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Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells


Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are a blanket term for immunosuppressant cells formed in the bone marrow that were initially myeloid cells. Normal myeloid cells are hematopoietic progenitor cells, which give rise to various blood cell types. These cells can become red blood cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, or platelets.[1] Because of their ability to differentiate into multiple cell types, they are heterogeneous. Myeloid cells exposed to trauma or disease can become an MDSC.

They are essential within the etiology of cancer, persistent infections, autoimmune diseases, and transplantation.[2] MDSCs promote the spread of tumor cells by increasing mutation rates. They also promote angiogenesis and cause tissue damage and invasiveness.[3] Chronic inflammation ends up in the discharge of growth factors, chemokines, and cytokines like IL-6, IL-10, TNF-a, TGF-b, and IL-1b can activate a range of transcription factors and signaling molecules and promote the event and polarization of MDSC to highly active regulatory cells. Thus, chronic inflammation-associated changes in environmental parameters are recognized by the various MDSC subsets. These cells adapt to the changing environmental conditions by modifying their developmental pattern, phenotypic, and behavior because of their malleable and adaptable nature.[2][4][5][6]

Due to altered hematopoiesis, MDSCs grow vigorously under pathological circumstances such as chronic infections and cancer. Other myeloid cell types differ from MDSCs in that MDSCs are susceptible to strong immunosuppressive activities and are not immune stimulating. MDSCs act similarly to other myeloid cells in that they interact with different types of immune cells, including T cells, dendritic cells, macrophages, and natural killer cells. In spite of the fact that their mechanisms of action are not fully understood, clinical and experimental evidence has shown that high cancer cell infiltration is associated with poor patient outcomes and resistance to treatments.[7][8][9] In breast cancer patients, MDSC levels in the blood are about 10-fold higher than normal.[10]



MDSCs are formed from bone marrow precursors when myelopoietic processes are interrupted, caused by several illnesses. Cancer patients' growing tumors produce a variety of cytokines and other substances that serve as crucial signals for MDSC development. Traditionally, tumor cell lines overexpressing colony-stimulating factors have been used in in vivo models of MDSC development (e.g., G-CSF and GM-CSF). With GM-CSF, G-CSF, and IL-6, MDSC may be produced in vitro while maintaining their suppressive function in vivo. In addition to CSF, other cytokines, including IL-6, IL-10, VEGF, PGE2, and IL-1, have been associated with the formation and regulation of MDSC. The myeloid-differentiation cytokine GM-CSF is a significant factor in MDSC synthesis from bone marrow, and the c/EBP transcription factor has been demonstrated to play a substantial role in vitro bone marrow-derived and in vivo tumor-induced MDSC formation. Furthermore, STAT3 increases MDSC development and growth, while IRF8 may counteract MDSC-inducing signals.[8]

MDSCs exhibited low suppressive activity under normal homeostatic conditions, migrated from the bone marrow to the periphery, and differentiated into mature macrophages, dendritic cells, and neutrophils without exhibiting suppressive phenotypes, thus supporting optimal immune function. MDSC differentiation and polarization of peripheral territories are arrested under chronic inflammatory conditions, where pro-inflammatory compounds, chemokines, and cytokines saturate peripheral environments. This results in a dearth of PMN-MDSCs and a lack of polarization of M-MDSCs into highly suppressive cells. As immature cells, MDSCs migrate to the tumor site and periphery from the bone marrow, inducing immunosuppression at the tumor site and systemically contributing to colon cancer progression, angiogenesis, and metastases. In addition to producing NO and ROS, MDSCs secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF a, TGF-b, and IL-10. Despite sharing some common suppressive characteristics, each MDSC subpopulation also acquires its features. Most evident are different MDSC subpopulations in tumor-specific and peripheral sites within the same host.[13] In tumor-infiltrating MDSCs, MDSCs can sense their environment and respond by upregulating cell surface receptors such as CD38, which removes NAD from the environment and is necessary for mitochondrial biosynthesis, PDL-1 and LOX-1 expression, increasing fatty acid consumption and fatty acid oxidation (FAO) in tumor-infiltrating MDSCs or secreting exosomes, which inhibit innate immunity.



