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List of shoals and sandbanks in the southern North Sea

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Shoals and sandbanks are characteristic underwater seabed features of the southern North Sea and the eastern English Channel. The relatively shallow water depth allows tidal currents to transport, configure and alter seabed materials, such as sand, shells, clay, and gravel, into elongated banks or shoals of shallow water.

Sandbanks and shoals

Banks and shoals in the southern North Sea off the coast of Suffolk and Norfolk.



In the southern North Sea the Spring Tide range is in excess of 7 metres.[1] The large tidal amplitude produces tidal currents of 1.5 metres per second (m/s) on the flood tide, and 1.35 m/s during the ebb tide. Water flows parallel to the shore and this is reflected in the orientation of sandbanks. Typically, sandbanks of the English Channel and southern North Sea rise 10 to 25 m above the sea floor and are 10 to 30 km long and 1 to 3 km wide.[2][1][3] The volume of material in some of the banks has been estimated at between 70 and 1100 Million m3.[4]

Cardinal marks

Strong eddies and rip tides occur in the vicinity of many shoals, and the sea can break heavily over shoals especially when the wind is against the tidal current.[5] Sandbanks and shoals are often marked by buoys. There are usually north and south marks, and on large shoals, east and west marks.[6][7][8]



The table below is a list of the named sandbanks and shoals of the southern North Sea, the Dover Strait (Pas-de-Calais) and the eastern English Channel (La Manche).[9][10][11] The geographical extent is eastwards from a line (00°14'E) extending south from Beachy Head England to Étretat France in the English Channel, through the Straits of Dover, then north through the southern North Sea to a line extending east from Berwick-upon-Tweed England (55°50’N) to Ringkobing Fjord Denmark.[6][7][8][12][13][14]

This area includes the shipping forecast areas of Wight (part); Dover; Thames; Tyne; Humber; Dogger and German Bight (part).[15] It includes the territorial waters and exclusive economic zones of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

The Thames Estuary is defined as from the Nore Sand eastwards to a line from North Foreland to Harwich.[6]

The Humber is defined as west of the Outer Sea Reach buoy 00° 06’E.[8]



SNS – Southern North Sea; S-N – South to North; E-W – East to West; SW-NE – South-West to North-East; SE-NW – South-East to North-West.



A tabulated list of shoals and sandbanks in the southern North Sea, Dover Strait and English Channel.[6][7][8][9][10][11][14][15]

