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Mr. Holliday's Class Test Page[edit]

This is a sample of a Wikipedia article that was made for Mr. Holliday's Social Studies class at Andrew W. Mellon Middle School. It is very easy to edit a Wikipedia page with or without an account. The good people at Wikipedia do let users know upfront that the people who edit the pages are, for the most part, not experts in the field in which they are writing. It is also very difficult to track 3 million pages. Neutrality and bias are some of the biggest hurdles with which a Wikipedia page must contend. For instance, I can easily (and truthfully) tell you that Mr. Raitano has never read any book except Paolo Coelho's The Alchemist (novel). I can state this as a fact and with no bias because whenever a student tells me that Mr. Raitano has given them a book recommendation it is always The Alchemist (novel). However, in order to save face because he is a Language Arts teacher, Mr. Raitano might state that this article is erroneous and thereby call into question the neutrality of this Wikipedia page.