Natural killer cells


The depletion of MDSCs from mice with liver cancer significantly inhibits natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity, NKG2D expression, and IFNg (IFNg) production and induces NK cell energy. MDSC depletion restored the function of impaired hepatic NK cells. An MDSC derived from chronic inflammation caused T and NK-cell dysfunction along with downregulation of the TCR z chain (CD247). The immunosuppressive milieu directly affects CD247, which is crucial in initiating immune responses. MDSCs, acting through membrane-bound TGF-b1, inhibit NK cells in tumor-bearing hosts due to the activity of TGF-b1 on MDSCs.37 Therefore, MDSCs constitutively suppresses hepatic NK cells in tumor-bearing hosts through TGF-b1 on MDSCs.[14]

B cells


A number of studies have reported MDSC regulation of B-cell responses to activators and mitogens that are not MHC-regulated, as well as antigen-specific T cell responses. An infection with the LP-BM5 retrovirus can cause acquired immune deficiency in mice, which causes highly immunosuppressive CD11bCGr-1CLy6CC MDSCs. These cells suppress T and B cells by signaling via nitric oxide (NO). [15]

Dendritic cells


Immune responses against tumors and infections are regulated by myeloid-derived suppressor cells and dendritic cells (DCs). The combination of LPS and IFNg treatment of bone marrow-derived MDSCs limits DC formation and improves MDSC suppressive action. MDSCs have been shown to reduce the effectiveness of DC vaccinations. MDSC frequency has no effect on DC production or survivability, but it does cause a dose-dependent reduction in DC maturation. High CD14CHLA-DR/low cell frequencies can stifle DC maturation and decrease DC function, both of which are critical for vaccination effectiveness. As a result, the balance between MDSCs and DCs might be crucial in tumor and infection treatment. Thus, the balance between MDSCs and DCs may play an important role in tumor and infection therapy. [16][17]

Function in cancer


They suppress immune cells' effector activities and increase tumor development, angiogenesis, and tissue damage. MDSCs are halted in their immature condition and move from the bone marrow to the periphery and to the site of inflammation, where they cause immunosuppression, in diseases defined by persistent inflammation. [18] MDSCs sense and adapt to the altered micro-environment by acquiring different suppressive features/functions that involve changing their cell fate, surface receptors, metabolism, and intracellular as well as secreted molecules when they reach new environments with a different array of cytokines, chemokines, and pro-inflammatory mediators.[3]