Shoals and sandbanks of the southern North Sea, Dover Strait and the eastern English Channel
Name Country Location Coordinates at centre of bank or shoal Orientation Length, km Width, km Remarks
Akkaertbank Belgium SNS 51°23’N 02°49’E SW-NE 7.4 0.5
Aldeburgh Napes UK SNS 52°09’N 01°43’E S-N 10 1
Aldeburgh Ridge UK SNS 52°08’N 01°37’E S-N 7 1
Anrum Bank Germany SNS 54°38’N 08°00’E S-N 23.4
Banc Breedt France SNS 51°07’N 02°22E SW-NE 24 2
Banc de Snouw France SNS 51°04’N 02°15’E E-W 7.5 1
Barmade Bank UK SNS 55°00’N 00°00’ - - -
Barrow UK Thames Estuary 51°37’N 01°10’E SW-NE 5.5 3.5 The adjacent Barrow Deep used for dumping sewage sludge 1889-1998
Bassurelle Bank UK & France Dover Strait 50°38’N 01°05’E SW-NE 15 2.5
Bassurelle de la Somme France English Channel 50°12’N 01°22’E SW-NE 5.2 0.6
Bassure de Baas France English Channel 50°27'N 01°20'E 56
Battur France English Channel 50°22'N 01°18'E 14
Bawdsey Bank UK SNS 51°59’N 01°33’E S-N 12.5 1.5
Bergues Bank France & Belgium SNS 51°15’N 02°18’E SW-NE 11 2
Blakeney Overfalls UK SNS 53°01’N 01°11’E E-W 4.0 1.0
Bligh Bank Belgium SNS 51°33’N 02°35’E SW-NE 5.5 0.5
Boulder Banks UK English Channel 50°52’N 00°47’E - 0.6 0.6
Boulders Bank UK SNS 54°25’N 01°35’E - - - Dogger Bank
Broad Fourteens Netherlands SNS 53°00’N 00°03’E S-N Named from depth of 14 fathoms
Broadstairs Knoll UK SNS 51°21’N 01°29’E - 5.5 5.5
Broken Bank UK SNS 53°19’N 02°12’E SE-NW 35 1 Volume of bank: 360 Million m3
Brown Bank, Brown Ridge [16] UK & Netherlands SNS 52°40’N 03°15’E S-N 30 2 Bruine Bank
Bruceys Garden UK SNS 54°50’N 00°50’E - - -
Bullock Bank France English Channel 50°44'N 01°05''E 11
Burcom Sand UK Humber 53°35’N 00°04’W SE-NW 2.5 1
Buiten Ratel Belgium SNS 51°15’N 02°31’E SW-NE 14.8 2
Bull Sand UK Humber 53°33’N 00°05’E SE-NW 4.0 1.5
Buxey Sand UK SNS 51°41’N 01°27’E SW-NE 9 4
Chequer Shoal UK Humber 53°33’N 00°10’E E-W 3.5 2
Cleaver Bank Netherlands SNS 54°10'N 03°08'E Klaverbank
Coal Pit UK SNS 53°29’N 01°46’E
Cork Sand UK SNS 51°53’N 01°24’E S-N 8 4.5
Corton Sands UK SNS 52°35’N 01°47’E S-N Position and depth changes
Cromer Knoll UK SNS 53°18’N 01°18’E S-N 5 1
Cutler Shoal UK SNS 51°59’N 01°27’E SW-NE 2.5 0.5
Docking Shoal UK SNS 53°10’N 01°45’E - 13.5 13.5
Dogger Bank UK SNS 54°43’N 02°46’E - 260 100 Windfarm
Dogger Bight UK SNS 54°19’N 01°50’E - - - Dogger Bank
Dogger North Shoal UK SNS 54°55’N 01°35’E - 17.1 21.6 Dogger Bank
Dogger Tail End Germany & Netherlands SNS 55°29’N 04°00’E - - -
Drillstone UK SNS 51°26’N 01°41’E
Dudgeon Shoal UK SNS 53°17’N 00°56’E SE-NW 9.75 7.5 Windfarm
Dunwich Bank UK SNS 52°14’N 01°40’E S-N 3 1
Dyck Central France SNS 51°07’N 02°12’E SW-NE 8 1.5
Dyck Occidental France SNS 51°05’N 02°00 SW-NE 18.5 2
Dyck Oriental France SNS 51°13’N 02°23’E SW-NE 13 2
East Barrow UK Thames Estuary 51°35’N 01°10’E SW-NE 9 3.5
East Spaniard UK Thames Estuary 51°25’N 01°01’E E-W
Eastermost Shoal UK SNS 54°40’N 02°30’E - 54 40.5 Dogger Bank
Engelsmanplaat Netherlands SNS 53°27'N 06°03'E
Fairy Bank France SNS 51°23’N 02°20’E SW-NE 5.5 0.5
Fisher Bank Denmark SNS
Flemish Banks Belgium SNS 51°17'N 02°38E
Foulness Sand UK SNS 51°37’N 01°02’E SW-NE 11 4.5 Extends from shore
Four Fathoms Sand Ridge UK English Channel 50°48’N 00°39’E SW-NE 5.4 0.6
Galloper UK SNS 51°46’N 01°57’E S-N 5.5 1 Windfarm
Girdler UK Thames Estuary 51°30’N 01°08’E E-W 3 1
Goodwin Sands UK SNS 51°16’N 01°21’E SW-NW 22
Grandes Écamias France English Channel 50°59’N 00°54’E E-W 5 0.6
Großer Knechtsand Germany SNS 53°50'N 08°21'E
Gunfleet Sand UK Thames Estuary 51°45’N 01°15’E SW-NE 23 3 Abandoned lighthouse; Windfarm
Haddock Bank UK SNS 53°19’N 01°31’E SE-NW
Haile Sand UK Humber 53°32’N 00°13’E -
Haisborough Sand UK SNS 52°54’N 01°42’E SE-NW 16 2 Volume of bank: 530 Million m3
Hammond Knoll UK SNS 52°52’N 01°55’E SE-NW 9.7 Volume of bank: 99 Million m3
Hastings Shoals UK English Channel 50°49’N 00°34’E SW-NE
Hearty Knoll UK SNS 52°46’N 02°10’E SE-NW Volume of bank: 120 Million m3
Helgoland Germany SNS 54°12’N 07°55’E - 9 9
Hessle Sand UK Humber 53°43’N 01°25’W E-W 2 1
Hewett Ridge UK SNS 52°52’N 02°00’E SE-NW 28 4 Gas field.

