List of companies based in Newcastle upon Tyne
Newcastle upon Tyne is home to the British or regional headquarters of:
- Be-Ro
- Bellway
- Fenwick
- Formica Corporation
- Go-Ahead Group
- Goldsmiths
- Grainger Games
- Greggs
- Newcastle Building Society
- Palringo
- Parkdean Holidays
- The Sage Group
- Start Fitness
- Virgin Money
Companies with other bases of significant importance in Newcastle
- BAE Systems (Vickers Armstrong works, Scotswood Road)
- British Airways (offices in Benwell and Scotswood)
- Convergys (main UK site in Quorum Business Park, circa 800 employees)
- Department for Work and Pensions
- Eutechnyx
- Inland Revenue (National Insurance Contributions Office)
- Orange (offices/call centre in Wallsend)
- Npower
- Ubisoft (Ubisoft Reflections studio)
Proctor and Gamble (Sites in long Benton, and Cobalt Business park)