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List of governments of Lithuania (1918–1940)

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The list gives the composition of the governments of the Republic of Lithuania from 1918 to 1940. During that period Lithuania was an independent republic. From 1918 to December 1926 it was a democracy and the governments were formed from members of various parties. After the coup of 1926, Lithuania was ruled by authoritarian Antanas Smetona and his party, the Lithuanian National Union. Only the last two governments included members from the opposition.

Sources sometimes give conflicting data about the ministers, especially from the early governments. That is because those governments were short-lived, formed during the time of war, and not well documented.


Ministry 1st Government
November 11, 1918
December 26, 1918
2nd Government
December 26, 1918
March 5, 1919
3rd Government
March 12, 1919
April 12, 1919
Prime Minister Augustinas Voldemaras Mykolas Sleževičius Pranas Dovydaitis
Foreign Affairs Augustinas Voldemaras
Internal Affairs Vladas Stašinskas Jonas Vileišis Aleksandras Stulginskis
Defense Augustinas Voldemaras[1] and Mykolas Velykis[2][3] Mykolas Velykis Antanas Merkys[4]
Justice Petras Leonas Liudas Noreika
Finance[5] Martynas Yčas
Commerce and Industry[6] Jonas Šimkus
Agriculture and State Resources Juozas Tūbelis Povilas Matulionis[7]
Education Jonas Yčas[4] Mykolas Biržiška Jonas Yčas
Provision and Public Work Vladas Stašinskas[3][8] Juozas Paknys[9] Aleksandras Stulginskis
Communications Matynas Yčas[3] Jonas Šimoliūnas[4]
Without Portfolio for Belarusian Affairs Juozapas Voronko
Without Portfolio for Jewish Affairs Jocob Wygodsky
Without Portfolio Aleksandras Stulginskis
Ministry 4th Government
April 12, 1919
October 2, 1919
5th Government
October 7, 1919
June 15, 1920
6th Government
June 19, 1920
January 18, 1922
Prime Minister Mykolas Sleževičius[10] Ernestas Galvanauskas Kazys Grinius
Foreign Affairs Augustinas Voldemaras Juozas Purickis, Vladas Jurgutis,[11] Petras Klimas,[12] and Vladas Jurgutis[13][14]
Internal Affairs Petras Leonas Eliziejus Draugelis Rapolas Skipitis
Defense Antanas Merkys and Povilas Žadeikis[3][15] Pranas Liatukas[4] Konstantinas Žukas and Jonas Šimkus[16]
Justice Liudas Noreika Vincas Karoblis
Finance[5] Jonas Vileišis Ernestas Galvanauskas
Commerce, and Industry[6] Jonas Šimkus  
Agriculture and State Resources Aleksandras Stulginskis Juozas Tūbelis[4] Jonas Aleksa
Education Juozas Tūbelis Kazys Bizauskas
Supply and Provision Steponas Kairys
Labor and Social Security Juozas Paknys
Communications Valdemaras Čarneckis Ernestas Galvanauskas[8]
Without Portfolio for Belarusian Affairs Juozapas Voronko Dominik Semashko
Without Portfolio for Jewish Affairs Max Soloveitzik
Without Portfolio Jokūbas Šernas
Ministry 7th Government
February 2, 1922
February 22, 1923
8th Government
February 22, 1923
June 28, 1923
9th Government
June 29, 1923
June 17, 1924
Prime Minister Ernestas Galvanauskas
Foreign Affairs Vladas Jurgutis and Ernestas Galvanauskas[17] Ernestas Galvanauskas
Internal Affairs Kazimieras Oleka Karolis Žalkauskas
Defense Balys Sližys
Justice Vincas Karoblis Antanas Tumėnas
Finance, Commerce, and Industry[18] Jonas Dobkevičius and Vytautas Petrulis[19] Vytautas Petrulis
Agriculture and State Resources[20] Jonas Aleksa Mykolas Krupavičius
Education Petras Juodakis Leonas Bistras
Communications Petras Vileišis Benediktas Tomaševičius Tomas Norus-Naruševičius
Without Portfolio for Belarusian Affairs Dominik Semashko[8] Ernestas Galvanauskas[8]
Without Portfolio for Jewish Affairs Max Soloveitzik till April 1922, then Julius Brutzkus[21] Bernard Naftal Friedman Simon Rosenbaum[22]
Ministry 10th Government
June 18, 1924
January 27, 1925
11th Government
February 4, 1925
September 19, 1925
12th Government
September 25, 1925
May 31, 1926
Prime Minister Antanas Tumėnas Vytautas Petrulis Leonas Bistras
Foreign Affairs Voldemaras Čarneckis Mečislovas Reinys and Leonas Bistras[23]
Internal Affairs Antanas Tumėnas[4] and Zigmas Starkus[24] Antanas Endziulaitis
Defense Teodoras Daukantas Leonas Bistras
Justice Antanas Tumėnas Vincas Karoblis
Finance Vytautas Petrulis Petras Karvelis
Agriculture and State Resources[25] Mykolas Krupavičius
Education Leonas Bistras Kazys Jokantas
Communications Balys Sližys
Ministry 13th Government
June 15, 1926
December 17, 1926
14th Government
December 17, 1926
September 19, 1929
15th Government
September 23, 1929
June 8, 1934
Prime Minister Mykolas Sleževičius Augustinas Voldemaras Juozas Tūbelis
Foreign Affairs Mykolas Sleževičius[8] Augustinas Voldemaras Juozas Tūbelis[8] and Dovas Zaunius[26]
Internal Affairs Vladas Požėla Ignas Musteikis Ignas Musteika, Petras Aravičius,[27] and Steponas Rusteika[28]
Defense Juozas Papečkys Antanas Merkys, Teodoras Daukantas,[29] and Augustinas Voldemaras[30] Jonas Variakojis and Balys Giedraitis[31]
Justice Mykolas Sleževičius Stasys Šilingas and Aleksandras Žilinskas[32] Aleksandras Žilinskas
Finance Albinas Rimka Petras Karvelis and Juozas Tūbelis[33] Juozas Tūbelis
Agriculture Jurgis Kirkščiūnas Jonas Aleksa
Education Vincas Čepinskis Leonas Bistras and Kostantinas Šakenis[33] Konstantinas Šakenis
Communications Benediktas Tomaševičius[4] Juozas Jankevičius, Stasys Čiurlionis,[34] and Jonas Variakojis[35] Vytautas Vileišis
Ministry 16th Government
June 12, 1934
September 6, 1935
17th Government
September 6, 1935
March 24, 1938
18th Government
March 24, 1938
December 5, 1938
Prime Minister Juozas Tūbelis Vladas Mironas
Foreign Affairs Stasys Lozoraitis
Internal Affairs Steponas Rusteika Julius Čaplikas Silvestras Leonas
Defense Petras Šniukšta Petras Šniukšta and Stasys Dirmantas[36] Stasys Raštikis[8]
Justice Stasys Šilingas Boleslovas Masiulis and Vladas Stašinskas[37]
Finance Juozas Tūbelis Julius Indrišiūnas
Agriculture Jonas Aleksa Stasys Putvinskis Juozas Tūbelis and Vladas Mironas[38]
Education Juozas Tonkūnas
Communications Jokūbas Stanišauskas
Ministry 19th Government
December 5, 1938
March 27, 1939
20th Government
March 28, 1939
November 21, 1939
21st Government
November 21, 1939
June 15, 1940
Prime Minister Vladas Mironas Jonas Černius Antanas Merkys
Foreign Affairs Juozas Urbšys
Internal Affairs Silvestras Leonas Kazys Skučas
Defense Kazys Musteikis
Justice Jonas Gudauskis Antanas Tamošaitis
Finance Julius Indrišiūnas Jonas Sutkus Ernestas Galvanauskas
Agriculture Juozas Skaisgiris Jurgis Krikščiūnas Juozas Audėnas
Education Juozas Tonkūnas Leonas Bistras Kazys Jokantas
Communications Kazys Germanas Jonas Mailiūnas