Volume of bank: 190 Million m3

Holm Sand UK SNS 52°29’N 01°47’E S-N 11 1.5
Horse of Willingdon UK English Channel 50°45’N 01°02’E E-W 3 1
Hull Middle UK Humber 53°42’N 00°22’W E-W 3.5 1
Indefatigable Bank 1, 2 & 3 UK SNS 53°30’N 02°23’E SE-NW 4 Gas field.

Volume of bank: 85 Million m3 (1), 69 Million m3 (2), 310 Million m3 (3)

Inner Bank UK SNS 53°12’N 02°01’E SE-NW 18 1 Volume of bank: 110 Million m3
Inner Bank UK SNS 54°20’N 00°30’E - - - Dogger Bank
Inner Dowsing UK SNS 53°19’N 00°35’E S-N 7.5 3 Windfarm
Inner Gabbard UK SNS 51°55’N 01°54’E S-N 16 1.5 Windfarm
Inner Silver Pit UK SNS 53°32′N 00°47′E
In Ratel France SNS 51°07’N 02°16’E SW-NE 6.5 1
In Ruytingen France SNS 51°13’N 02°17’E SW-NE 12 5.5
Jim Howe Bank UK SNS 52°57’N 02°25’E SE-NW
Kachelotplate Germany SNS 53°39'N 06°49'E
Kentish Knock UK SNS 51°37’N 01°38’E S-N 13.5 2.5
Knock John UK Thames Estuary 51°34’N 01°04’E SW-NE 3 1 Maunsell fort
Kobbergrund Denmark SNS 57°12'N 11°15'E
Koresand Denmark SNS 55°15'N 08°29'E
Kwintebank Belgium SNS 51°15’N 02°38’E SW-NE 11 2
Le Colbart France Dover Strait 50°53’N 01°20’E SW-NE 16 1 Also called The Ridge
Leman Bank UK SNS 53°08’N 01°55’E SE-NW 42 11 Gas field.

