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Talk:Diversity (business)/Archives/2013

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Everything but evidence

This article clearly explains and defines it subject, documents people who are working to make it happen, cites references etc. It does, however, lack one thing: evidence that diversity in business is financially beneficial for a business. Not simply claims, that it is a good practice, but evidence that it has been found to benefit a business. Until such evidence is provided, this article is about an ideological position. It deserves a Wikipedia article (as does the Flat Earth Society), but a topic of this magnitude, a topic with such a large following in society, deserves evidence.Pete unseth (talk) 00:12, 15 December 2012 (UTC)

Just checking to see if any actual evidence has been cited that supports the positions espoused in this article, that diversity in the workforce has measurable benefits for businesses. No evidence yet.Pete unseth (talk) 23:04, 9 February 2013 (UTC)
Once again wondering: does this diversity juggernaut have evidence and facts for fuel, or is it running on ideology? Wikipedia policies call for evidence to support articles, not merely ideology. With such a large following, somebody must have done some tests to show how diversity impacts business. Peacefully calling for evidence.Pete unseth (talk) 12:09, 16 April 2013 (UTC)
Has anybody found any actual evidence that diversity helps businesses financially? There are businesses that provide consulting services about how to achieve diversity, but aside from these businesses making all their income off of diversity implementation, can anybody cite evidence that diversity benefits businesses financially? With all the attention paid to this topic, if diversity has solid, financially measurable benefits to businesses across the board, their ought to be evidence of this. Or is this merely an ideological stance that has become dogma by constant repetition in certain circles? Pete unseth (talk) 12:38, 29 June 2013 (UTC)
Every couple of months for the last two years I've been looking to see if anybody has found and posted evidence that diversity can be shown to help businesses. I keep looking to see if somebody has shown that diversity increases production, employee retention, sales, workplace safety, or some other aspect of business that is measureable. The continuing lack of cited evidence should cause people to ponder the possibility that the claimed advantages of diversity in business may be only ideological. Or is "ideology" only what opponents believe? Pete unseth (talk) 18:08, 10 September 2013 (UTC)
After two years of calling for documented evidence that diversity helps a business financially, I have inserted a sentence into the article that notes this lack of evidence. I expect to be attacked by those who feel that facts and evidence are not needed when the ideological position is so loudly and widely proclaimed. Let them bring evidence, as I have repeatedly and politely requested. Gently, Pete unseth (talk) 21:28, 22 September 2013 (UTC)

Deletion of whole section by one author -- too narrow??

I deleted a section by one author on intercultural diversity. I thought it was not appropriate for an encyclopedia article, being too narrow and representing one author's categories and perspective. What do others think? If the consensus is to reinstate it, I will not object. Pete unseth (talk) 15:56, 9 November 2013 (UTC)