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The Freedom Party is an Icelandic right wing populist party founded by Gústaf Níelsson and Gunnlaugur Ingvarsson on the 1st of June 2017. Both the founders are former members and parliamentary candidates for the Icelandic National Front. Gústaf Níelsson subsequently moved to Spain, and the party is now led by Gunnlaugur Ingvarsson.

The party wants to protect Icelandic sovereignty, secure better border control, has a negative attitude towards globalization and Islam, and want much more restrictive immigration policies and making it harder to get a residency permit. and Iceland to leave the EEA and Schengen.

Ban on building mosques in Iceland.

The Icelandic society should be build on a Christin foundation, immigrants who come to the county should accommodate to Icelandic values.

Background A few days before the 2016 Icelandic parliamentary election Gunnlaugur Ingvarsson and Gústaf Níelsson, who were the Icelandic National Fronts top candidate in the two Reykjavík constituents. They also took the partys list signatures for the three constituencies in te capital region with them, which meant that the party couldnt run in these constituencies.

The Freedom Party are against globalization, multiculturalism, political correctness. The party also want to withdraw Icelandic support for the Western sanctions against Russia.

The party is riunning for the city council in Reykjavík in the 2007 municipal elections on 26th of May.http://www.visir.is/g/2018180309338


Þórhildur Sunna Ævarsdóttir (born May 6. 1987 in Akranes) in is an Icelandic politician, human rights lawyer and journalist, who represents the Pirate Party.[1].

She has a Master of Laws from the University of Utrecht in international human rights and criminal law. After her studies she became an intern at the International Court of Justice in the Hague, did legal volunteer work and worked as a freelance journalist for the Icelandic web portals kvennabladid.is and grapevine.is.

Þórhildur was chairman of the Pirate Party 2016–2017,[2], which is an organizational post. She was elected to the Althing in 2016 for the Southwest Constituency. In 2017 she was selected as the spokesperson for the Pirates, a position that her makes her the public face of the party, which doesn't have a formal leader.

External references



  1. ^ Þórhildur Sunna Ævarsdóttir Píratar. Accessed 3. November, 2016.
  2. ^ "Þórhildur Sunna Ævarsdóttir" (in Icelandic). Althingi. 2017-09-14. Retrieved 2017-09-15.

David leip Atlas de US elección presidencial es un sitio web que ofrece una cobertura completa de los resultados de las elecciones de los Estados Unidos y las opciones de datos - presidenciales, parlamentarias y gubernamentales - a partir de [la elección presidencial de Estados Unidos, 1788-1789 | 1789]] en adelante y mapas de todas las elecciones presidenciales en los Estados Unidos. [1] que fue creado por un electricista David leip (nacido en 1970) de Massachusetts.

El sitio contiene tablas, gráficos y mapas para el presidente (1789-presente), del Senado (1990 en adelante) y la gobernación (1990 en adelante) elección. Los datos incluyen los candidatos, los partidos, el total de votos populares y electorales, y el número de votantes. están disponibles desde hace muchos años los datos a nivel de condado, y todos los datos recogidos a partir de fuentes oficiales. Parte del sitio es Foro Atlas, una cámara de debate en las elecciones internacionales y la política y la cartografía electoral y discusiones de volver a dibujar las líneas de los distritos del Congreso de Estados Unidos y. [2]

Leip comenzó Atlas de las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos como un hobby después de las elecciones presidenciales de 1992, mientras que asistió a la escuela de posgrado en el MIT. El lugar se modificó significativamente en 1997, a partir de datos de la elección presidencial de 1996, la adquisición de la información de la secretaria de Estado de oficinas que publicaron la selección de datos en línea a partir de 1996. El sitio fue originalmente organizada por el MIT, pero se trasladó a su propia URL uselectionatlas.org en 1998.

El sitio se ha utilizado una referencia a las elecciones en Estados Unidos y los datos políticos por los principales medios de comunicación incluyendo Roll Call, [3] CBS News, [4] [5] y Salud de los Hombres revista. [6]

[quote author=Sigmund link=topic=150978.msg4682001#msg4682001 date=1438868183] Just saw this one on the electograph blog, and since I hadn't followed this thread or even this board since last October (I tend to only lurk International elections now) I had no clue the Pirates were polling this fukcing high ! Iceland never ceases to amaze. Do you think there is a remote possibility that Iceland are in fact 300,000 comedians just fooling with us all ? [/quote]

Nah, but the left lost most legitimacy when failing to deliver on the consitutional matter (and a just fishing quota system), when they were in government. So people voted PP in protest and got disappointed. Now they are looking for an alternative and since they distrust the traditonal left the Pirates fill that vacuum.

The Pirates are doing well because they are seen as the only credible, straight talking pols, who are prepared to fight for dirct democracy, public ownership of natural resources (= no more speculation in privately owned fishing quotas, which was what started the pre-crash casino economy) and because the remaining opposition is in a sorry state.

SDA still has a self image as the big, all encompassing centre-left party, but is seen as a spent force and torn apart by internal fighting between Blairites and leftists. Left Greens got Katrin Jakobsdottir, but not much else. They are, as always, torn between Reds and Greens.

Bright Future is now completely dominated by egomanic Guðmundur Steingrímsson (having both a dad and granddad who were PMs tend to make you feel entitled to power) and disawoved by both Jon Gnarr and co-founder/former co-chairman (and former Best Party policy developer) Heiða Kristín Helgadóttir, who has left the party.

There has been some talk about creating a new united progressive party around Jakobsdottir, but the trouble is the inflated self image of SDA, the EU-question (the Pirates are officially neutral on that, only demanding a referendum, which may be an option - but many SDA and LGs feel strongly about this), and the LG left wing, which would see such a party as selling out. Generally whenever the Icelandic left tries to unite they end up more divided.