  1. ^ Kondo, Motonari (2010-10-25). "Lymphoid and myeloid lineage commitment in multipotent hematopoietic progenitors". Immunological Reviews. 238 (1): 37–46. doi:10.1111/j.1600-065x.2010.00963.x. ISSN 0105-2896.
  2. ^ a b c Zhao, Yang; Wu, Tingting; Shao, Steven; Shi, Bingyi; Zhao, Yong (2015-10-14). "Phenotype, development, and biological function of myeloid-derived suppressor cells". OncoImmunology. 5 (2): e1004983. doi:10.1080/2162402x.2015.1004983. ISSN 2162-402X.
  3. ^ a b "Regulating Tumor Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells by MicroRNAs". Cancer Cell & Microenvironment. 2015-03-18. doi:10.14800/ccm.637. ISSN 2331-0928.
  4. ^ Gabrilovich, Dmitry (2013-01-01). "Abstract IA7: Regulation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in tumor micro-environment". Tumor Microenvironment. American Association for Cancer Research. doi:10.1158/1538-7445.tumimm2012-ia7.
  5. ^ Veglia, Filippo; Sanseviero, Emilio; Gabrilovich, Dmitry I. (2021-02-01). "Myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the era of increasing myeloid cell diversity". Nature Reviews Immunology. 21 (8): 485–498. doi:10.1038/s41577-020-00490-y. ISSN 1474-1733.
  6. ^ Mundy-Bosse, Bethany L.; Lesinski, Gregory B.; Jaime-Ramirez, Alena C.; Benninger, Kristen; Khan, Mahmood; Kuppusamy, Periannan; Guenterberg, Kristan; Kondadasula, Sri Vidya; Chaudhury, Abhik Ray; La Perle, Krista M.; Kreiner, Melanie (2011-06-16). "Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cell Inhibition of the IFN Response in Tumor-Bearing Mice". Cancer Research. 71 (15): 5101–5110. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.can-10-2670. ISSN 0008-5472.
  7. ^ Mantovani, Alberto (2010-12). "The growing diversity and spectrum of action of myeloid-derived suppressor cells". European Journal of Immunology. 40 (12): 3317–3320. doi:10.1002/eji.201041170. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  8. ^ a b Poschke, Isabel; Kiessling, Rolf (2012-09). "On the armament and appearances of human myeloid-derived suppressor cells". Clinical Immunology. 144 (3): 250–268. doi:10.1016/j.clim.2012.06.003. ISSN 1521-6616. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  9. ^ Allavena, P.; Mantovani, A. (2012-01-11). "Immunology in the clinic review series; focus on cancer: tumour-associated macrophages: undisputed stars of the inflammatory tumour microenvironment". Clinical & Experimental Immunology. 167 (2): 195–205. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2249.2011.04515.x. ISSN 0009-9104.
  10. ^ Bruderek, Kirsten; Schirrmann, Ronja; Brandau, Sven (2020-11-26), "Immunophenotyping of Circulating Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSC) in the Peripheral Blood of Cancer Patients", Methods in Molecular Biology, New York, NY: Springer US, pp. 1–7, retrieved 2021-12-03
  11. ^ Fan, Daping; Raychoudhury, Samir; Ai, Walden (2020-05-13), "KLF4-Mediated Plasticity of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSCs)", Cells of the Immune System, IntechOpen, retrieved 2021-12-03
  12. ^ Ouzounova, Maria; Lee, Eunmi; Piranlioglu, Raziye; El Andaloussi, Abdeljabar; Kolhe, Ravindra; Demirci, Mehmet F.; Marasco, Daniela; Asm, Iskander; Chadli, Ahmed; Hassan, Khaled A.; Thangaraju, Muthusamy (2017-04). "Monocytic and granulocytic myeloid derived suppressor cells differentially regulate spatiotemporal tumour plasticity during metastatic cascade". Nature Communications. 8 (1). doi:10.1038/ncomms14979. ISSN 2041-1723. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  13. ^ Gabrilovich, Dmitry (2013-01-01). "Abstract IA7: Regulation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in tumor micro-environment". Tumor Microenvironment. American Association for Cancer Research. doi:10.1158/1538-7445.tumimm2012-ia7.
  14. ^ Engwerda, Christian (2013-04-26). "Faculty Opinions recommendation of Tumor necrosis factor-α blocks differentiation and enhances suppressive activity of immature myeloid cells during chronic inflammation". Faculty Opinions – Post-Publication Peer Review of the Biomedical Literature. Retrieved 2021-12-03.
  15. ^ Green, K. A.; Cook, W. J.; Green, W. R. (2012-12-05). "Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells in Murine Retrovirus-Induced AIDS Inhibit T- and B-Cell Responses In Vitro That Are Used To Define the Immunodeficiency". Journal of Virology. 87 (4): 2058–2071. doi:10.1128/jvi.01547-12. ISSN 0022-538X.
  16. ^ Greifenberg, Verena; Ribechini, Eliana; Rößner, Susanne; Lutz, Manfred B. (2009-10). "Myeloid-derived suppressor cell activation by combined LPS and IFN-γ treatment impairs DC development". European Journal of Immunology. 39 (10): 2865–2876. doi:10.1002/eji.200939486. ISSN 0014-2980. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  17. ^ Poschke, I.; Mao, Y.; Adamson, L.; Salazar-Onfray, F.; Masucci, G.; Kiessling, R. (2011-11-12). "Myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the quality of dendritic cell vaccines". Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy. 61 (6): 827–838. doi:10.1007/s00262-011-1143-y. ISSN 0340-7004.
  18. ^ Zheng, Wanwei; Song, Huan; Luo, Zhongguang; Wu, Hao; Chen, Lin; Wang, Yuedi; Cui, Haoshu; Zhang, Yufei; Wang, Bangting; Li, Wenshuai; Liu, Yao (2021-03-08). "Acetylcholine ameliorates colitis by promoting IL-10 secretion of monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells through the nAChR/ERK pathway". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118 (11): e2017762118. doi:10.1073/pnas.2017762118. ISSN 0027-8424.