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User:Bky1701/Crosssword Empire

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The Crossword Empire is a fictional nation in William Kappler (BKY)'s stories.

Lead by emperor BKY the Crosssword Empire slowly took power over the world.

The Empire is headed by Azuka City, the nation that’s only purposes is to make sure the empire still fallows it's ideals.

The nation is built upon the fact that many government types can be worked into one nation using proper control.

The Crosssword Empire is made up of the USC (Former USA), USSR, UPC (Utopianist People of Crossswordea) and many other small nations.

In the empire all ideas are at lest given a chance and all ideals are tried (given they have the supporters to make a sub-nation)

The Empire's internet is called X.A.N.A. (Experimental Azuka Networking Automation), a form of process/data sharing network that was first used in Azuka.

The Empire's capital city is called Crossswordea (sometimes called "The City of Crossswordea" to avoid the mistake that it may be referring to the empire itself). Crossswordea is split just as the Empire into many small cities that represent the nations of the empire. In the center of Crossswordea is Azuka; the most high-tech city in the world.

Azuka City


Azuka (a-zoo-ca or a-zook-a) translates literally into "City of Water" in ancient Crosswordea and Azukan.

Azuak city heads the Crosssword Empire by balancing it's sub-nations and putting them all in a state of fear. Azuka City controls both an arsenal of atomic weapons and orbital ion cannons.

Crosssword Policies


The Crossword Empire is officially "anti-nothing"; meaning nothing is taboo, everything is normal some place in the Empire.

In 2203 all remaining nuclear weapons were confiscated by Azuka and an official ban was put on nuclear weapons in all sub-nations but Azuka.



Name - government

The City of Azuka - Totalitarian Socialism/Despotism

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Intense Socialism

The Utopianist People of Crossswordea - "Utopianism" (Communism/Socialism)

The Anarchist Land of Crossswordea (no official name) - None Anarchy



X.A.N.A. is the biggest computer ever made, built of Octagonal processor cards, it has more power then all computers before it put together.

Octagonal over view


Octagonal processor cards do not use CPUs, they are CPUs; the entire computer can process commands, making for nearly instant data computation. Octagonal computers are similar to bio-neural circuitry; at lest in the fact it can change it's "cells" purposes and expand as needed (to a point). Unlike bio-neural circuitry; Octagonal Processors can not die, catch (physical) viruses or burn up as easily.

Octagonal processor cards use cells, not CPUs, RAM, or any such designated purpose items. Every cell can be configured to do a wide rang of jobs, in a very shot time.

X.A.N.A. Kernel


Unlike all other computers (even Octagonal) X.A.N.A. runs in a way that no one program is responsible for it’s functions, making it unhackble using normal methods.

Core Code Encryption (CCE)

To keep anyone out of its core, X.A.N.A. uses Fractal Encryption on its one core code. This one code is unknown due to the inability to hash it into a Fractal using X.A.N.A. Fractal Encryption. Only 2 things on earth know the core code: X.A.N.A. itself, and BKY.

X.A.N.A. Fractal Encryption


Fractal Encryption is to make data unreadable, even by the person that made it, normal Fractal Encryption at lest. Fractal Encryption is to encrypt data using itself as the key; in other words you can only get the data if you have the data. Even at that it is near impossible to undo Fractal Encryption, X.A.N.A. uses a from of Fractal Encryption that hashes the data into an unreadable from, then binds that data with itself to make the key.

To give you an idea of how uncrackible X.A.N.A. Fractal Encryption is, you can look at this math formula:

D = data.


For just the number 6 the key is 1,679,616.

If you just take 12345678910, the key is just like pi (incomputable). Try to put it into a calculator, or bettor a computer. You will get one of 2 things; a crash or an "invalid for input". If you put just 123 (computable by google), you will get 1.73036981 × 10^261.

Now think of making a hexadecimal word in it. If the password was "hi" the computer would be uncrackible.

There are many possible ways of hashing the key, XANA uses this one:

Assign a number to every letter based on it's place in the alphabet. A21 B22 C23 D24 E25 F26 G27 H28 I29 J210 K211 L212 M213 N214 O215 P216 Q217 R218 S219 T220 U221 V222 W223 X224 Y225 Z226

Or if you are not using numbers: a1 b2 c3 d4 e5 f6 g7 h8 i9 j10 k11 l12 m13 n14 o15 p16 q17 r18 s19 t20 u21 v22 w23 x24 y25 z26

XANA does not use numbers.

Turn the word into it's key: word x word^word.

X.A.N.A. History


Before it was X.A.N.A., Azuka was run off the ACDAI (pronounced "Ackidei"), or as it was known to OPS, the Azuka Core Data Access Interface. ACDAI ran the COFS (Crosssword Octal File Structure) file system.

Once BKY returned to power, the computers in Azuka surpassed the old ACDAI's capabilities by much, this led BKY to one of his oddest moves in his time as emperor; releasing a virus called "XANA" onto the Azuka computers. He did this, of course, without the knowledge of must OPS officers (except for the ones that made XANA). The name "Azuka X.A.N.A." quickly filled the screens of all computers in Azuka. The OPS department unknowingly tried to delete XANA, resulting in damage to the core.

X.A.N.A. File System


Azuka still (at lest in the eyes of the public) uses COFS.

COFS is very different from other file systems in many ways.

Instead of using binary 0's and 1's ("is it there or is it not?), COFS uses a octal base data structure, this means in one cell on the data storage (whatever it may be) it can store up to 8 different digits. Think of it as a multiple choice question as apposed to a yes or no question; there are a lot more possibilities beyond the fact you can map 4x the data to one bit. COFS can only run on Octagonal multiple-state RAM and processor cells.

COFS is compatible with binary-to-octal base data translation, but only when truly needed is it used.


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