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List of papal relatives created cardinal

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This is a list of papal relatives created cardinal by a pope other than their relative. These creates are similar to cardinal-nephews but this list does not include cardinals included in the list of cardinal-nephews


Cardinal "Nephew" of Elevator Elevated Notes
Giovanni Aniceo (relative) Gregory I Pelagius II circa 580
Pope Paul I (brother)[1] Stephen II Pope Zachary Before 750 Future Pope Paul I
Romano Marin[2] Pope Marinus I Pope Nicholas I cira 867
Cristoforo (relative)[3] Leo V Sergius III circa 904-911
Leone (brother)[3] Pope Leo VI Pope John XI circa 931-936 Future Pope Leo VII
Pietro Ruffino (nephew)[4] Paschalis II Callixtus II 9 March 1118
Gregorio della Suburra (nephew)[5] Anastasius IV Innocent II 1 March 1140 His relationship with Anastasius IV is not explicitly confirmed in the contemporary sources[6]
Giovanni Paparoni[7][8] Pope Innocent II Pope Celestine II 17 December 1143
Giovanni Caccianemici (nephew)[9] Lucius II Celestine II 17 December 1143
Cinzio Papareschi[7] Pope Innocent II Pope Adrian IV 14 March 1158 Credibility of the evidence for his relationship with Innocent II is uncertain[10]
Graziano da Pisa (nephew)[11] Eugenius III Alexander III 4 March 1178
Bobo (relative)[12] Celestine III Lucius III 18 December 1182
Ottaviano di Paoli (or Conti) (relative)[7] Innocent III Lucius III 18 December 1182 Cardinal's nephew married the niece of Innocent III[13]
Bobo (relative)[12] Celestine III Clement III 12 March 1188
Alessio Capocci (nephew)[14] Anastasius IV Clement III 12 March 1188 His relationship with Anastasius IV is unconfirmed[15]
Gregorio Bobone (nephew)[16] Celestine III Clement III 22 September 1190
Guido Papareschi (relative)[17] Innocent II Clement III 22 September 1190
Pietro de Morra (relative)[18] Gregory VIII Innocent III 18 December 1204 His relationship with Gregory VIII and the surname de Morra are not proven[19]
Tommaso da Capua[20] Pope Honorius IV Pope Innocent III 5 March 1216
Aldobrandino Orsini[21] Pope Celestine III Pope Honorius III December 1216
Goffredo da Castiglione[18] Pope Urban III Pope Gregory IX 18 September 1227 future Pope Celestine IV; his relationship with Urban III is disputed[22]
Pietro Capocci[23] Pope Honorius III Pope Innocent IV 28 May 1244
Matteo Orsini Rosso[18][24] Pope Nicholas III Pope Urban IV 22 May 1262 Not to be confused with Senator Matteo Rosso Orsini
Napoleone Orsini Frangipani[18] Pope Nicholas III Pope Nicholas IV 16 May 1288
Francesco Napoleone Orsini[18] Pope Nicholas III Pope Boniface VIII 12 December 1295
Luc Fieschi[18] Pope Adrian V Pope Boniface VIII 2 March 1300
Giovanni Gaetano Orsini[25] Pope Nicholas III Pope John XXII 17 December 1316
Gaillard de la Mothe[26] Pope Clement V Pope John XXII 17 December (or 18), 1316
Jean de Carmin[26] Pope John XXII Pope Clement VI 17 December 1350
Gilles Aycelin de Montaigu[26] Pope Clement VI Pope Innocent VI 17 September 1361
Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille[26] Pope Clement VI Pope Urban V 12 May 1367
Francesco Carbone Tomacelli[27] Boniface IX Urban VI 17 December 1384 Cardinal Carbone's mother married a brother of Pope Boniface IX in second nuptials, after the death of the cardinal's father
Giovanni Domenico de Cupis[28] Pope Julius II Pope Leo X 1 July 1517 the son of the mother of Julius II's illegitimate daughter, Felice della Rovere
Agostino Spinola (grandnephew)[29] Pope Sixtus IV Pope Clement VII 3 May 1527
Alessandro Sforza[30] Pope Paul III Pope Pius IV 12 March 1565
Giovanni Aldobrandini (brother) [31] Pope Clement VIII Pope Pius V 17 May 1570
Roberto Ubaldini[32] Pope Leo XI Pope Paul V 2 December 1615
Francesco Boncompagni Pope Gregory XIII Pope Gregory XV 19 April 1621 Grandson of Gregory XIII[33]
Ippolito Aldobrandini (grandnephew) [34] Pope Clement VIII Pope Gregory XV 19 April 1621
Carlo Barberini [35] Pope Urban VIII Pope Innocent X 23 June 1653 Grand-nephew of Pope Urban VIII, son of Taddeo Barberini
Felice Rospigliosi [36] Pope Clement IX Pope Clement X 16 January 1673
Benedetto Pamphili (grandnephew)[37] Pope Innocent X Pope Innocent XI 1 September 1681
Francesco Pignatelli [38] Pope Innocent XII Pope Clement XI 17 December 1703
Alessandro Albani (cousin)[39] Pope Clement XI Pope Innocent XIII 16 July 1721
Domenico Orsini d'Aragona[40] Pope Benedict XIII Pope Benedict XIV 9 September 1743
Andrea Corsini (grandnephew)[40] Pope Clement XII Pope Clement XIII 24 September 1759
Gabriele della Genga Sermattei Pope Leo XII Pope Gregory XVI 1 February 1836


