the night life. Inspired, Zoboo claims he's going to stay up all night, but he falls asleep in seconds. The Kratts try to sleep but Animal Junction's too noisy, so Martin and Chris take a night hike to see who else is awake. Jackie loves the weekend because sometimes her parents let her stay up late and watch for night creatures. By sitting quietly and waiting, she's able to watch the family of raccoons who lives in the forest behind her house. Cool creatures you can only see at night. February 4, 1999 Binturong
10 Climbing There are a lot of climbing creatures and they all have different features that help them climb. A tree frog has sticky pads on its feet, a spider has eight legs, and a kinkajou has a prehensile tail that she uses like a fifth arm when climbing through a tree. When a playful band of coatis turns up at Animal Junction, the gang marvels at how sharp claws and a long tail helps a coati climb trees with the greatest of ease. Coatis are better climbers than Kratts because they're built for it. Jackie and the Animal Helpers rescue a climber-in-training, a kitten who's stuck up in a tree. He knew how to climb up, but he's too afraid to climb down. February 5, 1999 Coatis
11 Fierce Creatures The arrival of Arctic wolf cubs has Zoboo feeling really wolf-ish. Zoboo knows that wolves aren't fierce creatures; in fact, he wants to join the wolf pack, so Chris and Martin teach him the wolf basics. After quick lessons in howling, hunting and the pecking order of the pack, Zoboo's all set to leave with the pack, until he finds out that the barren Arctic is very different from sunny Madagascar. Zoboo doesn't want to live in a world without mangoes... or Kratts, so he says goodbye to his pack mates. Jackie rescues a spider that's stranded in a friend's bathtub. She lays a towel over the side of the tub so that the spider has a surface that she can climb out on. February 8, 1999 Arctic Wolves
12 Homes When a beaver gnaws his way through Animal Junction, Chris, Martin and Zoboo realize that he's looking for wood so he can build his dam. A creature's home provides shelter from bad weather and protection from predators, so the beaver's dam is important business. So important that Chris and Martin don't mind that the beaver has "borrowed" one of their canoe paddles to use in his dam. Jackie knows how important creature homes are, that's why she and the Animal Helpers are building enclosed nestboxes for Eastern bluebirds. February 9, 1999 Beaver
13 Puppies The discovery of a litter of eight puppies turns Chris, Martin, and Zoboo into puppysitters. When one of the puppies and a calf both wander off from their mothers, everyone at Animal Junction learns how important it is to keep a close watch on babies. February 10, 1999 Puppies
14 Tracks Martin and Chris follow the tracks of a lynx through the snow, and Jackie works on protecting her bird feeder from marauding squirrels. February 11, 1999 Lynx
15 Fling A visiting white-fronted capuchin monkey earns the nickname "Fling" because of his love for throwing things around. While walking him home, the Kratts see several other troops of monkeys. Jackie tries making a terrarium as a home for a frog she found at MudPuppy Pond, but decides he'd be happier in the wild after all. February 12, 1999 White-Fronted Capuchin
16 Itchy Things get uncomfortable when "the itch" turns up at Animal Junction. The itch drives everyone wild with itchiness, including the lion cubs who can't stop scratching themselves. Martin, Chris and Zoboo catalogue the various things that make creatures itchy, like fleas and poison ivy, and try all the known itch remedies: scratching like mad, mud, dust and water baths. It's no use, they can't shake "the itch." Not even a new Kratt contraption, the Scratching Machine, can tackle this mighty itch. Sometimes you have an itch, you don't know why and no matter what you do, you can't get rid of it. Jackie's busy picking burrs out of her dog's fur. They went for a walk in the woods, which was a lot of fun, but Goldie came back full of itchy burrs, which is no fun at all. Burrs removed, Goldie is happy again. February 15, 1999 Lion Cubs
17 Ears Hear There are all kinds of creature ears but they all do the same thing: ears hear. Chris, Martin and Zoboo discover rabbits, a bloodhound and her litter of five puppies, springhares, and fox kits, all creatures with incredible hearing. Toothbrush, the baby elephant stops by for a visit. His hearing might not be as good as a bloodhound's, but his ears are still great. Martin and Chris wonder what it's like to hear like these creatures, so they build a new Kratt-contraption, Super Ear Sensors. But there's so much to hear in Animal Junction, the Super Ear Sensors can't take the volume and overheat. Martin and Chris take a trip to visit an aye-aye and see how he finds his dinner with his ears. Jackie builds a fence to protect fox kits from the road. Foxes have incredible hearing! February 16, 1999 Bloodhound
