South Park, Colorado
South Park, Colorado is the fictional town that is the setting of the animated television series of the same name, created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The town is inspired by (and presumably located in) South Park, a geographical area of approximately 1000 square miles which is a high-altitude intermontane valley. South Park is in Park County and is a suburb of Denver. The town is served by South Park Elementary and Hell's Pass Hospital. Town police consists almost entirely of Officer Barbrady (not counting county sheriff's deputies Yates and Murphy) and the only discernable administrator is Mayor McDaniels. The town flag was changed in Chef Goes Nanners because the image of white people lynching a black man was thought racist. The new flag features a black man being lynched by people of all races and nationalities, including another black man. South Park was home to Jesus until his death in Red Sleigh Down.