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User:Barclay J. Maude/sandbox/Alone Across the Arctic

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“Alone Across The Arctic”

is a film about endurance and the power of the human spirit.

As the next logical step in his career as a professional explorer, Adam Shoalts set out to cross the Canadian Arctic in a race against time that will last four months, 4000 kilometers, with no rifle, on foot, and by canoe. He is the first to do this expedition in one season, alone.

The trek began on the Arctic Circle marker 66° 33N in the Yukon Territories, Canada. Adam set out on foot 145 km towards Peel River where he obtained his canoe delivered by the expedition support team which consists of filmmaker Francis Luta and a skeleton camera crew. Adam headed towards the Mackenzie River with a tough upstream paddle heading east in an environment ranging from the subarctic boreal forest to vast open tundra, high mountains, immense inland lakes, raging rivers, rocky uplands and low-lying swamps.

Adam hauling his gear is such an extremely back-breaking physical effort that it left him no room for anything else but to push himself 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. He canoes, portages and refuels with only a limited array of freeze-dried meals and power bars in order to travel as light as possible; all in a frantic effort to cross the Arctic and to reach the finish line before the snow and ice present an even greater challenge and imminent danger.

Alone against the Arctic and eventually with lower food rations and the constant battle to fight the fear of the unknown.

Adam aimed to reach Great Bear Lake, then headed towards the big bend on the Coppermine River in the Northwest Territories to meet the expedition support team arriving via float plane to deliver his second re-supply which consists of only freeze-dried meals, power bars, fresh underwear, socks and his camera batteries and memory cards in order for him to shoot footage of the Arctic-like never-seen-before. During this re-supply, the sight of the plane presented the idea to quit, hop on, call it a day and head back home with the support team. But with a two-year-in-the-making, meticulously planned expedition underway and his love for the wilderness, Adam gave himself no other choice but to push forward.

New article name goes here Alone Across the Arctic: Documentary Film

