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Talk:Qinggong/Archive 1

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Archive 1

I am the author

As soon as I have finished writing this article, I will remove the banner from the top of the page, as I no longer see a need for it. I am the original author of this article, and have been hoping that someone with more knowledge of this than me would edit it, where my knowledge lacks. The artcile is based on a section from "The Power of Internal Martial Arts" by Bruce Kumar Frantzis. In the book, he wrote of it as a dead art taught by Dong Haichuan to only one of his students who used it to enhance his burglary skills. I searched for it on the internet, and found one source, and from there I wrote the article. My article does not contain ALL the information found in the article, as I did not think it relevant to this article, however I did take note of some of the sources, and intend to put them on this talk page later so that people viewing this article may be able to better judge as to the accuracy of the article.

In spite of the banner removal, the invitation is still open for a better re-write of the page. Dessydes


Although I took note of the source of of this article, my notes were on my phone, which has been misplaced. Worse, I cannot find the original article on the internet. However, a new search has located some interesting links:

and a google search provides other examples. The first link is particularly useful, as it is a link to someone claiming to still practice the art. Dessydes

Original Source

Amazingly, not long after writing "Progress", I did a search based on the image name and came up with two webpages, one of them being the original source of information for this article. Apparently, there was a book called "The secret of qing gong gong fu" whose author was named Pai Yen Sheng. Dessydes