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Scientific plagiarism in Germany

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Scientific plagiarism in Germany became widely discussed during the Guttenberg plagiarism scandal, which has led to other, mostly doctoral, dissertations being scrutinised. Initially focused on the dissertations of notable persons submitted at German institutions, non-doctoral works in languages other than German submitted at institutions outside Germany have since also been scrutinised.

This scrutiny has found extensive plagiarism in the work of several notable persons, including cabinet members, and in a significant number of cases – but not all – their academic degree has been rescinded. As of 2024, the German VroniPlag Wiki has, since it started in 2011, published the plagiarism found in over 200 works; in at least 90 of these cases the academic degree was rescinded. Each year, about 30,000 doctorates are completed in Germany.[1]

However, academic misconduct has been a topic in Germany for centuries,[2] especially at the doctoral level since one of the rights and privileges that come with an academic degree at this level is the title of doctor. In Germany, this title has been regarded since the 16th century "almost equal to a noble title."[2] While the legal privileges of royalty and nobility were abolished in Germany in 1919 following the German revolution and proclamation of the republic at the end of World War I, hereditary titles continue to form part of surnames that continue to be protected by law, the wealth and power of formerly royal and noble families has remained, and German media continues to treat royal and noble persons is if it had never been abolished. Therefore obtaining the title of doctor equates to a significant rise in social status in Germany and thus motivation for doing so, with the achievement itself seemingly less important than the title. When accusations of plagiarism first emerged, Guttenberg volunteered to stop using the title, and when the doctorate was rescinded leading to loss of privilege to use the title, German media focused on the loss of title rather than the academic degree as a recognition of effort and achievement.

Notable cases

Author Profession Dissertation Year of Work University Sanction Year of Sanction
Jorgo Chatzimarkakis Politician Informationeller Globalismus: Kooperationsmodell globaler Ordnungspolitik am Beispiel des Elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs 2000 University of Bonn Degree rescinded[3] 2011
Bijan Djir-Sarai Politician Ökologische Modernisierung der PVC-Branche in Deutschland 2008 University of Cologne Degree rescinded[4] 2012
Klaus Goehrmann  [de] Manager Beitrag zum technologisch-wirtschaftlichen Vergleich des gepulsten zum kontinuierlichen Laserstrahlschweißen 2010 Clausthal University of Technology Degree rescinded[5] 2014
Jürgen Goldschmidt  [de] Politician Management des Stadtumbaus unter Berücksichtigung der städtebaurechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen 2009 Technische Universität Berlin Degree surrendered[6][7] 2013
Florian Graf [de ] Politician Der Entwicklungsprozess einer Oppositionspartei nach dem abrupten Ende langjähriger Regierungsverantwortung am Beispiel der Christlich Demokratischen Union (CDU) in der Hauptstadt Berlin während der 15. Wahlperiode (2001–2006) 2010 University of Potsdam Degree rescinded[8] 2012
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg Politician Verfassung und Verfassungsvertrag: Konstitutionelle Entwicklungsstufen in den USA und der EU 2006 University of Bayreuth Degree rescinded[9] 2011
Andreas Kasper  [de] Lawyer and politician Sozialsponsoring: Eine rechtliche Bewertung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Sponsorings kirchlicher Werke und Einrichtungen 2004 University of Göttingen Degree rescinded[10] 2010
Sarah Sophie Koch  [de] TV actor Mentalisierungsfähigkeit der Mutter und kindliche Bindung 2011 University of Düsseldorf Degree rescinded[11] 2015
Silvana Koch-Mehrin Politician Historische Währungsunion zwischen Wirtschaft und Politik: Die Lateinische Münzunion 1865–1927 2000 Heidelberg University Degree rescinded[12] 2011
Jakob Kreidl  [de] Politician Der Kosovo-Konflikt: Vorgeschichte, Verlauf und Perspektiven. Zur Stabilisierung einer Krisenregion 2005 Bundeswehr University Munich Degree rescinded[13] 2013
Ursula von der Leyen Politician C-reaktives Protein als diagnostischer Parameter zur Erfassung eines Amnioninfektionssyndroms bei vorzeitigem Blasensprung und therapeutischem Entspannungsbad in der Geburtsvorbereitung 1991 Hannover Medical School University found plagiarism,[14] but also found it acceptable at that university[15] 2015
Margarita Mathiopoulos  [de] Entrepreneur and publisher Geschichte und Fortschritt im Denken Amerikas: Ein europäisch-amerikanischer Vergleich 1986 University of Bonn Degree rescinded[16] 2012
Friedrich Wilhelm von Preußen  [de ] Historian Die Reichsgründung 1870/71 im Spiegel neutraler Pressestimmen 1971 University of Erlangen–Nuremberg Degree rescinded[17] 1973
Matthias Pröfrock  [de] Lawyer and politician Energieversorgungssicherheit im Recht der Europäischen Union/ Europäischen Gemeinschaften 2007 University of Tübingen Degree rescinded[18] 2011
Annette Schavan Politician Person und Gewissen: Studien zu Voraussetzungen, Notwendigkeit und Erfordernissen heutiger Gewissensbildung. 1980 University of Düsseldorf Degree rescinded[19] 2013
Anette Seelinger  [de] Artist and teacher Ästhetische Konstellationen: Zur Konzeption kritisch-ästhetischer Bildung in der medien-technologischen Gesellschaft 2000 Technische Universität Darmstadt Degree rescinded[20] 2011
Daniel Volk  [de] Politician Die Begrenzung kriegerischer Konflikte durch das moderne Völkerrecht 2004 University of Würzburg University found plagiarism but also found it acceptable at that university[21] 2013