There is a growing pressure within SDA to call an extraodinary congress to get rid of Arnason. A lot will depend on who replaces him - and whether the party breaks apart. With the EU-membership issue basically dead (the widespread call for a referendum is mostly a principled direct democracy stance, not a pro-EU sentiment) it is hard to see what keeps Blairites, Scandi style SDs, feminists, left populists and old Peoples Alliance America-hating, public sector union-types in the same party, still fighting 15 old battles, while failing to attract anyone under 40 (and no working class support, but they never had that).

SDA was basically sick from the begining. If you unite a SocDem party with three parties to its left and then tries to move it rightwards things will go wrong.

A bit of history:

SDA was founded in 1998 as an electoral alliance between the old SD party, the Peoples Alliance (anti-American/Keflavik left wingers founded in 1956 by trade union congress chairman (and former SD leader) Hannibal Valdimirsson and therefore with most of the leftists working class support, National Awakening, a left populist fan club for Joanna Sigurdurdottir created when she lost the SD leadership battle in 1994 and filled with academics dreaming of reconnecting with the working class + the feminist Womens List. In 2000 half the Womens List and the trade union militants from the Peoples Alliance broke away and founded LG (an unlikely alliance which has fycked up that party ever since). The former SDs were in control and decided to go New Labour/Third Way, while the remaining feminists and left wingers went into internal opposition determined to take over the party - and being pro-EU preferring to stay away form Eurosceptic LG. In 2009 Joanna Sigurdurdottir is called back from semi-obscurity and takes over. She is then sabotaged by the disgruntled Blairites, who prevents the government from doing much instead pressuring her to make EU-membership the main goal of the government, despite coalition partner LG being against this. As a consequence the governemtn gets threashed in 2013, Iceland gets a centre-right government and the right wing takes over SDA. SDA is still split into factions originating in the original parties:

Blairites, right wing of the old SD.

Scandi-SDs/centrists, left wing of old SD + young peole trying (unsuccessfully) to bridge the old battle lines.

Old Peoples Party/old Womens List - academic left wing. Apart from EU indistinguishable from the Green wing of LG.

Left Populists - mostly old National Awakening, still dreaming of reconquering the working class and becoming the big national party.

The two last groups have an OK working relationship. The ideological difference is bigger than between LG right wing and left wing SDA (which apart from EU is mostly the same).

The entire left wing is seen as a spent force by many young Icelanders (and plenty of olds as well) because they are stuck in old battles and because they failed to deliver on the constitution that was approved by a referendum in 2012. After the crash Icelanders really wanted an element of direct democracy, peoples initiative, a fair allocation of seats etc. to make sure it never happened again. That ordinary people could stop the political and corporate elite if they ever ran amok again. It is crucial in trying to understand Iceland to realize how strong this sentiment was (and is) and how much the left wing disappointed people.

............................................................................. The whole things is complicated and the dividing lines between unionists and separatists are a lot less clear than they used to be:

For starters all Faroese parties agree that the country ought to have its own constitution, which would regulate its relationship with Denmark (but this is against the Danish 1953 constitution, which defines the realm as a unitary state - so legally not an easy thing to do).

Johannesen shocked the traditionalists in his own party in 2012, when he said that he thought that Denmark, Greenland and the Faroes would be three independent countries joined together in a confederation within 20 years. His argument was that the Faroes have already taken back 8 of the 23 areas that they are allowed to run under the 2005 agreement and that within 20 years they would have taken over the last 15 and then independence would be the logical next step. He also imagined the Faroes having their own seat in the UN and in WTO (Denmark and the Faroes often have diverging interests in trade matters). He did emphasize that there are strong cultural, family and business ties between Demark and the Faroes and that "getting 80 Faeroese embassies around the world would be pointless" and that defence should be a common responsibility . So he imagined a close cooperation between the three countries. He also pointed out that Copenhagen is the largest Faroese city with more Faroese living there than in Torshavn. So the Faroes are linked to Denmark whether the separatists like it or not (Denmark and the Faorese have sort of a miniature version of the US/Puerto Rico relationship).

He also claimed Denmark would likely be part of a EU-federation at that point and that no country is really sovereign anymore, so the whole sovereignty issue is pointless!

This of course alienated the traditionalist in his own party and had Bardur Nielsen not left politics for a top job in the private sector in 2007, it is likely he would have been PM in 2011 instead of  Johannesen.

The Faroese Socialdemocrats have argued that tge fAroese ad Greenland should have real influence on Danish foregin policy. Among other tgins they should be consulted before the Danish government decides to use military force and have a right to veto such a move.

Ther Faroes have real problems with a halt care systems that lacks 50 doctors (a lot in such a small community) and child poverty. As mentioned earlier economist says they are gogn to lack 750 mio. Danish kroner a year - so it will not be East to finance indepencen.

Republic says the Faroes are using their own resources to fund ius wealthiest Citizens (=f Big Fishing and home owners) , while using Danish moinet. They pot out the state grant is only 4% of the Faroese GDP and believe it could be eliminated i 6-8 years. But this would require taxing the rich harder ad cittung various subsidies and tax breaks to the private secotrl, Not the way the rifhr wing separatists wants to go.

Progress and PP basically wants to eliminate the Faorese universal welfare state and create a more "North American" social model.

A major obstacle for the separatists is that the Faroese distrust their own politicians and are reluctnt to give them sole responsibility. They may vote for separatist parties, but when push comes to shove thety simply do feel confident their own political elite will be able to run the country in a sensible manner.

Republic and PP argue that it is having Denmark as a sponsir that makes the political syatem twend to be irrepsonsible, but that is a hard sell to voters.

Perhaps Kelsi idea that independe will come gradually and end in some sort of confederation will be the most likely path forward.