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RTS 1 (Serbian TV channel)

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OwnerRadio-televizija Srbije (Serbian Broadcasting Corporation)

RTS1 (РТС1, "Први програм РТС-а", "Први канал РТС-а" or "Први") is a Serbian public mainstream TV channel operated by RTS.

Current line-up

News shows

  • Дневник (Dnevnik, translated: Journal) – major bulletins at 12.00, 19.30 and 00.00
  • Јутарњи дневник (Morning Journal) – 20-minutes long news at 08.00
  • Вести (News) – short news review at 06.00, 07.00, 09.00, 10.00, 11.00, 15.00, 16.00, 22.00, 23.00, 03.00, 04.00
  • Јутарњи програм (Morning programme) – morning programme
  • Шта радите, бре? (Sta radite, bre?) – review of what political parties in Serbia are up to
  • Београдска хроника (Beogradska kronika) – show produced for Belgraders with news and current affairs from Belgrade
  • Око (Eye) – current affairs programme with guests in a studio
  • Око магазин (Eye magazine) – current affairs programme
  • Евронет (Evronet) – EU and economic projects in Serbia)Evronet - EU and economic projects in Serbia
  • Упитник (Upitnik) – political talkshow
  • Да. Можда, не (Da. Mozda, ne) – political talkshow
  • Сведок (Svedok) - one-on-one interview


  • Спорт плус (Sport Plus) – sports news
  • UEFA Champions League (Лига шампиона)
  • MotoGP (МотоГП) - Second Practice, Qualifying, Warm-up and race only

Serbian series (in February 2010)

  • Грех њене мајке (Her Mother's Sin) – rerun (weekdays morning)
  • Село гори, а баба се чешља (Selo gori, a baba se češlja) - premiere (Saturday evening)
  • Бела лађа (White Ship) – premiere (Sunday evening)
  • Породично благо (Family Treasure) - rerun (weekdays evening except Friday)
  • Приђи ближе (Come Closer) - premiere (Sunday afternoon)


  • ТВ Слагалица (TV Slagalica) – quiz show
  • Кувати срцем (Cooking With a Heart)
  • У здравом телу (In a Healthy Body) – physical exercise magazine
  • Једна песма, једна жеља (One song, one wish)
  • Високи напон (High Voltage)
  • Балканском улицом (Balkan Street)
  • ТВ лица... као сав нормалан свет (TV Faces... Like All Normal People)
  • 48 сати свадба (48-Hour Wedding)
  • САТ (SAT)
  • Мира Адања-Полак и Ви (Mira Adanja-Polak and You)
  • Време је за бебе (It's Time For Babies)
  • Жикина шареница (Žika's Motley Rug)
  • ТВ бинго – lottery

Foreign series (in February 2010)

Documentary/talk shows

  • Сасвим природно (Completely Naturally)
  • Траг (Footstep)
  • Лов и риболов (Hunting and Fishing)
  • Квадратура круга (Squaring the Circle)
  • Свет риболова (World of Fishing)

Weekdays schedule

  • 06.00 News
  • 06.10 Morning programme
    • 07.00 News
    • 08.00-08.20 Morning Journal
  • 09.00 News
  • 09.05 Pozoriste u kuci
  • 10.00 News
  • 10.05 Documentary programme
  • 10.35 Documentary programme
  • 11.00 News
  • 11.05 Documentary programme
  • 12.00 Dnevnik 1
  • 12.15 Sport Plus
  • 12.20 Weather, Traffic reporting
  • 12.30 Foreign TV series, rerun (Drama, Police procedural)
  • 13.15 Film, documentaries or reruns
  • 15.00 News
  • 15.10 Ovo je Srbija
  • 16.00 News
  • 16.10 Serbian TV series, rerun
  • 17.00 Dnevnik RTV until 30 August
  • 17.20 Evronet
  • 17.25 Sta radite, bre?
  • 17.45 Beogradska hronika (in Belgrade) until 30 August
  • 18.25 Oko on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Oko magazin on Tuesday and Thursday
  • 19.00 TV Slagalica
  • 19.20 Weather, Traffic reporting
  • 19.30 Dnevnik 2 (the main news programme)
  • 20.05 Serbian TV series, rerun
  • 21.10 Prime-time programme
    • Monday: 21.10 Movie
    • Tuesday: 21.10 Song without borders, 22.00 News, 22.05 Upitnik
    • Wednesday: 21.10 Svedok; 22.10 Movie
    • Thursday: 21.10 Da, Mozda, Ne, 22.00 High Voltage or Documentary programme
    • Friday: 21.10 Movie
  • 23.00 News
  • 23.05 Foreign TV series (Drama, Police procedural)
  • 00.00 Dnevnik 3
  • 00.20 Evronet
  • 00.25 Foreign TV series (Drama, Police procedural, Science fiction, Medical drama)
  • 01.10 Film
  • till 06.00 reruns

Prime Time

  •   News programming
  •   Political talkshows
  •   Serbian TV series
  •   Foreign TV series
  •   Films
  •   Quiz programme
  •   Other entertainment programme
19:00 19:30 20:05 21:10 21:50 22:05 23:00 23:05
Monday TV Slagalica Dnevnik Moj rodjak sa sela One Wish, One Song Upitnik News CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Tuesday 48-Hours Wedding Film
Wednesday Svedok 48-Hours Wedding News CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Thursday Film
Friday Her Mother's Sin High Voltage Da. Mozda, ne
Saturday Selo gori, a baba se češlja TV Bingo Film
Sunday White Ship Film News The Riches

Previously on RTS1

Serbian TV series

  • Јесен стиже, Дуњо моја (Goose Feather)
  • Оно као љубав (Something Like Love) - sitcom
  • Мој ујак (My Uncle) – children TV series
  • Стижу долари (Dollars are coming)
  • Позориште у кући (Pozorište u kući)
  • Казнени простор (Kazneni prostor)
  • Лисице (Lisice)
  • Бољи живот (Better Life)
  • Срећни људи (Happy People)
  • Врућ ветар (Vruć vetar)

Foreign TV series


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Channel 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
RTS1 19.5 20.1 22.4 27.4 26.5 26.2 26.0 25.1 23.6 23.6
RTS2 7.4 8.2 6.3 6.7 6.8 7.6 5.7 4.6 4.2 3.6
Pink 21.9 20.0 22.5 23.3 23.5 21.7 23.7 25.6 20.4 19.7
Fox / Prva 4.7 6.4 7.8 10.6 15.1 16.1
B92 3.4 5.3 6.8 9.1 9.3 8.7 8.0 6.3 7.6 8.2

See also