18 Feeling Good When a porcupine comes to Animal Junction, the gang focuses on creature coats and how they feel. A porcupine has spiky quills for protection. A sheep has a thick wool coat for warmth. A lynx has soft fur and furry paws to help her live in the snowy cold. And a quick trip to a petting zoo drives the point home even more. Creatures have all kinds of coats, but every creature has the best coat for where ever he or she lives. Jackie does a turn as a duck-crossing guard. She helps herd ducklings across the road to the safety of MudPuppy Pond. After she scoops the last one across, she nuzzles into the duckling's soft coat. February 17, 1999 Porcupine
19 Running After meeting an emu—a bird that can't fly but runs fast—the Kratts try running like various other creatures: sideways like a crab, across tree branches like a fisher, up walls like a gecko, and superfast like a cheetah. February 18, 1999 Emu
20 Animal Daycare An influx of babies needing care, including lynx and bobcat kittens, a coatis and a young ring-tailed lemur, keeps Martin and Chris from getting any rest. Jackie and the Animal Helpers rescue a baby bird who's fallen out of his nest. February 19, 1999 Lynx and Bobcat Kittens
21 Giants When three capybaras arrive for a visit, Zoboo's amazed to find out that these water creatures are giant rodents. Martin turns into a giant to get some leaves for Zoboo, and when they are playing with their tiger friend, Popper, she popped all the balls in Animal Junction. The gang discovers the world is full of giants, great and small. February 22, 1999 Capybara
22 Pets The gang has their hands full when the Animal Helpers drop their pets off to be looked after by Chris, Martin and Zoboo. The Junction's crawling with guinea pigs, hamsters, ducklings, cats, dogs, a calf, a hermit crab and ducklings. Zoboo thinks that taking care of 12 pets will be a piece of cake, but he quickly realizes his error. Jackie and the Animal Helpers release into the wild a raccoon that they have raised. June 21, 1999 Calf
23 Bears Chris, Martin and Zoboo care for a young black bear cub who arrives at Animal Junction alone. Another black bear -- an adult male -- arrives and devours all of the snacks. Martin, Chris and Zoboo try to eat as much as the bear, but since they can't come close, they realize that this bear is preparing for his long winter's nap. The Kratts help the adult bear find a suitable resting spot. June 22, 1999 Black Bear Cub
24 Lids Chris and Martin devise a plan to attract a pair of African crown cranes to Animal Junction. Chris can't wait to get a closer look at these amazing creatures with the feathery crests on the top of their heads. Imagine their surprise when some other creatures with cool lids, goats and sheep, turn up instead. Zoboo and the Kratts discover horns come in handy! The crown cranes do finally arrive, so the gang can examine their showy head crest, which help them attract their mates. Jackie admires the beautiful sets of antennae on a banana slug and luna moth. June 23, 1999 Goat and Sheep
25 Great Singers Animal Junction is alive with the sound of creature songs, so the gang is excited when a kookaburra flies in. But excitement turns to disappointment when this great singer refuses to sing. Zoboo decides that he can figure out how to get the bird to sing, and with some help from Martin and Chris, he does. Jackie and the Animal Helpers are busy applying hawk silhouettes to the windows of Jackie's house. June 24, 1999 Kookaburra
26 Playtime For the Kratts, playtime is fun time, but for creatures, playtime is practice for all the things they need to know to survive. So when lion cubs, several kittens and ducklings come to play, Martin, Chris and Zoboo are ready for them. Jackie and the Animal Helpers play frisbee with a very willing dog. June 25, 1999 Serval Kittens
27 Fast and Slow With the help of a cheetah and a snail, Martin and Chris show Zoboo the difference between fast and slow animals. Then they play with a chameleon and discover that some animals are fast at some times but slow at other times. June 28, 1999 Cheetah
28 Horses A young Belgian colt follows a trail of oats that Chris unwittingly left in his wake as he and Martin carried food supplies to Animal Junction. The appearance of the colt and then his mother gets Chris, Martin and Zoboo talking about horsetails, hooves and different breeds of horses. Jackie tells the guys that she's helping horses by cleaning up their meadow. June 29, 1999 Foal
