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User:Awesome Aasim/xfdvote.js/mfd.js

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// MfD code follows <nowiki>
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    MfD.vote = function (vote) {
        $('<div id="MfD-dialog"></div>').append('<p>Enter your argument below.  MfD votes are weighted based on the strength of arguments, not based on number of votes.  Cite relevant policies and guidelines where needed.  See <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Polling_is_not_a_substitute_for_discussion">this page</a> and <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Arguments_to_avoid_in_deletion_discussions">this page</a> for more information.</p><form id="MfD-vote"><div><textarea id="MfD-vote-reason" placeholder="' + ((vote.toLowerCase() == "comment") ? 'Comment' : 'Reason to ' + vote.toLowerCase()) + '" height="5"></textarea></div>' + (vote.toLowerCase() == "delete" || vote.toLowerCase() == "keep" ? '<div>' : '<div style="display:none;">') + '<input type="checkbox" id="MfD-vote-speedy"><label for="MfD-vote-speedy">Speedy</label>' + "</div></form>" + '<div id="MfD-vote-preview"></div>').dialog({
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                                                        text: "Visit MfD page",
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                                                    summary: ((vote.toLowerCase() == "comment") ? "Comment via [[User:Awesome Aasim/xfdvote|XFD Participation tool]]" : "!Vote via [[User:Awesome Aasim/xfdvote|XFD Participation tool]]"),
                                                    title: MfD.target,
                                                    nocreate: 1,
                                                    token: token
                                                }).done(function (result) {
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                                $(".ui-button").prop("disabled", false).removeClass("ui-state-disabled");
                                mw.notify($("<b>Try that again.</b><br>Could not cast your vote."));
                    text: "Cancel",
                    click: function () {
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            title: (vote.toLowerCase() == "comment" ? "Comment on the nomination of " : "Vote to " + vote.toLowerCase()) + " \"" + mw.config.get("wgPageName") + "\"",
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                }).done(function (result) {
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    }).css({ "margin-right": "5px", "margin-left": "1px" });
    MfD.$custom = $('<button class="mw-ui-button" id="MfD-vote-custom">Custom vote</button>');
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// End of MfD code </nowiki>