See also



  1. ^ "Doing a PhD in Germany". German Academic Exchange Service, Federal Ministry of Education and Research. 2019. p. 5. Retrieved 16 October 2024.
  2. ^ a b Ruipérez, Germán (2016). "Plagiarism and Academic Integrity in Germany". Media Education Research Journal. 24 (48): 9–17. doi:10.3916/C48-2016-01. ISSN 1134-3478. S2CID 58889841.
  3. ^ "Plagiatsvorwürfe: FDP-Vorstandsmitglied Chatzimarkakis verliert Doktortitel". Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  4. ^ "Bijan Djir-Sarai: Weiterer FDP-Politiker verliert Doktortitel". Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  5. ^ "TU Clausthal - Verfahren beendet: Doktorgrad wird entzogen". Archived from the original on 6 March 2014. Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  6. ^ "Stabsstelle Presse, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Alumni: Medieninformation Nr. 9/2013". Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  7. ^ "Stabsstelle Presse, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Alumni: Medieninformation Nr. 97/2015". Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  8. ^ Horstkotte, Hermann (2 May 2012). "Plagiatsvorwürfe: Berliner CDU-Fraktionschef verliert Doktortitel". Die Zeit. Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  9. ^ "Plagiatsaffäre: Verfahren gegen Guttenberg eingestellt". FAZ.NET. 23 November 2011. Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  10. ^ Engelhardt, Von Thorsten. "Kasper akzeptiert Strafbefehl über 9000 Euro - Kreis Lippe". Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  11. ^ Kalischewski, Jennifer (18 March 2015). "Uni Düsseldorf entzieht TV-Pädagogin Koch den Doktortitel". Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  12. ^ "Doktortitel aberkannt: Silvana Koch-Mehrin täuschte mit 125 Plagiaten auf 80 Seiten". FAZ.NET. 28 March 2013. Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  13. ^ "Landkreistagspräsident Kreidl verliert Doktortitel". 12 December 2013. Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  14. ^ dpa (26 September 2015). "Hochschule Hannover überprüft von der Leyens Doktorarbeit" [Hanover University reviews von der Leyen's doctoral dissertation]. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (in German). Archived from the original on 5 March 2016. Retrieved 18 October 2024.
  15. ^ "Von der Leyen darf Doktortitel behalten". Spiegel Online. 9 March 2016. Retrieved 18 October 2024.
  16. ^ "Margarita Mathiopoulos verliert ihren Doktorgrad — Universität Bonn". Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  17. ^ Germany, SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg (29 July 1973). "AFFÄREN: Still behandelt - DER SPIEGEL 31/1973". Der Spiegel. Retrieved 6 October 2016.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  18. ^ "Waiblinger CDU-Abgeordneter: Pröfrock ist seinen Doktortitel los". Stuttgarter Zeitung. Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  19. ^ "Plagiatsverfahren: Uni Düsseldorf erkennt Schavan den Doktorgrad ab". Die Zeit. 5 February 2013. Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  20. ^ Verwaltungsgericht Darmstadt, 14. April 2011, Az. 3 K 899/10.DA
  21. ^ Germany, nordbayern.de, Nürnberg. "Volk darf Doktortitel behalten - Politik - nordbayern.de". Retrieved 6 October 2016.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)