29 Bathtime Things get messy when three muddy dogs descend upon Animal Junction. To make matters worse, Martin gets coated in mud too, so now there are four creatures in serious need of a bath. Jackie is busy filling up her birdbath with water so that birds have a place to drink and to splash around. June 30, 1999 Border Collie, English Sheepdog and Jack Russell Terrier
30 Jumpers From kangaroos to frogs, the "jumpers" of the wild are given free rein at Animal Junction. As these animals display their jumping prowess, the resident "jumper," Zoboomafoo watches the Kratt brothers try and compete with these great animals. July 1, 1999 Kangaroo
31 Funny Faces Funny faces pop up everywhere, from Animal Junction to the wild. Moose, pigs, bats, and others stop by to strut their stuff and make fun faces for the camera. July 2, 1999 Moose
32 Spots and Stripes When the brothers decide to paint Animal Junction, Zoboo suggests tiger stripes and serval and Dalmatian spots. But when Zoboo gets a little carried away with the painting, Martin and Chris end up blending in with the newly painted room—thus demonstrating the camouflage effect spots or stripes can have. After cleaning up, the brothers set out to find as many striped and spotted animals as they can. September 6, 1999 Siberian Tiger Cub
33 Sand Creatures A sandstorm has buried Animal Junction in sand, which is perfect for the meerkats, scorpion and camel that stop by for a visit. Zoboo, Chris and Martin explain how each of these creatures is suited for living in a dry, desert climate. Jackie walks along the beach looking for shells, but she doesn't take any with her because some of these shells are homes to the hermit crab. She decides to build a beautiful sand castle for her crab friends instead. September 7, 1999 Meerkats
34 Water Creatures When two African penguins stop by Animal Junction, Zoboo, Chris and Martin talk about water creatures. Even though penguins are birds, they swim instead of flying. But these penguins aren't swimming! Finally, they realize it's because the pool water is too warm for them. But when the water is chilled with ice cubes, there's no stopping the penguins! Jaguars love to swim, too, and the Kratts play ball in the big pond with a black jaguar who stops by. Jackie has a new goldfish named Sunny, who is also sensitive about water temperature. To keep from shocking Sunny, Jackie puts his bag into the aquarium until the water in the bag is the same temperature as the aquarium. September 8, 1999 Penguins
35 Who's In the Egg? Rhode Island Red chicks hatch at Animal Junction, but Zoboo, Martin and Chris don't have any idea what's inside a strange egg they find in the nest. The guys are surprised to discover it's a baby alligator, which they take home to mom. Jackie and the Animal Helpers protect salmon eggs so tiny and delicate they can easily break if the water around them is disturbed by making sure people cross the stream away from the salmon eggs. September 9, 1999 Chickens
36 Hail to Tails A kinkajou comes to hang out in Animal Junction. Her prehensile tail -- a grabber the kinkajou uses to swing through the trees and hop on the ground -- takes center stage. Creatures use their tails for all kinds of things, and Chris and Martin decide to create supertails that combine all the best elements of creature tails. Jackie visits a litter of newborn kittens, who are cute and cuddly, but must be picked up gently by placing hands around their stomachs. September 10, 1999 Kinkajou
37 Cats It's kitten pandemonium when all kinds of kittens turn Animal Junction upside down. An overwhelmed Zoboo, Martin and Chris try to take care of these curious creatures but quickly realize that they're in over their heads. Luckily, the cavalry rides to the rescue when the mother cats arrive to take control of the situation. The guys wonder if wild cats are similar to house cats and go to see if lions and cougars purr. Jackie is busy brushing her cat Rapunzel, a great way to show her cat that she cares for her. Plus, birds and squirrels love the loose fur for padding their nests. April 24, 2000 Kittens
38 The Four F's Creature coats are the key to keeping animals warm in cold weather. Zoboo, Chris and Martin realize that animals beat the cold with the four F's: fur, feathers and fat and in the case of otters fun. But what happens when the weather warms up? Ernie the camel comes to Animal Junction looking for a good scratching post to help him shed his winter coat for summer since he won't need it when it's hot outside. Jackie brushes her dog, Goldy, to help her take off her heavy winter coat. Dogs and cats love being brushed and it feels good to lose that extra hair. Jackie knits a small sweater from the hair she brushed out of Goldy. April 25, 2000 Camel
