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Talk:Maypole dance

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Merging Maypole dance and Maypole


This was proposed in 2011 so I'm doing it. I've moved all content that was cited, available, and not a spam site.

User: Cryptosmith

The first kind of maypole dancing is probably extremely ancient and is thought by some to have Germanic pagan fertility.


The fact that it is predominately in Germanic areas (England, Sweden and Germany) hints to this and should be counted as evidence. Also the may is associated with fertility as is midsummer (Sweden). That is a decent amount of folk evidence.King Óðinn The Aesir 17:07, 12 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

""In his 1999 book The Triumph of the Moon, Ronald Hutton researched the claim that ancient pagan customs have survived into modern times after being Christianised in medieval times as folk practices. Hutton found that most of the folk customs which are claimed to have pagan roots (such as the Maypole dance) actually date from the Middle Ages. He concluded that the idea that medieval revels were pagan in origin is a legacy of the Protestant Reformation."" — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:57, 16 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Portugal? Heilige Kuh, what are they smoking? I lived my entire life in Portugal, explored just about every major city and even a few dozen villages, making damn sure I picked the most backwater roads possible, so as to cycle in non-polluted, low-traffic areas. I never saw any Maibaum. I don't know how to translate it. I had only vaguely heard of something like a Maypole in the context of England, before coming to Bavaria.

I can only think of the "pelourinhos" which are short stone poles to which prisoners were strapped while being flogged, we certainly have a lot of those, but no surrounding tradition or festivity that I can think of.

http://galeria.blogs.sapo.pt/arquivo/Pelourinho_de_Paialvo_TOMAR.jpg —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:33, 28 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Merger proposal


This article contains nothing that is not covered within the maypole article.Lumos3 (talk) 12:13, 21 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]