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This template is intended to allow everyone to create a basic landing page for small to medium GLAMs, which generally do not require a very complex presentation. It may also be useful as a page for individuals who wish to organize themselves to contribute to the content generated by a specific GLAM. It is an expanded version of a static infobox, using blocks of information essential to most GLAMs.


  • The GLAM initiative deserves a name. This information is passed to the default through the variable glam_name. The name must be in the form "institution GLAM";
  • The presentation image of the GLAM (in turn, the institution logo) is passed through the variable image;
  • The information blocks are shown from left to right in the proportion 60% x 40%. If you want to change this ratio, simply indicate the desired value for the blocks on the left through the variable width_left (the width of the blocks to the right is calculated as a function of this variable);
  • The GLAM needs a presentation text that defines the objectives and context of the GLAM. This information is passed through presentation_text;
  • Institutions, groups and organizations involved in the implementation of GLAM, directly or indirectly, can be partners_list, while the GLAM institution should be indicated by the variable glam_institution;
  • A link to the ratification term between the GLAM institution and the other partners may be ratification;
  • The GLAM root category must be passed through the variable commons_category so that the counter can be inserted and links to track the progress of uploads to the Commons can be displayed.
  • This template allows the editor to choose the color scheme of the page elements to be generated. The variables that control this scheme are:
    • top_color: Color of the bar on the information blocks; In general, a color related to the institution's colors;
    • background_color: Background color of the information blocks; In general, a much clearer top_color;
  • To generate instruction phrases on how to help, you need to indicate which projects are involved in GLAM. The variables are:
    • wikipedia, commons, wikidata, wikibooks, wikisource, wikispecies, wikinews, wikiversity and wikivoyage;
    • For each of these, indicate Yes if GLAM involves activities in the project, or leave empty otherwise;
  • To generate the section of good examples for participants and interested in GLAM activities, it is necessary to indicate links to an example in each project that GLAM performs activities. The variables are:
    • article_example, image_example, data_example, book_example, source_example and voyage_example;
    • See Help:Interwikimedia links in order to understand how to link from a Wikimedia Foundation-supported project to another one;
  • Publications, Reports, Activities and Resources have their own sections. To display this information, simply add each item to the variables publication_#, report_#, activity_# and resource_#, in which # represents the item number;
  • In the contact section, it is necessary to define the main GLAM on wiki contact and the institution's website through the variables contato_wiki and site_instituição, the first being only the user's name on Wikipedia, without "User:" and the second is a url for the contact session of the institution's website;
  • Provide a list of similar and / or highlighted GLAM projects through the variables glam_highlighted_#, in which # represents the order of the glam in the list.


  • Use with all parameters:
 | background_color	= <!-- Hex code. Example: FFFFFF -->
 | top_color		= <!-- Hex code. Example: FFFFFF -->
 | image		= <!-- Nome do arquivo no Commons. Example: MetMuseum.png -->
 | GLAM_name		= <!-- GLAM name. Example: WikiProject Metropolitan Museum of Art -->
 | width_left   	= <!-- Number. Example: 60 -->
 | presentation_text	= <!-- A simple presentation text. Example: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud. -->
 | wikipedia		= <!-- Yes, if there is GLAM related content on this project, leave it empty otherwise. Example: Yes -->
 | commons		= <!-- Yes, if there is GLAM related content on this project, leave it empty otherwise. Example: Yes -->
 | wikidata		= <!-- Idem -->
 | wikibooks		= <!-- Idem -->
 | wikisource		= <!-- Idem -->
 | wikispecies		= <!-- Idem -->
 | wikinews		= <!-- Idem -->
 | wikiversity  	= <!-- Idem -->
 | wikivoyage		= <!-- Idem -->
 | partners_list	= <!-- The names of the GLAM partners. Example: [[Meta:Wikimedia United States Coalition|Wikimedia United States Coalition]])-->
 | glam_institution	= <!-- Name or link to the institution's article at Wikipedia -->
 | ratification		= <!-- Url -->
 | commons_category	= <!-- Name of the category on Wikimedia Commons -->
 | article_example	= <!-- Link to a Wikipedia article related to the GLAM. Example: [[The Cloisters]]-->
 | image_example	= <!-- Link to a GLAM related image on Commons. Example: [[:c:File:Objects representing tautochrone curve 01.gif|Objects representing tautochrone curve]] -->
 | source_example	= <!-- Link to page inside Wikisource. -->
 | data_example		= <!-- Link to item inside Wikidata. -->
 | book_example 	= <!-- Link to page inside Wikibooks. -->
 | publication_1	= <!-- Link to the first publication about this GLAM. Example: [https://boingboing.net/2017/02/08/metropolitan-museum-of-art-mak.html Metropolitan Museum of Art makes more than 375,000 public domain images available as CC0]-->
 | publication_2	= <!-- Idem -->
 | publication_3	= <!-- Idem -->
 | report_1		= <!-- Idem -->
 | report_2		= <!-- Idem -->
 | report_3		= <!-- Idem -->
 | activity_1		= <!-- Idem -->
 | activity_2		= <!-- Idem -->
 | activity_3		= <!-- Idem -->
 | resource_1		= <!-- Idem -->
 | resource_2		= <!-- Idem -->
 | resource_3		= <!-- Idem -->
 | glam_highlighted_1	= <!-- Link to some other GLAMs. Example: [[Wikipedia:GLAM/Metropolitan Museum of Art]] -->
 | glam_highlighted_2	= <!-- Idem -->
 | glam_highlighted_3	= <!-- Idem -->
 | wiki_contact		= <!-- Username of a main wiki contact responsible for the GLAM. Example: JohnDoe -->
 | institution_site	= <!-- Link to the GLAM institution contact page -->