  1. ^ To December 19, 1919
  2. ^ From December 24, 1918
  3. ^ a b c d There is conflicting data about this minister. In this case Banevičius (1991) was followed.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g Held the title of Director
  5. ^ a b During the 1st, 5th, and 6th Governments, was named Ministry of Finance, Commerce, and Industry
  6. ^ a b During the 1st, 5th, and 6th Governments, was part of Ministry of Finance, Commerce, and Industry
  7. ^ Held the title of Deputy Minister
  8. ^ a b c d e f g Acting
  9. ^ Acting Director
  10. ^ Also acting Minister of Foreign Affairs
  11. ^ Acting, from June 19, 1921
  12. ^ Acting, from December 20, 1921
  13. ^ From January 1, 1922
  14. ^ There is conflicting data about this minister. In this case Lietuva (2008) was followed.
  15. ^ Acting, from August 21, 1919
  16. ^ From April 7 or 11, 1921
  17. ^ From September 28, 1922
  18. ^ Renamed to Ministry of Finance after the 8th Government
  19. ^ From August 21, 1922
  20. ^ Renamed to Ministry of Agriculture during the 9th Government
  21. ^ Gitelman, Zvi Y. (2003). The emergence of modern Jewish politics: Bundism and Zionism in Eastern Europe. Univ of Pittsburgh Press. p. 275. ISBN 978-0-8229-4188-0. Retrieved 2009-11-07.
  22. ^ Resigned on February 12, 1924; Chancery closed on March 19, 1924
  23. ^ From April 21, 1926
  24. ^ From July 8, 1924
  25. ^ Renamed just to Ministry of Agriculture during the 11th and 12th Governments
  26. ^ From November 8, 1929
  27. ^ From November 30, 1929
  28. ^ From April 1, 1931
  29. ^ From August 9, 1927
  30. ^ Acting, from November 22, 1928
  31. ^ From June 27, 1930
  32. ^ From February 4, 1928
  33. ^ a b From May 3, 1927
  34. ^ Director, from May 3, 1927 to February 4, 1928. Minister, from February 4, 1928
  35. ^ Director, from November 22, 1928
  36. ^ From November 1, 1935
  37. ^ From October 1, 1938
  38. ^ Acting, from October 1, 1938