Volume of bank: 840 Million m3

Les Ridens France Dover Strait 50°45'N 01°18'E Several shoals
Long Sand UK Thames Estuary 51°37’N 01°30’E SW-NE 33 7.5
Maplin Sand UK Thames Estuary 51°33'N 00°47’E SW-NE 23 6.1 Extends from coast
Maplin Spit UK Thames Estuary 51°36’N 01°06’E SW-NE 4.5 1
Margate Sand UK Thames Estuary 51°26’N 01°20’E E-W 9 2
Middelbank Netherlands SNS 51°40’N 03°22’E SW-NE 14.8 0.5
Middelkerke Bank Belgium SNS 51°15’N 02°43’E SW-NE 13 2.5
Middle Cross Sand UK SNS 52°39’N 01°52’E S-N 3 1
Middle Sand UK Thames Estuary 51°27’N 01°02’E SW-NE 6 1.5
Middle Shoal UK Humber 53°37’N 00°02’W SE-NW 4.0 1
Mouse UK Thames Estuary 51°32’N 01°04’E SW-NE 4.5 0.5
Newarp Banks UK SNS 52°42’N 02°00’E S-N 8.5 2
Noordhinder Bank Belgium SNS 51°39′N 02°41′E S-N 11 1
Nieuwpoort Bank Belgium SNS 51°13’N 02°41’E SW-NE 9.25 1
Nore Sand UK Thames Estuary 51°29’N 00°46’E E-W 6 1
North Cross Sand UK SNS 52°45’N 01°52’E S-N 7 1
North Falls UK SNS 51°40’N 01°57’E S-N 11 1
Oaze UK Thames Estuary 51°30’N 01°00’E SW-NE 5.5 1
Oost Dyck Belgium SNS 51°18’N 02°29’E SW-NE 14.8 1.5
Oostende Bank Belgium SNS 51°16’N 02°48’E SW-NE 15 2
Oosthinder Belgium SNS 51°32’N 02°38’E SW-NE 16.6 1.5
Out Ruytingen France Dover Strait 51°14’N 02°17°E SW-NE 33 2
Outer Bank UK SNS 54°30’N 01°05’E - - - Dogger Bank
Outer Dowsing UK SNS 53°25’N 01°08’E SE-NW 19.5 1 Windfarm
Outer Gabbard UK SNS 51°58’N 02°03’E S-N 5 2 Windfarm
Outer Silver Pit UK SNS 54°00′N 02°00′E
Ower Bank UK SNS 53°14’N 01°52’E SE-NW 45 1 Volume of bank: 730 Million m3
Paardenmarkt Belgian SNS 51°21'N 03°17'E
Pan Sand UK Thames Estuary 51°28’N 01°10’E E-W 3.5 1
Raan Netherlands SNS 51°27’N 03°20’E - 22 6
Race Bank UK SNS 53°12’N 00°51’E SE-NW 21.0 5.5 Windfarm
Red Sand UK Thames Estuary 51°28’N 01°00’E E-W 2 0.5 Maunsell fort
Petits Écamias France English Channel 50°01’N 00°53’E E-W 5.2 1.5
Richel Netherlands SNS 53°17N 05°08'E
Quemer France English Channel 50°15’N 01°18’E - 10 -
Ridins de Dieppe France English Channel 50°06’N 01°08’E - 10.4 10.4
Ridins de Tréport France English Channel 50°05’N 01°16’E - 5 0.6
Rosse Spit UK Humber 53°30’N 00°15’E SW-NE 4.5 2
Rough Shoals UK SNS 51°54’N 01°30’E S-N 10 8 HM Fort Roughs
Royal Sovereign Shoals UK English Channel 50°45’N 00°26’E S-N 4 1
Sandettie Bank France & UK Dover Strait 51°09′N 01°47′E SW-NE 27 5
Schouwenbank Netherlands SNS 51°48′N 03°25′E SW-NE 18.5 1
Scroby Sands UK SNS 52°38’N 01°47’E S-N 14 2 Windfarm
Sheringham Shoal UK SNS 53°03’N 01°10’E E-W 10 1.0
Shingles UK Thames Estuary 51°31’N 01°13’E E-W 6.5 5.0
Shipwash UK SNS 51°58’N 01°37’E S-N 18 2
Shivering Sand UK Thames Estuary 51°30’N 01°24’E SW-NE 3.5 0.5 Maunsell fort
Simonszand Netherlands SNS 53°31'N 06°24E
Sizewell Bank UK SNS 52°10’N 01°40’E S-N 4 1
Smal Bank France & Belgium SNS 51°06’N 02°30’E SW-NE 26 2
Smiths Knoll UK SNS 52°52’N 02°13’E S-N 28 1 Volume of bank: 390 Million m3
Sole Pit High UK SNS 53°35’N 01°23’E SW-NE 7 1
South Cross Sand UK SNS 52°34’N 01°51’E S-N 9 1
South Dogger Ground UK SNS 54°18’N 02°25’E - - - Dogger Bank
South Falls UK SNS 51°21’N 01°47’E S-N 28
South Shoal UK Humber 53°36’N 00°00’ SE-NW 3.5 1
Spaniard UK Thames Estuary 51°27’N 01°03’E E-W 1 0.5
SouthWest Patch UK SNS 54°35’N 02°05’E - 67.5 22.5 Dogger Bank
Spile UK Thames Estuary 51°07’N 00°57’E E-W 2 0.5
Steenbanken Netherlands SNS 51°41’N 02°25’E SW-NE 11 0.5
Stephensons Shoal UK English Channel 50°53’N 00°54’E E-W 5 -
Stroombanc Belgium SNS 51°13’N 02°48’E SW-NE 13 2
Sunk Sand UK Thames Estuary 51°39’N 01°15’E SW-NE 24 3 Maunsell fort (ruin)
Swarte Bank UK SNS 51°24’N 02°13’E SE-NW 41 1 Volume of bank: 440 Million m3
Sylt Outer Reef Germany SNS 55°06’N 07°35’E - - -
Terschellinger Bank Netherlands SNS 53°32’N 05°08’E SE-NW - -
Tertius (sandbank) Germany SNS 54°08'N 08°42E
The Hills UK SNS 54°21’N 00°60’E - - -
Thornton Ridge or Bank Belgium SNS 51°34’N 03°00’E SW-NE 6 1 Windfarm
Tizard Bank UK Thames Estuary 51°33’N 01°12’E E-W 2.5 0.5
Tongue Sand UK Thames Estuary 51°31’N 01°13’E E-W 7.5 1.5 Maunsell fort (ruin)
Triton Knoll UK SNS 53°23’N 01°00’E SE-NW 25.5 Windfarm
Varne Bank UK Dover Strait 51°00’N 01°23’E SW-NE 9.3 1
Vergoyer Banks France English Channel 50°33'N 01°15'E 24
Weiss Bank Germany SNS 55°00’N 06°00’E - - -
Well Bank UK SNS 53°14’N 02°11’E SE-NW 57 2 Volume of bank: 1100 Million m3
West Barrow UK Thames Estuary 51°35’N 01°56’E SW-NE 13 1.8
West Dyck France Dover Strait 51°03’N 01°51’E
Westhinder Belgium SNS 51°28’N 02°31’E SW-NE 22 2
Whitaker Spit UK Thames Estuary 51°40’N 01°07’E SW-NE 6 1
Winterton Ridge UK SNS 52°50’N 02°02’E SE-NW 8 0.5 Volume of bank: 105 Million m3