39 Stinky In the creature world, different smells mean different things. When a skunk visits the gang at Animal Junction, Zoboo, Martin and Chris discover the difference between a "come-here" smell and a "go away" smell. They also visit with a mink, a creature that scent-marks to let other creatures know that it has passed by. Chris decides to make a Chris scent so he can scent-mark Animal Junction. Jackie gives her friend's dog a bath in tomato juice to get rid of a gift from a skunk that didn't want to play with her. April 26, 2000 Skunk
40 Bzzz Animal Junction goes buggy, and Zoboo, Chris and Martin start to think that these tiny critters are nature's little superstars. Insects and spiders are amazing athletes: quick-leaping grasshoppers, far-flying butterflies, super-strong ants, heavily armored beetles and plenty more. Bugs have to be quick because lots of other creatures like to eat them. But if bugs disappeared, a lot of other creatures would disappear too. That's why the Kratts always say, "Be nice to bugs." Chris and Martin get a bug's eye perspective when they shrink down to insect size and find out that it's no picnic being an ant. Some kids stomp on ants, but Jackie's there to stop them, explaining how cool ants and their underground homes are, far too cool to stomp on. April 27, 2000 Bugs

Season 2 (2000–01)

Title [1] Overview [1][2][3] Release Date Mystery Animals
41 Green Creatures Zoboo realizes that plants and trees are as alive as all the creatures he meets in Animal Junction. The Kratt Brothers teach the lemur that plants grow well if they get good soil, lots of sunlight and enough water. And there are plenty of creatures willing to help plants flourish, including Toothbrush the elephant, Popcorn the binturong and a whole family of sloths. When Martin and Chris follow Popcorn to India, they visit a 2,000-year-old fortress, where green creatures like vines and plants are taking over the site. October 3, 2000 Lime
42 Brain Power The Kratt Brothers and Zoboo put their heads together with Braniac the really intelligent chimpanzee and build an "Invisibility Machine." They meet some other animals with great brains including elephants and crows and discover that all creatures are smart in their own ways. October 10, 2000 Chimpanzee
43 Bovine A cow and her calf wander into Animal Junction and Zoboo decides he better help them find their herd. Martin and Chris tell their lemur pal that cows are bovines, and they have special second stomachs to digest the grass they eat. After giving the cows a feast, Zoboo figures out a way to bring the whole herd to the cow and the calf. October 17, 2000 Cow and Calf
44 Snakebellies Zoboo and the Kratt Brothers find a snakeskin but it doesn't fit the anaconda in the pool, the rattlesnake sunning itself by the window or even the Burmese python. Finally, Zoboo discovers the owner-a trans-pecos rat snake! October 24, 2000 Amazon Tree Boa
45 Humans Zoboo is curious about what it's like to be human and a whole class of kindergarten kids arrives in Animal Junction to help him out. There are a few differences, but Zoboo discovers that children and lemurs are a lot alike. October 31, 2000 Kids
46 Zoboo the Super Lemur Inspired by a comic book hero, Zoboo becomes a Super Lemur with a little assistance from Muscles and Muscley, two black bear cubs. After Zoboo rescues some kittens with the help from a giraffe, the Kratt Brothers travel to India to find other heroes in the creature world. November 7, 2000 Black Bear Cubs
47 Pop Goes the Tiger Popper the Tiger and her sister arrive in Animal Junction and pounce and pop on every ball in sight as they practice their hunting skills. An effort to make an indestructible superball sends Zoboo and the Kratt Brothers to a place where tigers live-India. November 14, 2000 Tiger
48 Powerhouse When a snow leopard and Toothbrush the elephant come to Animal Junction, Zoboo is afraid that he will never be a powerhouse like these two creatures until he realizes every creature is a powerhouse in its own way – and discovers his very own power. November 21, 2000 Snow Leopard
49 Talk to Me With the help of the Kratt Brothers and Toothbrush the elephant, Zoboo learns how animals communicate with each other. While Zoboo does his best to answer all of the letters sent in by kids, Martin and Chris go to India to find out how animals talk to each other in the wild. November 28, 2000 Elephant
50 Flying Buddies After meeting a flying fox fruit bat, Zoboo wants to fly, too, so the Kratt Brothers build him a pair of wings. Zoboo flies to India with Martin and Chris right behind. On the way, they meet vultures and learn some lessons about flight. February 6, 2001 Flying Fox Bat
51 Creature Neighbors It's treasure hunt time in Animal Junction for the Kratt Brothers, Zoboo and all of their creature neighbors. With the help of two fox kits, Zoboo locates the first piece of the puzzle leading them to the treasure … but will they find the treasure itself? February 13, 2001 Red Fox Kits
