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The following is a List of Roman wars and battles fought by the ancient Roman Kingdom, Roman Republic and Roman Empire, organized by date.

War Start of the war Finish of the war Name of conflict Start of the conflict Finish of the conflict Battle/siege Years of battle / siege Notable Commanders
Sabine Wars c. 753-717 BCE c. 753-717 BCE Conflict with Caenina c. 753-717 BCE c. 753-717 BCE Defeat of the Caeninenses c. 753-717 BCE Romulus
Capture of Caenina
Conflict with the Antemnae Defeat of the Antemnates
Capture of Antemnae
Conflict with Crustumium Defeat of the Crustuminians
Conflict with the Sabines Siege of the Roman Citadel Spurius Tarpeius
Sabine-Roman Engagement Hostius Hostilius, Mettius Curtius, Romulus
Etruscan Wars Conflict with Fidenae Defeat of the Fidenates and Capture of Fidenae Romulus
Conflict with Veii Defeat of the Veientes
War with Alba c. 672-640 BCE c. 672-640 BCE c. 672-640 BCE c. 672-640 BCE Duel of the Horatii and Curiatii c. 672-640 BCE Tullus Hostilius, Gaius Cluilius, Mettius Fufetius, The Brothers Horatii and Curiatii
Etruscan Wars Defeat of the Fidenates, Veientes and Albans Tullus Hostilius, Mettius Fufetius
Sabine Wars Battle of Silva Malitiosa Tullus Hostilius
Latin Wars c. 640-578 BCE c. 640-578 BCE Latin War under Ancus Marcius c. 640-616 BCE c. 640-616 BCE Battle of Politorium c. 640-616 BCE Ancus Marcius
c. 616-578 BCE c. 616-578 BCE Latin War under Tarquinius Priscus c. 616-578 BCE c. 616-578 BCE Capture of Apiolae c. 616-578 BCE Tarquinius Pricus
Sabine Wars Sabine War under Tarquinius Priscus First Battle at the Anio Tarquinius Pricus
Second Battle at the Anio Tarquinius Pricus
Latin Wars Latin War under Tarquinius Priscus Capture of Corniculum Tarquinius Priscus
Capture of Ficulea Vetus
Capture of Cameria
Capture of Crustumerium
Capture of Ameriola
Capture of Medullia
Capture of Nomentum
Etruscan Wars c. 578-534 BCE c. 578-534 BCE Etruscan War under Servius Tullius c. 578-534 BCE c. 578-534 BCE Servius Tullius
Volscian Wars c. 534-510 BCE c. 534-510 BCE Volscian War under Tarquinius Superbus c. 534-510 BCE c. 534-510 BCE Capture of Suessa Pometia c. 534-510 BCE Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
Latin Wars c. 534-510 BCE c. 534-510 BCE Conflict with Gabii c. 534-510 BCE c. 534-510 BCE Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, Sextus Tarquinius
Conflict with the Rutuli c. 534-510 BCE c. 534-510 BCE Seige of Ardea c. 534-510 BCE Lucius Tarquinius Superbus

Caesar does stuff.

Ooogoostas does stuff.