See also



  1. ^ a b Hequette, Arnaud (June 2013). "The influence of nearshore sand banks on coastal hydrodynamics and sediment transport, Northern Coast of France". Coastal Dynamics Conference Paper.
  2. ^ Albers, AE (March 2022). "On the distribution of sand banks in the southwestern North Sea and an approach of predicting them". Marine Geology. 445. Bibcode:2022MGeol.44506733A. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106733.
  3. ^ Schratzberger, Michaela; Larcombe, Piers (October 2014). "The Role of the Sedimentary Regime in Shaping the Distribution of Subtidal Sandbank Environments and the Associated Meiofaunal Nematode Communities: An Example from the Southern North Sea". PLOS ONE. 9 (10): e109445. Bibcode:2014PLoSO...9j9445S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109445. PMC 4190271. PMID 25296029.
  4. ^ Cooper, W. S.; Townend (2008). A synesis of current knowledge on the Genesis of the Great Yarmouth and Norfolk Bank Systems. The Crown Estate. p. 14. ISBN 9780955342783.
  5. ^ "Sea-seek". Retrieved 14 January 2024.
  6. ^ a b c d Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson (1989). Imray Yachting Chart C1: Thames Estuary: Tilbury to North Foreland and Orfordness. St Ives Cambs.: Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson.
  7. ^ a b c Admiralty (1997). England East Coast Flamborough Head to Blakeney Point, Admiralty Chart 1190. Admiralty.
  8. ^ a b c d Imray Chart C29: England – East Coast: Harwich to Whitby. St Ives: Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson. 2022. ISBN 9781786793874.
  9. ^ a b "Sandbanks of the Southern North Sea". Retrieved 2 January 2024.
  10. ^ a b "1110 Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time". Retrieved 2 January 2024.
  11. ^ a b "Shoal(s) in United Kingdom". Retrieved 2 January 2024.
  12. ^ Imray Chart C30: Harwich to Hoek van Holland and Dover Strait. St Ives: Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson. 2022. ISBN 9781786793645.
  13. ^ "Coastview - what happens offshore?". Retrieved 13 January 2024.
  14. ^ a b Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson (2024). Eastern English Channel C12. Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson Ltd. ISBN 9781786794628.
  15. ^ a b Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson (2023). Southern North Sea Passage Chart C70. Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson Ltd. ISBN 9781786792495.
  16. ^ https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6a27a12b266c4d19b9a3a6dd4b31939f