Template:Government agencies of the Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality (Sweden)
Organized under the Ministry of Justice:
- The Board of Supervision of Estate Agents (Fastighetsmäklarnämnden, FMN)
- The Market Court (Marknadsdomstolen)
- The Swedish Consumer Agency (Konsumentverket, KO)
- The National Board for Consumer Complaints (Allmänna reklamationsnämnden, ARN)
- The Travel Guarantee Board (Resegarantinämnden)
Organized under the Ministry of Education:
- The Swedish National Board for Youth Affairs (Ungdomsstyrelsen)
Defunct agencies:
- The Equal Opportunities Ombudsman (Jämställdhetsombudsmannen, JämO)
- The Ombudsman against Discrimination on grounds of Sexual Orientation (Ombudsmannen mot diskriminering på grund av sexuell läggning, HomO)
- The Ombudsman against Ethnic Discrimination (Ombudsmannen mot etnisk diskriminering, DO)
- The Swedish Disability Ombudsman (Handikappombudsmannen)
- The Swedish Integration Board (Integrationsverket)