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List of numismatic collections

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Numismatic Collections

Many history and cultural museums have large numismatic collections (coins, money, and tokens). Some museums are specifically dedicated to the history of money or coins, while others have major collections amongst other material. Many small museums often have important collections of coins from their local area or important archaeological sites.

Major Collections of World Numismatics by Size

  1. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA - 1,600,000 objects [1]
  2. State Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia - 1,125,000 objects [2]
  3. British Museum, London, England - 1,000,000 objects [3]
  4. American Numismatic Society, New York City, USA - 800,000 objects [4]
  5. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria - 700,000 objects [5]
  6. Kungliga Myntkabinettet, Stockholm, Sweden - 600,000 objects [6]
  7. Numismatic Museum of Athens, Athens, Greece - 600,000 objects [7]
  8. Cabinet des Médailles, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France - 555,000 objects [8]
  9. Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen, Museumsinsel, Berlin, Germany - 500,000 objects [9] http://www.smb.museum/museen-und-einrichtungen/muenzkabinett/home.html
  10. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England - 333,000 objects [10]
  11. Münzkabinett, Dresden, Germany - 300,000 objects [11]
  12. National Museum, Warsaw, Poland - 250,000 objects [12]
  13. Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England - 192,000 objects [13]

Museums with Numismatic Collections by Country


  1. Kabul Museum, Major Collection


  1. Azerbaijan State Museum of History, 100 thousand coins[1]


  1. LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur in Münster 120.000 objects


  1. Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute, Numismatic Museum, on the Kalina Campus of Mumbai University, [14]
  2. Indian Institute for Research in Numismatic Studies Museum, Numismatic Museum, located near Nasik, [www.iirns.org/]
  3. RBI Monetary Museum, Numismatic Museum located at Amar Building, Phirozeshah Mehta Road, Fort Mumbai, [15]
  4. Shri Mudra Nidhi Coin Museum, Numismatic Museum First Private Museum since year 2009,located at Ajwa, Vadodara (Gujarat) INDIA
  5. Coin Museum Corp Bank, located at Udupi (Karnataka)[16]


  1. National Museum of Pakistan, Major Collection 58,000 coins
  2. Lahore Museum, Major Collection
  3. Peshawar Museum, Minor Collection 8,625 coins
  4. Taxila Site Museum, Site Museum


  1. Saparamyrat Türkmenbaşy National Museum of Turkmenistan, Unknown Collection
  2. Ashgabat National Museum of History, Unknown Collection


  1. Bukhara State Museum, Unknown Collection
  2. Central Bank of Uzbekistan, Minor Collection 400+ coins
  3. Shahrisabz Museum of History and Material Culture, Minor Collection
  4. State Museum of History of Uzbekistan. Unknown Collection

Collections of Central Asian Coins beyond Central Asia

The coinages of Central Asia from the Achaemenid Persians, through Alexander's successors, to the Islamic conquests, play an important part in reconstructing the history of the region. They are particularly important because of the complex web of trade routes, sometimes known as the 'silk' or 'spice' routes which connected different parts of the world through Central Asia. As a result many museums outside of Central Asia have significant collections of coins from that region.

  1. Shanghai Museum, Minor Collection 1,783 coins