  1. ^ Miranda, Salvator. 1998. "8th Century (701-795)."
  2. ^ Miranda, Salvator. 1998. "9th Century (795-900)."
  3. ^ a b Miranda, Salvator. 1998. "10th Century (900-999)."
  4. ^ Brixius, p. 48 and 81; Klewitz, p. 219; Zenker, p. 88.
  5. ^ B. Zenker, p. 48-51, has proven that he was not created only by his uncle Anastasius IV, as was affirmed in the older historiography, but is identical to cardinal-priest Gregorio of S. Maria in Trastevere, created by Innocent II in 1140, while Anastasius IV only promoted him to the rank of cardinal-bishop of Sabina. See also Maleczek, p. 248-249.
  6. ^ Brixius, p. 112
  7. ^ a b c Miranda, Salvator. 1998. "12th Century (1099-1198)."
  8. ^ Walter Holtzmann (ed.): Italia Pontificia. Vol. IX (Samnium, Apulia, Lucania), Berlin 1962, p. 40
  9. ^ Brixius, p. 50 no. 7
  10. ^ Brixius, p. 58 and 114, and Zenker, p. 218, trust this evidence; more sceptical is Maleczek, p. 248 note 283.
  11. ^ Maleczek, p. 71
  12. ^ a b Maleczek, p. 249.
  13. ^ Maleczek, p. 80
  14. ^ S. Miranda Consistory of 1188.
  15. ^ H. Tillmann, "Ricerche sull'origine dei membri del collegio cardenalizio nel XII secolo. II/2. Identificazione dei cardinali del secolo XII di provenienza Romana", Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, vol. XXIX, 1975, p. 380
  16. ^ Maleczek, p. 98 and 249.
  17. ^ Maleczek, p. 99 and 249.
  18. ^ a b c d e f Miranda, Salvator. 1998. "13th Century (1198-1303)."
  19. ^ Maleczek, p. 150
  20. ^ The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Biographical Dictionary - Consistory of 17 December 1261
  21. ^ Matthias Thumser, Aldobrandino Orsini (1217-1221), ein Kardinal Honorius' III., Römische historische Mitteilungen, vol. 32-33, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1990, p. 46.
  22. ^ Paravicini Bagliani, I, p. 33; http://www.genealogie-mittelalter.de/paepste/coelestin_4_papst_+_1241.html
  23. ^ Paravicini Bagliani, p. 301
  24. ^ Williams, 2004, p. 37.
  25. ^ ORSINI, Giovanni Gaetano (ca. 1210/1220-1280) at fiu.edu, accessed 5 December 2010
  26. ^ a b c d Miranda, Salvador. 1998. "14th Century (1303-1404)."
  27. ^ Consistory of 17 December 1384
  28. ^ Miranda, Salvator. 1998. "Consistory of 1 July 1517."
  29. ^ Miranda, Salvator. 1998. "Consistory of 3 May 1527 (I)."
  30. ^ Miranda, Salvador. 1998. "16th Century (1503-1605)."
  31. ^ Salvator Miranda "Consistory of 17 May 1570."
  32. ^ Mirandas, Salvator. 1998. "Consistory of 2 December 1615 (VI)."
  33. ^ Marek, Miroslav. "Genealogy of the Boncompagni family". Genealogy.EU.[self-published source][better source needed]
  34. ^ Salvator, Miranda. 1998. "Consistory of 19 April 1621 (I)."
  35. ^ Salvator, Miranda. 1998. "Consistory of 23 June 1653 (I)."
  36. ^ Salvator, Miranda. 1998. "Consistory of 16 January 1673 (I)."
  37. ^ Salvator, Miranda. 1998. "Consistory of 1 September 1681 (I)."
  38. ^ Miranda, Salvator. 1998. "Consistory of 17 December 1703 (I)."
  39. ^ Miranda, Salvator. 1998. "Consistory of 16 July 1721 (I)."
  40. ^ a b Miranda, Salvator. 1998. "18th Century (1700-1799)."


  • Thomson, John A.F. 1980. Popes and Princes, 1417-1517: Politics and Polity in the Late Medieval Church. Boston: George Allen & Unwin. ISBN 0-04-901027-1.
  • Williams, George L. 2004. Papal Genealogy: The Families and Descendants of the Popes. McFarland. ISBN 0-7864-2071-5.
  • J. M. Brixius, Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130-1181, Berlin 1912
  • R. Hüls, Kardinäle, Klerus und Kirchen Roms: 1049-1130, Tübingen 1977
  • H.W. Klewitz, Reformpapsttum und Kardinalkolleg, Darmstadt 1957
  • B. Zenker, Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130 bis 1159, Würzburg 1964
  • K. Ganzer, Die Entwicklung des auswärtigen Kardinalats im hohen Mittelater, Tübingen 1963
  • W. Maleczek, Papst und Kardinalskolleg von 1191 bis 1216, Vienna 1984
  • K. Eubel, Hierarchia Catholica, vol. I-IX, Münster 1913
  • I.S. Robinson, The Papacy 1073-1198. Continuity and Innovation, Cambridge University Press 1990
  • A. Paravicini Bagliani, Cardinali di curia e "familiae" cardinalizie dal 1227 al 1254, 2 vols. Padova 1972