52 Buddies Martin and Chris are buddies and Zoboo wants a special friend he can depend on as well. He meets a clown fish and a sea anemone, some sloths, langur monkeys and chital deer. At last, he finds his own best buddy - Shark, the chameleon. February 20, 2001 Clownfish and Sea Anemone
53 Can You Feel It? Brainiac, the chimp, and Lost and Found, the Labrador retriever would love to do something fun together. Zoboo first advises going to the pool but Brainiac is sad because she doesn't like to swim. Next Zoboo suggests climbing and swinging all over Animal Junction but this idea makes Lost and Found sad. At last Zoboo comes up with a game they can both play-chasing after balls. Martin and Chris go on a special trip and fall into a river, where they discover an elephant who is delighted to have a bunch of children give him a bath. Animals have feelings, just like people-they just have different ways of showing them. February 27, 2001 Chimpanzee
54 Fearfest A big thunderstorm hits Animal Junction and animals are headed for cover and Zoboo sees something frightening in the dark. But the scary creatures are just grizzly bear cubs! Martin and Chris tell their lemur friend all about grizzlies and other animals that seem scary – but really aren't. March 6, 2001 Grizzly Bear Cubs
55 Superclaw Zoboo wants to climb like some visiting kinkajous so the Kratt Brothers create special "Superclaws" for Zoboo to wear. After falling off vines, Zoboo realizes that his own claws – nails really – are just right for a lemur and other creatures have claws just perfect for them. March 13, 2001 Kinkajous
56 Grow, Zoboo, Grow The Kratt Brothers are taking care of a human baby and a baby red kangaroo, and Zoboo wants to help the two babies grow. Martin and Chris show Zoboomafoo that all creatures grow, but to do so they need rest, food and play. March 20, 2001 Red Kangaroo
57 Don't Fence Me In Zoboo decides he wants to live in Animal Junction and tries to get a wolverine to live with him. March 27, 2001 Wolverine
58 Families When a baby African pygmy hedgehog comes to Animal Junction, Zoboo, tries to find the right family for her to live with. The Kratt Brothers explain that there are all different kinds of creature families, and they finally find the perfect family for the baby hedgehog. November 12, 2001 Hedgehog
59 H2O The pond in Animal Junction has dried up and two lion cubs and all the animals who live there are thirsty! As water is essential to the animal world, Zoboo does the Malagasy (Madagascar) rain dance and the rain finally starts. The Kratt Brothers take a trip to Africa to check out some amazing water creatures. November 13, 2001 Lion Cubs
60 Crocodilian The Kratt Brothers build a time machine and decide to investigate crocodilians, like the American alligator and caiman, but almost get stranded in the Jurassic period with a hungry T-Rex! November 14, 2001 American Alligator
61 Hot and Cold A gila monster (hot) and a snow leopard (cold) come to Animal Junction. So Zoboo and Kratt Brothers make Animal Junction hot and cold. November 15, 2001 Gila Monster
62 Armor Zoboo thinks that if he had armor, like his new African crested porcupine friends, he would be safe as he leapt from place to place. After some unsuccessful armor experimentation with the Kratt Brothers, he realizes that his eyes, ears and brain are the best protection he can have. November 16, 2001 African Crested Porcupines
63 Ants and Eaters When an anteater shows up, Zoboo worries that it will eat a colony of ants living in Animal Junction. He tries to broker a peace agreement between the creatures. Zoboo learns that even though anteaters need ants to survive, ants have many ways of protecting themselves from anteaters. Predation is part of life in the creature world and every creature has what she needs to survive. November 19, 2001 Giant Anteater
64 World of Legs Zoboo spies a larva and wonders what kind of legs this animal will have once it grows. Will it have strong legs like a tiger, fast legs like a cheetah, hundreds of legs like a millipede or jumpy ones like a kangaroo? When the larva finally transforms into a salamander, its legs are like nothing Zoboo imagined they would be! November 20, 2001 Tiger Salamander Larva
65 Messy and Clean (Series finale) It's time to clean out the closet but the more Zoboo tries to help, the bigger the mess he makes! No sooner is everything back in its place, than some European wild boars and a capuchin monkey mess everything up again. Zoboo has lots of fun learning how messy and clean means different things to different animals. November 21, 2001 Wild Boar and Piglets


  1. ^ a b c d "tv.com" Retrieved on 2010-01-08.
  2. ^ a b "KET Zoboomafoo descriptions" Retrieved on 2010-01-08.
  3. ^ a b "TVO past episodes" Retrieved on 2010-01-18.